Archive | July, 2016

Get Beautiful Skin Through Raw Food Diet

There is no doubt every woman desires to have to have beautiful skin. The beauty industry will never collapse because women all over the world are constantly on the search for the miracle product that can give them glowing, beautiful skin. Yet, to have a lasting transformation on our complexion, we should pay attention to our diet and nutrition

It is believed that a raw food diet has the ability to feed our skin with the vital nutrients to give us the radiant look. As raw food did not go through the cooking process, much of its living enzymes and vitamins are still intact, hence eating raw food is able to provide our skin with moisture. And, we all know that well moisturized skin is more resistant to wrinkles formation.

The condition of our skin is a good indication of our internal health. Eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables to get ample vitamins, fiber and minerals into your body. As you diligently add raw food to your diet, you will gradually notice your face showing a healthy glow and radiance.

Much has been said of the efficacy of vitamin C in skin care products to reduce wrinkles. Wouldn’t it be better to take it directly from natural food source? Vitamin C is crucial for fair, radiant and beautiful skin. A lack of vitamin C in our body results in skin problems such as dark spots, freckles and wrinkles. Foods rich in vitamin C includes custard apple, orange, longan, kiwi, guava, strawberry, pomelo and papaya..

So, just what is considered a raw food diet? Well, a diet is considered a raw food diet if it consists of at least 75% raw, uncooked fruits, vegetables, sprouts, etc. It is believed that raw and living foods contain essential food enzymes, which are thought to be destroyed in the cooking process, i.e. heating foods above 116°F.

Generally, raw diet eaters have a particular technique to prepare foods. These include sprouting seeds, grains and beans; soaking nuts and dried fruits; and juicing fruits and vegetables. The only form of cooking that is sometimes used is the dehydrator, which blows hot air through the food but never reaches a temperature beyond 116°F.

You may be wondering by now if you have to follow the regimen so strictly? Of course not. However, it is beneficial to incorporate some of these techniques and ideas into your diet. If you have the habit of snacking at work, you may want to eat carrots instead of cookies and chips. Though it may not be that good a comfort food, it certainly gives you better health benefits and beautiful skin. Nowadays, pre-packed salads or sliced fruits are easily available in the supermarkets, so there really shouldn’t be any more excuses for not having time to prepare raw food.

Although these are not necessary organic foods, raw food is still a better option than cooked or processed food. If you can afford the time, you can buy organic food and slice them yourself. Radiant, beautiful skin begins with a balanced, nutritious and healthy diet. As the saying goes – ‘You are what you eat’, start incorporating raw food into your diet today and you will have beautiful skin in no time.

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Follow A Workout Routine And Help Yourself!

Being fit is the soul mantra in today’s life. Not being able to stay healthy costs us in every sphere of our daily activities. With the increased consumption of fast food and unhealthy beverage options, staying healthy and fit is taking a toll indeed!

Now, is fitness all about sticking to a diet plan and not cutting anything loose? It is obviously so, but there is another side of this story as well. Staying healthy and fit also encompasses doing your daily dose of exercises. The importance of a proper workout routine can never be undermined.

Specialized workout routines exist for men and women that focus on building strength in specific parts of the body. Being fit attracts appreciative eyes as well. I am sure everybody enjoys the spotlight and hope your are not different. Regardless of your age, sex and the food you take, a regular workout plan can bring major positive changes in your life starting from enhanced moods to rejuvenated sex life!

If you are still not motivated enough to burn your daily dose of calories let’s look at the 6 positive influences of a sustained regular workout plan.

  1. Control of weight: A proper workout schedule helps prevent weight gain and fights weight loss as well. The more you burn your calories the more you shed off your excess carbohydrates, staying in tone.
  2. Improved immunity: Improved resistance to various diseases and health conditions is a direct result of a daily workout plan. The increased blood flow during an exercise period reduces the risks of cardiovascular ailments.
  3. Feel happier: It is a proven fact that regular exercise promotes the activity of the brain inducing chemical changes. These chemical changes can seriously uplift your mood and make your feel happier!
  4. Increase your physical endurance: Increased muscular activity helps increase your physical endurance. Workout routines help the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the various tissues of the body including the heart bolstering their strength. Stronger heart and tissues improves your endurance to take care of your daily life better.
  5. Rejuvenate sex life: Are you suffering from erectile dysfunction? Are you too tired to get intimate with your partner. You will not believe how wonderfully physical exercise can bring in a positive change in your love-making. Improved performance and sustained orgasms are definite fall outs of a regular workout routine.
  6. Better physical appeal, look sexy: Following a workout routine instills self-confidence. The more confident and charming body you have the more sexy you become!

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Kettlebell Chest Fly’s

Using Kettlebells to perform chest fly’s may seem a tad bit odd but it is something that a lot of serious body builders are starting to do in order to encourage extra pectoral development. Body builders such as the great Dexter Jackson have always been advocates of fly’s to develop awesome Pecs, especially the upper region which most athletes find hard to build up.

Most discussions involving the Chest fly revolve around whether a fixed machine or Dumbbells tend to be best with weight lifting aficionados always favouring the free weight version using Dumbbells. Using a free weight obviously increases the risk of injury but the stability needed to perform the exercise correctly encourages extra muscle stimulation in the upper pectoral region and the deltoids. When gravity and stability are added to any exercise the results are usually far better, that being said the range of movement using a Dumbbell is limited in comparison to using a pair of cables as this gives the athlete the ability to cross their arms at the completion stage of the repetition giving the inner part of the Pectoral an extra squeeze.

Moving onto how the Kettlebell can be used for chest fly’s and the major difference is the ability to rotate your wrists in whichever way you want during the movement allowing for various angles of stress to place on the Deltoids and Pectoral region. One of the most popular things to do with this Kettlebell exercises is to bring the Kettlebells up to the top of the movement and then rotate the wrists so the palms of the hands are facing totally away from the Athlete.

The beauty of this Kettlebell exercise is that you can continue to rotate your wrist in whichever way you wish on the negative part of the repetition also. This an exercise in which you can make your own and adapt you positioning of your hands in order to place stress on whichever part of the chest you wish to.

Most body builders using the kettlebell chest fly are doing so to focus on one area in particular of the Pectoral region. This kind of area specification cannot be done with a machine fly or pec dec as the movement is in a fixed angle, and although it can be done using the cables, however using kettlebells, are the only way to do it whilst using a free weight.

Kettlebell Chest Fly’s allow the athlete the advantages of using free weight training combined with the ability to isolate certain areas of a muscle group such as a cable crossover would.

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6 Phases of the Perfect Workout

Another day in the gym, another round of “crazy things people do when they workout”.

Did I ever tell you about the one time I watched a trainer instruct his client to stand on a Bosu ball, wearing boxing gloves, and then do some type of whacky reverse punch/backhand slap while the trainer stood BEHIND him holding the pads?

I was speechless…until – at the same gym – I watched a different trainer instruct his client to put his back foot on a Bosu ball and his front foot on an upended dumbbell (!!!) and do split squats.

Seriously, the trainer had his client stand on a dumbbell. What’s wrong with these guys? Anyways, I didn’t see anything that silly this weekend, but I did watch a guy do arms, chest presses, and then clean & presses supersetted with squats.

Probably one of the worst workout orders I’d ever witnessed. So today, we’re going to cover the Best Exercise Order for maximum results in minimum workout time. Here’s how it goes.

The best workout exercise order is:

Stage 1: Warm-up

Stage 2 (optional): Skill/Power Training

Stage 3: Major Movement Resistance Training Straight Set or Superset

Stage 4 (optional): Minor Movements Superset or Circuits

Stage 5: Torso Training

Stage 6: Interval training

Let`s look at each stage in more detail.

Stage 1 – Warm-up

This is not the time to jump on the treadmill. That does not prepare you for stages 2-5. So we skip that and focus on a general bodyweight exercise warm- up that covers all of your major muscle groups & joints.

Stage 2 – Skill/Power Training (Optional)

Skill and power training should be done at the start of a workout while your neuromuscular system is fresh, not fatigued. That`s why you should not do power cleans at the end of a workout or supersetted with squats. Unless you like injury and dislike results.

Skill and power training are also optional for fat loss, but if you have any athletic or maximal strength goals, this is the time for most effective training.

Plus, this type of training is not bad for fat loss, but it just must be done appropriately for all levels.

Even beginners can do power training, such as doing very low (4-6 inch) box jumps – i.e. jumping from the floor onto a sturdy surface, such as an elevated aerobic step.

Anyways, this is a complex topic and we can revisit it another day.

Stage 3 – Major Movement Resistance Training (Straight Set or Superset)

If you are training for fat loss and to get the most amount of work done in the least amount of time, you`ll stick to supersets as outlined in the Turbulence Training workout. Simple, but effective.

However, if you want to dramatically increase your strength in the bench press, deadlift, squat, power clean, chin-up, or 1-leg squat, you can also do straight sets before you get into your supersets.

With the straight sets for strength approach, you`ll take more rest (2-3

minutes) between sets.

Alternatively, you could superset one of those strength exercises with a non- competing minor movement or stretch.

For example, if I`m focusing on bench press strength, I might stretch my psoas (hip flexor) area between sets, or superset dumbbell rear deltoid raises – something that uses the time between sets but does not impair my strength performance.

Again, another long topic for another day…and a future Meathead workout.

Stage 4 – Minor Movements (Supersets or Circuits)

I believe you`ll get more muscle building and strength gains when you choose supersets over circuits. That said, if you only want to lose fat and maintain lean muscle, you can finish your workouts faster by arranging your workouts in metabolic resistance circuits.

Stage 5 – Torso Training

I prefer this term over `core training`, but essentially we are discussing the same thing. Working your abs, obliques, low back muscles, etc., using stability exercises – as is done in ALL of the workouts. No crunches, no sit- ups. Sometimes old-school is good, but not when it comes to ab training.Stage

6 – Interval Training

Instead of doing long, slow, boring cardio, you’re going to use interval training to burn belly fat. You’ll only need to spend 15-20 minutes doing interval training, rather than 40 minutes or more of cardio.

That wraps up the perfect fat burning workout exercise order. You’ll save time and money with this plan, while getting more results and getting the body you deserve.

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Build Biceps Fast – Get Huge Arms With This Simple Trick

Do you want a simple trick to build biceps fast? Biceps brachii, or simply biceps, is a muscle located on the front of the upper arm. It works across three joints – namely, proximal radioulnar joint, humeroulnar joint (elbow), and the glenohumeral joint (shoulder). Anatomically speaking, it has several functions which make it significant to the human body. Biceps can flex the elbow and rotate the forearm. It is also the muscle which can be easily seen when walking down the street. Men tired of skinny arms want to develop big biceps. But can men build biceps fast? How is it possible? Want to know how to get arm muscles fast?

The biceps can be strengthened by using resistance training. It is a form of strength training that makes use of resistance to compel contraction of muscles. However, building biceps fast should be done carefully. Just like any other programs in building muscles fast, the body needs enough nutritional intakes to fuel its growth. It is also necessary to define the frequency of exercises first. Make use of the progressive overload concept to challenge it beyond the status quo. For beginners aiming to build biceps fast, doing two exercises of two sets is fine with six to ten repetitions. Sets and repetitions can be increased as the stamina increases. If you want to build muscles fast, use heavier resistance with less reps. This will help you build bigger biceps fast.

You can build biceps fast by doing standing bar curls, one-armed bicep curls, incline bicep curls, and hammer curls. The standing bar curls, for example, work out the flexing parts of the elbow muscle. To do so, hold the bar with the grip at shoulder width and then lock the elbow. Extend the arms straight by pointing it at the floor and slowly lift the bar to the chest with a curl. Tightening all the muscles especially at the core will help. Slowly lower the bar to the original position and repeat. You can also do variations of these exercises by changing the grips and hand positions.

To build biceps faster, allow it to rely more on strength by slowly lifting the weights. Squeeze the biceps for one to two seconds while it is on its peak during exercises. Concentrate on hitting the muscle fibers by always using a full range of motion. Some exercises also indirectly work the biceps. Challenge the biceps but do not overdo it. Bear in mind that bicep muscles do not build during workouts but rather during rest. Rest is essential to build biceps fast.

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4 Top Family Exercise Ideas You Can Try This Winter

If you want to maintain your fitness then you need to exercise regularly. Unfortunately, this can sometimes mean you don’t spend as much time with your family as you would like to. The good news is that winter brings with it many opportunities to exercise and spend time with your family. In this article I expand on these opportunities and list 4 fantastic family exercise ideas you can try this winter.


When winter rolls around most towns usually get a temporary outdoor ice rink. So if your town gets 1 take the family for a fun filled afternoon? Moderate ice skating burns a notable 355 calories per hour whilst intense ice skating burns 600 calories per hour. If you ice skate for 2 or 3 hours you can easily smash 1,000 calories and have a great time while doing it.


Sledding is a simple family exercise that requires just a sled, a hill and some snow. Sledding down the hill is good fun whilst dragging the sled back up the hill gives you a bit of a workout. Just 1 hour of sledding burns an impressive 476 calories per hour.


You might think snowball fights are for kids only but give it a try this winter and I am sure you will still enjoy it no matter what your age. Starting a snowball fight is easy. All you need is snow and some open space such as your garden, your street or the local park. Once you get into it, snowball fighting really won’t feel like exercise but you will still be burning a reasonable 319 calories per hour.


Snow tubing is very similar to snowboarding and sledding. The main difference is that instead of using a board or a sled you use a large rubber ring. Snow tubing is a lot more friendly to beginners than snowboarding and most of the time it costs less too. This makes it a particularly good family exercise as everyone should pick it up relatively quickly and it won’t cost you an arm and a leg. In terms of calories burned it is just as effective as snowboarding with 1 hour of snow tubing burning through 429 calories.


As you can see the Christmas weather brings with it plenty of fun family exercise opportunities. So next Saturday or Sunday why not pick 1 or more of the activities on this list and take the whole family on a fun filled day out? Not only will you spend valuable time with your family but you will also be able to maintain your regular exercise routine.

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How to Get Bigger Arms As an Ectomorph

If you’re an ectomorph then you probably have skinny arms. These are what show when you’re wearing a t-shirt, so it’s natural that you’d want to work toward bigger arms. That said, I recommend that you follow a full workout plan, but read on if you want to work toward bigger arms.

The arm is made up of two primary muscles – the biceps and the triceps. A lot of people think doing curls is going to make your arms huge. This couldn’t be further from the truth. It will help add mass to your arm, but it’s important to note that the tricep makes up 2/3 of your arm. It is also the easier muscle to build up. You also have the option of building up your forearm, which’ll make the entire mass look bigger – this is even more overlooked than the tricep.

That doesn’t mean you should neglect your biceps! In fact, I recommend you work both and do so consistently.

The standard bicep curl is good, but it can be modified to gain even more mass. I suggest doing incline bicep curls, where you sit in an inclined seat and do curls that way. You can also do hammer curls, which is where you hold the dumbbell perpendicular to the ground. These are fantastic because they also heavily work your forearm, so you’re hitting both at once. Preacher curls are another great part that’ll work the brachialis, which’ll make the bridge between your upper arm and forearm larger.

For your triceps I recommend close grip bench press, if you can get the form down. This is a fantastic exercise. What you do is go into the bench and grab the bar with 4-6 inches of space between your hands. Grip the bar tightly and lower it down to your chest – make sure you don’t bring it to your stomach. Then push it back up. When you lower the bar you can flare your elbows out slightly. Another good tricep workout are the tricep cable pulldowns. Cable exercises are good because there’s always tension on the muscle, which means you’re always getting a work out. I’d also recommend skull crushers.

Your forearms will naturally grow in size, but there are a few exercises that can help. The barbell reverse wrist curl is pretty good. You basically sit down and hold onto a barbell and then use your wrists to lift it up. You can find pictures by Googling the term. Another good way to build up your biceps and your forearms is to do chin ups. These are the same as pull ups except your palms face you.

If you do do these exercises then you’ll have big arms in no time.

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Legal Steroids – The Alternatives

Steroids have been illegal for some time now and everyone knows the potency of the real thing but legal steroids and their alternatives are quickly catching up as a viable alternative to the black market illegal steroids.

Over the last few years the serious body builders have been using the alternative legal steroids and achieving amazing results. Legal steroids like Androstenedione ( andro), 1-AD,1-test and 4-Androstenedione are the closest thing to real steroids and these are available legally. These alternative steroids when used correctly are both a safe and effective way to enhance and boost strength, energy and muscle recovery.

The first legal steroid that body builders used and promoted was Androstenedione. This is also known as a prohormone and was first used by East German athletes to enhance their performance and was their secret weapon for some time.

Andro works in the following way. As a result of an enzyme conversion in the liver Andro exerts an anabolic effect. The enzyme in the liver acts on the molecular structure of Andro and from this reaction it converts, in a completely natural process, the andro into testosterone.

Since the introduction of Andro which was considered to be the first steroid alternative there have been many other related products over the last few years. There has and is much debate whether increasing the amount of Andro will increase the effect but as with any drug it is dangerous to start altering the dosage unless supervised by qualified people.

On January 20th, 2005 the US Federal Gorvenment’s ban on prohormones took effect. This included the Androstenedione ( andro), 1-AD. Body builders must now look to other alternatives to enhance their programs.

DHEA Pre-Cursor Hormone is one of the alternatives at the present. As a pre-cursor hormone, it leads to the production of other hormones and as a supplement has shown some awesome results. DHEA supplements act as an anti aging by maintaining the levels of DHEA that occur naturally in the body that decrease as we get older.

Anyone considering using a product containing DHEA should first check the laws of their own country as they vary from one country to another.

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Why Power Yoga is So Effective at Burning Fat and Building Muscle

Power Yoga sounds so uniquely American. We tend to want to do everything quickly and we want results now. This form of yoga was developed to help people gain physical strength and flexibility. Hatha Yoga, which Power Yoga is derived, is a challenging workout with athletic movements that help you energetically flow from one posture to the next. The system provides a challenge for both beginners and advanced students alike. It’s an intense invigorating workout where you can burn up to 800 calories in one class!

Power yoga combines strength, movement and mental focus to keep you in the moment. It works effectively on many levels. There is the physical power generated by the kinetic action; this develops the strength and endurance. There is the mental power generated by the intense focus on breathing and balance. Last is the spiritual power that drives the physical and mental effort with emotional force.

These three aspects to Power Yoga are designed to strengthen your entire body, fortify your mental outlook and develop your will power. By working out at a vigorous pace, you develop strength and flexibility with an emphasis on abs, back, hips and pelvis. Our other section is called Soul of Strength which is a fast-moving program with a distinctly different set of challenges.

Power yoga describes a vigorous, fitness-based approach to vinyasa-style yoga. Most practices are closely modeled on the Ashtanga style of practice. The term “power yoga” became popular in the mid 90’s, when U.S. yoga teachers wanted to make Ashtanga yoga to be user-friendly by American practitioners.

These classes can vary widely from teacher to teacher. However, it will most likely appeal to people who are already quite fit, enjoy exercising, and want a minimal amount of chanting and meditation with their yoga.

Power yoga is accessible through technology. It can be practiced in your own home through use of videos and books. The first step is to create a personal working space where you can stretch out comfortably without interruptions. You can also employ soothing music or appropriate scents to augment your yoga workout. This is the way to gain an understanding of yoga if you cannot make the studio.

To be a complete workout you need to do strength training as well as raise your heart rate for an extended period. Power Yoga will build strength and raise your heart rate enough to make it a viable form of all-around exercise.

If you plan to make Power Yoga your primary form of exercise for weight loss, you must perform a daily 45 minute session six days a week or a vigorous 90-minute yoga class at least three times a week. To reach your weight loss goals you need to eat at least 6 small meals daily and consume calories below your daily requirement.

Maintain your consistency by performing at home on those days when you can’t make a studio class. Work out with a video or audio if you are a beginner. When you are ready to plan your own workouts, use these yoga sequencing ideas to help you come up with yoga sessions of varying lengths that will fit your schedule.

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Build Biceps Fast – Get Huge Arms With This Simple Trick

Do you want a simple trick to build biceps fast? Biceps brachii, or simply biceps, is a muscle located on the front of the upper arm. It works across three joints – namely, proximal radioulnar joint, humeroulnar joint (elbow), and the glenohumeral joint (shoulder). Anatomically speaking, it has several functions which make it significant to the human body. Biceps can flex the elbow and rotate the forearm. It is also the muscle which can be easily seen when walking down the street. Men tired of skinny arms want to develop big biceps. But can men build biceps fast? How is it possible? Want to know how to get arm muscles fast?

The biceps can be strengthened by using resistance training. It is a form of strength training that makes use of resistance to compel contraction of muscles. However, building biceps fast should be done carefully. Just like any other programs in building muscles fast, the body needs enough nutritional intakes to fuel its growth. It is also necessary to define the frequency of exercises first. Make use of the progressive overload concept to challenge it beyond the status quo. For beginners aiming to build biceps fast, doing two exercises of two sets is fine with six to ten repetitions. Sets and repetitions can be increased as the stamina increases. If you want to build muscles fast, use heavier resistance with less reps. This will help you build bigger biceps fast.

You can build biceps fast by doing standing bar curls, one-armed bicep curls, incline bicep curls, and hammer curls. The standing bar curls, for example, work out the flexing parts of the elbow muscle. To do so, hold the bar with the grip at shoulder width and then lock the elbow. Extend the arms straight by pointing it at the floor and slowly lift the bar to the chest with a curl. Tightening all the muscles especially at the core will help. Slowly lower the bar to the original position and repeat. You can also do variations of these exercises by changing the grips and hand positions.

To build biceps faster, allow it to rely more on strength by slowly lifting the weights. Squeeze the biceps for one to two seconds while it is on its peak during exercises. Concentrate on hitting the muscle fibers by always using a full range of motion. Some exercises also indirectly work the biceps. Challenge the biceps but do not overdo it. Bear in mind that bicep muscles do not build during workouts but rather during rest. Rest is essential to build biceps fast.

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