Archive | July, 2016

How to Get Broader Shoulders – 3 Ways to Get Broad Shoulders Without Using Weights

On a skinny guy the shoulders are one of the most noticeable areas, and so figuring out how to get broader shoulders is a top priority. While weight training is a great way to build big broad shoulders, it is not always possible for the home-based trainer or folks who can’t afford expensive gym memberships. But can you really get broader shoulders without using weights?

Yes. By widening out your whole upper body you can give the impression of being much bigger than you actually are, without having to put on insane amounts of muscle…check out any swimmer and you’ll see what I mean – these guys are not muscle-bound but they have some seriously wide and broad shoulders.

In this article I’d like to give you 3 tips and exercises that will show you how to get broader shoulders and help you build more upper body muscle, to get that classic V-shape physique, without spending hours weight training in the gym.

Swim Regularly

As I’ve already mentioned above, swimmers know the secret of how to get broader shoulders without slaving away in the gym.

The natural resistance of the water and large range of motion that is necessary for many of the strokes results in a wide chest and back, and big broad shoulders.

Aim to get a regular swimming routine going, 3 times a week is ideal, and push yourself each time to better your previous visit. By swimming regularly you’ll build up great stamina and get broader shoulders.


It never ceases to amaze me how many folks neglect the humble push-up when thinking about how to get broader shoulders and gain muscle mass in general.

By performing push-ups regularly you’ll see a massive change in your upper body within a matter of weeks, and get broader shoulders fast. The secret is to increase the number of reps by a small amount gradually. Over time this effort snowballs and you’ll find yourself doing many more than ever imagined possible.

Mix up your push-up routines to work multiple muscle groups – do this by changing your grip and hand placement. Wide-grip push-ups will build you a wide back and broad shoulders, while close-grip ones will work the triceps and chest more.


Another super exercise that can be done at home or anywhere that has a secure bar. Heck, even a good strong tree branch will do…just make sure it really is SECURE, you don’t want it snapping on you half way through.

Chin-ups can be tough if you’ve never done them before…but don’t worry if you can only do one rep. The important thing is to apply the little and often incremental increases much like in your push-up routine.

Likewise change up your grips to work different muscle groups. Overhand wide-grip chin-ups are the best for how to get broader shoulders as they work the shoulders, triceps and lats for the great V-shape.

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How to Gain Weight For Women – How to Go From Skinny to Curvy and Put on Weight Fast

To a society that seems obsessed with LOSING weight, it may seem strange when you ask how you can GAIN weight. Ask anyone how to lose weight and they’ll run off a huge list diets, contraptions, clubs and gizmos that everyone seems to have tried, but without much success. However, ask people how skinny girls can put on weight, and you’ll no doubt get a blank expression or worse, a sarcastic and questioning answer like “why do you want to put on weight? I wish I had your ‘problem’!”

Well, to the hardgainer like you and me this IS a real problem, as being skinny affects our confidence, health and self-esteem. But every problem has a solution, and so today I’m gonna give you 5 tips that skinny girls are using to solve the problem of how to gain weight for women.

You ready?… let’s go!

How To Gain Weight For Women Tip 1 – Put On Some Muscle

Packing on a few pounds of muscle is the surest and healthiest way for women to put on weight and accentuate their natural sexy curves. Muscle weighs more than fat so it makes sense to put on muscle weight rather than fat, plus you get to decide where the muscles grow (I say this because people put fat on in different places depending on their body type… trust me, it’ll always end up where you least want it – typically on a woman this is around her butt and waist)

Don’t be afraid of building muscle by weight training – you won’t get huge like Arnie or anything… in fact a woman’s body simply doesn’t produce enough testosterone to get big.

Make a weight training routine part of your workouts at the gym and you’ll put on weight quickly and in the places that you want.

How To Gain Weight For Women Tip 2 – Reduce Your Cardio Exercises

Cardio is a staple part of most womens workouts and is always recommended in most magazines, but if you’re looking for how to gain weight, then cardio will actually be making your life more difficult, as it is simply burning more fat and calories and leaving nothing for your body to store.

If you’re looking to gain weight, sort out a workout routine that focuses more on mass building exercises like weights and less on cardio.

How To Gain Weight For Women Tip 3 – Sleep More

And you thought this weight gain for women thing was all gonna be hard work? This is the easy bit, and the most often overlooked.

When we sleep our bodies produce natural growth hormones which help repair our muscles and enable to gain weight and muscle mass. The highest secretions of these hormones are during deep sleep, and so it is important to get a good night’s rest when thinking about how to gain weight for women. Around 8 hours is ideal. Try to eliminate as much stress from your daily life as possible as this can affect your sleep and cause to lose more weight rather than gain it.

How To Gain Weight For Women Tip 4 – Eat More

In addition to starting a weight training program you should be eating a lot more. Muscle mass and weight are gained by consuming more calories than we burn off, so you should consume an extra 500-1000 calories per day compared to the average woman (avg. is around 2000, so you should try to get about 2,500-3000 per day).

Split this over 6 smaller meals per day and focus on your proteins – which are the building blocks of muscle.

How To Gain Weight For Women Tip 5 – Use Protein Powders And Shakes

To build muscle and gain weight you’ll need to focus on your proteins – around 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight (i.e. if you weigh 150 pounds then you should be consuming around 150 grams of protein per day).

The best way to consume these proteins is in the form of natural foods like lean meats, fish, beans and pulses, eggs and milk. However, this can be difficult in today’s busy lifestyles, so think about incorporating a protein shake into your daily meal plans. One serving of a protein shake can provide you with as much as 50-60 grams of protein in one shot, so it’s extremely convenient.

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The Truth About Liquid Diets and How to Get Ripped Fast and Shed Pounds!

Want to lose weight or get ripped fast? Considering going on a liquid diet to do so? Well before you make a final decision regarding your future intentions it is important to really no what you are doing, afterall it is your future health and well being at stake. The last thing you want to do is to invest your time and energy in to something that is not for you. Here we will outline the origins of liquid diets and track that right through to modern day and show you the positive and negatives of such an approach to weight loss. Here we go:

The first liquid diets can be traced back to the 1930s where Dr, Stoll’s “Diet Aid” was promoted in beauty parlors of the time, next came the liquid protein diets in the 1970s like “The Last Chance Diet” which was followed by the low carb diets of the 1990s. Now in modern times the liquid diet tends to take the form of canned drinks bought from the local store.

Liquid days have not always been safe and indeed some people believe them still not to be. The real danger lies in the fact that a liquid diet may not yield you with all of the vitamins and minerals required to sustain life. Indeed 58 deaths were reported of adults in 1977 according to the FDA of people following these strict diets.

You would think such occurrences would put them out of favour for good but thanks to their various incarnations they keep returning in different forms and of course receive endless interest from people desperate to lose weight or get ripped fast. One company received over a million calls in one day following an Oprah Winfrey show in the 1980s when she let slip the name of the liquid diet program that she was using at the time, according to The New York Times.

Nowadays 100% liquid diets are generally not found in too many places rather they are usually involve the participant having to eat at least some complete whole food during a day but they are interspersed with canned liquid food drinks.

The effect of following them these days initially is that people may lose weight and sometimes even get ripped fast. However the part that is not true is that you cannot achieve the same results by simply following a diet of just complete whole food, you can. The other part is that following a liquid diet does not teach you how to keep the weight off in a healthy manner for life and in the long run these diets often do not work full stop, and here is why.

Some of these diets fall into the bracket of low calorie diets as well which means there is a short fall of between 800-1000 calories on what there every day energy requirements are.

What does this mean and why is this bad for weight loss, surely such a deficit would be good for weight loss? Unfortunately this is completely wrong and it is a trap that too many people fall into and it can ruin their weight loss attempts. Here is why:

1) Diets this low in calories will make your body initiate a ‘starvation response’. When your body has a severely reduced intake of calories it reacts by trying to conserve the remaining energy that it does have and hold onto it in order to keep itself alive. It basically does this by slowing down the bodys metabolic rate and preparing to pile on weight as soon as it gets a chance. Both of these of course are completely opposed to weight loss.

2) Liquid diets do not teach the participant good dietary habits for life and only offer quick fix. This means that once the diet stops they tend to pile at least all of the weight back on! They can also develop unhealthy attitudes towards foods that make them suffer more in the long run.

3) Often the liquid diet supplement provides energy in the form of high sugar ingredients like corn syrup. This is the very refined sugar that is being blamed in the US for its high level of obesity in the general population. Do yourself a favour and check out the ingredients list at the very least! Health foods they are not.

4) Even if by chance you come across a wholesome healthy liquid diet supplement do your really think it is doing something that complete whole food cannot? It is not! All of the ingredients can be found in everyday foods, they do not contain any miracle weight loss formula, although that is often what their marketing would have you believe!

The only place the a liquid diet supplement could play is to provide you with calories at a time when you are in a rush and have no time to prepare a proper meal and with a bit of prior planning that need to can be avoided. Please bear in mind however that even the newest most expensive liquid powder drinks will never be as nutritional or well fortified with vitamins as regular food, we still can’t beat mother nature in that score. In fact eating whole foods has a weight loss advantage in that it actually requires energy for the body to digest the food which a liquid diet does not require therefore aiding the process of burning off calories.

So, after all of this you might be asking yourself how exactly we should get ripped fast or go about losing weight permanently. The truth is that scientists have proven to us time and time again how the body works. They have shown us that working with the bodies systems rather than against them can guarantee weight loss. If this sounds like something you would like to know more about then follow the links below.

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Chest Exercises for Men – Get Bulky at Home

Did you know that there are chest exercises for men that do not require weights? These are the natural exercises that men can perform even at home. Yes you read it right, so set aside all the gym equipment as of the moment and exercise the natural way. Now that I got your attention, stick around and discover how to get bulky at home by reading the rest of this article.

For men, the most common way to achieve an impressive chest that every girl will fancy about is by doing pectoral exercises. Chest exercises for men act on the largest muscle group in the body, thus making it the most active of all.

Here are some of the chest exercises that do not require weights.

1. Spartans Push-up: This is a very advance kind of push up. This is one of the most effective chest exercises for men which can be performed without using any weights at all.

· Lie face-down on the floor.

· Relax while keeping your hands and legs straight.

· Place your left palm just below the pectoral while the right palm on the normal position when you do the push-ups.

· Start the push-up as you exhale, doing 3 sets with 15-20 reps.

2. Hindu Push-up: This is a chest exercise for men which is perfect for building strong, powerful and stamina-driven shoulders, arms and pecs. More than just an exercise, it also increases the flexibility of your spine.

· Stand with your feet spread wider than your shoulders.

· Bend down and put your palms on the floor as if you’re in a dog position.

· Bend your elbows while bringing your chest down.

· Ensure that your chest doesn’t touch the floor and move forward using your chest.

· Push until you go back to the dog position. Hold this stance for a second while allowing your chest to open up.

· Repeat for 10-15 times.

3. Stability Ball Push-up: One of the chest exercises for men which requires a stability ball, making it much more challenging than it appears.

· Get a stability ball and place it on the floor.

· Stand with the ball in front of you and bend down while you rest your abdomen on it.

· Roll yourself forward, supporting yourself with your hands.

· Rest your shins on the ball while keeping your hands shoulder-width apart.

· Do like a normal push-up as you inhale and exhale as you go back to your original position.

. Do 3 sets with 15 reps.

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Biceps Exercises – Harden and Sculpt Your Biceps With These Concentrated Exercises

The biceps are the most quickly noticed muscle group in the body. One will immediately be able to spot strong biceps in a man and it is widely regarded as a sex symbol coming in second only after the six pack abs. Also, gone are the days when the bulky bicep was fashionable. These days, men prefer to sport biceps that are sleek, angular and hard. The most preferred muscle definition when it comes to biceps is when the skin is very tight around the muscles and gives off the appearance as if it was shrink wrapped.

Below, you will find a few great biceps exercises that will allow you to start working towards that goal.

Bicep curls – These can be done with a barbell or a pair of dumbbells. It is advised that you start with manageable weights that will allow you to practice good form. Many people make the mistake of trying really heavy weights that will make them use their backs and shoulders, which is not ideal. Even if the weight is quite small, good form will often result in a great workout for the biceps. To do these biceps exercises, keep your feet about shoulder width apart. Curl your dumbbells or barbell in such a way that you bring them close to your chest using only your forearms. Your upper arm should remain still as you do these exercises. Avoid swaying or rocking back of forth as that will add momentum and make the exercise much easier than it is.

Concentration curls – As the name implies, these biceps exercises are great to really focus and concentrate on using the bicep muscles. Sit down or kneel and place the elbow of your hand on the inside of your thigh. Slowly bring up the dumbbell towards the shoulder by only moving your forearm. Concentrate on using your biceps. Once you have reached the shoulder, bring it back down to the starting position without fully straightening your arms as straightening will release tension on the bicep.

Hammer curls – These biceps exercises are very similar to the bicep curls mentioned above. The only difference is that your palms face each other instead of facing upwards when you carry out the curl. This exercise is intended to work both the biceps and forearms which complement each other very well.

If you are looking for muscle building and sculpting exercises other than the usual routines that will involve squats, dead lifts and bench presses, you should definitely check out the website below that will offer advanced technique to achieve hard, angular and sculpted muscles that are very strong and also look very sexy.

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Fatty Liver Diet Do’s And Don’ts

In her book, “Fatty Liver Diet Guide”, veteran liver nurse, Dorothy Spencer, states, “There is in fact little difference between the regular diet between healthy people and fatty liver patients. The main point is to reduce the fat content and encourage the body to fully utilize the calories for energy so that there will be no excess storage of fat and carbohydrates.” She goes on to stress the importance of regulation, balance, and incorporating all food groups through a highly nutritional diet.

The best diet plan for reducing a fatty liver will vary from patient to patient. When it comes to fatty liver disease (FLD), there are many factors at play, and the underlying causes of the problem must be identified before proper nutritional advice can be given.

FLD is generally broken down into two types: alcoholic (AFL) and non-alcoholic (NAFLD). Alcoholic fatty liver disease has one primary cause: the excessive consumption of alcohol.

The ethanol found in alcoholic beverages contributes to excessive fat accumulation in the liver because it blocks the oxidation of fatty acids in the liver, and it inhibits the release of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) in the bloodstream which are responsible for moving fatty acids out of the liver. When more fat moves into the liver than out of it, fat accumulation and storage occurs. AFL can generally be reversed by removing alcohol from the diet.

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is a more complex condition. NAFLD can be caused by a wide variety of things which include, but are not limited to, a high-fat diet, obesity, type 2 diabetes (diabetes milletus), hyperinsulinemia, and metabolic disorders. Dietary changes and weight loss are the best ways to combat and reverse NAFLD.

Here are some of the do’s and don’ts when making changes that incorporate a fatty liver diet plan aimed at reducing excess fat in the liver into your lifestyle.

  • Do eat vitamin and mineral rich foods, particularly those high in B-complex vitamins, folate (folic acid), manganese, selenium, and sulfur
  • Do follow a balanced diet and avoid excessive eating
  • Don’t eat high-fat foods, particularly those high in saturated fats
  • Don’t consume alcohol and/or high sugar drinks like energy drinks and soda
  • Do exercise regularly to lose weight gradually rather than trying for a “lose it all at once” solution
  • Don’t eat large amounts of dark meats or fried foods
  • Do eat lean white meats such as chicken or turkey
  • Do eat vegetables daily, particularly greens and leaves
  • Do eat fruits daily, particular citrus fruits high in vitamin C
  • Do eat complex carbohydrates such as those found in brown rice and whole grains
  • Don’t eat simple carbohydrates such as those found in candy and desserts
  • Do eat foods high in fiber

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Horse Training – 8 Tips For Training Your Horse to Stand Quietly When Tied

Your horse won’t stand still in the cross ties or when tied to the trailer at the horse show. He moves from side to side, back and forth and paws frantically damaging his hooves, shoes and stable floor. Instead of being able to enjoy some quiet bonding time with him, you rush through the grooming and saddling routine. The following 8 tips will help you resolve this common horse training problem. You can help your horse to be relaxed, quiet and enjoy his time while he is tied.

1. Focus on relieving the underlying cause rather than the behaviour itself. As flight animals, horses are stressed when their ability to flee is compromised. The behaviour your horse is exhibiting on the cross ties is simply an expression of the anxiety he is feeling. In order the change the behaviour, you need to address his anxiety and help him feel comfortable about being tied.

2. Commit to taking the time and doing the work to help your horse. Training takes time and consistency. You cannot achieve behavioural change by rushing or being impatient. Set up time specifically to work with your horse on this issue.

3. Change his frame of body to change his frame of mind. Horses who are busy when tied have an unbalanced frame – scissored legs, high head, inverted back. This frame keeps adrenaline pumping into the blood stream keeping his stress and anxiety level and, therefore his need to move, high. Your horse needs you to show him that he can stand straight, square and level.

4. Help him find balance. Your horse simply will not be able to stand still until he finds balance. Balance comes from straightness, being square and having a level neck. Your job then is to keep correcting his position until he finds that balance and keeps it on his own.

5. Straightness comes first. Having straightness means that the horse’s spine is in alignment from nose to tail. He will find & feel this straightness when the left hind lines up directly behind the left fore and the right hind lines up directly behind the right fore. Ask your horse to stand straight by pushing the appropriate hip or shoulder into alignment. As soon as your horse moves away from your push, stop pushing. You will have to move from side to side while keeping contact with the halter or head. As you move around his head, bend your near hip away from his head.

6. Be four Square. When a horse’s feet are scissored, he is mentally prepared for flight. When the feet are four square, it is like he is standing in box, balanced and parked. Being square means that the front feet are straight to each other and the hind feet are straight to each other. As you work on correcting your horse’s straightness, you may find that he starts to find square on his own. If not, you can encourage him to stand squarely by asking him to take a step backwards or forwards. For backwards, push on the front of the shoulder of the leg you want him to move. To encourage him to step forwards, tap his flank gently. You may have to ask for back and forth several times before your horse finds square.

7. Be level headed. A relaxed horse stands with his neck level so that the poll is the same height as withers. You can encourage your horse to bring his head down and his neck to level by using gently moving his head laterally (side to side) with slight downward pressure. This is called “flexing”. Make sure you are not being forceful by pulling or pushing on the head. Think of this more like a rhythmic massage loosening his poll. You can do this with your hands on the halter as you stand in front of your horse (one hand on either side of the halter at the point where the cheek piece connects with the nose band) or by cupping the bridge of his nose in one hand as you stand to the side of him. If you horse tries to raise his head or turn it left or right, use your hand or hands in the same place to block his effort. Remember that you are not forcing your horse into this posture, but are encouraging him to stay there long enough to realize how good it feels.

8. Avoid being at the end of your rope. Whether you are using cross ties or a single tie, ensure the tie is long enough to allow horse to comfortably lower his head and bring his neck to level without creating tightness on the tie. With a single tie, make sure he has enough room to avoid having his face jammed into the wall or side of the trailer. With cross ties, encourage your horse to stand so that the cheek pieces of the halter are lined up with the posts the cross ties are attached to. Always attach the cross ties to the lowest ring on the cheek piece as this allows more freedom to bring the head down.

This training process will take some time, but is well worth the effort. Both you and your horse will benefit as you will be able to enjoy the grooming and saddling time together and have quiet time to rest and relax between classes at the horse shows.

To see a short video demonstrating how do this, go to

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5 Myths for Building Your Biceps

Every time I go to the gym, I see guys just cranking out set after set of bicep curls. Now I know we would all like to have bigger arms, but please don’t spend 3 hours at a time just curling a barbell. Sure you will get a nice pump from doing that, however it is not a good way to go about building up your biceps in the long run. Below are the 5 main mistakes people make when it comes to their biceps.

1. More is always better.

False. If this was true, then we would either all be training all day long, or give up since we end up wasting our lives away. When it comes to training your biceps, less is more. The goal for each workout is to top your last workout. This can be achieved by either adding more weight each time, or doing some extra reps. Once you have that, move on to your next exercise. Make sure to record the weight and reps you did, so you can improve on that the next workout.

2. Using the same exercises every workout.

There are two main bicep exercises you will find most people doing; barbell and dumbbell curls. These are great for working out your biceps, however you must be improving on your weight and or reps each time. You should also work on having perfect form. You can continue to use these exercises until you reach around 100 pounds on the barbell, then you should mix it up.

Try pressing your elbows outward and have a close grip. This will put stress on your outer bicep. On the flip side, try pushing your elbows into your side, don’t let them move, and have a wide grip. This will stress your inner biceps. Lastly do some hammer curls and reverse curls as well.

3. Being obsessed with the pump

We all know how good it feels to look in the mirror after an intense bicep workout and see how big our arms look. There is nothing wrong with that, as long as know it is just a pump. If you were to curl a light weight for a long time, you’ll get a pretty decent pump, but when you leave the gym, your arms will deflate to the same size they where when you walked into the gym. What you should be more concerned about is how your arms look after the pump is gone. In order for you arms to grow, after the pump, you must be increasing the weight and reps each time. You will still get a nice pump, but even more importantly is the actual progress of your arms, with no pump. That is what the majority of people will see.

4. Focusing too much on your biceps

Sure it is more satisfying to just do some curls, but the truth is, your biceps will also grow when doing other exercises and increasing your overall strength. If you focus on increasing your weight on your rows, pull ups, chin-ups and bench press, your biceps will grow proportionally as well. Also by not wasting too much energy on just your biceps, you will be able to lift more weight for your bigger muscles such as your back. If your biceps are tired from all the curls you just pumped out, your back exercise is going to suffer.

5. Not putting enough tension on the bicep

I am sure you have seen, or even done it your self, the people who swing the barbells up and down in a frantic uneven rhythm. Don’t be that guy. There is a good chance you are working out every muscle except your biceps, not to mention the chance of injury is higher. Instead you should focus on keeping constant tension on your muscles at all times. The bar should be moving at all times, with no pause at the top or bottom. Try squeezing the bar as hard as you can and don’t let your biceps relax until the set is done. The goal is to not allow any oxygen into your muscles, which creates a spike in your anabolic hormones, which promotes muscle growth. Counting is the easiest way to make sure you are moving in a slow and constant manor. Try counting 1, 2, 3 while pulling the bar up, don’t pause at the top, and then 1, 2, 3 on the way down. You will find that you might have to use lighter weights, but it will be worth it.

Those are 5 main mistakes that plague guys of getting the bicep gains they want. Make sure to avoid those, and with the proper routine and nutrition, you should start seeing some gains.

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Tasty Scarsdale Recipes and Meals

A medical doctor in Scarsdale, New York brought the Scarsdale Diet to the mainstream public in the 1970’s. Today, many people still find the Scarsdale Diet is able to help them achieve their weight loss goals, but may find the vague outline of the Scarsdale plan seems boring. The following is a one-day plan of Scarsdale diet recipes and meals for those who are interested in a tasty way to lose weight.

The plan should be followed exactly as written, with no substitutions (unless indicated otherwise). This one-day plan of Scarsdale diet recipes and meals has recipes (when indicated) at the end of the one-day meal plan.

Day One:


0.5 x Grapefruit or 6 ounces grapefruit juice. The grapefruit (not juice) is recommended for best results.

1 slice of protein toast (you may toast it, but add no butter or spreads)

Coffee, tea, water or diet soda. (Any non calorie/non carb drink may be substituted, however watch your sodium content on these.) DO NOT add any sugar, milk, cream or honey. You may use non-calorie sweeteners such as saccharin, splenda, equal, aspartame, truvia, etc.


One broiled lean Zesty hamburger (approximately the size of your palm) *see Scarsdale diet recipes and meals below* (you may add tomatoes, lettuce, ketchup and mustard if you wish. No mayonnaise or other condiments are allowed, though.)

Two slices of protein toast

Italian marinated salad *see Scarsdale diet recipes and meals below*

Coffee, tea, water, or diet soda. You may add lemon to tea or water for added flavor and the lemon will act as a natural diuretic to flush fat, ketones and toxins from the system.


Seasoned Fish with Japanese Vegetables *see Scarsdale recipes and meals below *

One slice of cantaloupe

Coffee, tea, diet soda, or water

Scarsdale Diet Recipes and Meals Directions:

Zesty Hamburger Scarsdale Recipes (and Meals)

Shopping List:

One pound lean ground chuck

One tablespoon Worcestershire sauce

One-teaspoon ground pepper

One-teaspoon garlic powder

Small finely chopped onion

Mix all ingredients together. Patty out into four equal portioned burgers. Broil for fifteen minutes or until juices run clear.

Makes four servings

Italian Marinade Salad Scarsdale Recipes (and meals)


Four cups mixed lettuce greens of your choice

Two tomatoes cut into wedges

16 green or black olives sliced

One medium cucumber cut julienne style (short thin sticks)

One quarter of a medium red onion, diced.


1/4 cup red wine vinegar

0.5 x teaspoon fresh garlic (chopped finely)One teaspoon Italian seasoning

One beef bouillon cube crushed finely

0.5 x teaspoon ground black pepper

Mix dressing ingredients together and let stand 15 minutes.

Toss vegetables together in a large bowl. Pour dressing over greens and toss again. Makes four one cup servings.

Seasoned Fish with Japanese Vegetables Scarsdale Diet Recipes (and meals)

Four six-ounce tilapia (or other white fish) fillets

One lemon, quartered into wedges

Two cups fresh green beans

Two carrots, grated

0.5 x medium red onion

One green pepper, cored and sliced

One cup sliced fresh mushrooms

One-cup snow pea pods (do not substitute regular peas)

Place Tilapia fillets in a skillet sprayed with vegetable spray. Sprinkle salt, pepper, thyme, oregano and ginger powder on top of them. Steam until done. Remove from skillet and squeeze one lemon wedge over each filet. Set aside. While skillet is still hot add vegetables to skillet (leave any liquid from cooking the fish in the skillet). Saute vegetables over medium heat until soft but still firm. When vegetables are cooked, place four equal portions onto plates and top with fish fillets. Serve. Makes four servings.

This one-day plan of Scarsdale Diet recipes and meals is just a sample of the tasteful recipes you can create and still stay within the Scarsdale Diet regimen. You have nothing but weight to lose by trying it.

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Turbulence Training Review – A Look at the Pros and Cons

If you’re reading this review, then you must already be familiar with Craig Ballantyne’s Turbulence Training (TT) system for fat loss and maintaining muscle. In this article, we’re going to examine some of the pros and cons of this training system in order to allow the reader to make up his (or her) mind about whether or not this is a program you can use to accomplish the personal goals for fitness and weight loss you have in mind.

Before we start, if you’ve heard of this program but are unfamiliar with its creator, Craig Ballantyne is a Canadian-born personal trainer and certified strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS) who has developed this program which is used not only by everyday people but also by professional fitness trainers like himself with their clients. His program is perfect for people on the go who can’t afford to waste time and who want an efficient method for regaining or maintaining their physical health.

With that said, let’s look at some of the benefits of this program.

Turbulence Training Pros:

1. When compared with other similar programs on the market (like P90X or Athlean-X), Turbulence Training is a less expensive alternative in this niche. First, each of these workouts focus on using interval training, short intense weight and resistance training sessions to get fast results. Priced at $140, P90X is 3.5 times more expensive than Craig’s fitness program. Although P90X does come with DVD videos for training at home, a feature that Craig’s program lacks, there are videos in the TT member’s section of Craig’s online forum that can be accessed. The other program, Athlean-X, is more focused on athletes and achieving a pro-athlete’s body, not something that every weight watcher is interested in, at a $67 price point.

2. A variety of options and training routines (body weight exercises, interval training, weight lifting) which are rotated throughout the suggested 26 week training period. You’re not limited to the same boring routine day in and day out. By changing up the routines intermittently you get to work on different areas of the body while enhancing endurance. Also, the body doesn’t get used to performing the same routine, which keeps it off balance and in motion (turbulence).

3. Is perfect for assisting a person to achieve fat loss while maintaining muscle mass. Anyone who has ever lifted weights on a regular basis will attest to that exercise’s ability alone will help trim the waistline.

4. The workouts can be completed in just three sessions a week. For people who want to make the most of their exercise time, this training can fit almost anyone’s busy schedule.

5. Craig’s training contains one of the best routines especially formulated for women who want to tone their waistlines, hips, legs, and buttocks. Videos of these routines can be found in the online TT members area. Other programs lack such specialty focus.

6. The perfect program for establishing long-term health maintenance. As the body ages and the inevitable aches and pains begin to set in, the short intense training sessions used in interval training have proven to be more effective in helping people to maintain their level of fitness well into their golden years. With regular focused exercise, the aches and pains of the aging process can be attenuated and nearly eliminated.

Now that we’re familiar with some of its benefits, what are a few of the drawbacks to Craig’s training system?

Turbulence Training Cons:

1. Not as focused on providing nutritional information. While it does contain information on maintaining good nutrition along with recipes that people can use, that is not the main focus of the program. You may wish to supplement your nutritional knowledge and education through other sources.

2. More focused on overall fitness and dropping weight than on building muscle. While Craig’s system of training can be easily integrated into an already existing muscle building program, that’s not its main focus. For those who are primarily interested in both fitness and building muscle, there is an upgrade option to the Deluxe version that can be chosen.

3. The program requires hard work from users. If you’re not prepared to participate in a workout that will have you huffing and puffing by the end of the routines, then this is not the program for you.

Hopefully, by now, you have a better idea of the benefits and shortfalls of this training program. While not every weight loss and fitness program can cover all the bases, the areas that are covered within the Turbulence Training workouts and diet system have assisted many people to achieve their weight management and fitness goals. For more information about this program and what it may help you to accomplish, you are invited to click the link below.

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