Archive | October, 2015

Best Fat Loss Diet – Following These 3 Steps Burns 10 Pounds Of Belly Fat in 2 Weeks

Losing fat is easy but ONLY if you have a solid plan. This article will show you exactly what you need to do to get rid of stubborn belly fat, as much as ten pounds in 2 weeks!

One of the major benefits of this fat burning plan is you will not feel hungry or tired at all during the process like other diets.

What this plan is not…

This is not low fat, no fat, restricted carbohydrate, or restricted calorie dieting nonsense. These types of diets are very short term solutions that destroy your metabolism and leave you tired, hungry and miserable.

Actually, this corporate market driven low fat diet craze will keep your body storing fat while you lose muscle. No wonder people quit after an average of 2 weeks.

The best fat loss diet is based on mainly 3 things:

First, you need to control blood sugar not count calories.

If you keep your blood sugar in the proper “zone” you have won the battle. It’s very simple, your appetite is dependent on fluctuations in blood glucose levels.

Big spikes in blood sugar from eating the wrong foods will actually signal your body to “store fat”. So control blood sugar first; forget about counting calories.

Second – Eliminate sugar and simple carbohydrates.

These foods cause huge spikes in blood glucose as we just described.

Once your blood sugar sky rockets your body will use the glucose in the sugar and carbs as an energy source first and will store the fat cells around your waist.

Third – You need to eat high protein, complex carbohydrates, and good fats. These foods will keep your metabolism burning and your energy level high.

Eating good fats like olive oil, avocado, nuts and coconut oil will keep appetite suppressed and your blood sugar in the “fat burning zone”.

These are the basic 3 concepts to burning fat. Don’t let the simplicity fool you this system works amazingly well.

I’ve deliberately simplified this process to make it easy to understand, yet these 3 steps are the backbone of the best fat loss diet.

If you’re serious about really burning fat PERMANENTLY, I urge you to take another step and watch the free information packed video that takes you step by step into this amazing fat loss process.

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Fat Loss 4 Idiots – A Fat loss 4 Idiots Guide?

Is Fat Loss 4 Idiots a guide to losing weight?

Yes, and no.

Firstly, just forget about losing 9 lbs in 11 days. It may work for some people initially and it may not work for others,

but you will lose weight.

Secondly, fat loss 4 idiots is not a 300 page fact guide. So for dieters hungry for more ‘how to’ and

‘problem solving’ answers, you will be disappointed.

Lastly, fat loss 4 idiots is a web-based diet program and it is guide to losing weight.

It is a cheap budget program, and gives you access to Fat loss 4 idiots diet plan.

In fact, it calculates the best diet program for a dieter to lose weight.

The best part of this is, you buy your own fresh food. Forget the expensive pre-packaged food that other diet programs offer.

Fat loss 4 Idiots works on providing a nutritional and low carbo-hydrate diet. In fact, the food is made up of lean proteins,

fruit and vegetables, and the sources of fat come from whole foods (such as cottage cheese or eggs).

Therefore, Fat Loss 4 Idiots program will schedule a 11 day meal plan that will help you lose weight in 11 days.

There are 4 meals in a day, with a minimum of 2.5 hours between each meal. Unlike other diet programs,

fat loss 4 idiots does not not worry about calorie or carb counting, and no limit on portion size.

The aim is to just eat short of being full.

In addition, the meals are varied to prevent boredom, and keep you motivated.

At the completion of the 11 day meal cycle, there is a ‘3 day’ cheat program where you can eat

whatever you want (with common sense)! Then you are back into the 11 day plan again.

It’s all about variation and keeping yourself fresh and motivated to lose weight.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots will not help everyone to lose 9 lbs in 11 days. But, it lays out the important groundwork,

a healthy low carbo diet for you to follow up and place into action.

The simple and easy to use step by step plan will help dieters lose weight, provided you follow it.

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Popular Fat Loss Programs

I will be comparing three popular fat loss programs, Atkin’s Diet, Fit for Life Diet and Weight Watchers.

Let’s look into the Atkins Diet first. The Atkin’s Diet is a low carbohydrate diet that has four phases. Each phase you add a little more grams of carbohydrates to your diet. By the time you hit the last phase which is phase four you are only consuming 70 plus grams of carbohydrates. When your body is this low in carbohydrates it starts using fat as its primary source of energy instead of carbohydrates and if your carbohydrates stay to low for to long your body will take the energy it needs not only from your fat but your muscles as well. You will lose weight with this diet but the bad out weighs the good. We need carbohydrates for our, brain, heart, muscles and other vital organs. Our body uses carbohydrates as the primary source of energy; you will be tired, grumpy and in my case when I tried this a long time ago, craving sweet foods. This diet could not support intense training because of the low carbohydrates. A healthy diet would be one that has the proper blend of protein, fats and carbohydrates for the individual.

Now let’s look at The Fit for Life Diet. This diet states that weight is gained by eating protein rich foods at the same time you eat foods that are rich in carbohydrates. It argues that the enzymes that breakdown protein interfere with the enzymes that breakdown carbohydrates, and therefore should not be eaten together. With these low protein diets you will experience muscle soreness and fatigue. Our body is replacing old cells everyday. Every six weeks the cells in our liver are replaced. Each month our body produces a full set of new skin and so many other important functions take place. All of the cells that our body replaces come from the protein we consume each day. So this low protein diet is not recommended period.

The final fat loss program is the Weight Watchers program. Here is the scientific approach to weight watchers, this information was taken from their website, There are four principles from which Weight Watchers will not waiver. First, any approach developed by Weight Watchers must provide healthy weight loss, which means: Produce a rate of weight loss of up to two pounds per week (after the first 3 weeks, during which losses may be greater due to water loss). Guide food choices that not only reduce calories, but meet current scientific recommendations for nutritional completeness and reduced disease risk. Construct an activity plan that provides the full range of weight- and health-related benefits that exercise offers. Be sustainable. Healthy weight loss is weight loss that lasts, so it is necessary to look beyond losing the excess weight and address keeping it off. This program is not a low carb, low fat or low protein diet. From the information I have gathered on this program, I believe it offers a healthy routine of eating and can stand up to intense training. This program takes into account a food’s protein, carbs, fat, and fiber.

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Fitness And Nutrition For Health

In the age which we live there is an unprecedented focus on getting and staying healthy. As more and more research points to the effect of fitness and nutrition on our overall health, the findings become more difficult to ignore. There is no doubt that the food that we eat and the physical activity that we perform significantly impact our weight and our body’s overall health and longevity.

When you look at fitness and nutrition and the consequences of ignoring their importance, it is not difficult to see how large a role they play in our health. First and foremost, it is important to understand how powerfully diet can affect us. Natural, whole foods – such as fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins – give our bodies the vitamins that it needs to function effectively. We have energy when we eat right. And when we have energy we burn fat. Eating properly allows us to maintain a healthy weight and keep undue stress off of our hearts; it also allows us to keep our blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the healthy range. Most importantly, good nutrition keeps our bodies stocked with antioxidants that fight off a range of illnesses including cancer.

But nutrition does go it alone; fitness and nutrition go hand in hand for achieving good health. When we keep our bodies active through a consistent exercise program, we are adding to our body’s ability to metabolize food and keep weight down. Further, good fitness means strong and limber muscles and a strong cardiovascular system. Exercise also lowers blood pressure and reduces stress levels.

Learning how to pair fitness and nutrition for optimum health means a commitment to a particular lifestyle. It is essential that you revamp your diet to eliminate fatty, high-sodium, and processed food and replace it with fresh, natural – and even organic – choices. But remember, fitness and nutrition work best as a team. Implement a consistent regime of physical activity into your daily schedule including cardiovascular work, stretching, weight training, and even yoga or Pilates.

When you truly understand the importance of fitness and nutrition in your life, you will understand how crucial these lifestyle changes are in order to live a long and healthy life.

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9 Fitness and Diet Tips For Men

OK so it’s pretty much a well-known fact that obesity is now a widespread disease: The US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention report that nearly three out of every four men are either overweight or obese, and 50% of men don’t engage in vigorous physical activity.

Unfortunately, as if the consequences of these statistics weren’t bad enough, what’s worse is that children can be affected by them. A recent study published by the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behaviour reports that children are easily influenced by their fathers food choices; mainly referring to how often they eat fast and processed foods, which can then in turn cause potential weight problems in the children.

The following fitness and diet tips can help motivate you to stay active and to fuel your body with the right diet plan.

Fitness routines – Keep them Varied for Motivation

Many fitness experts and medical professionals, such as Arnold Lee MD, physician at One Medical Group in San Francisco believe that varying exercise activities helps motivation stay strong. “There are numerous benefits to mixing up your workout routine”. He states. “It’s the key to stimulating different muscle groups and preventing boredom.”

Your body can easily get used to same physical activities if done repetitively enough. Alternating activities and exercise routines keeps the body guessing with the result being that more calories have to be burned as it has to adapt.

Don’t go it Alone

Getting a fitness partner is a great way of keeping you motivated to stick with your diet plan and exercise routine. Your exercise buddy can help you stay focused as well as supporting and motivating you while exercising, as well as providing an element of competition – especially if you are of similar abilities…

Always Read Nutrition Labels

Whole, natural and where appropriate, raw foods should always be chosen over processed or pre-packaged ones, but if you are going to have a commercially pre-made or processed meal or food product, always read the label.

It’s important to do so to avoid sabotaging your healthy eating plan -as not only do processed foods contain unhealthy ingredients much of the time, (trans fats, preservatives) but they also contain numerous servings in one package – sometimes three to four – so it’s very easy to overeat.

Cooking – Keep it Clean and Lean

When preparing meals at home, bake, grill, steam or lightly sauté. These cleaner (using less trans fats) cooking methods are healthier than breading and deep-frying. The use of healthy fats such as olive or coconut oil rather than butter will help keep the cholesterol levels down. Another great tip is to be creative with spices and herbs – they will help to keep meals more interesting and appetizing.

Eating – Keep It Vibrant and Exciting

The last thing you want is for your healthy eating plan to go astray because of diet boredom. Just like you’d try different ways to cook and prepare meals, try eating different foods and using unusual ingredients.

To add to your lean protein and low-fat dairy options, there are loads of different exotic fruits, vegetables and other products available in supermarkets and food stores these days, and more than enough cookbooks and recipes online to give you new ideas to try.

Limiting yourself to a similar range of foods, even if they are healthy, is not only a risk for diet dullness, but may also restrict your body from getting certain essential vitamins and minerals.

Size Matters

While on the subject of food, eat healthy and eat well, but watch the portion sizes. It’s very easy to dish up large portion sizes – especially if that’s what you were used to. Some good tips are to get smaller plates and to eat more slowly, chewing your food a lot more than usual – up to 12 times – so you get to feel full without eating as much food.

You can weigh the portions out and count calories according to the diet you are following, but a good rule of thumb is to eat a portion of protein no larger than the palm of your hand – and some simple carbs (veg and salad) of the same amount.

Strength Training is A Must

Including strength (resistance) training into your fitness programme is a great way to add variety to exercising as well as building calorie-burning muscle. There are many other benefits too:

Increased body metabolism

Improved bone strength and density

Body toning

Increased lean body mass

Better balance and co-ordination

Strength training core muscles improves your balance for better overall athletic performance, and reduces the risk of injuries and common aches like backache. You don’t need to use weights to do strength training – you can use bodyweight exercises, exercise bands – or even exercise in water.

Get HIIT to Work for You

Add some regular High Intensity Interval Training to your fitness programme. HIIT has many benefits to offer for fat loss. Compared to steady state cardio exercises (like jogging) it saves time and can be more fun and interesting because of the variations in intensity. It will definitely help you lose fat quicker than steady state cardio, but you really have to push yourself.

Together with strength training, using HIIT exercises ensures your body gets optimum fat burning capabilities by increasing its metabolism both during, and after workouts.

Stick With It

Even with the best intentions and willpower, most of us will fall off the rails of our weight loss programme at some point – sometimes more than once. This doesn’t mean we should quit – we will come across hiccups, we just need to get back on the programme and carry on. Jumping back on as soon as possible is important however, as the longer we let it slide the more momentum we lose and we have to start again.

Even if we do stick with it come what may and the results are not coming as quickly as we’d like, always remember that you didn’t put on the weight in a month – so you’re not going to reach your ideal weight in a month either…

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Cardio Workouts For Six Pack Abs

Even though there are so many available workout programs to choose from in developing the muscles, it all still boils down to the thinking that we can be more efficient if we do more. A cardio six pack abs workout proves that it is not always the case. In fact, there is an alternative way wherein you can build your abs without draining all of your energy on very strenuous exercises. Cardiovascular training programs is considered as an aerobic way of muscle building especially for those who are excited to have six packs but are not capable of doing all of the tiring required exercises. Cardio exercises work in such a way that it enables more oxygen to be circulated around the body. The increase in the level of oxygen being pumped will result to the burning of more energy, muscle as well as fats. This process makes cardio six pack abs workout really effective.

So what should really be the cardio six pack abs workout programs to undertake in order to effectively sculpt abs? Well, there is a kind of training designed to specifically develop the abdominal muscles. We call this cardio six pack abs workout as the High Intensity Interval Training (HITT). The main advantage of this training is that it allows the trainee to exercise harder in a shorter span of time. You can feel the benefits of hours of doing ordinary workout activities in just few minutes using the cardio workout HITT. It is vital however to do the exercises under this training program in a changing pace. In addition, your metabolism will increase because more lean muscles will be utilized in burning fats as a result of the training.

HITT as what the acronym suggests, it needs high intensity of training in intervals. The main difference of HITT as compared to other low intensity cardio training programs is that your metabolism rate is even being raised for the next two days after the training. Metabolism under low intensity cardio training will just return to its normal state after the training in the opposite manner.

There is a simple list of HITT exercises that is fit for less than half an hour. First you need to warm yourself up for 4 minutes. After that you can start running at a moderate speed for a minute. Next is you can do walking for 2minutes. Afterwards, you can run again for another 1 minute but this time your speed should be slightly faster than the first one. You can then proceed to slow jogging and so on. You need to do the stated activities alternately until you reach 20 minutes. However, you can exceed for 20minutes if you think you still have enough stamina. You can do this training program every day and you will eventually notice that your abdominal muscles are becoming more noticeable. A cardio six pack abs workout is a simple way for you to attain six packs.

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Weight Loss Cardio

Cardio exercise is only one part of a weight loss plan. Along with cardio, other factors such as eating properly and strength training should be incorporated for maximum results. Be aware that losing weight is no small task and will demand serious commitment to the job at hand and it will not happen overnight.

It is important not to consume less than 1200 calories per day, as this will be counterproductive to what you are trying to achieve. When you starve your body from the much-needed nutrients which it desires, your metabolism slows down, thus making weight loss even more elusive than it may have been before.

However, in embarking on a weight loss programs, cardio activities do play a crucial role and should always be a major factor in any weight loss program.

Tips for Setting Up A Cardio Program

– If you are just starting out then it is highly recommended that you begin with just 3 to 4 days doing any cardio exercise of your choice. It is important to go at your own pace, at a level that is manageable for you.

– Each week gradually add more time to each workout until you are able to do 30-45 minutes intervals continuously.

– As your body strengthens, start incorporating strength training into the mix for a maximum effect.

– Work your way up until you are able to perform cardio routine at least five days per week every week. Incidentally, to avoid boredom, try adding a number of variations instead of just sticking to the same routine week after week.

Here are some general guidelines for using cardio to accelerate weight loss.

For significant weight loss, you will probably need to perform cardio activities for at least five days out of every week. Ouch!

Normally, you should aim for at least 45 minutes each day. However, this does not have to be all at once, but the calories burned need to add up each day for weight loss to occur.

Push yourself as far as you can go with regards to the intensity of your workouts. The faster and more intense your workout is, the more calories will be burned. Though faster may not always necessarily be better, especially when just starting out it is best to take it slow until your body becomes conditioned to the new demands being placed on it.

When starting out with cardio, start with an activity that you can sustain for a while – approximately 15-20 minutes. For instance, you will definitely burn more calories running than walking, but if running totally wipes you out after a few minutes or affects your joints, and then you would be much better off walking.

The number of calories that you can expect to burn doing cardio activities will depend upon your current Weight, age, fitness level, metabolism and muscle mass. Typically, a beginner can usually burn approximately 5 or 6 calories per minute of exercise, while a fitter person will be able to burn around 10-12 calories for the same time period.

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Cardio Fitness Exercises

The term “cardio” is short for cardiovascular. Cardiovascular involves the heart and the blood vessels. The ability for the body’s organs to transport, consume and use oxygen is cardiovascular fitness. By engaging the appropriate exercises for cardio fitness an individual can become more efficient at utilizing the oxygen. The heart becomes increasingly efficient at pumping blood and oxygen to the body.

Participating in a conditioning program for the cardiovascular has many benefits for the individual. The good cholesterol will increase, while the bad cholesterol decreases. Other benefits include lowering blood pressure, decreasing body fat, increasing heart function, decreasing anxiety and reactions to stress, as well as stimulation of insulin and reduction of glucose. An individual can only gain these results with the appropriate mix of frequency, intensity and time.

The number of times each week that an individual exercises is the frequency. The recommended frequency for cardio fitness is a minimum of three days a week. Of course, when first starting out with a program, the type of exercises will be a bit different so that you do not overdo it. Slow and efficient progress is the most beneficial for those just starting out with any type of exercise program. If possible, an individual should try to perform some type of cardiovascular activity every day.

Another important aspect of a good cardio conditioning program is the level of intensity. The amount of work put forth during the work out and how quick you work out define intensity. Keeping the appropriate level of intensity when exercising can define the effectiveness of a work out. A program utilizing an inappropriate level of intensity enhances the process of burning fat. Too much intensity in a cardio fitness program can cause injury, but a certain level of intensity should be sustained in order to maximize potential for burning fat and improve cardiovascular.

The amount of time spent to complete each particular exercise and the duration of the overall session of exercise. As with the other aspects of a cardiovascular workout, the amount of time spent on certain exercises or session duration should gradually increase. A beginner would start out with spending a total of 20 minutes on a cardiovascular workout. That includes warm up and cool down time.

Monitoring your heart rate is key when making the decision to undertake a cardio fitness program. This helps you to assess the progress toward your overall goals so that you know in which direction to regulate the different aspects of your conditioning plan. Each method of cardiovascular training will have a different overall impact on the individual.

The methods of cardiovascular conditioning include aerobic composite training, circuit training, continuous training, fartlek training and interval training. Each method has sub-methods that you could mix up through your work out.

By engaging the appropriate exercises for cardio fitness an individual can become more efficient at utilizing the oxygen. The heart becomes increasingly efficient at pumping blood and oxygen to the body. By choosing the method of cardio fitness training that you prefer, and maintaining the appropriate levels of frequency, intensity and time a person could improve their fitness level and overall quality of life.

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Muscle Building Guides – Speed Up Muscle Growth With the Right Muscle Building Guide

There are a few muscle building guides that are available to you online. Some of these guides work very well and can help you to achieve incredible muscle gains, while most of the others are nothing more than pocket fillers for the scammers that wrote them as well and are filled with false information all together that could end up harming you.

Before you begin looking for a good muscle building guide it is very important that you understand that there is absolutely no need for any kind of supplementation, steroids, or any other muscle building products to build yourself a lean muscular body. What very few people realize is that if they stick to the basics of building muscle then they will succeed. This is often the concept that most people struggle with.

In order to build muscle effectively you need 2 basic factors. These include proper nutrition and exercise. The important thing to remember is that in order to speed up the rate at which your muscle grow you have to get the correct combination of both nutrition and exercise or you will miss out on building the maximum amount of muscle in the shortest amount of time possible.

A good muscle building guide will show you how to use nutrition and the secretion of hormones to maximize your muscle growth opportunities. The guide that you choose should address and explain the foundations of bodybuilding as well as well as an exact step by step workout and nutrition plan that you can easily follow and execute every day.

It is often very tough to sift through all of the complete junk floating around on the web today. It is more important than ever that you make sure you are not setting yourself up with a useless muscle building guide. In order to start building muscle faster and seeing better results you need a muscle building guide that is going give you step by step everything you need to know to build muscle.

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Muscle Building Tips – Easy Ways to Build Muscle

There are several different avenues that one can take in order to build up their muscles. One must realize that lifting weights is not the only step one should take to build muscle and maintain it. After you get to the size you want you will want to know how to maintain it, otherwise it will turn to flab. There is a ton of muscle building tips available at your local gym, YMCA, doctor’s office, or on the internet. You should be sure to do an appropriate amount of research so that you do not try to overdo things and cause more harm than good. You also should consult your doctor no matter which avenue of muscle building you take, as they can not only advise you of what is best for your body to undertake, but they can also advise you of what could be detrimental to your body or particular existing issues.

When setting the goal to build your muscles remember that muscle weighs more than fat. Also, no matter what muscle building tips you decide to follow, remember that two to four pounds of muscle a month is a realistic goal. Your enthusiasm to reach a particular goal can sometimes cause you to push yourself. This could hinder rather than help your efforts. No more than an hour should be intensely concentrated on the major muscle groups. As long as you are practicing consistency and patience, you can achieve a six month muscle build of 15 pounds.

Nutrition is important for the process of gaining muscle mass. There are those foods that can be very advantageous to your particular endeavor of building muscle, while there are others that can be quite detrimental to your efforts. Muscle building tips along the lines of foods that are advantageous to your efforts include a lot of calories, but they have to be good calories not sugars. Lean meats, foods lower in fats, drinking a lot of water and keeping away from drinking a lot of alcohol is the most basic of nutritional tips.

The right kinds of exercise and nutrition are not the only elements needed for building muscle. You need to be sure to get plenty of sleep at night. You should workout with a lot of intensity, but also allow an adequate amount of rest between your weight sessions. There is such a thing as overdoing it, so be sure not to work out too much. You could pull or strain something that could lead to a more serious issue later on. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to consult books, fitness magazines or research the internet to get some muscle building tips. As the say goes, “knowledge is power”. The more you know about the process, the better prepared you can be to tackle it successfully.

There are several different avenues that one can take in order to build up their muscles, but be sure that you are using a full combination of appropriate knowledge of the process, nutrition, and that your exercise program is alternating in what muscle groups are being targeted. Keep all this in mind and consult a doctor before beginning, and you are on the right track.

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