Archive | January, 2017

Milk Thistle Benefits – How This Herb Can Help Women With Lumpy Breast Tissue

If you are one of those women who are plagued with lumps in your breasts, you’ll know how worrisome it can be at times. Of course it’s always really important to get any lumps checked out by your doctor. No question. But what we’re talking about here are those benign lumps which can come and go with your monthly cycle. So in this article we’re going to take a look at how milk thistle benefits women with lumpy breast tissue.

I happen to be one of these women, too and so I know what it is like when you are routinely checking your breasts as advised and suddenly find that there is a new bump somewhere. This happened to me again a few weeks back, and despite the fact I have this history, I was still really upset so I went off to have it checked out and put my mind at rest. Yes, it was nothing abnormal. Which was a relief.

But the doctor did point out that I had severe lymphatic congestion which accounted for some unpleasant swollen lymph nodes, tiredness and irritability. Well, I knew it was time to go back to my old herbal remedy. And that’s what I want to share with you today. It’s milk thistle.

Not many women know about this amazing plant and what it can do for you. Did you know milk thistle benefits include relieving symptoms of congested lymph?

This plant is renowned for its ability to regenerate the liver and protect it from toxins. But little is known about how it supports the lymphatic system to transport toxins back out through your blood stream to cleanse your body. When this isn’t working properly, your skin can erupt with all sorts of complaints including acne and boils. You can feel very depressed and out of sorts. And the lymph can build up in all sorts of places. With me this has always been in the breast tissue.

So taking this herb on a daily basis is key to reducing those lymphatic blockages we can feel as lumps. I have been doing this again for about 3 weeks and already I have noticed a big difference. In order to support this process I do daily yoga stretching exercises to help shift the energy and keep my bodily fluids flowing. And something else you might want to do is pour yourself a lovely warm bath and fully immerse yourself in it for a while. Switch off to everything else and fully relax to heighten the experience.

Now, I’m actually killing two birds with one stone here because the milk thistle benefits are many. This powerful herb is also protecting my liver, cleansing it and helping to promote new liver cell growth. And my liver does so many jobs, it’s a miracle that it manages to keep up with its tasks. If your liver doesn’t function properly, you can get seriously ill. Nurturing it with herbs is one of the best things you can do.

But in order to fully enjoy the benefits of milk thistle you need to make sure that it is standardized to contain at least 70 – 80% of its active compound silymarin. This is the ingredient that brings about the medicinal benefits. Now, as with every form of cleansing and detoxing, you have to make sure that you drink large amounts of water to flush all the toxins that get released out of your body. Otherwise they will build up and you can end up feeling really ill.

A really good way to take advantage of milk thistle benefits is to take them combined in a quality nutritional supplement. Ideally with a selection of other herbs that cleanse and support your immune system to enhance your feeling of well-being. Choose a form that is specifically suited to your needs. If you’d like to read more about the benefits of nutritional supplementing, you can read some detailed information on a brand I recommend on my website.

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Sharpen Your Abdominal Brain And, Build A Stronger Midsection

The Brain-Gut Connection

Have you ever wondered why people get butterflies in the stomach before a job interview or big performance? Or even why people vomit at the thought of something unpleasant or while under severe stress?

The reason for these common experiences is that your digestive tract and stomach in particular acts as a second brain. The human digestive tract contains over one million nerve cells… this is about the same amount of nerves found in the spinal chord! In fact, there are more never cells in your digestive system than there is in the entire peripheral nervous system.(1)

Your digestive brain and the brain in you skull are linked together via the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve “wanders” from the brain stem through the organs in the neck and thorax and finally terminates in the abdomen. This has been termed the “brain-gut” connection by Jordan Rubin, author of The Makers Diet. (5)

This second ‘abdominal brain’ is just as important as your ‘skull brain’. According to Dr. Michael Gershon, professor of anatomy and cell biology at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in New York City, describes the body’s second nervous system in his book The Second Brain:

“The brain is not the only place in the body that’s full of neurotransmitters. A hundred million neurotransmitters line the length of the gut, approximately the same number that is found in the brain… The brain in the bowel has got to work right or no one will have the luxury to think at all.” (4)

Your stomach literally thinks and, has the capacity to feel and express your emotions.

Smart Core

According to Paul Chek in Scientific Core Conditioning, the rectus abdominis is segmentally innervated by different 8 nerves. He continues to assert that due to the abundance of nerves that innervate the core / abdominal musculature, that it functions as if it has 8 brains.(2)

The reason for the abundance of nerve endings in the abdominal musculature is obvious… throughout our evolution, the hardships of developmental environment dictated that the abdominal musculature need be extremely strong as well as intelligent. It is the abdominal musculature that is responsible for: the stabilizing effect for the expression of limb movement, increasing intra-abdominal pressure to assist in forced expression, flexion, rotation, ipsilateral isometric contraction when stimulated unilaterally, transferred tension to create spinal stability via that thoraco-lumabr fascia (TCF), etc. So, my point is clear… your abs have a lot of jobs, so they’ve been given a lot of brains.

Abdominal Inhibition due to emotional disturbance

To reiterate… First, your digestive system acts as a second brain and contains the same amount of nerve cells as the spinal chord. Also, due to the abundance of neurotransmitters present in the stomach it has been observed, both clinically and experientially, that it is highly affected by the emotions that we produce.

Next, it has been established that the core musculature has “8 brains”. The muscles of the abdominal are highly evolved to withstand “primal man’s” need to survive and thrive in developmental environment via functional movement patterns necessary for hunting as well as building shelter.

Both the digestive system and the abdominal musculature are linked via the nervous system. One of the primary control centers of the nervous system, the brain, can make or break your efforts to flatten your abs and build a rock solid physique… and I am going to show you how.

Internal organs borrow their pain-sensitive nerve fibers from the muscular system. This means that when an organ feels pain, the brain cannot determine if it’s the muscle or the organ that hurts. The brain only knows which segment of the spine that the pain message came from. So, the brain then sends a message to that particular region of the spine and tells all of the muscles, tissue and organs in that region to behave as if they were in pain. (3)

When you are distressed, due to emotional disturbance from – financial insecurity, relationships, a job that you hate or spending an hour on the phone with your depressed middle aged auntie… your stomach, or second brain reacts. Some of the specific observed reactions by this organ to emotional pain include decreased or increased blood flow, “clenching”, and digestive inhibition.

While this is occurring, your abdominal musculature has just received the same message that the stomach has – “there is pain and we must react”. Your abdominal muscles, now perceiving pain, become inhibited and lose the capacity to contact to their fullest capacity. This is true in particular for the Transversus Abdominis, the muscle that activates the thoraco-lumabr fascia for low back stability and acts to keep your belly “drawn in”. (I’ve just shown you how mental/emotional distress causes low back pain as well.)

So, what does this mean for me?

Essentially, the point that I would like to make clear is that as a holistic entity your entire physiology is linked via control systems including the nervous system. You now understand why mental / emotional stability is essential for muscular strength and stability… especially as it relates to your abdominal.

If you have been trying, unsuccessfully, to improve your aesthetics through countless crunching sessions and dieting – I invite you to consider that you have been missing as much as 50% of your opportunity to have better health and visible strength. Ignoring or working against your body doesn’t work! And you will only look as good on the outside as you feel on the inside.

What can I do?

First, recognize that you are an integrated system of systems and that one part of your mind-body cannot experience trauma without it affecting several others.

Next, there are a total of 6 factors which I call you “The Primal Elements” that must be addressed in order for you to look and feel your God-given potential. I will elaborate on each of theses in a later article but for now I will list them: Your Thoughts, Breathing, Hydration, Nutrition / Food Quality, Exercise and, Biological Rhythms.(6)

Learn more about “The Primal Elements”: []

Addressing each of The Primal Elements on a daily basis will keep your organs, your nervous system and subsequently your musculo-skeketal system functioning optimally and allow for a flatter, stronger and better looking midsection.


1. Blakeslee, Sandra, “Complex and Hidden Brain in Gut Makes Stomachaches and Butterflies”, New York Times, January 23, 1996.

2. Chek, Paul, Scientific Core Conditioning (San Diego, CA: CHEK Institute Publications, 1998)

3. Chek, Paul, How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy (San Diego, CA: CHEK Institute Publications, 2004)

4. Dr. Michael Gershon, The Second Brain (New York: Haprer Collins, 1998).

5. Rubin, Jordan, The Makers Diet, (Lake Mary, Florida: Silhom, 2004).

6. Hulse, Elliott, Unleash Your Primal Edge (St. Petersburg, FL: Primal Edge Publications, 2006)

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Weight Training For Strength and Power For Track Sprinters and Power Athletes

Athletes require strength-speed or speed-strength to be successful in track sprints.  Strength conditioning for athletes requires a sound strength programme.  Strength drills must much the angles and positions experienced by an athlete when performing the event.  Coaches must devise drills that allow a sprinter to apply power effectively.  A Strength training program for sprinters and other power athletes, must be planned with the following in mind.


Age of athlete

Training age

Training time

Strength requirements

Competition dates

This is not an exhaustive list but it’s a start.  Strength training can consist of resistance work, plyometrics, medicine ball work and body weight exercises to develop body strength. A coach can plan or periodise a strength training program by following how the body gains strength naturally.  As humans grow the body initially attains muscle mass, then strength and then power.  Following this pattern of development is an efficient way of planning strength training, for sprinters. 

Hypertrophy phase

This phase can be 4-10 weeks long.  The shorter phases suit sprinters because longer phases cause excess body mass to be gained.  Strength training for muscle mass should be done specifically for the hamstrings and quadriceps.  A weight of 60-75% of the maximum lifted for an exercise should be used.  Repetitions of 8-12 lifts should be done with 1-2 minutes recovery in between.  This will build muscle mass over time.  Sets of 3-5 should be completed. Training should be done 3 times a week

Maximum strength phase

This phase can be 4-6 weeks long.  During this time the aim is to acquire an increase in strength by using the newly developed muscle acquired during the hypertrophy phase.  The intensity should fall between 75-95% intensity.  Repetitions should be kept to a minimum.  2-3 repetitions in a set is ideal. 3-5 minutes is sufficient rest between sets.  Sets of 3-5 should be the maximum. Training should be completed twice a week.

Power phase

This phase can last 4-6 weeks long.  During this phase the aim is to teach the muscles to contract explosively and with greater force.  The intensity of lifts is a mix of high loads and smaller loads.  70% of lifts work should be done at an intensity of 80% of the maximal lift with repetitions kept to a minimum of 3-5.  Recovery should be 3-5 minutes.  Sets of 4 should be the maximum. Training should be completed 3 times a week. 

Maintenance phase

During the maintenance phase, a small volume of resistance work is needed to keep the gains made in the previous phases.  The maintenance phase is similar to the power phase with the exception that only 70% of the volume from the power phase is needed.  Training can be done twice a week.

To support this type of training, stretching must be done after sessions and on recovery days.  A balanced diet with adequate protein must be followed.

Keywords and their meanings

Repetitions:  The number of times an exercise is lifted or completed.

Set:  This is made up of lifts or repetitions of an exercise.

Recovery:  The amount of minutes rest between a set.

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Fashion Tips & Advice to Improve Your Lifestyle

It will typically describe our attitudes, interests and is a big part of our personal identities. In the media the term lifestyle is used a huge number of ways. From health to financial it has a varied meaning throughout many areas of our lives.

In the media the term was actually introduced in the 1950’s and at the time it was used to describe a certain style or art. Since its introduction we now all use the word to determine where we are in society and the lifestyle we choose to follow will ultimately lead us on our own separate and varied paths.

We are all looking for ways to improve our lives and we are constantly given tips and advice on how we may get healthier or how we can improve our fashion or style. With all of the different places offering advice, it can be confusing and conflicting. Some people may turn to magazines or friends and others will look for online information via blogs.

Looking to improve your lifestyle in any form can be a big decision and for a lot of people it will come down to wanting to change they way they look or eat. Choosing a healthier way of life has become a top priority for most people as we all seek out the best place for advice and to teach ourselves the skills we need to achieve our health goals.

Looking online at blogs for fashion advice and tips is often a great starting place, we have the chance to find out about a range of different subjects, often covered by extremely passionate people. For example if you decide you want to get fitter, you will be able to go online and find out about the best exercise plan for you, all of which will eventually help you improve your health and fitness levels.

Fashion is another place we often look to when we want to enhance our lifestyle. Clothes have the innate ability to make us feel special, confident and unique or individual. Many of us do not take the time to think about buying clothes that suit our personalities and finding inspiration and advice from an expert can be a liberating experience.

When you are able to walk down the street and feel confident and happy in what you are wearing, it can have a hugely positive effect and essentially has the power to enhance your lifestyle. Confidence will allow you to make other decisions in your life that may have seemed unachievable before. Even something as simple as treating yourself to that new jumper can make you feel better and happier within yourself.

The expression ‘fashion is passion’ is very true for so many people and we are all spoilt for choice in finding clothes and shoes we want to wear. Fashion has the power to connect friends, join communities together and make us all feel happier and comfortable about who we are and how we express ourselves.

Fashion really does have the power to improve your lifestyle and finding someone or a place you can look to for advice and tips is now easier than ever. Searching online for that one person you can relate to and want to learn from is an exciting part of learning about your identity.

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Can You Still Grow Taller and in Good Health If Your Intolerant or Allergic to Lactose and Gluten?

Planned carefully, a vegetarian eating style can provide what is needed for growing taller and for good health. That takes commitment. But, once you understand it, being a smart vegetarian to grow taller takes no more effort than any other approach to smart eating. Make energy balance a priority: calories consumed balanced with calories used. Vegetarian eating isn’t necessarily lower in calories. on energy balance. Build meals around protein sources that are naturally nutrient-rich, such as beans and lentils. Avoid overloading on high-fat cheeses to replace meat and grow taller. Make meat or poultry dishes vegetarian: pasta primavera, veggie pizza, vegetable lasagna, tofu-vegetable stir-fry, vegetable lo mein, vegetable kabobs, and bean burritos or tacos. For vegans, consume reliable sources of vitamin B12 such as fortified breakfast cereal or soy beverage and vitamin D, especially if your exposure to sunlight is limited.

For good health while growing taller, follow the advice of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the grow taller 4 smarts program, meant for vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike. Refer to our knowledge for recommended food group amounts.Today’s supermarkets sell all the foods you need for a healthful, vegetarian diet to grow taller even vegetarian convenience foods. You don’t need to shop elsewhere, but specialty stores may carry less common items (such as textured soy protein, quinoa, kosher gelatin, and wheat gluten).

A food sensitivity, or adverse reaction to food, can’t be overlooked as a health issue and prevent us from growing taller. It can seriously affect and disrupt the quality of life and may even be life-threatening. The causes of discomfort are more numerous, and perhaps more complex, than you may think. Among the types of food sensitivities: A food sensitivity, or adverse reaction to food, can’t be overlooked as a health issue.

It can seriously affect and disrupt your growing taller process and the quality of your life and may even be life-threatening. The causes of discomfort are more numerous, and perhaps more complex, than you may think. Among the types of food sensitivities.

A food allergy rallies the body’s disease-fighting (immune) system to action, creating unpleasant, sometimes serious, symptoms. In other words, the immune system starts to work even though the person isn’t sick. That’s why symptoms appear.

Psychological reasons. Feelings of discomfort after eating can also be wrapped up with emotion. Even though there’s no physical reason you shouldn’t grow taller, just thinking about a certain food that may be associated with an unpleasant experience can make some people feel sick!

If a certain food seems to bother you, skip the temptation to self-diagnose. Instead, check with your physician. For example, a reaction to milk could be an intolerance rather than a food allergy; let your doctor diagnose your symptoms. This chapter can help you get familiar with possible causes. Be aware that an adverse reaction may be a foodborne illness; this illness can be nefast and disturbing. For a closer look at identifying and preventing foodborne illnesses, intolerances you should look up the e-book about the grow taller 4 smarts program.

With a food intolerance, physical reactions to a food to grow taller often result from faulty metabolism. The body can’t adequately digest a certain component of a particular food. Perhaps because a digestive enzyme is deficient. Substances that are part of a food’s natural chemistry such as theobromine in coffee or tea, or serotonin in bananas or tomatoes may cause bad reactions, too.

Do you like milk to grow taller but, think that milk doesn’t like you? Then you may be lactose-intolerant and not allergic to milk. The good news is: A serving of milk may be “friendlier” than you think!

A milk allergy is quite different. It’s an allergic reaction to the protein components, such as casein, in milk. People who have a milk allergy usually must avoid all milk products. People with lactose intolerance can eat dairy products in varying amounts; that’s because lactose intolerance is a matter of degree. If you suspect lactose intolerance, avoid self-diagnosis. Instead, see your doctor for a medical diagnosis; the symptoms might be caused by another condition. Lactose intolerance is diagnosed with several tests: a blood test, a hydrogen breath test, or a stool acidity test for infants and young children.

How many people trying to grow taller have low levels of lactase? Between thirty to fifty million Americans; however, a large proportion of them have few if any symptoms. And many people who think they’re lactose-intolerant really aren’t. Certain ethnic and racial populations are more widely affected than others. In the United States as many as 80 percent of African Americans and 75 percent of American Indians, 90 percent of Asian Americans and 60 percent of Hispanics are lactose-intolerant to some degree. The condition is least common among persons of northern European descent who tend to maintain adequate lactose levels throughout their lives as they would grow taller. Researchers have identified a genetic link with lactose intolerance.Lactose intolerance is sometimes linked to other issues. For example, some medications lower lactase production in the body. Lactose intolerance can be a side effect of certain medical conditions, such as intestinal disease or gastric (stomach) surgery. Depending on the cause, lactose intolerance may be short-term and you may drink milk to grow taller afterwards.

As another option, food products to grow taller have been developed for people with lactose intolerance. Some products are lactose-reduced. Others contain lactase, the enzyme that digests milk sugar and that’s deficient to some degree in people with lactose intolerance.

Calcium is especially important to grow taller because of its role in growing taller and stronger bones. An adequate amount of calcium helps children and teens grow tall, healthy bones and helps prevent the bone-thinning disease called osteoporosis. Milk and other dairy foods supply about 72 percent of the calcium in the American food supply. Without these foods, meeting your calcium requirement can be challenging. For more about calcium in a healthful diet.

Lactose intolerance is easy to manage. Most people with difficulty digesting lactose can include some dairy and other lactose-containing foods in their meals and snacks to grow taller. In fact, most people with lower levels of lactase can drink a cup of milk without discomfort.

If a non-dairy creamer can replace milk for someone who’s lactose-intolerant? How about non-fat dry milk? No. Non-dairy creamers may contain lactose. Check the label. The nutrient content of the creamer and the milk is different. In a non-dairy creamer, the protein quality and the amounts of calcium and vitamins A and C to grow taller are lower than in milk. Regarding non-fat dry milk, remember that fat, not lactose, has been removed from milk.

For people with gluten intolerance trying to grow taller it is a whole different thing, consuming gluten damages the small intestine lining, and the damaged intestine can’t absorb nutrients to grow taller as well. For those with gluten intolerance, the risk for malnutrition, especially among children, is high.

Other potential risks: premature osteoporosis, colon cancer, autoimmune disorders (including thyroid disease and type 1 diabetes), arthritis, miscarriage, and birth defects.Who’s at risk?

As a genetic disorder, gluten intolerance is more common among people with European roots. The actual incidence in the United States is unknown but may run as high as 1 in every 133 Americans. The challenge is: Gluten intolerance is often misdiagnosed, and its varying symptoms often imitate other health problems. Often it goes undetected until triggered by other body stresses: perhaps surgery, a viral infection, or pregnancy.

The symptoms? They vary. Weakness, appetite loss, weight loss, chronic diarrhea, and abdominal cramps and bloating are common; some experience a painful rash, muscle cramps, or joint pain. Among women, gluten intolerance may interfere with the menstrual cycle. For children, gluten intolerance is especially risky. Unless well managed, gluten intolerance can affect a child’s behavior and ability to grow and learn. Chronic irritability is a warning sign. For growth and development, a child’s high energy and nutrient needs require adequate nourishment to grow taller.

Gluten intolerance can occur at any age. Symptoms may appear first during infancy when cereal is started. Most cases are diagnosed in adulthood, often ten years after the first symptoms. Temporary lactose intolerance may accompany gluten intolerance, at least until the condition is under control and the small intestine heals. Healing may take months or years.

Primary treatment for gluten intolerance is a life-long, strict eating regimen; a gluten-free diet is a “must.” Once gluten is eliminated, the small intestine can heal. Nutrient absorption then improves; symptoms disappear. Those with gluten intolerance can live a long, healthy life. If you think you have gluten intolerance, ask your physician for a diagnosis.

Gluten-containing ingredients that can cause you harm in your grow taller process may be hard to detect because they may appear under a different name or as part of another ingredients. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is working on labeling regulations to help consumers more easily identify gluten-free products. Knowing how to identify gluten is important for using ingredients’ information from food manufacturers. Technically, “gluten” describes the protein component of grain. Although rice and corn contain gluten, it’s in a different form, so it’s not harmful. Avoid gluten from barley, rye, wheat, and perhaps oats; even tho these whole-wheats help you to grow taller.

Know the origin, composition, and production of ingredients you eat to grow taller. For example, flavored chips may be dusted with an ingredient made with wheat. Since the amount is less than 2 percent by weight, the ingredient may not be listed on the label. Another example: vinegars, distilled from grain, are okay except for malt vinegar in the United States. Malt vinegar is a problem because malt by definition in the United States is barley; it may be added to or used as the starting mash to produce malt vinegar. Ingredients used in prepared foods, such as marinades and barbecue sauce, may have malt vinegar, too.

…is a wheat allergy is the same as gluten intolerance (celiac disease or gluten-sensitive enteropathy)?

No, they’re two different conditions: different physiological responses, treated in different ways. With a wheat allergy, wheat products and foods made with wheat products must be avoided. If you’re allergic to wheat, you can consume wheat substitutes, including oats, rye, and barley to grow taller.

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How to Calculate Your Ideal Shoulder Size – It All Starts With Your Height

If you were to picture your idea body proportions and shape you’ve probably got an image of wide shoulders and a narrow waist (or at least you SHOULD have this image in your head). But what you might not be focusing in on is the exact size of your shoulder compared to your waist.

In order to calculate your ideal shoulder size you first have to know your ideal waist size. BUT in order to know your ideal waist size you have to start with your height. The calculation goes from your height to your waist to your shoulders.

Your ideal waist size is going to be between 45%-47% of your height. In other words, if you’re 70 inches tall you’re ideal waist is between 31.5 – 33 inches.

This calculation is based on bone structure and a low level of fat mass. Once you have determined your ideal waist the next calculation is your shoulders.

Based on all of the proportion and physical attraction research we know that the ideal ratio of waist to shoulders is a ratio of 1:1.618. Going back to our example of 70 inches height and a 31.5 – 33 inch waist your idea shoulder circumference would be 1.618 times larger than your idea waist or 51 – 53 inches.

The ideal shoulder to waist ratio only holds when you’re waist is in its ideal range. In other words, having a waist that is 50% of your height and shoulder that are 1.618 times larger than this is not going to produce the proportions you are looking for. And in fact you will find it very hard to build your shoulders to this degree to offset the bulk of your waist. This will also produce a shorter stalky look that is not ideal. Your best proportioned body shape must start by accounting for your height, otherwise there is no way of determining what waist size and shoulder size is too think and too thin.

Follow this measurement pattern starting with your height –> ideal waist –> ideal shoulders and you are on your way to building your best proportioned body. 

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ProForm Exercise Bike Reviews

ProForm exercise bikes belong in the entry-level, low cost price category. If you’re a serious bike user or think you will be then you are best advised to spend a little bit more and look at another brand. However, in many respects, these machines do offer value for money and could be worth considering, but there are some models best avoided.

The cost of ProForm exercise bikes start at around $150 to $500 and their price makes them an attractive proposition for many. There are a number of models on offer; some are worth buying while others are best left on the shelf.

There are 3 upright bikes to choose from; the GR 75, GT 30 and GL 35, costing $150, $150 and $250 resp. Let’s start off by looking at the two cheaper models.

The GR 75 upright comes with more features than you might have first thought. You get a 2-speed CoolAire workout fan, magnetic resistance that can be increased or decreased with a push of a button, an EKG heart rate monitor that is incorporated into the handle bars, and an RPM meter (revolutions per minute). The best feature is the 4 personal trainer programs. They will automatically adjust the resistance helping you get the best out of your session.

There are no heart rate programs, which is to be expected on such a cheap machine but you do get a Target Pacer that has arrows that light up on the console to let you know when to pick up your pace when you need to.

For its price it’s an okay piece of kit and would be acceptable for a complete beginner.

The GT 30 is a different story. It costs the same as the GR 75 but it’s minus the 4 personal trainer programs and the Target Pacer feature. Its biggest claim to fame is that is has a Step-In design to allow easy access on and off the bike, but the GR 75 also has a very similar design. If you’ve only got $150 to spend, get the GR75 and forget about the GT 30.

However, if you’ve got another $100 dollars in your pocket, take a look at the GL 35. For starters, the shape of the handle bar allows for different grip positions. It also has a workout program that can be customized to your own requirements. Finally, there are optional iFIT workouts (these will cost your more).

If you want an upright, then consider either the GR 75 or GL 35 and if you can afford it, just look at the GL 35.

ProForm also makes 3 recumbent exercise bikes; the GR 80, GR 90 and GT 120. They cost around $250, $400 and $500 resp.

Don’t even bother looking at the GR 80. The seat doesn’t have horizontal adjustment, something which is pretty much required on a recumbent bike. Enough said.

The GR 90 comes with a CoolAire fan, a comfortable enough seat, EKG Grip Pulse sensors, iFIT training programs and 6 Smart Programs. The GT 120 finally looks like the real McCoy. The overall build quality is good with an oversized, comfortable seat. You also get features such as CoolAire fan and iFIT personal training.

As to which is better, the GR 90 or the GT 120, the answer is that the 120 is a slightly better built machine, but if you buy the GR 90 you’ll be saving $100. Personally, I’d save the $100.

A ProForm exercise bike is cheap and would be perfectly adequate for first time users who are unsure if they will stick to using a bike. Deciding whether you want upright or recumbent is important as is avoiding one or two of the models mentioned above.

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Exercises to Stop Snoring – Cardio and Weight Training

Snoring is caused or triggered by a lot of things. The most common factor is obesity. If you see a person who looks like a hippo, odds are that he/she is a heavy snorer. So if you are obese, what needs to be done? What is the prescription for this problem? Pretty easy, you exercise and drop the weight. It sounds easy and effortless to do but really it is not.

The execution of a weight loss program will challenge anyone’s mental faculties. If you do not have the mental and emotional fortitude, you will go crazy. But if you are determined, everything will be like peanuts for you. So what are we waiting for, let’s discuss some exercises to stop snoring.

When people think of exercises to stop snoring, they think of the gym. The gym is a multi – faceted fitness center with equipment for building muscle and losing weight. There are some people who think that exercising is all about lifting barbells and growing big and massive. But if you really want to lose weight, you need to go into cardio mode.

Cardiovascular exercises are perhaps one of the most effective groups of exercises that will help anyone lose weight. How can it not? Your heart is pumping at a rate almost triple your normal heart rate and that promotes fat burning. There are a lot of cardio exercises in place such as jogging and cycling. But my two favorites are track and field and swimming. The main reason behind me putting a golden star on these two is that they work almost all parts of your body instead of just one body part.

Lifting weights is also a good form of exercise but make sure that you always couple it with cardio. In the even that you can’t do cardio on your day at the gym due to a hectic schedule make sure that you make up for it. Schedule a dedicated session the next day that will focus on cardio.

For lifting weight, a superset is ideal if you want to cardio for the muscle. Supersets focus on lesser weights, strict form, and more repetition for each exercise with the shortest amount of pause or rest in between. It is like cardio for the muscles because at the end of each superset, you will feel a burn. This is great for promoting a ripped and shredded physique which is so much better than looking like a mass monster. These are all great exercises to stop snoring. Always remember though, that all exercise without any form of diet will be in vain.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Interval Training

Is your personal trainer thinking about starting an exercise routine for you? If that is so, it may be really good news for you. In case you are wondering why, you probably have very little idea about fitness training and particularly interval training. Read on if you want to know what are pros and cons of this type of workout.

Unless you know what to expect from interval training you cannot go ahead with confidence. Your personal trainer will obviously keep enlightening you about the intricate details of interval training as you progress but, for starters you should also have a fair idea. So then what are the advantages of this training method?

1. Your overall fitness and level of performance during exercise can improve a lot with interval training and that too within a period of a few weeks. So, as you progress you are bale to get more benefits out of every minute that you exercise. Some athletes have gained an increase in speed after just two interval training sessions!

2. Recovery is a key contributor to the success of your fitness program. Unless your body is able to get back to its normal state quickly after every exercise session, you are not ready for the next session. And exercising when your body is not prepared can result in zero benefits and injury. Interval training helps reduce this recovery period to a minimum.

This is why, athletes, who have very little time to recover after a strenuous action, vouch for interval training and its benefits. Without exercise they would require a lot of time to recover and would never be able to excel at their particular sport.

3. Scientific research has proved beyond doubt that this type of training is more effective than aerobics in improving your fitness. This means that doing it for 45 minutes can give you more fitness benefits than doing aerobics for the same amount of time. This happens because:

The activity of enzymes increases thus allowing you to use oxygen more efficiently.

You use up stored glucose and fat much faster.

Your capacity for oxygen intake increases.

Your endurance increases.

So the bottom line is that interval sessions are usually tough, but if you can do them, there’s nothing as beneficial. However, you must also keep the following probable disadvantages in mind.

1. Because it is so tough on your body, it increases the risk of overtraining more than most other exercises. And as you might know, overtraining is something you must avoid at all costs.

2. You can but should not experiment with several intervals at a time. It can be a tempting prospect but you should hold back, in order to give your body ample rest to recover.

3. Most of these routines require you to consult a doctor for a green flag. Your personal trainer might not want to take the risks of exposing you to this training without knowing whether you are up to the task at all.

Take these pros and cons into account and you will surely get the best out of interval training!

Posted in Workouts & Routines0 Comments

What Are the Benefits of Colostrum?


Universally hailed as the new ‘wonder’ supplement, colostrum in its original form has been around for as long as it has existed; in fact colostrum is the initial food source of all mammals.

What is Colostrum?

Colostrum is the first secretion produced from the mammary gland, which precedes milk. During the first 24-48 hours following birth, colostrum provides life supporting immune and growth factors (IgG and IGF). These help form the building blocks for healthy development. Colostrum is so important to animals that they would die without it. The benefits of colostrum in the natural state are well documented, however availability in supplement form is a more recent development. This development is due to a revolutionary low temperature process, which enables the product to be powdered and encapsulated, without losing beneficial properties.

Why You Need Colostrum?

High levels of IgG (immunoglobulin) provide unparalleled immune boosting properties to ward off disease. A high level of IGF (insulin-like growth hormone) accelerates tissue building and repair in adults. It is highly beneficial in combating the effects of ageing joints, leaky digestive systems and assisting athletes build lean muscle.

The Universal Healer

Colostrum has been shown to assist in the healing of a variety of ailments such as allergies, candida, sinus problems, auto-immune disorders, high cholesterol, colds and flu, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, leaky gut syndrome, stomach ulcers, chronic fatigue (M.E.), diabetes, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis – to name a few.

What Experts Say

In recent years, medical journals around the world have published numerous articles on the benefits of colostrum: Dr Olle Hernell from the University of Ulmea in Sweden states, “Glycoproteins in bovine colostrum inhibit the attachment of the Helicobacter pylori bacteria that cause stomach ulcers. Colostrum also contains significant amounts of interleukin 10 – a strong inflammation inhibitory agent found significant in reducing inflammation in arthritic joints and injury areas”.

Dr L Khazenson, a microbial and epidermal expert states, “Studies with human volunteers found that the preservation of the biological activity of IgG (immunoglobulin) in the digestive secretions of adults receiving bovine colostrum orally, indicates passive internal intestinal immunization for the prevention and treatment of acute intestinal diseases.”

Dr Dwyer , New England Journal of Medicine – Immunobiology states “Immunoglobulin in colostrum has been used to successfully treat: Thrombocytopenia, Anaemia, Neutropenia, Myasthenia Gravis, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, “Multiple Sclerosis, Systemic Lupus, Erythematosus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Bullous, Pemphigoid, Kawasaki’s Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Crohns Disease among others.”

Scientific Data on Colostrum

Presence of Growth hormones – TGF, IGF-I, IGF-II

Immunoglobins – IgG, IgA, IgM, IgD, IgE

Lactoferrin iron binding protein – for resisting intestinal bacteria and free radical damage

Retinoic Acid – destroys viruses, stimulates healing

Proline-rich Polypeptides (PRP) – for calming overactive immune system; stimulating under-active immune system

Glycoproteins – help immune and growth factors survive the highly acidic digestive system

Lactobacillus Bifidus Acidophilus – helps promote healthy bacteria to combat Candida albicans and irritable bowel syndrome

Interferon – inhibits viral activity

Interleukin-2 – a cytokine that stimulates cell growth in the immune system

Lysoenzyme protein – attacks bacteria

Oligosaccharides – block attachment of bacteria especially S.pheumponococci to mucous membranes, thereby aiding in the prevention of respiratory inflammation

Cartilage Inducing Factor A, as well as vitamins and minerals

Posted in Building Muscle0 Comments

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