Archive | January, 2017

The Sport of Mountain Biking

The sport of mountain biking is one of the best active sports you can do for a number of fitness reasons and depending on what style of mountain biking you partake in, it can be also a great deal of fun as well as keeping you fit at the same time.

People are usually unaware of how may muscles you use when riding a mountain bike, and how quickly you can burn calories off riding a bike as it can be an extremely good work out for the body.

If you plan on riding cross-country along different styles of trails, riding a bike can be quite a task. So if you riding over a vast distance up and down hills, along slippery single trail it can be very exhausting on the legs and the lower back.

So if you are just starting to ride bikes for the first time, please don’t just jump on the bike a go for a 20 mile ride as it may do you more harm than good. One thing that is recommended is to do short rides to start with, maybe only a couple of miles which will take no time at all on a bike to get your fitness training up to scratch before hitting the bike ride.

MTB Fitness Training

All of the major athletes of the sport will tell you that mountain bike training is vastly important and you should take part in mountain bike fitness training when ever the opportunity arises. Going on those short rides will benefit you hugely and will stop you from injuring yourself.

Parts of your body that will benefit from training are your legs. Your legs will be the first part of your body in particular that will get tired very quickly. Building up your leg muscles either at the gym or one the bike will help improve your personal and bike fitness quickly.

The more you train the better your pace and your stamina will improve. Once these two have improved you will be able to go on longer and better rides than will enhance your fitness.

One of the major benefits of riding a mountain bike on a regular basis is that in order to ride your bike you use some of largest muscles in the body which in turn will burn off fat quickly. This will of course help you to lose weight and the more you ride you bike the more weight you will lose.

When you ride your bike on flat ground at a slower speed you are still burning a great amount of calories due to the fact that you will be able to continue that pedaling motion for a longer period of time. This is also perfect for people who don’t have the stamina for a highly intensive ride at different speeds and climbs etc. Low intensity work outs also don’t give you all the extra muscle either so the weight will stay off.

In summary using a mountain bike to keep yourself fit what ever your style of riding is a great way to keep fit, and training will also keep you one step ahead of your game.

Don’t forgot even if you don’t ride cross-country and are just as happy down the local skate park you are still having fun on your bike and at the end of the day that’s all that matters.

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Home Martial Arts Tips DIY – Make Your Own Martial Arts Punching and Kicking Bags and Targets

I work with a lot of students that study martial arts on their own at home. Many follow my video training series, while others use our online dojo to add more value to their own fitness martial arts program. Some of these home study martial artists have their own training strategies and are just looking for an additional edge to add more value to their own efforts. These students are all in need of training gear, ideas, tips, tools – you name it. Anything that will help them to improve their martial arts skills while training at home.

Whether you want to save money or just add some unique training tools to your home dojo, the best multi-use (discount, do it yourself) martial arts training item to date are TIRES.

Why? Because there are so many things you can do with tires. Here are a few ways to put them to use:


Get yourself a bunch of car tires and stack them up on top of each other. You will want between 5-10 for each stack that you make. Just stacking them up will already give you a great punching and kicking tool. Because the tires are made of a very hard rubber, they can take a lot of beating with little or no wear and tear.

If you want to keep the tire stack from falling over, you can devise a way to keep them on top of each other. One simple way is to just put them on top of a pole type device – for example, take one tire and fill it with cement, in the middle of the cement place a wooden or metal pole. Then, simply stack the tires up over the pole. Another way to keep them together would be to drill holes in the rim of each tire and then thread long bolts or tie them up. If you cut through the tire (breaking the circle), you can pull it open and wrap it around a solid beam, tree or other structure that won’t allow the tire to fit over the top. Street light poles and telephone poles are great if you live in an area that offers such a freedom.

These tire dummies are amazing. Here are just a few of the benefits:

* You can attack them with shoes on – for a more realistic training practice

* You can hit them with sticks and wooden swords without fear of damaging the dummy

* You can use them for protection against dangerous surfaces in your training area

* They take up some of the shock and different tire styles offer various levels of flexibility

* Tie them up for swinging targets

With some creativity you can create a very realistic training dummy. You can even place wooden poles through the tires to resemble limbs and for something that is closer to a Wing Chun Dummy.

You can usually pick up tires for FREE at a local tire shop. We were able to gather a few truck loads of tires in only a day for our martial arts camp in California. We used them for paintball obstacles, fitness tools for the martial arts training course and stunt protection as well as training dummies.

Whether you hang them, half burry them, wrap them around trees or stack them up to knock over – tires of various sizes can offer a world of amazing training possibilities. Take a look the areas where you have the option of training in and consider what you can do to improve your home dojo.

Though making your own tire man dummy will cover most of your training, you can consider other ways to put them to good use.

Visit – NinjaGym™ Martial Arts & Fitness Blog: Health Tips for Mind, Body & Spirit, Ninja Training, Ninja Weapons and Gear.

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Get A Gymnast Body Using Only Bodyweight Exercises

Most guys who are looking to get jacked think that the only way to do so is through weights but if you want to get a gymnast body all you need to do is use the right types of bodyweight exercises.

Why Gymnasts Have Such Appealing Bodies

Ask most guys and girls what they consider to be the most appealing body type. Most of the time you will hear a lean and ripped body is the best looking. A body that is not too big yet not too small. Now ask him or her who looks best, a gymnast or a bodybuilder?

Chances are you will get a reply that a gymnast has the most attractive body type. Gymnasts have a lean and very natural look that makes it easy to wear stylish clothes while still being athletic. It sure beats the puffy, sometimes bloated, bodybuilder look.

The Weight Training Myth

If you hear the word “weight training” you immediately get a mental picture of barbells and dumbbells and seldom think of bodyweight exercises as a great alternative to gaining muscle. Perhaps bodybuilding competitions and fitness magazines have pushed this myth of weights as the only alternative to getting ripped but the reality is you can get in shape without lifting a single dumbbell.

How To Get A Gymnast Body

It is no secret that a gymnast relies only on his body to get a great body. You won’t see them spending hours doing bench presses but you will definitely see a killer upper body that would make even the strongest guy at your gym blush.

The first thing you need to do if you want to get a body like a gymnast is focus on the right types of exercises that resemble what they do in competition. For example, when you see a gymnast competing you will notice that they spend much of their time on apparatus like bars, parallel bars, rings and the pommel horse. Ideally you can try to copy these types of exercises in your workouts.

The Right Bodyweight Exercises To Use

The best exercises to use are any that work on the shoulders, back, chest, arms and legs and the core preferably in a compound type movement.

Back Exercises

Pull Ups, Chin Ups, Parallel Chin Ups

Shoulders Exercises

Hand Stand Push Ups, Hand Stands, Dive Bomber Push Ups

Chest Exercises

Push Ups, Incline Push Ups, Decline Push Ups, Triangle Push Ups

Biceps & Triceps Exercises

Parallel Bar Dips (Triceps), Chin Ups (biceps), 1 Arm Chin Up (biceps)

Legs Exercises

Bodyweight Squats, Bodyweight Jump Squats, Pistol Squats,

Abs/ Core Exercises

L- Sit Hold, Lying Leg Raises, Hanging Leg Raises

In order to create the most effective type of workout using these bodyweight exercises make sure you don’t do all of these exercises on the same day or on consecutive days. Try to split your workouts in to 3 or 4 sessions per week.

One way you can divide your workouts is by doing upper body focused exercises one day and follow it up with a lower body and core intensive workout the following day, rest for one day and do another upper body day followed by a lower body and core workout the day after that.

You can easily choose 2 exercises per muscle group in order to get the most out of your workouts and avoid overtraining.

For sets I recommend anywhere between 3 and 4. The number of sets can be in the range of 6 and 10 if you want to gain muscle. If you find it difficult to do this many reps simply try to do as many as possible per set. Over time you will be able to do more as your strength increases.

Getting a body that is lean does not require using weights. You learn how to get a gymnast body very easily by training properly and with the right exercises.

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The Healthy Benefits of Increasing Your Metabolism

There are many benefits to increasing your metabolism. You can have an increase in energy through out the day, you’ll sleep much better and probably the most important health benefit of all is you will lose weight and then be able to keep that weight off. And here’s a benefit most people don’t think about. By simply increasing your metabolism you will burn more calories even when you are sleeping.

With a slow but steady increase in metabolism it is possible to hit the recommended one to two pounds of weight loss per week. The interesting thing about increasing your metabolism is the fact that in order to burn calories the body needs calories. Actually cutting calories can slow down your metabolism to the point where you are no longer burning excess calories and your body begins to store more fat.

As everyone knows exercising is a good way to lose weight. It is also a good way to increase your metabolism. But just like anything else it is the type of exercise that’s important to your long term weight loss goals. Many fitness and weight loss “gurus” have lead the general public to believe that aerobic or cardio type workouts are the best way to lose weight. While there is nothing wrong with doing those types of exercise and there are indeed great health benefits to doing them they are not the end all and be all of weight loss.

Here’s why. When doing aerobic workouts your metabolism does increase and your burn more calories then you would sitting on the couch watching TV. But what happens when your workout is over? Your metabolism slows down. Your are no longer burning those extra calories. The key to increasing your metabolism is to increase your metabolic rate while resting.

How do you do this? Weight training. Building lean muscle mass is a calorie burning machine not only during the workout but also post workout when you are resting your muscles are rebuilding and this takes calories. The beauty of weight training is you can customize your workout to shape your body however you see fit. Lifting weights will not build large bulging muscles unless you tailor your workout and lifestyle to do that. For women weight training is a great way to not only increase their metabolism but also shape and tone their body’s. The other benefit of weight training is the ability to keep off the weight once you have lost it. Lean muscle mass requires large amounts of caloric energy to maintain itself.

Combine these two metabolism boosting exercise regimens together and you will truly be on your way to losing any amount of weight you want and keeping it off easily. The only thing that is missing is the desire and commitment to make it happen and that is something that has to come from within.

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ProForm Recumbent Exercise Bike Reviews

Not everyone can afford or justify buying an expensive, top-of-the-line recumbent exercise bike and for those a ProForm recumbent could be a good alternative. The company makes 3 models, of which one is to be avoided altogether. The following is a review of these ProForm exercise bikes.

ProForm recumbent bikes retail from around $250 to $500. As stated, there are three models of which only two are really worth considering. But let’s start by looking at the model that is better ignored.

The GR 80 retails for around $250 and is the cheapest of the recumbent exercise bikes from ProForm. It can be a good thing to build something that is very cheap, but sometimes you can build too cheaply, and the GR 80 has definitely been built too cheaply to be of any real value. You just know it’s cheap just by looking at it. The legs and stand are spindly looking, the chair looks thin, hard and uncomfortable and the console leaves a lot to be desired. But, it does have some good selling points. It comes with CoolAire fan, a heart rate monitor and 4 built-in programs. However, it has one design flaw that renders it below par; the seat can only be adjusted vertically, there is no horizontal adjustment. This is a feature that really needs to be standard on any recumbent and for this reason alone, the GR 80 is to be avoided.

Next in line is the GR 90 Trainer Cycle. Now we’re getting somewhere. The legs and stand look more robust, and it comes with a Coolux seat that is anti-bacterial and helps to keep you cool. You also get the CoolAire fan and grip pulse sensors. There are 10 levels of magnetic resistance. In addition you get iFIT personal training. iFIT card technology is proving to be very popular and is used on other types of fitness equipment. There’s no doubting that many users require some form of motivation and iFIT does give you your very own ‘virtual fitness coach’. Finally, it comes with 6 Smart Programs to give you a good cardiovascular workout. The GR 90 retails for around $400.

The most expensive model is the GT 120 Cycle. In terms of build quality and design it is the best of the models. You get everything that the GR 90 has but with a slightly better console. You also get 6 Personal Trainer workouts as well as 2 Heart Rate workouts. It retails for around $500.

Of the two you are probably better off getting the GT120, but if you want to save yourself a hundred dollars then the GR 90 is perfectly adequate, after all, you get the same programs, iFit and readouts, you just have to compromise on the frame.

A ProForm exercise bike isn’t for everyone. If you’re serious about keeping in shape or if you’re looking to upgrade your existing machine then you’re probably better off looking else where. However, if you have never used one before and are looking for something that is cheap but certainly adequate in getting you started, then these machines are worth taking a closer look at.

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The Best Internet Marketing Tips For Business

When you begin your business online, your first step for success should be, training yourself on the top internet marketing techniques, in order to get your business noticed. Knowing how to market your business online is very important to your bottom line. To jumpstart your business, here are some top tips that are sure to help move the revenue needle.

Keep an eye on your competitors, and learn from what they are doing. If looking at their products has you desiring becoming a customer, they are doing the right thing. You should try to use some of their ideas for your own business.

You should look for new products that are not available in stores yet. People will not be able to compare prices with other offers and they will also be interested by the novelty of the product. Make sure you explain why the product is necessary, and why it will become very popular soon. Try the product yourself first to see if there is really a future for it.

A great tip for Internet marketing is to incorporate chat into your web site. Chatting is a great way to connect with people and resolve problems in real time. All you have to do is select a chat program, put a button on your web site, and train someone to use it.

It is important to make the internet marketing experience for your customer as pleasant as possible by providing a website that doesn’t look cheap. If you can’t afford a professional website design, consider taking a low cost course at a local county college and spruce up your site with the tips that you learn.

Stay at one domain as long as possible to increase the credibility of your company on searches. The longer you stay at one domain, the higher up you will be on searches. This will allow you to increase your exposure, which goes hand in hand with the increase of sales.

If you want to make it big in the internet marketing world, don’t be afraid to outsource work. If you can find someone to do what you need to do in less time than it will take you, try it. That will leave you more time and energy to do things you’re great at doing, like coming up with new product ideas or testing new marketing strategies. Do spend time and effort finding quality service and content providers and then, invest in paying them enough to make it worth their time, so they have reason to keep working with you, of course.

Time is valuable to people. Make sure you’re not sending out a bunch of useless emails to your subscribers. The more often you send emails, the more likely they are to unsubscribe. Instead pick a day each week (or every other week) and only send emails on that day unless it’s important.

These tips offer you a solid foundation from which to grow your business online. These tips will help build your buzz and ultimately, help generate revenue for your company, no matter if your company is product-driven or services-related. Now is the time to take the next step and utilize these techniques and investigate more opportunities, so that you can take your internet marketing to the next level.

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The Key to Productive Strength Training – Double Progression

There are two major facets of athletic development: excellent nutrition and progressive training. Assuming that you have your nutrition plan squared away with the right amounts of calories, protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats, your training protocol is all that stands between you and reaching your highest potential in both athletics and general health and wellbeing. Unfortunately, when many people begin a training regimen of any sort, they have little information to guide them in the design of their exercise program. While there is an almost infinite number of strength training protocols available, this article discusses a principle that is fundamental to all effective resistance training programs. The concept of double progression is the foundation of continuous progression in strength and muscle gain, and yet it is an idea that is almost unknown outside of serious weight lifting circles. Learn to understand the practice of double progression and how to incorporate it into your resistance training schedule and you will find the results to be well worth the effort!

The concept of double progression involves, as the name implies, two different but parallel routes toward strength and muscle gain. The first is increasing weight. If you can lift more weight this month (for the same number of repetitions, in the same style, etc.) than you could last month, your strength has increased in that time and in many cases so has your muscle mass. The second avenue of progression is in the number of repetitions of an exercise that can be performed. If you are able to lift the same weight for more repetitions this month than you could last month, then your strength has again improved with a similarly likely increase in muscle mass.

Unfortunately, the fact is that you can neither increase weight nor repetitions alone indefinitely. If you attempt to add more weight each week, you will very quickly find that your body cannot keep up, even when adding very small amounts of weight. In the same vein, if you try to add more repetitions each week you will also hit a wall in terms of progression and, for reasons beyond the scope of this article, you will also see little if any muscle growth as the repetitions add up. Luckily, there is a solution. Double progression incorporates both increases in weight and repetitions in a focused and disciplined way, ensuring multiple paths of progression and providing the opportunity for virtually continuous improvement.

The first step to designing a double progression plan for an individual exercise is to determine a range of repetitions that you know will produce strength gains. Unfortunately, that optimal range varies between people and indeed can even differ between muscle groups within a single subject. The key to finding your range is to simply try out different options and see what works best. This process can take quite a while, but it produces extremely valuable information.

I will relate my personal rep ranges so that you can develop an idea of how to start investigating your own. From experience, I know that most of the muscles in my back (latissimus dorsi, trapezius, spinal erectors, etc.) produce the most consistent strength gains over time using a range of three to six repetitions. However, the muscles in my shoulders (deltoids) require a higher rep range of about five to eight. The difference in ranges may seem insignificant, but through trial and error I’ve found that, for example my progress on rowing exercises slows to a crawl or even stops if I use sets with more than six repetitions. Attempting to gain back strength using sets of eight is, for me, essentially futile. Similarly, when performing the overhead press, which strongly activates the deltoids, I have found that performing sets of less than five reps leads to rapid stagnation. While sets containing between five and eight reps are effective, sets of three produce little to no success. Experimentation is essential to determining your optimal repetition range, but the time spent is well worth the valuable data you will discover. On the other hand, if you are just starting out and have no experience, simply choose a range anywhere between six and twelve repetitions. From there you can try different ranges as you become more comfortable

Once you have determined a productive repetition range for each exercise, you now must find a weight at which you can begin to work your progression. One method used to come up with a starting weight is to discover your maximal capabilities at your desired repetition range and then decrease from there. Of course, any time you are working to the point where you cannot lift a weight anymore requires a spotter to ensure your safety. Once you have a safe mechanical and/or human safety system in place, work your way up in weight until you reach a point where you cannot properly complete a set. For example, if I choose five to eight repetitions as my optimal range in the bench press, then I will need to find out the maximum amount of weight I can lift for five repetitions, also known as my five rep max (5RM). After enlisting an experienced spotter to catch the bar when I fail, I will begin to lift in sets of five reps with adequate rest in between, raising the weight by five to twenty percent each set. At some weight, say 210 pounds, I will be unable to safely complete all five reps. I might get three or four and then be forced to stop. The weight used on the previous set is then my 5RM. For this example, we will say it was 200 pounds.

Now that I know what my maximum weight is for one set of five, I need to find my starting weight for my progression. Generally one does more than a single set of each exercise. So, for this example I’ll choose three sets of five to eight for the bench press. The total volume (set multiplied by reps) is another variable that you can tweak over time to produce the best results. Some people respond better to higher volume and many progress best with lower volume. Begin somewhere in the middle with two to four sets and work from there. When beginning a new double progressive cycle, it is best to underestimate your starting weight to give your body some time to adapt to the new regimen. With a 5RM of 200 pounds, I will begin the cycle with 160 to 170 pounds, or 80% to 85% of my 5RM.

To execute the double progression, my first workout will consist of a good warm-up followed by three sets of five to eight reps with 160 pounds. During each set, I will attempt to complete all eight reps. If I am unable to succeed with eight reps in all three sets, I will use the same weight next week and try again. However, if I do complete eight reps in all three sets, I will then increase the weight by five pounds during my next training session. I may be able to perform all three sets of eight successfully again with 165 pounds, prompting me to add another five pounds for the following week. However, at some point I will not be able to complete eight reps in all three sets. At that time, my goal would then be to add at least one rep each week until I again reached by goal of eight reps for three sets. More weight will then be added, the reps will drop back down, and the cycle continues.

Double progression fights stagnation and allows for multiples avenues of progression by taking into account both increases in weight lifted as well as the number of repetitions performed. By setting a repetition range that you know if effective for you, you can most efficiently effect strength and muscle mass gains while consistently raising the working weight to compensate for your new-found abilities. Progressive resistance is essential to produce increases in strength and muscle mass. These assets are extremely valuable to both men and women, regardless of their age, condition, or previous activity level. You will gain confidence, functionality, and self-esteem through the use of a properly designed nutrition and progressive resistance exercise program. Don’t be intimidated by the numbers or the challenges of lifting. Start slowly, do your best, and discover abilities that you never knew you had!

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Alenka Bikar Workout For Nice Toned Thighs and Sexy Hips

Who is Alenka Bikar and What Is She Known For

Alenka Bikar is a Slovenian sprinter who ran the 200m in track and field from 1997 to 2005 and is currently retired. The reason she gets so much attention is because she is known for one of the sexiest butts of all women. Just go to Google and type in her name and you are sure to see tones of posts and articles about this lady’s rear end. But not only does what she does work for her butt, it also helps her have nice toned thighs and some sexy hips.

Alenka Bikar’s Secret for Nice Toned Thighs and Sexy Hips?

Well the secret is not really that much of a secret since everyone knows what she does, however few women realize that it helps with toning of the thighs and slimming of the hips. Alenkar is a track and field competitor and not long distance marathon running. She runs the 200m which requires her to sprint all out for an short period of time. These quick bursts of speed to move her body is what gives her a great butt and to die for legs. If you don’t think that the sprinting that she does is the cause of her nice thighs and hips just look at the majority of female sprinters. Almost all of them of not only in tip top shape but their legs, thighs and hips are nicely toned and well defined.

Why Sprinting for Toned Thighs and Hips Versus Jogging

For starters jogging doesn’t really work your gluteus maximus enough to cause a change, however when you sprint it puts more focus on making that muscle work harder as the glutes are one of the largest muscles in the body. With that being said it take more of an explosive type of movement to extremely contract it. Many people would suggest that squats will do the same thing however you are more likely to build mass instead of firming up. Sprinting will develop both your glutes and hamstring area and help build your thighs and hip so that everything is equally proportionate giving you a nice sexy appearance.

Fly Through the Air for Your Thighs and Hips to Look Great

When you sprint you first need to make sure that you are relaxing your shoulders and don’t follow the mistake that many others make by shrugging their shoulders up as they run. Another tip is to make sure that when you are sprinting you want to make sure that your feet barely touch the ground. If you look at some of the top sprinters you will notice that their feet seem to never really touch the ground. They will barely touch the ground with their forefoot before it is back in the air again, almost as if they were flying.

Sprinting Workout Like Alenka Bikar and other Female Sprinters

As with any high intensity workout you want to make sure you warm up, so before you begin this workout you should jog for about 100-150 meters then stop and walk back to the starting position. The next time you want to increase your speed to quicker pace and then walk back. Each time you get back to the starting position you will want to increase your level of intensity.

On the 4th go round you should start by jogging about 20 yards and when you hit the 20 yard mark you should go all out as fast as you can. This is what is known as a “running start” and will help prevent the chances of pulling any of your muscles. Walk back to the starting point at a nice brisk pace and do this 2-4 more times. Trust me this well have you with the nicest butt, slimmest hips, and best toned thighs you could ever imagine in no time at all.

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Whey Protein Dropship – Bulk Up Your Online Profits

If you currently sell online and looking to diversify your revenue stream (or thinking about doing so), you can benefit from whey protein dropshipping. It is a process in e-commerce by which online sellers can earn money online through the sales of Protein without having the actual components on hand.

The process consists of 3 separate parties:

  1. The Wholesaler (aka Dropshipper): Ships tubs directly to the customer
  2. The Direct Seller: Posts tubs of protein for sale online at their determined selling price
  3. The Customer: Sends payment directly to seller

When a customer makes a purchase, the seller will contact the wholesaler and order the tub of protein thereafter. Most wholesalers will ship the product as white label, so it looks like it came direct from the seller. In whey protein dropship, the seller is not the one keeping inventory of the items. Once the customer’s payment is made, the seller funnels payment to the wholesaler for the amount of protein sold. The difference between the seller’s price for the tub and the wholesaler’s price is the actual earnings.

In general, protein dropship offers a good opportunity to earn money by selling online. You do not need to store the items you are selling, there is no need for an inventory and you can start with zero. A credible supplier or distributor is critical in making your online business work. There are other methods from making money through protein sales aside from dropshipping; such as promoting the item as an affiliate marketer or buying at bulk wholesale and selling direct for bigger profits.

Pure whey protein supplements are excellent health items to sell online. Discover more on how you can start your protein e-business by knowing more about whey protein dropshippers. One way of acquiring expertise on this field is through my website. You can browse through it and stay posted!

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Why Is It Important to Stretch Before Your Workout?

Honestly people – I H-A-T-E stretching. I mean, come on… as if it’s not enough that I’m ALREADY late to the gym, and I don’t have enough time for my workout – do I really have to waste a few mins just to stretch?

The answer is yes. You simply must add stretching to you fitness training. A full body streth can be done in as little as 10-minutes!

What are the benefits? Just to name a few:

– Fatigued, tight muscles are less capable of performing the skills/movement required, stretching helps loosen you up

– Stretching can help prevent injury by aiding recovery and decreasing soreness

– Stretching ensures that your muscles/tendons are in good working order. The more conditioned they are, the better they can handle the stress of your sport and exercise

Based on my experience, I’ve actually had a significant increase in upper body strength in just weeks after incorporating a stretching routine into my workouts. (Yes, I used to avoid stretching for the first few years of working out.. I’m only human :P)

How do I stretch?

I use the Trebistretch machine (see picture above- Fitness First has them, not sure about the others). These machines make stretching easy and has an instruction board attached to it which guides you on the steps to achieve a full body stretch. As for me, I normally only stretch the bodypart I’m working on for that day. So, for example, if I’m working on my back today, I’ll just stretch my back. I love these machines cos they’re a safe and easy way to help you stretch. In fact, I sometimes get such a good stretch (especially on my back) that the feeling is almost orgasmic – I SWEAR!

Now, one common mistake that people ALMOST ALWAYS do is that they tend to jerk their movements and only hold the stretch for a few seconds!

Now hear me out : It is IMPORTANT to move carefully and slowly into the stretched-out position, and once you’re there – hold it for a good 20 to 30 seconds before slowly moving back into position. Only then will you reap the benefits of stretching.

So, there you have it. My conclusion on stretching?

Stretching is important, and is a simple and effective (and FREE!) method that will help you improve your overall performance in your area of sports.

Happy stretching!

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