Archive | July, 2016

Review of Mike Mentzer’s High Intensity Training

Background: In the early 70’s Arnold Schwarzenegger burst onto the bodybuilding scene. And he brought the idea of “volume training” into the lime light. After all… if it made a champion out of Arnold, then surely pumping iron for 3 hours a day was the way to go. Right? Right?

Well… maybe not.

While many guys attempted to tackle the Herculean volume training regimen that Arnold developed… it flat out didn’t work for 99.9% of trainers.

The reason? The volume of training that Arnold recommended was far too much for the average joe.

Enter Mike Mentzer.

Mike Mentzer made a name for himself by saying the opposite of what everyone else in bodybuilding was saying.

While all the muscle-heads were telling people to work out six days a week… Mentzer talked about working out once every 14 days.

When the pro’s advised people to hit the muscle from all different angles and perform multiple exercises for each body part, Mentzer said that one exercise per body part was enough.

When most bodybuilders were recommending 15-20 sets per body part, Mentzer recommended just one set per exercise.

The Argument: While most bodybuilders believe that you had to include a variety of exercises and a large volume of sets to adequately work the muscle and activate the growth mechanism, Mentzer differed.

Mentzer reasoned that if you perform one set… and you perform that set until your muscles can move the weight no more… wouldn’t that be enough to activate the growth mechanism?

The Experiment: I was intrigued by Mentzer’s approach and I thought the idea of one-set to failure made sense. So in 1999 I hired Mike Mentzer for a series of phone consultations.

There wasn’t much small talk, but I do remember Mike asking me specifically about a brand new website that had just launched at the time. It seems there method of attracting attention was to go after Mike and try to bash not only his theories but everything else about him as well.

Mike started me out with only two workouts per week. He also told me that the actual amount of protein, carbohydrates and fat I was ingesting per day wasn’t important. He said that a balanced diet was fine and that I should eat frequently but not obsess over the nutritional aspect.

After a month, I had gained weight but my strength increases were moderate at best. Mike reduced my training workout down to one workout every seven days. Ultimately, he took this all way down to once every nine days but I still never gained much strength or made much progress in the gym.

The Result: The result of this training program was a failure. I gained very little strength and my over-all level of conditioning actually worsened from so much in-activity.

The Good: I personally believe that Mike Mentzer advanced the sport of body-building a great deal by questioning whether or not it’s really necessary to do more than one set to failure.

This principle… and the logic behind this principle… still guides much of what I do today in my training programs.

The Bad: Unfortunately, I think Mike’s version of High Intensity Training had some serious flaws.

First and foremost, Mike’s thinking on nutrition was seriously flawed. Without proper protein intake, you simply cannot gain massive amounts of muscle.

Second, Mike only had one solution for every problem. You know the saying, when all you’ve got is a hammer… all the world looks like a nail?

Well, Mike took that to heart. For example, if progress stalled the solution he proposed was always to train less or take more time off.

At times, he took this to extremes. For example, I told him that my calves were one of my biggest weak points and asked him what we could do about that. His solution? Stop training calves all together and see if they would grow from the indirect work of squats and other leg training.

Needless to say… this approach didn’t work. Although many a times I’ve wished my muscles would grow simply by not doing anything… it simply doesn’t happen.

Another flaw of the program is assuming that every person is capable of generating the kind of intensity necessary to trigger muscle growth in just one set.

For example, it’s relatively easy to fry your biceps with one set of bicep curls. But when was the last time you saw someone truly perform one set heavy barbell squats to COMPLETE muscular failure? Or go to complete muscular failure with 1400lbs on the leg press machine? Frankly, it just doesn’t happen because it’s incredibly exhausting both on the body and on the mind.

Overall: If you’ve been volume training for years and feel burned out, you might find Mike Mentzer’s H.I.T to be a nice change of pace. You’ll probably experience some new muscle and strength gains during the first few weeks.

But unless you address the nutritional and intensity flaws of the program, your progress will ultimately stall.

Average White Dude Final Rating For Mike Mentzer’s High Intensity Training: 6/10.

Not the worst training program, but far from effective for most average dudes.

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Can You Have Sauces, Dressings, And Condiments On The Nutrisystem Diet?

I sometimes have people contact me who are concerned that they aren’t going to be allowed to have condiments on Nutrisystem. And, they are picturing themselves having to eat bland diet food. They picture themselves having toast without butter or jelly, bagels with out cream cheese, sandwiches without mustard, and salads without any dressing.

The truth is, you are allowed to have well chosen condiments within moderation. Like all of the foods, condiments are broken down into a category. For example, fruits are considered to be “smart carbs.” Proteins are considered “power fuels” and condiments and sauces are put in the “extra” category. And here is where choosing carefully can be very important. If you can find a condiment item that is below 10 calories per serving, then it is unlimited. You can have all you want. But if you choose an item in the “other” category that is above twenty calories per serving, then it’s limited to three times per day. Now, to be fair, few people are going to need to have condiments much more than three times per day.

Just thinking about it, you’d probably want butter or jelly for breakfast, and perhaps something for lunch and dinner, but this still equals three times during the day. Admittedly, there are many examples of Nutrisystem meals that lend themselves to these extras. Of course, the breakfast bagel is one. Also, the hot dog and the hamburger sort of call out for mustard or ketchup. It’s not as satisfying to eat a salad without dressing. (The company does provide a grocery list on their website that lists suggestions for brands that offer low calorie, low fat, and low sugar options. I’ve tried many of them and I’m often surprised at how good they are.) Better yet, many of the suggestions fall into unlimited category.)

The serving sizes on most of the condiments (honey, ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, cream cheese, salad dressing, salsa, and syrup as just some examples) are one tablespoon. So hopefully, this might make you feel a little better. You’re not going to have to choke down dried toast or eat a salad without any dressing. And yes, you can have some ketchup for the hot dog or even some bar b que sauce for the sloppy joe or some salsa for the fajita. You can have more than three servings per day if you choose carefully. But even if you don’t, you will at least get to have a condiment choice for all three of the main meals.

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Gymnastics – Healthy Exercise

Gymnastics improves the calories burned it will also burn fat-tissues if teamed with a controlled diet. It will also help mature your muscles to get fit and in shape. Best of all it is a fun exercise.

there are many great health benefits to gymnastics. Most benefits are physical but there are many more that are emotional and developmental, these thing are what make the time and energy worth while. Because of the determined character of gymnastics, it gives you the ability to get yourself into awesome physical shape. Gymnastics is a gradual process of conditioning your body.

Benefits of Gymnastics

Gymnastics gives so many great thing from strength and fitness to flexibility and coordination as well as confidence and discipline. Here are many of the things that gymnastics will treat you:

* Hard work ethic- you can only learn skills by working at them over and over

* Determination – Some skills are hard to learn but by continuing to try it gets easier

* Fitness – workouts are full of different activities that will keep you fit

* Confidence – by learning new skills in varying events it helps you see what you can do

* Flexibility – By stretching and moving all the time this becomes easier and limits injuries

* Coordination – this is obtained by learning movements and combining them in a routine

* Strength- moving and lifting your own body during the activities will help build this

* Discipline – Rules are very important and in this routine it will keep you safe

All of these are great characteristics to have, and if you want to learn or achieve any of these gymnastics is a great place to start.

Gymnastics For The Kids

Gymnastics is better for children that most people would know. With child obesity at a high rank of 13% of kids and adolescents in the U.S, Getting the young ones away from t.v and video games and to a gym is a great start on a healthy life. involved parents and exercise programs that keep kids active, reduce the chance of having an obese child. Gymnastics is a good thing for children because it uses strength, flexibility, speed, balance, coordination, power, and discipline.

In Reality Is Gymnastics Best For Your Health and Weight Loss

Because it helps burn fat, a regular workout such as gymnastics contributes to enhance your health. It can help with controlling your weight and other health related issues. A regular workout also releases endorphins (the happiness chemicals that improve mood). Most-likely gymnastics would probably be better for your kids than yourself, but its still an awesome way to stay in shape if you have time for it. Not the best way to lose weight, it is still a great way to gain flexibility.

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Get Ripped Arms and Forearms – Add Inches to Your Biceps and Triceps in a Few Weeks!

There is no body part that screams “fit, strong, and capable” like your arms and forearms. Whether you are a student looking to get pumped or an adult who is about to take the plunge into fitness, everyone wants bigger arms and the increased strength gains that come with them.

One of the first things to realize is that to get bigger arms and forearms, you need to work your biceps, triceps, and your forearms. Too many people make the mistake of concentrating on the bicep, and they’re missing out on 2/3 of the potential results!

Here are three exercises that will increase your forearm size if performed properly three times a week for three weeks.

Triceps – Skull Crushers

Don’t be intimidated by the name, skull crushers are safe and easy to perform.

Find a bench pressing bench and lay down. Grab the bar and hold it at the top of the bench press position. Bend your elbows slightly and then lower the weight down by bending your elbows until it is right above your head. The movement should make an arc, with your forearms moving downward and the bar approaching your forehead. Push the bar back up by contracting your triceps hard until the bar is in the upright position.

Biceps – Barbell Curls

Barbell curls are the king of bicep workouts. They are easy to perform and effective.

Start by grabbing the barbell just outside shoulder width. Hold the bar with your palms facing away from your body. Keep your elbows tucked into your core. Tighten your abs and, without pulling backwards, use your arms to raise the barbell to shoulder-level. Use only your bicep muscles. Slowly lower the weight back down. As you get more fatigued, you will begin to use your body, but try to keep your biceps as the primary mover.

Forearms – Wrist Curls

An strong, firm grip not only helps you in the gym, but in life as well. People with strong, powerful handshakes leave a lasting impression on those they meet.

Sitting on a bench with your elbows resting on your legs, hold the barbell with your palms facing downward. Keep your arms pointing forward and simply raise and lower your hands in a slow, deliberate manner. Repeat this exercise with your palms facing the ceiling.


Do these exercises in sets of 2 or 3, for 10 – 15 reps per set. Work your arms 3 times per week for maximum results. You will see gains!


While implementing your new arm workout, keep in mind that working out is only half the equation to building a stronger body. The other depends completely on your diet. You are trying to add slabs of lean, strong muscle and your body needs plenty of food, amino acids, sugars, and protein to build this new muscle tissue.

Consider increasing the amount of food you eat. Stick to high protein foods like nuts, red meat, chicken, and tuna. Try to eat significantly more (about 500 calories) food each day.

If you are serious about gaining muscle and building strong arms, then consider taking a supplement such as nitric oxide. Not only will it boost your performance in the gym by allowing you to lift more and recover faster, but nitric oxide also increases the amount of essential components that get to your muscles and helps your body naturally augment muscle growth.

With nearly 70,000 studies on nitric oxide and its health benefits, including its essential role in providing dramatic improvements in muscular mass and strength, this supplement is becoming an essential part of every aspiring athlete’s nutrition plan.

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Is the Mediterranean Diet Really Effective in Helping Lose Weight?

Mediterranean diet is probably one of the most popular diets. The foundation of this diet came from the people who live in the Mediterranean area. Mediterranean diet is a high-energy diet that is based in carbohydrate and low fat. The chief element of this diet is bread. People who are living in the Mediterranean are known to have low risk of having illnesses and chronic diseases. This diet is focused on the consumption of vegetables, whole grains, beans, fruits, rice, seeds and pasta. In preparing Mediterranean diet menu, olive oil plays a major part. The diet recommends consuming dairy products such as yogurt and cheese in low amounts. Protein from animals should be taken in lower amounts than protein from plants.

The Food Guide Pyramid recommends the Mediterranean diet. It has a balanced nutrition that may have many benefits. This is why most people in the area have low risk of having heart illness. Agriculture and active lifestyle is one of the major components of having good health.

However, if you want to lose weight, Mediterranean diet is not the answer because it is not a weight loss program. This diet is simply a traditional eating lifestyle of the people in the Mediterranean including sixteen countries. Moreover, diets are different depending on the location of regions and countries. Another important ingredient in a Mediterranean diet is the presence of seafood. It is a fact that eating seafood several times a week can be beneficial. Seafood is a good source of omega-3 or fatty acids that is good for your heart. With this in mind, if you are allergic to seafood, you do not have a chance to try Mediterranean diet.

Researches agree that Mediterranean diet is better and healthier that any other diet such as North European and American diet due to the consumption of more fruits and vegetables.

It is definitely a lifestyle and honestly, it does not help in losing weight. This diet is not only into eating healthy but living healthy. People in the Mediterranean are generally optimistic and they have a strong family bond. Besides having a healthy lifestyle, they take time in relaxing and enjoying.

If you want to lose weight fast, it is better to find another kind of diet because Mediterranean diet is a lifelong process. You need to change your way of living and eat foods that may not be your nature. It is difficult to maintain these diets especially if you live in a place wherein fresh fruits, vegetables and seafood are unlikely.

Losing weight requires a low-calorie diet and exercise. You cannot reach your goal of losing weight if you stick with this diet particularly if you want to lose weight fast. Overweight people who want to lose weight immediately are hopeless with this diet.

If you want to lose weight the faster way, Fat Loss For Idiots is the best alternative. It does not only promise you the ideal weight you have been dreaming but you are guaranteed to be fit and healthy in just nine days. Many people stick to Fat Loss For Idiots because it is the best weight-loss program that is true to its name.

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Weight Loss After Miscarriage Tips – How to Start Shaping Up!

Weight loss after miscarriage is probably at the very last of your priorities right now since you just lost your precious one. But sooner or later, you will have to face this problem.

The thing is, many women notice they have gained more weight right after miscarriage even if they miscarried during the first or early second trimester. This is most likely because your body is already preparing for the growing baby. Also, hormonal imbalance is one major culprit to weight gain.

Step 1: The best thing to do in order to stabilize hormonal production is to exercise. Make sure you have ample exercise right after recovering from miscarriage. When your body is active, it sends out feel-good hormones such as endorphin. This will not only help you curb comfort eating, it will also help ward off depression.

Step 2: Start with a simple exercise first. Walking around the park every morning for about 30 to 60 minutes helps heaps. Low-impact activities burn more calories from fat and this will enable you to exercise for a longer period of time. Walking close to nature is also a balm to your spirit.

Step 3: When you are ready to take on a more difficult exercise routine, update it with something a little more challenging such as yoga. This helps tone the body in addition to helping the mind get rid of stress. You can safely recover from your ideal. What is even better about exercising is that it can make your next pregnancy safer. When your body is toned and healthy, you have bigger chances of having a safe pregnancy.

Step 4: Make the right food choices. If you are not a picky eater, it is time to be one. As we get older, our body accumulates toxins and fat from the food we are eating. We are more prone to diseases such as cardiovascular problems and diabetes. Refrain from eating too-salty foods. Eat lean meat. Make sure you have a bigger portion of vegetables and fruits.

Step 5: Make sure your family members know what you are going through. People who have a support system around them are more likely to surpass the challenges of weight loss after miscarriage.

It is never too late to have a healthy and active lifestyle. Once you are ready to start your weight loss after miscarriage plans, keep these tips and steps in mind for a more successful weight loss program.

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5 Little Known Insane Push Up Exercises That Build You a Solid Core and Rock Hard Six Pack Abs

If you are trying to build six pack abs then including press ups in your workouts is a great move because they make your core stronger, strip away fat and help you to build six pack abs. Doing the same press ups though over and over won’t do you much good; you need to challenge your body and muscles so that you ensure you keep moving forward and improving your physique. Below I’m going to reveal to you 5 awesome different types of press ups that you can start to include in your workouts starting today.

Punch push ups

Punch press ups are great and certainly not as easy as normal ones. The way these work is after you have done 1 push up you punch with one of your hands out in front. You then do another press up then repeat the other side, this is one rep. A great workout is to do these for a straight 2 minutes, they are difficult but will really give your body a challenge and will shake your workouts up.

E wok push ups

A strange name I know but don’t let that fool you into thinking they may be easy. They are like normal ones except on every press up rep you have one hand out in front and one hand further back and you bounce slightly when you change. These are great for your core and will tighten up your mid section in no time.

Push up with claps

These are a bit more advanced but are great to do as they work your core, abs and upper body. Do as many as you can but make sure you keep a solid form and do good quality reps.

Cross elbow push ups

These are a building block towards doing 1 arm press ups. Instead of actually doing them with one hand when you go down your other forearm rests on the floor so it takes some of your weight and then you do a push up as normal. They are fairly tough if you do a good set of these so start including them in your workouts.

Crucifix push ups

I have saved these till last as there the most tough and challenging. When you go up into a push up you need to bring your arms back out to your sides so that your in the crucifix position. These are very difficult and should only be attempted if you have good upper body strength

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Cheat on Weekends and Diet During Weekdays Can Lead to Weight Gain – Not Weight Loss

A few years ago the belief was that it was possible to watch your food and drinks from Monday to Friday, and eat what you wanted on the weekends, or at least one or two weekend dinners and still lose weight. That was then, when restaurant meals were not 2500 calories or more. Now it’s not possible for most typical dieters. Even working out 3 or 4 days a week is not enough to make up for some of the very bad “cheat meals.”

“Cheat meals” were the the meals we could all look forward to let our hair down and give in to urges. We used to think having a “cheat meal” would satisfy cravings and lower the pressure to be careful every day.

The problems are due to the really high calorie, large portion meals some of us eat. Here are more details:

How many calories to maintain our body weight: just multiply weight in lbs. x following factor:


women………………………10 x weight…….12 x weight

men………………………….13 x weight……..15 x weight

Example, a women who weighs 160 lb. and is inactive needs to eat 10 x 160 or 1600 calories a day. It would rise to 1820 if she was active.

Effect of one “cheat meal” a week without exercise:

A typical inactive women dieter weighing 160 lbs. needs to reduce her calories from 1600 to a little over 1100 a day to lose 1 lbs. per week: (1600-1100 = 500 calories less a day, 500 x 7 days =3500 calorie savings a week), this works out to a little more than 1 lbs. a week weight loss. A man who weighs 200 lb. needs to cut calories down from 2600 to 1500, which then would save 1100 calories a day. Over a week that represents about 2 lb. weight loss.

Many meals eaten in Italian, Mexican and other restaurants can easily top 2500 calories or even more. Using 2500 calories as an example, subtract 800 calories for a meal that could have been eaten instead of the “cheat” and you get an extra 1700 calories for the one “cheat meal.”

Take the extra 1700 calories and think in terms of how many calories does the one cheat meal add to the daily intake over the week: 1700 cal/7 days or 240 calories a day. For women the one cheat meal a week reduces their 500 calories to only 260 calories and cuts their weekly weight loss down.

Add two cheat meals a week, say Saturday and Sunday, and the total calorie savings per day is reduced to almost 0– thus no weight loss.

Effect of one “cheat meal” a week with exercise:

As one would expect, adding exercise provides a little more room for the “cheat” but not as much as one might think. If the dieter were to burn 400 calories three times a week( 40-50 minutes on a treadmill), the daily average calories would be 1200 divided by 7 days, or 175 calories a day. Not enough to make up for the single “cheat” meal.

Here are some of the factors making cheating so difficultt

* Our metabolism slows down as we age, lowering our daily calorie requirements. Yet 1 lb. remains 3500 calories and walking one mile consumes the same 100 calories.

* Restaurants are serving larger and larger amounts, and people are eating these huge portions

* Compensation by exercise is usually exaggerated, and the calories are almost always less than what one might think.

*Exercise often increases hunger and sets up a “reward” system where the dieter exercises all week, and thinks that gives him license to pig out on the weekends.

Think “Cheat Meals’ are not so bad? Here are the entrees without the salads, drinks, butter, bread and deserts:

– Tony Roma’s ribs, fries and onion rings- 2800 calories
– Chili’s Big Mouth Bites with French fries – 2,350 calories
– Olive Garden Tour of Italy, with lasagna, chicken parmigiana, and fettuccine alfredo- 1,450 calories
– The Cheesecake Factory Fried Macaroni and Cheese- 1,570 calories
– Macaroni Grill- Pasta and meat balls- 1400 calories
– PF Chang’s Pepper Steak and rice: 1900 calories
– Uno Chicago Grill’s Mega-Sized Deep Dish Sundae-2,800 calorie
– Outback Blooming Onion: 1900 calories
– The Cheesecake Factory’s Chicken and Biscuits- 2,500 calories
– Applebee’s Quesadilla Burger with fries-1,820 calories
– The Cheesecake Factory Philly Style Flat Iron Steak with fries- 2,320
– Apple bee’s Quesadilla Burger -1,820 calories
– T.G.I. Friday’s BBQ Chicken Wrap -1,720 calories C
– Cheesecake Factory Kids’ Pasta with Alfredo Sauce-1,803

Remember these are just the entrees, many of these meals can top 2500 or even 3500 calories. All of this adds weight gain. More important the dieter has not learned anything. The secret to having fun on the week end is to learn to go out and make better choices which are just as appealing.

For most people there are “cheat days”–birthdays, Christmas, important family gatherings, Thanksgiving.

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Training to Positive Failure Verses Absolute Failure, What is the Difference?

Positive failure is an oxymoron term if ever there was one. When I bring this up with a new client they give me a funny look, as failure in most instances is seen as a negative thing. Only in the crazy world of bodybuilding could failure be a positive, sometimes I forget this given the amount of time I have been moving the iron.

But it is true, failure in a working set lets you know where you are strength wise as well as letting you know you have worked your muscles to a point where they failed, being temporarily unable to do another rep, thus making inroads into your existing levels of strength, endurance, and your muscles ability to handle the work given it. The muscles have two choices, die under the oncoming assaults or grow bigger and stronger to handle the loads imposed upon them, trying to overcompensate because basically the body is lazy being more interested in preservation and conservation, resenting being pushed beyond its comfort zone.

This can be a tricky balancing act that if handled wrong can lead to over training, the body’s last line of defense in getting you to back off. Training to positive failure successfully depends on a combination of factors, number of sets, body part splits, how often a given muscle is trained, and the definition of failure.

We hear the terms positive failure and absolute failure, these are not interchangeable and knowing the difference is vital to continued progress. As you may have already guessed absolute failure is far more demanding on your body and must be used sparingly.

Positive failure occurs when a point is reached during a set of reps where the muscles can not do another rep without breaking good form, though loosening form a little would still be considered positive failure but totally abandoning proper form and employing excessive body english would not. In most cases this is sufficient to induce a response from the muscles as the body does not see this as a threat but merely as hard work within the body’s ability to recover and compensate for the next time it is subjected to it, being ready by becoming a little bigger and stronger.

This training, recovery, and compensation relationship must be respected and not taken for granted or advantage of or like any relationship it will blow up in your face in the form of over training, a negative failure where only stalemate and regression reside.

Absolute failure on the other hand is like a lethal weapon that in the wrong hands can be disastrous, resulting in chronic overuse injuries and terminal over training. Absolute failure occurs with the use of intensity principles being added onto a set at its end when another rep is not possible in reasonably good form and some means of trickery is employed to keep the muscle working in the way of forced reps, drop sets, slightly pausing a few seconds, partial reps in the muscles strongest point of leverage, etc.

The fallacy with the notion of absolute failure is that there is no such thing, let me repeat this so you don’t miss it, there is no such thing as absolute failure because with a little rest the muscles are capable of moving a workload, even if it is a reduced amount of workload and this is where people get in trouble, believing they will reach a point where the muscles are totally incapable of work and never finding it, leading them to do far more work than necessary and causing only damage.

You see ignorance of this in every gym, someone will be doing a set and if it looks like the person is about to fail they jump in encouraging the person to do a few more reps, even taking hold of the bar and forcing them to do numerous forced reps before allowing the person to end the set.

I remember the time when I was doing wide grip pulldowns and as I was reaching the end of the set someone reached over me and pulled down on the bar, yelling at me to do a few more reps, ruining the last rep and pissing me off.

I informed him that it was improper to jump into someone’s set without being asked and not knowing the person’s current intensity toleration level. He walked away looking dazed, the thought that one’s training toleration having limitations and fluctuations that needed to be monitored and modulated.

My own brother found this out the hard way. On leg training day he decided to give his thighs a real going over. He did set after set of nonlocking squats with very brief rest between them. I lost track of how many sets he did, but he never found a point where he couldn’t do another set, but an hour later he vomited every half hour on the half hour for the next twelve hours. By the time he was done he looked like death warmed over and missed the next week of workouts and struggled through his workouts the following week, lesson learned.

To say we were hard core would be accurate but more is needed than the ability to push your body to the extreme, you need an understanding of how hard is hard enough, a lesson my brother will never forget.

Another example is the time much earlier in our training careers I decided to put together the ultimate compound set workouts operating on the more is better theory. I strung together the most effective list of exercises for each muscle groups, at least ten exercises in a row. I laid out the master plan to my brother and we proceeded.

The intensity was unreal and the pump was unbelievable, leaving us sore for days. Now in my experience you should not have to wait to start seeing results from your training, this isn’t magic but simple overload and compensation. The first week went by and nothing, the second week passed and still nothing. Even given my young age at the time I knew that to continue on would be foolhardy and more importantly a waste of effort.

It amazed me that the work given to the muscles had zero effect. We could complete all the sets, the muscles seeming to be able to handle the work. It was here that I realized that the ability to do the work did not insure success and that there had to be a turning point to which more is not better but instead more is just more. I took a good look at the workouts and began to reduce the amount of exercises linked in a row, figuring out different amounts for each muscle group according to its size and role of involvement in the workout as a whole.

After these adjustments were made we again commenced training and immediately saw results even though the workouts by comparison with what we had been doing seemed tame and not nearly as hard, learning that less is more or more accurately the right amount was enough to push the muscles without overwhelming them.

So your goal in training is to train to positive failure in good form most of the time with short periods of time using intensity principles to bring up only stubborn or difficult muscle groups, saving the more intense training for a shocking effect to jolt new growth without abusing this and undoing the good benefits of pushing to absolute failure, knowing when to end a set.

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Acai Berry Vs Blood Type Diet – Truth Revealed of the 2 Hot Weight Loss Secrets Today

Finding the best eating plan that fits perfectly with your lifestyle and personality is the key to successful weight loss. Dieters, however, are faced with a long list of popular diets and weighing their pros and cons seems endless. Most diets lose weight but of course, you want to pick the diamond out of the rough. Take for example Acai Berry vs. Blood Type, Acai berries and weight loss goes well together and has become almost synonymous to each other these days. Unlike Blood type, Acai berry (also considered as the super fruit) diet can fit almost anybody’s personal taste.

Unlike other diets which are restricted to certain foods or other factors, the super fruit can be practiced by anybody who wants to improve their well being and overall health condition. Let’s take for example a diet known as the Blood type. As its name implies, the diet is based around a person’s blood type. Taking a closer look at this, the type is not really considered as a key factor in deciding which diet works for whom. Two people with the same blood type can have different metabolism or different requirements for sugar or carbohydrate intake, therefore they can not eat the same food.

The super fruit and weight loss, however, are often paired together because Acai berry is not restricted to the kind of person. Any weight loss enthusiast can keep the diet without the need to consider his blood type, metabolism, or carbohydrate requirements. The fruit itself is known as a super food because it is loaded with healthy compounds necessary for the body. The compounds naturally help flush toxins out of the body and with the combination of exercise and other healthy foods, Acai diet can speed up metabolism and unleash body fats.

What’s so special about the super fruit is it is all natural and you don’t have to mess up with your body’s natural function. Comparing Acai Berry vs. Blood Type Diet, you don’t have to consider your blood type when on Acai berry diet; it can fit every blood type need.

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