Archive | January, 2017

6 Week Body Makeover – What’s Your Body Type?

The first step of the Michael Thurman 6 Week Body Makeover is to determine what body type you are and the types of foods that will cause your body to lose weight. The body makeover is not a diet; you do not have to eat special meals, buy and mix special drinks or ingest diet pills. The whole point of this diet is not to starve yourself and to choose foods that work with your body to speed up your metabolism and eventually burn calories. The premise of the diet is that once you understand what types of foods increase your metabolism, the more food you’ll be able to eat.

Step one entails determining what type of body structure you have. You can determine your body structure by using the body blueprint which comes with the makeover diet kit. There are four different types of bodies in the Michael Thurman diet and you will be categorized as having an A, B, C or D body once you fill out the blue print.

Body Type A is known to have the slowest metabolism of any of the bodies within the Michael Thurmond diet. Often the person with this type of body has struggled with keeping their weight down their entire life. However, the positive side of being a Body Type A is that these types of people will have the most significant weight loss and faster results because the food choices in the six week body makeover will speed up your metabolism. Type A bodies are more sensitive to certain types of carbohydrates such as fruits and starchy vegetables. These types of people should avoid “sweet” and “complex” carbohydrates such as sweet fruits, candy, fruit juices, process grains in breads and pastas. Because of the Type A metabolism, proteins should be limited to the leanest types of meats such as halibut, tuna, flounder, cod and egg whites. Also, chicken and turkey respond well with this type of body. A sample meal for a Type A would be tequila-lime grilled halibut, roasted new potatoes and spring vegetable medley.

A Type B body tends to build and maintain lean muscle with relative ease. This is good a factor as lean muscle is the key to boosting your metabolism and losing weight. However, a Body Type B metabolism is still too slow to burn all the calories that are consumed in any given day. These types of people need to stay away from very complex carbohydrates such as potatoes, yams, rice and unrefined pastas. When it comes to protein consumption, the best type of meat is chicken breast, turkey breast, shrimp, crab and other seafood. A Type B should stay away from red meats as the purpose of this diet is to become lean, not gain mass.

Type C is similar to a B. However, the difference between a B and a C is that these types of people do not have to be as careful with complex carbohydrates. A typical meal for a C body type is chicken and shrimp stir fry with garden vegetables.

Lastly, Type D bodies tend to have sluggish metabolisms and a lack of adequate lean muscle tissue. The key to weight loss for a Body Type D is to consume and large amount of high-quality proteins such as lean red meats. This is the opposite of the other body types as the other types of bodies tend to stay away from red meats. Just like B’s and A’s, these type of bodies should stay away from simple carbohydrates that are found in fruits, pure sugars and processed grains.

You do not have to starve yourself in order to lose weight. The key factor is to know what type of body you have and to determine what types of food work well with your body, not against it. So the question is, are you an A, B, C or D?

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5 Tips to Sharpen Your Memory Power

Are you looking for ways to sharpen your memory? You can follow a few tips from Ron White who has helped a lot of business professions in improving their mental capacity. As a result, they were able to earn a higher income. Here are 5 tips to help you get started and improve your brain power.

Sleep is Essential

Are you sleep deprived? Getting little sleep will make your mind tired. As a result, you will make mistakes since you won’t be able to focus your mind. According to health experts, the recommended amount of sleep for an average person is 6 to 8 hours. So, you should change your routine and go to bed before midnight and then get up early in the morning. This routine change will give your mind a memory boost.

Nutrition and Exercise

If you want your memory to work at its best, you should get good nutrition and do plenty of exercise on a daily basis. Foods that can sharpen your memory include blueberries and spinach. Aside from this, you can buy some omega-3 fish oil tablets for enhancing your memory power. Doing exercises at least 3 times per week is recommended. You can also join a good gym.

Trust Your Memory

According to Ben Pridmore, a World Memory Champion, you should learn to trust your memory if you are struggling to sharpen your mind. All you need to do is trust your memory. Don’t think that your mind is not powerful enough to remember stuff you want it to remember. With time, you will see amazing results.

Avoid Negativity

Most people just don’t think positive. You may have heard your friend say, “Man, I am not good with names.” If this is you, you have to get rid of this cancerous thought. What you believe about yourself will make a huge difference. You should encourage yourself from time to time. If you lose heart, you are not going to go anywhere. This is the only way of getting results. On top of that, negativity will kill you and may make your mind even weaker. Positive thoughts will hone your mind as time goes by.

The Journey Method

Here it is important to note that you can’t sharpen your mind overnight. Just like any other ability or skill, you need time. For instance, if you want to go somewhere far away, say the destination is 1000 miles from where you currently are, you will not get there in a few minutes. Even if you are on a plane, it will take you a few hours before you reach that place. The same goes for your mind. You should follow the tips given in this article and then be patient.

Long story short, the memory training advice given in this article will help you see a significant improvement in your mental power with time. Aside from this, these tips may have a positive impact on your self-confidence as well. And you will become a more successful person down the road.

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How To Lose Back Fat – Get Rid Of That Muffin-Top And Those Love Handles Once And For All Ladies!

One of the worst feelings in the world is to finally get your favorite skinny jeans buttoned and see those gross rolls hanging out over the top of the waist. We’ve all been there ladies, myself included, and it’s a horrible experience for sure.

Learning how to lose back fat is something every woman needs to add to her bag of weight loss tricks, and you can learn some easy tips and methods to do exactly that from Asian women who manage to get and stay skinny even just after having a baby!

Today we’re going to look at a few ways you can learn how to lose back fat from Asian women to get rid of that spare tire around your waist without starving or doing insane workouts… for good!

How To Lose Back Fat – The Skinny Asian Way

First, there are a few things I want to warn you against doing no matter how desperate you are to lose weight. Things like wrapping up your mid-section in plastic saran wrap… or taking double-doses of diet pills that are sold at a local store to try and pull water out of your body to reduce puffiness and bloating.

These things are NOT going to give you the answer to the question of how to lose back fat.

Instead focus on the fundamentals to lose back fat, which actually help your body fight off the effects of aging, disease, and even extend your life several years while still getting a great waistline with no muffin-top!

And while you’re not going to learn ALL of the ways Asian women know how to lose back fat from just a short article online, you CAN pick up some tips that will allow you to get started on the road to a lean, defined back:

1. Add natural high-fiber into your diet the RIGHT way – One of the best sources of natural fiber isn’t going to be found on a store shelf as powder in a can. Instead nature provides the best high-fiber content in the great-tasting form of apples, oranges, bananas, and other organic fruits.

Fiber is critical in the battle of how to lose back fat because it forces a very specific reaction within our digestive tract that not only blocks the formation of new fat cells within our bodies abut also leads to existing fat deposits being eliminated as that fat is transformed into energy used to break down fiber.

Try having an apple or orange or other favorite fruit between breakfast and lunch and also between lunch and dinner.

2. Add probiotic yogurt to your meal plans – Yogurt with probiotic active cultures in it (good bacteria) can now be found at almost every major market or grocery store, and it’s something that Asian women have been using to teach their daughters how to lose back fat for generations.

Probiotics allow bad bacteria to be eliminated all through our stomach and intestinal tract, which are a leading cause of not only bloating and stomach aches, but also toxins that keep us from losing weight by blocking fat deposits from being burned up during exercises.

Have a probiotic-rich yogurt for breakfast and you’ll immediately answer the question of how to lose back fat with one of the most powerful solutions available.

3. What if you just CAN’T lose back fat – I know it can be depressing, but if you’re upset because nothing has worked you need to learn one of the most powerful secret free methods that Asian women do to force fat off of their back and waist in less than a month…WITHOUT starving or doing crazy workouts.

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Weight Loss After Giving Birth – The Secret Formula to Shed Pounds Off After Pregnancy

You might complain that you don’t have time for exercise after your baby is born as you would be super busy with being a mother. You should take advantage of being busy as it can help you burn calories. The more you are physically busy the more calories your body burns. It is so true, and then you lose some weight – doesn’t it sound good? Anyway, here are some tips of losing weight after pregnancy:

– Drink a lot of water, not less than 10 glasses per day. Water can help you lose weight. Water helps your liver flush the waste out of your body, your kidneys don’t have to work so hard to get rid of the waste. Drinking water is one of the best ways to lose weight after giving birth. You would need a lot of water as you lost a lot during your birth giving.

– Eat lean meat – especially fish and chicken. There are good sources of protein that your body needs, plus there is little fat so it’s very good to consume this kind of meat.

– Eat more fruit and vegetables, this is good sources of vitamins and minerals. Try to eat 1 apple before each meal. Apples can help you lose weight as they make you feel full longer period of times.

– Saunas are good after giving birth. Try to use a sauna 30 minutes a day for 2 weeks after your baby is born. You will see that you can lose weight faster, your skin looks fresher and plus it’s good for your body that time.

– Exercise: you might not have time to exercise since you would be busy taking care of your newborn and doing other things. You don’t have to exercise if you don’t have time but try to do all the house chores and baby caring by yourself – at least it would help you burn some extra calories.

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How to Lose Face Fat

Trying to Lose Face Fat? I know this situation sucks because my face is one of the first places I gain fat. I start to see my double chin and anxiety hits me. Some people or information you will find will suggest that you can reduce face fat by doing a series of exercises or by buying this product. Yes, I’ve even seen devices that go under your chin and supposedly by pressing you head down on this spring-loaded product, you will burn face fat. Unfortunately, all of this is a crock. The only real way to lose fact fat is to get your body fat to a low enough percentage that your face fat goes with it.

So what is the percentage that gets rid of face fat?

Well it differs for each person. For me, I have to get below 10% body fat before I don’t have more chins than…well, you know the joke. But in order to reduce your body fat percentage to a low enough number that you don’t have face fat, you will have to follow a diet that creates a calorie deficit. In other words, you have to eat fewer calories than you burn daily. To determine what this number is for you, check out my Metabolic Rate Calculator on my website.

This handy little calculator will tell you how many calories you need to eat if you want to burn a pound of fat a week. Then, you can take that information and plan to eat that number of calories or fewer. Once you lose enough body fat, your face fat will go with it. This is the only real way to lose face fat – other than expensive surgery to remove excess fat.

So are there any exercises you can do?

Exercise certainly comes into play here as well. The more you exercise, the more you create this calorie deficit because you are adding to the calories that you burn daily. An excellent exercise to do is any one that you will stick with. For me, swimming is the bee’s knees. For you it may be running or elliptical trainer. 

But to help you lose face fat the fastest, I’ll let you in on a little secret. Use interval training. An example of interval training would be running fast for a minute and then running an easy page for two minutes. That three-minute period is an interval. You can apply this to any cardiovascular exercise and it kicks the pants off of regular, boring cardio. In fact, studies have shown that cardiovascular interval training keeps your heart rate elevated for several hours after you finish your workout. This means you burn fat for longer, even after you are done exercising.

So that’s it – the real deal on how to lose face fat. I’m sorry to say there is no such thing as spot reduction, but by reducing your body fat percentage you can lose face fat and burn fat in other trouble areas at the same time.

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How To Lose 50 Pounds In 2 Months Quickly – 3 Simple And Easy Tips To Follow

If you are wondering how you can lose 50 pounds in 2 months then you are reading the right article. These 3 easy tips may seem like a challenge to some but to tell you the truth this goal is very achievable if you have the right mindset. If you break it down correctly 2 months is 8 week and that is about 5-7 pounds a week! I know this is said to be unhealthy to lose this much weight in a short time but if you stay healthy and eat health and make sure you have all the vitamins and minerals you need then this goal should be no problem at all.

Don’t exert yourself because that is not need, you should respect your body. You don’t want to end up having any clinical problems because of working out to hard or not eating healthy. But now I’m going to show you how you can lose 50 pounds in 2 months naturally and easily. Here are my 3 tips to help you to your goal.

1. Eat Carbs Early In the Day

Since you need more energy later in the day and not in the morning you should eat a big breakfast. To get a lot of energy in the morning for the rest of the day before your other meals you should eat healthy carbs. Breakfast should be bigger than lunch and dinner just keep that in mind. Try eating a bowl of whole-wheat or whole grain cereal and you will notice how you won’t get as hungry the first day.

2. Snacking Is Good and A Lot of It!

Snacking on moderate amounts is good for you as long as it is healthy foods throughout the day. I know this does seem to go against what I was telling you before and you are probably like this guy is crazy but it is a good way that you can lose 50 pounds in 2 months. If the snacking thing is not working for you and you need some energy try proteins. Protein is a good snack because it can help to burn fat faster, try some organic peanut butter for healthy results.

3. Pure Fruits and Vegetables Are The Key

If you eat healthy then you are giving your body what it needs. All the nutrients it needs to function right and help you to shred off the unwanted pounds. By eating healthy and getting the vitamins and minerals your body needs you won’t have to worry about any diet pill or any other fad workout plan that doesn’t seem to work.

Do you know what organ in your body works for fat loss? It’s your liver. The liver is a hardworking organ and you need to maintain its health if you are going to lose weight fast. You need to add fruits and vegetables to your diet. These have natural fat burners in them and they also have fiber as well. Fiber will keep you full so you don’t have to eat as much if you have a full feeling. Some of these come raw but you should have some raw fruits and vegetables in your diet because you will get more form it and it will help you to lose 50 pounds in 2 months.

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RushFit Renaissance Man Erik Owings – Trainer, Fighter, Zen Master?

The headliner, co-creator of GSP Rushfit, Georges St-Pierre, is certainly worthy of the attention he gets. After all, he is the current UFC Welterweight Champion and considered by many to be the best mixed-martial-arts (MMA) fighter in the world. “Rush,” as his fans called him, was born in Quebec and has been named Canadian athlete of the year for the last three years in a row. So superstar St-Pierre is certainly the right one to have his name and face on the GSP RushFit home workout program, but the program designer and St-Pierre’s trainer and partner in this venture, Erik Owings is also quite a fighting and fitness force in his own right.

Owings was born in Kentucky in 1979 and started training in karate at a very young age. At 19 Owings began to study Brazilian Jiu Jitsu with trainer Carlson Gracie Jr. After nearly two years studying, Owings went to the source and moved to Brazil to study at the renowned Gracie Barra Academy where he achieved the rank of Jiu Jitsu brown belt. Owings also spent some time training in Thailand and Europe. In 2006 he earned his black belt from Renzo Gracie and John Danaher and continues to train with them to this day.

He fought in five International Fight League (IFL) bouts. IFL is a now defunct league, which operated from early 2006 through mid 2008. Owings record was 3 wins and 2 losses. He won his first bought which was against American fighter Justin Jones in April 2006 then lost to Canadian Chris Haradecki; beat American Ed West and Russian Peter Kaljevic before losing in mid 2007 to Brazilian Wagnney Fabiano.

While competing in the IFL Owings was also working as a personal trainer in New York where often working in cramped spaces, he perfected many of the techniques, utilizing bodyweight and dumbbells that he used to develop the RushFit program. Some of the unique movements in the Rushfit program are entirely his own creation. Owens has said that he enjoyed coming up with challenging moves that even St-Pierre has trouble doing.

“Functional fitness” is a term Owings uses to describe the type of training he teaches and what RushFit is all about. Owings has explained that to mean fitness that is transferable into real life activity as opposed to just working on a particular muscle group or body part.

The GSP RushFit program came about when St-Pierre’s manager approached Owings and said they were looking for someone to design a fitness program for St-Pierre. Owings who had already been working on what was to become RushFit said he simply took what he had already developed and put more intensity into it. Anyone not familiar with RushFit, it is an extremely intense home workout program that leaves even the legendarily fit St-Pierre gasping for air in apparent exhaustion after many of the segments.

Today Owings lives in New York City and is the founder and owner of a MMA and fitness facility near Union Square. The gym is called Mushin Mixed Marshall Arts. Mushin is a Zen term that means “empty mind.” It refers to ones ability to hyper focus thoughts and energies on the task at hand. According to the Mushin website Owings’s training “clientele includes professional and amateur fighters, corporate CEOs and supermodels along with everyone in-between.” The gym has become somewhat known for being the gym of choice for Victoria Secret models. Somehow that seems oddly fitting for the gym founded by this philosophical fitness guru.

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Buttocks Workout – The Top 5 Buttock Workouts to Fix Your Ugly, Ill-Shaped Butt in 2 Weeks

Every woman wishes to have a perfect body and would go to any extent to get the desired result. You exercise, you diet, but still you do not get the body and look which you actually want. Your buttocks are one such part where a lot of fat gets accumulated making it look ugly and it does not matter how well and for how long do you exercise but the results are just nil.

The fact is that you should know the exact buttocks workouts that will help you to fix your ugly looking, ill shaped butt. Here presents top 5 butt exercises to get round butt in just 2 weeks time! These exercises will shape up your lower body. You may do these exercises daily for two weeks and see the results.

Here! Take a look:-

* Lie facedown on ball and settle palms on floor and toes on floor. Hold up 1 count then bring feet together. Separate legs and then do this for 15 min.

* Put your hip-width apart and hands on the hips, slowly extend right leg to the side and be sure inner thigh parallel to the floor. Hold for 1 count, and then do it for 15 times.

* An excellent buttocks workout is squats. For this you must stand with feet shoulder width apart and band knees to 90 degrees. Return to start and so it 12 times.

* Do strength workouts. Yoga also has proved to be great for thighs and hips. Run on the treadmill for at least an hour everyday.

* You can also go on dieting and may also opt for supplements like glycerol, amino acid, protein and nitric oxide. These are major used by body builders.

By now you must have got to now these excellent exercises. You may try these as these are tried and tested. You are sure to get positive results in just 2 weeks.

Well apart from all these workouts, another thing you may try is Acai berry. The fruit has anti oxidant properties and is very helpful in cleaning up your system. Acai berry supplements are available everywhere in the market and are cheap too. These tasty berries increases your stamina and gives you endurance. It increases the overall metabolism of your body as well as keep your system clean and in place. When no extra fat is accumulated in the body then you not only loose extra flab around your buttocks but also loose extra fat all around your body.

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Stop Being Skinny And Be A Hunk By Learning How To Quickly Build Muscles and Gain Weight

Many people think that they know how to build muscle mass and gain weight quickly. Do you know?

There are some people who are naturally born skinny. Muscle mass is not a natural part of their body make-up. You can try your hardest at the weight machine, gulp down protein shake after protein shake and still look slim as a willow.

If you belong to this group, then you need to be aware that to build muscle mass, you need to adopt a slightly different strategy. You cannot blindly follow the methods of those people who are able to build muscle mass easily. They are not the same as you.

To build muscle mass using drug free methods, you need to have a training program that is suited to your particular situation.

One of the first thing you need to understand about your training program is this – it will be much more intense than usual. Many people work out at the gym lifting weights that are so light, they don’t even break out in a sweat. You would be seriously mistaken if you think that spending time doing that will help you build muscles.

You need to bring a very high level of intense energy and focus to your weight training. Tackle every set of exercises as if you life depended on it. Focus on every single rep. Don’t just do it, really get into it.

When you take your rest, make sure you time it precisely. You have to be almost fanatical about it. Use a stop watch if necessary. Don’t allow your muscles to cool down and lose the benefits of your previous reps.

Focus. Do not get distracted by the other people. They can do their stuff. For you, it is just you and the weights. Get an MP3 player, wear headphones and block out all distractions.

Keep your friends away. Don’t bring your girl along, you can show off later, when you have real results. For now, your training should be the only focus.

This is just the settings and the mind set that you need to have. If you focus on the results that you want, you will be able to achieve it.

Besides focus, you must have commitment. Stop jumping from one training program to another. They are just fads. If you start on a program, stop after a few weeks, then it is no wonder that it does not work. If you do this, it might appear that you are serious and enthusiastic about your training, but the reality is that you are simply avoiding the real issues.

Every program will work, if you apply the right level of intensity, give it the appropriate amount of time to do its work. Take a program, study it well. Examine each and every aspect of it and make sure that is has the right intensity to help you build your muscle mass.

Be honest with yourself. Don’t stop a program simply because it is too difficult, or there is a “better” program. Focus and commit to a good training program.

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Best Exercises to Burn Belly Fat Rapidly! Get the Six Pack Abs You Want in Just Two Weeks

If you have a tummy and want to get a six pack, read on. There are lots of reasons as to why you have a fat belly. Your diet and exercise are the main factors. If your diet and exercise is right, you can have those six packs easily.

There are tons of exercises that you can do to burn belly fat. But the problem is most of them aren’t effective. Doing all the exercises won’t help you burn that fat.

Doing just one super effective exercise can make all the difference required. Like Bruce Lee said, “I fear not the man who practices 1000 kicks but the MAN who practices one kick one thousand times”. Here are two super effective exercises that can burn belly fat faster than any other workout…

Hindu Pushup Variation – This exercise is a body weight exercise. It increases your endurance and strength. At the same time, it burns belly fat faster than any other exercise.

Keep your legs wide apart and your hands planted on the ground. Assume the position of the normal bomb-diver pushup. Tilt your head forward and incline your body.

Maintain that position. Don’t rise from that position. Hold that position for around ten to fifteen minutes. You will soon find out that it gets really difficult. If you can master this one exercise and do it for twenty minutes every day, you’ll get abs within two weeks.

Breathing Exercise – You don’t need to work your body for this exercise. It makes use of your respiratory system. This exercise relaxes your mind and burns fat too. It can be difficult at first. After two days of doing it, you’ll get the hang of it. It can stress you at the beginning.

Inhale as much as you can. You will reach a point where you can’t take any more breath. You will feel a stinging sensation in your throat and tightening of your stomach muscles. Take in a little more for another two seconds and exhale all the air. Exhale it until your belly gets hard and your body craves oxygen.

Inhale and exhale the same way for another five to six times. Do this exercise once in the morning and once in the evening. Don’t do it inside your house. Do it in some place where you can get a lot of fresh air. This exercise will also increase your life span.

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