Archive | March, 2017

Exercises and Workouts – Four Steps To A Smarter Workout

Looking to “up” your workout game? Take note there are small tweaks you can do each time you are in the gym to get in a better overall workout session. The great news is these tweaks do not take a lot of time or effort but can certainly help catapult your results one step higher. What four things should you be focusing on?

Let’s take a closer look…

1. Performing Compound Exercises First. If you are going to see optimal results, it is a must you focus on doing your compound exercises first. These moves are going to give you the best “bang for your buck” so to speak, so doing them first will pay off. This way, you can put maximum energy into each rep you perform.

Save the lower intensity moves: bicep curls, lateral raises, and so on, for later in the workout when you don’t need to feel your freshest.

2. Supersetting Lower With Upper Body Movements. It is also a wise idea to begin super setting upper body movements with lower body movements whenever possible. Setting these body movements will enable you to do three things…

  • first, it ups the intensity of your workout session since you will go from one exercise to the next with little to no rest in between.
  • second, it saves you time. Since you are not resting as much, you will slash your total workout time by at least 10 to 15 minutes.
  • third, it doesn’t take away from how much weight you can lift overall. Since one-half of the body rests while the second half works, this allows you to keep the overall intensity higher.

3. Focusing On Breathing. Next, don’t neglect your breathing. Neglecting your breathing will have a significant influence on the overall results you see: it will stop you generating speed and power. Too many people overlook their breathing entirely, which can then short-circuit the results they would otherwise experience.

Remember to breathe regularly and to not hold your breath unless you are at the bottom of a squat.

4. Timing Your Rest Periods. Finally, take note of how long your rest periods are lasting. A rest period should only be around 60 to 90 seconds for compound lifts and 30 to 60 seconds for isolation movements.

Rest for a longer period, and you are going to be sacrificing results – especially if your goal is fat burning. Keep your rest periods short and snappy to get the best metabolic boost possible but still long enough so you can lift heavy and challenge yourself with a sufficient enough weight.

Keep these four tips in mind next time you hit the gym. By putting them into action, you can ensure you are getting the absolute best workout possible.

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Your Health & Your Food: Are You Teachable?

Do you have a persistent health issue that hasn’t responded to your nutrition efforts? More and more people are using nutrition and fitness to help them overcome problems that used to send them to doctors and pharmacies.

If you’ve been working on the problem for a while – weight loss, high glucose, headaches – you probably have tried many strategies. But others may exist. Don’t assume you’ve tried everything.

Here are 3 tips to help you get the most from your nutrition appointments – and your nutritionist’s suggestions.

• Don’t improvise.

Instead: Follow instructions to the extent you can.

A recent client had been to doctors, but now wanted to treat her diabetes without meds. She was taking 31 (really!) different supplements, and some of the supplements were for health issues she didn’t even have, like liver and thyroid.

She had poor results – her fasting glucose was not dropping any lower – but she kept taking every supplement.

Among other things, I suggested she lighten the stress on her liver and kidneys by eliminating any supplements that were not designed to lower glucose. We met a week later, and she told me her glucose had gone up, not down.

It turned out she had eliminated ALL the supplements, including the glucose-lowering ones.

• Don’t reject an idea for a ridiculous reason.

Instead: Be willing to try something new. Your health comes first.

The same client above was in terrible shape physically. Her workouts were barely getting her heart rate to 95 – and she was exercising only 3 times a week. She needed to work out with some serious intent.

She couldn’t exercise more frequently because it caused pain in her legs. I suggested she buy a Krankcycle – an absolutely brilliant piece of exercise equipment. I even found a certified, refurbished one for her at a terrific price. It would have enabled her to work out additional days each week by using her upper body instead of her legs.

Alternating the 2 types of cardio could (and would) have sensitized both upper- and lower-body muscle to insulin and produced solid results.

Why did she reject it? She said they didn’t have room. Her beautiful home is huge, so that made no sense. She wouldn’t consider putting the Krankcycle in any room but one – and wouldn’t consider putting it in the large garage. Who knows? Maybe 8 cars lived in it – or perhaps a family of 6.

Either way, the answer was “NO,” and the reason seemed ridiculous. The result? Again, her glucose didn’t move.

• Get out of your comfort zone.

Self-honesty is key here. Discomfort can be part of one’s comfort zone. Some people even cling to it, possibly thinking that the devil they know is better than the devil they don’t know.

Instead: Decide to do what it takes to move forward. And do that.

A former client had a sleep issue that was medically diagnosed as a deficit of serotonin, a brain chemical that can promote relaxation and is the direct precursor of melatonin, the sleep hormone.

This client rejected every suggestion I made to increase her bedtime serotonin levels – and, by the way, that’s an easy thing to do. My suggestions even made her angry, and they simply involved food.

The behavioral psychologist on our team informed me that this client seemed to feel “special” because of her sleep problem.

A comfort zone isn’t always the best place to be. For your health, do what it takes to move forward, even if it causes temporary discomfort.

Think of starting to exercise – it’s uncomfortable at first because it’s new. As we continue, we adapt to it, and that’s when the magic happens. Food is the same way.

Posted in Diet & Nutrition0 Comments

Aikido Will Help With Stress Management

A  form  of  relief  for stress and a way to manage stress is to  exercise. Finding a form of exercise which  combines exercise together with teachings on being calm and relaxed is invaluable to the person seeking stress relief. Aikido is a modern martial art from Japan and is often referred to as the art of peace. It provides an alternative to aggression. Aikido which is also called dojo,teaches students about flexibility and adaptation.

The aikido practice of being relaxed and calm taught in Aikido is central to its principles of spirituality and philosophy. Aikido masters and instructors believe that  ki (energy) can only truly flow completely when one is relaxed.  

Aikido supports flexibility and endurance above muscle and strength building. The belief is that to truly harness the power of ki and allow this energy to flow completely we must be in a relaxed state. The relaxed state cannot be built like muscles through exercise. A spiritual journey must be taken upon by an Aikido student to be able to achieve the state of calm and peace that is vital in combat.Aikido teaches its students to remain calm in the face of an assault. Remaining calm will give you an advantage over the assailant because you will not be caught off  guard and unaware and therefore will not be toppled over or thrown. More advanced techniques teach students not only to fall properly, but also to be able to rebound and plan a counter attack.


Other than combat and the dojo however, Aikido masters and instructors help to develop the concept of spirituality and character within Aikido students so that they can apply Aikido principles everyday in life. The practice of Aikido simultaneously promotes better performance in practice combats as well as in performance in everyday life. Applying aikido techniques in everyday  life is the same as having an unshakable peace and calm that enables you to have the strength needed to withstand even the toughest of life’s challenges. Bear in mind  that Aikido teaches students about flexibility, adaptability, calm and clarity, all of which are useful tools in dealing with life.

Learning Aikido and applying the Aikido techniques within your normal life is an excellent way to gain more power in dealing with stress in your life and helping in the daily trials of life.

Posted in Building Muscle0 Comments

How To Maintain Your Health By Knowing Your Body Type

Tantalizing pieces of information about body-types have been channeled over the last 20 years.

The four topics we will discuss are: what defines each body type, what foods work best with each of them, what is the best way to use exercise or other healing techniques for each body type, and some hyperlinks to pictures of people that present good examples of what each of the body types looks like for your comparison to your own.

First, let us provide some general information on body types. Body types are based on the astronomical bodies in our local solar system, starting with the Sun, then the Moon, then Mercury and so on all the way out to Saturn. The other planets, Uranus and Neptune and the planetoid Pluto only provide influences on the main body types. Newly discovered planetoids near Pluto will probably eventually be seen to have body type influences as well, but that is a topic for future channeling. For now, since any planetary body further away than Saturn has only a small influence on a minority of people we will concentrate on the main body types.

Most people have two body types in combination, meaning their body reflects the characteristics of two distinct planets; for instance, Solar and Mercurial, or Martial and Jovian. You will have to decide, unless you get some channeling on it, which two planets influence you and which of those two is dominant. It usually only takes a few minutes reflection after you have read all of this material and processed it. We have included some links to pictures of some classic examples of each type to help you along.

There are a few people who show only one body type and a few people who actually show three main body types. If you have only one body type, it will be to facilitate a life task or karma. If you have three, one of them will be a small influence, generally 10% or less.

There are seven main body types. Less than 10% of the population is influenced by one of the three outer planets. We have listed them because they help explain the appearance and characteristics of some people even more precisely. An example would be the famous Russian monk, Rasputin. His Plutonian influence was revealed by his mesmerizing eyes, high forehead, and the fact that, while controversial, he still maintained a loyal following. We will discuss each body type and influence thoroughly using examples to eliminate confusion.

There are some very practical reasons to understand body types. Each works best with a diet that suits it well. That can be easily seen in a large household. You may have some Martial types that adore protein mixed in with Saturnian types that love a broad based organic diet and a Venusian that just loves sweets. That makes for interesting dinner planning. Most families compromise as they go along but understanding the unique needs of all parties simplifies matters.

Have you ever noticed that people seem to fall into patterns that work for them? Some people just need to shun meat, often preferring a vegan diet. When they eat meat, it seems to make them ill. Others thrive on milk and cream, or luscious desserts and sweets while others are meat eaters, feeling weak and cranky without regular ingestion of animal proteins.

Some people just love to jog, they can do 6-7 miles a day; while others crave resistance training, and the only thing that satisfies them is the muscle burn they get heaving iron in the gym. Knowing your body types can help you understand what works best for you, making it easier to stay on the path to good health.

Here are a few tips for reading this information.

Vision activates 65% of the neurons in your brain. Keep your eyes open and try to stop noticing things in your environment: it isn’t possible; you are hard wired to use your eyes for perception. That is why you close your eyes to really taste or hear or feel, it allows more of your neurons to switch to that sense. Therefore, we suggest that you use the hyperlinks to view examples of the body types even if you think you remember what some of these people look like.

Please take into account that people can deliberately change their natural appearance. Marilyn Monroe is a great example; her hair was reddish until she bleached it to her signature platinum blonde. She also used make-up to hide her freckles. That is one reason why we wanted to display many images of each person as well. Please also look at the entire body, rather than just the face.

The public domain is the best place to view people in a natural state rather than publicity pictures. Please ignore the occasional extraneous pictures of people or things that accompany our topical subjects on the public domain sights. They have no relevance to these discussions.

That said, please read, click and enjoy…

Lunar Body

Lunar is luminous. The skin is pale or seems lit up from within. The face tends to be round. The body is curvy, but not tall; most Lunars are short to average in height. Think of how round the moon is in the sky; that is the shape you will see in the Lunar face.

Lunar men have a pear shape. They are rounder around the hips and narrower around the chest than average. Their legs are more easily developed than their upper bodies and they can excel at cycling, running or soccer more easily than a sport that takes a lot of upper body power, like baseball. Nonetheless, the Lunar is so persevering that you will find them throughout the sports world. Ironically, a lot of Lunars enjoy golf and bowling, for example, and excel in strategy rather than power for the most part.

The Lunar woman is often seen as the paragon of classic wife and mother fantasies: cute and curvy, with excellent cooking and baking skills, obedient, emotionally nurturing and great with children. Much of this reputation goes back to earlier centuries when Server women often took Lunar bodies to be more emotionally perceptive and persevering, as well as classically attractive in order to have many mating options. Now, although some women are born into the Lunar body type because they plan on having lifetimes that fit the stereotype, others may surprise potential lovers by having only some of these interests, traits, or skills.

Lunar men tend to get beer-bellied as they grow older; Lunar women just see their waistlines expand slowly over time. The classic cartoon Betty Boop is a classic Lunar female body type, petite and curvaceous. Wimpy from the Popeye cartoons is a male Lunar type.

Lunars can be naïve and easily hurt or manipulated when young. They need to exercise their native ability to see clearly to the heart of a matter. If they do not develop their perceptive skills, Lunars tend to become either cynical or depressed and withdrawn as they grow older.

Lunars have sensitive faces as well as delicate internal organs; especially the liver, kidneys, and intestines.

Dietary preferences

Lunars love dairy products from any animal source. They like dairy products so very much, that they may raise goats, yaks, sheep or cows to enjoy the freshest available dairy products. If they have another body type influence that affects them; if they are part Solar, for example; they may drink soy milk to alleviate their allergy to animal milks, but they crave that dairy texture. This includes cheeses, yogurts, puddings or ice cream depending on the individual.

Lunars are also usually attracted to onions and garlic to help clean their digestive tracts. They want savory, stick-to-the-ribs hearty food, like root vegetables and nuts. Comfort foods rather than really exotic foods are favored, simple beer or wine rather than fancy mixed drinks or liqueurs. And yes, Lunars enjoy alcoholic beverages, especially beers or grain based alcoholic beverages.

Lunars are the body type most compatible with the consumption of grains. Lunars invented breads and pastas, and, in fact, the cultivation of grains as food. Anyone who has ever enjoyed a fresh baked loaf of bread or bowl of spaghetti has Lunars to thank.

Healing suggestions

The easiest way to keep your weight balanced is to reduce portions of dense foods and alcohol, and increase the consumption of lighter foods. Overweight and too much alcohol consumption are big issues for Lunars. They need to eat foods that aid digestion and to eat slowly. Drink moderately, or if you cannot, get support to stop alcohol consumption altogether. Lunars actually suffer little to no negative side effects from consumption of coffee and tea, so those may be acceptable substitutes for alcohol.

Liberal consumption of vegetables, whole grains, and nonfat dairy products will offset the desire for so many denser foods Lunar bodies seem to digest poultry, game birds, fish, rabbit and eggs better than meats from larger animals. Rather than trying to deprive yourself, eat more of the lighter foods you like before you consume the heavier.

Lunars benefit from nice walks with the dog, tai chi, or gentle yoga and meditation, rather than extreme forms of exercise. Moderation is the key to keeping a Lunar fit.

Examples: All of the people below are primarily Lunar, if they have a minor influence, it is listed in parentheses

Kelly Ripa (Lunar/Solar)

Rachel Ray (Lunar/Venusian)

Britney Spears (Lunar/Martial)

Ingrid Bergman (Lunar/Plutonian)

Donna Reed (Lunar/Neptunian)

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Age is Not a Barrier to Learning

Before we support or oppose any of the opinions whether or not age is a barrier to learning, I want us to critically consider and examine with all intent the meaning of the three noun words that made up the sentence – Age, Barrier and Learning.

The first among the words is Age. Age has to do with period, epoch, mature, grow old or become old. As a man, we should not forget that growing old or maturation is attached with a lot of responsibilities.

Now let us consider barrier. Barrier is synonymous with fence, blockade, obstruction, obstacle, hurdle and difficulty. Note that of all these synonyms, there is none of the words that can permanently put a stop to a determined mind. With determination, they are seen by winners as challenges and not the end of a road. I belong to the category of people that sees those words as challenges but not a final end. In fact the only final end that I recognized is death. And any body that stops leaning whether death or alive is death in as far as I am concern.

Learning on the other hand means education or acquisition of knowledge. If you agree with me that leaning is synonymous with education and can some times be used interchangeably without penalties, leaning could also be classified into three types like education: Formal education, ( formal leaning), non formal education ( non formal leaning) and informal education ( informal learning).

Now that these words had been considered and clearly elucidated one can now comfortably hold an opinion whether or not age is a barrier to education, however I will be indifferent to support or oppose in a hast because as a pragmatist, I believe in saying things the way they are but not the way they look like. Considering a formal leaning system which is an organized way of learning in a four wall of an institution, age could be a barrier. For instance, It is an extremely determined person that can enroll in a formal system of education at the age of forty. A forty years old person is already saddled with a lot of responsibilities which could constitute a barrier to leaning in a formal system at that age. At this age some of the barrier could be marriage, children, funding, as well as work.

According to Age Concern Northern Ireland policy position paper, older people should have equality of opportunities to further their education, develop new skills and talents. That means there are some opportunities that older people supposed to be exposed to or share with the young ones but are denied due to their age. Having said that, it is not enough to admit that age is a barrier to learn, because formal learning is just only one aspect of learning.

Since leaning comprises Formal, non formal and informal learning, learning could be seen as part of life, an occurrence that takes place from cradle to grave. It means that one starts to learn as early as possible until death.

Considering that learning is from cradle to death, we have to take some illustration to prove the point. A child learn how to cry, drink water and even suck breast right from the very day he/she is born. The child continues to learn like that until formal learning age when the child will be registered in a formal school system.

Age is not a barrier to learning because some people that dropped out of school due to one reason or another often register for public examination such as General Certificate for Education (G. C. E.) even at forty and still go back to school for further studies. If age is a barrier to learning, those that left school before 1970 in Nigeria would not have known how to use computers, because computers were not taught in Nigeria schools before 1970.

Further more, some people learn and acquire one or two skills even at their late fifties. It could be game, or any other pleasurable skills.

In addition, Professor Pat Utomi said in one of his media interview with AIT that a professor that did not attend up to two seminars per annual is not qualified to stand and lecture in any classroom because what he will be giving out to learners will be staled, obsolete and poisonous to the nation. According to him every lecturer, whether a professor or not should be sponsored to attend two or more seminars every year either by the government or his or her employer. This connotes that even as a professor who might have been forty and above is still mandated to learn by the law of dynamism.

Who? Whether infant or adult, young or old that has not learned one or two things today. A man dies right from the very minute he stops to learn. In the office we learn, in the religious houses, learning takes place, in the market places we learn, and even at home we learn. Traveling and tourism is also part of learning. How can age be a barrier to leaning when learning never stops until man dies?

In conclusion, you can agree with me after going through the points about age and learning hitherto elucidated that no matter age may try to be a barrier to formal system of learning, it is not enough to say age is a barrier to leaning. The only thing that is permanent in life is change, and it is only learning that sustained change in that status.

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RICE Or HEM – Which is Best to Heal a Sprained Ankle?

Sprained ankles are typically treated with the R.I.C.E. method (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation), but is this really the best way? You may feel a little discouraged to know that one of the most common injuries in the U.S. has had so few treatment options and takes such a long time to heal.

R.I.C.E. will eventually heal a sprained ankle, but it has serious disadvantages such as…

  • a long downtime and recovery period, at approximately 2 to 8 weeks or longer
  • it doesn’t address rehab exercises
  • ice has been shown to stop lymphatic drainage in studies
  • long-term compression will weaken or even atrophy the ankle
  • it can lead to other physical problems, such as hip pain, knee pain, or back pain.
  • it decreases the ankle’s range of motion
  • it doesn’t repair nerves

A newer breakthrough treatment is H.E.M. Ankle Rehab… The H.E.M. method was developed through years of practical research. H.E.M. is proving a better option for rehabilitating a sprained ankle. Not only does it rehabilitate a sprained ankle in days instead of weeks, but it also strengthens the ankle at the same time, thereby reducing the likelihood of recurring injuries and injury to other parts of the body.

Most importantly, recent research backs up the methods in H.E.M. and shows that R.I.C.E. is fairly ineffective at treating sprains.

The H.E.M. method is easy to understand and follow for anyone, and it addresses the shortcomings of R.I.C.E., including:

  • faster reduction of swelling and pain to facilitate rehabilitation (usually 3 – 7 days
  • a significantly lower risk of future ankle sprains
  • heals the sprained ankle and strengthens it at the same time
  • increases healthy range of motion
  • increases stability and strength in the ankles
  • improves overall movement and athletic performance
  • reduces the risk of recurrent injury
  • improves posture and gait
  • addresses neuromuscular issues

H.E.M. is designed to take only a few minutes a day right in your own home. A sprained ankle, once considered a major rehabilitative task requiring weeks of care, can now be viewed as an opportunity to build strength and guard against future injury, all within days of the injury.

When compared side by side, it becomes apparent that the best and fastest route to healing a sprained ankle is H.E.M. It addresses the underlying issues of healing a sprained ankle by working with the body instead of against it.

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31 Minute Pro Wrestling Cardio Workout!

In pro wrestling, you shouldn’t be interested in that mindless cardio where your brain goes to a different place. No, you need to focus on your heart and lungs while also concentrating on stimulating your mind. This is a thinking mans sport, all the meat head spots are already taken!

The Pro Wrestlers cardio workout will be intense, but will begin slow. Start off with some basic forward and backward rolls, nothing major, just enough to kick start your heart beats per minute. (About 20 total will do).

The Forward roll. Make a fist in both hands, plant the flat part of your wrist on the mat, kick your feet over your head using the moment to get back to your feet. The backward roll. Start back pushing off your feet to a quick seated position, using the moment to roll back, planting your fist on the mat (protecting your neck) and coming back to your feet.

Next move on to quick core workouts. Push ups: 15 Military Push ups (Kaos Push ups) Straight form, body as flat and stiff as a board. Head up, and knock out the first 15, take a 15 count rest (in the perfect push up position) then move to 14, with a 14 count rest so on and so forth all the way down to 1. Now that you’ve at least broken a sweat. Move on to some Standing squats.

Squats: Minimum of 150. Legs shoulder width apart. Hands either on top of your head, cross your chest or your sides lifting them up (directly in front of you) on the squat down. Back straight, head up, and squat to a seated position, 150 times.

Now that your warmed up, time to start the muscle fatigue cardio. Submission Wrestling. Starting in standing position, the first man (or woman) steps into the squared circle, going 10 one minute rounds with a fresh opponent. (Doesn’t matter if you submit or win, everyone goes the full minute) 30 second rest between matches and first match is 3 minutes. (Total 11 rounds)

Now it’s time to bring it home. Just when you thought you gave all that you can give. Just when you thought you have nothing left in the tank. Just when you thinks it’s all over. This is the time that you have to dig down deep. Bring out your inner fighting spirit! When an every day Joe says I quit, that’s you kick it times 10! That never say die attitude. Bring out the fire that breathes inside. It’s time for the Universal Pro Wrestling sequence.

Start off by whipping your opponent off the ropes with a right handed Latigo (similar to an arm drag for the American Wrestling fans out there). Bypass his return charge to you. Follow up with a drop down and a quick leap frog. Try to blast your opponent with a vicious clothesline. Watch out, cause if he duck he may hit you with a devastating shoulder block. No worries, if he does, do your drop down, leap frog sequence and catch him with a big hiptoss. Cover (Pin) and repeat, 5 times. Switching roles (Doing both sides of this sequence counts as 1) Absorb each fall with your feet as much as possible, you want to take the least amount of damage as you can. And remember, only a trained Pro Wrestler can perform this task. This all done in 30 minutes time. You can’t beat this intense workout.

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Tips To Get The Most From Your Brain Supplements

More and more people are going for brain enhancing products. Gone are the days when brain supplements were used only by the elderly to boost issues such as memory. Brain supplements come with lots of benefits, making them very popular among all age groups. Some of the benefits you can expect from your brain pills include reduced mental fatigue, increased focusing ability, improved memory and recall, thought clarity and improved overall brain health. People using the pills also enjoy higher processing speeds by the brain and the impressive ability to bounce between ideas and thoughts.

There are so many reasons as to why you may consider going for the brain pills. Whatever your reasons may be for the supplements, it is important that you do your best in decision making and usage to get the most from your supplement. Here are a few tips that can help you in getting the best from the brain pills you choose.

Tip 1 – Get familiar with the ingredients

One of the best ways of telling what your smart pills will do for you is to check on the ingredients. There are so many ingredients used in different brain pills and they come with different benefits to the brain. Whereas some will increase circulation within your grain to promote cell membrane fluidity, others may increase neural communication through increased nerve ending growth rate. Find out what the ingredients in your supplement do to improve your mental wellbeing so that you are able to select the best pills for the kind of results you expect.

Tip 2 – Source your pills from reputable brands and suppliers

You will find popular brain pill brands in the market and you can settle for those to enjoy maximum benefits. You also want to ensure that you buy them from suppliers you trust so you do not end up with counterfeit pills that will do little to your brain. If possible, buy the supplements directly from manufacturers or authorized dealers so you enjoy genuine top quality products in the end.

Tip 3 – Follow the directions of use

Your manufacturer knows the product better and you should therefore ensure that you follow the directions for use to the letter. High dosages do not translate into faster results so make sure you stick with the directions offered.

Tip 4 – Get a go ahead from your doctor

This is very important, especially for those not in good health or physical condition. Your physician can offer helpful guidelines on what smart pills are best for you and how to actually use so you do not end up making your condition worse.

Tip 5 – Drink plenty of water

The truth is brain supplements increase blood flow to your brain. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day makes it possible for the supplements to work effectively and also minimizes possible side effects. Dehydration is a leading cause of reduced brain performance so be sure to stay hydrated all through.

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Exercise And Your Mindset – The 5 Minute Workout

In this Whisper I would like to touch on how exercise affects your state of mind.

Sadly, only one third of American men and women between the ages of 25 to 64 engage in regular, planned exercise according the Center For Disease Control.

In addition to being necessary to keep your body in good physical condition, your heart strong, and your energy high, exercise also greatly affects your mindset and your ability to control your emotions.

Exercise has been proven to lessen symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress. It also will improve your emotional state of mind, your mental clarity, and result in increased happiness with your life.

Regular exercise causes your body to naturally produce endorphins which are known as your ‘feel good’ hormones.

When you exercise, chemical changes occur in your brain. Levels of serotonin and dopamine quickly increase which directly affects how happy you feel and how calm you are.

When you get into this emotional state of mind from exercise you are able to focus and concentrate for longer periods of time.

When you exercise you become more aware of your body which causes you to be more aware of your thoughts and actions. Your mindset experiences a morale boost.

Only one singe good workout has been proven to lessen any stress, anxiety or depression you may be battling and you will feel less angry, tired or tense.

Exercise balances your body and mind together in a form of moving meditation and creates a mind/body harmony.

When you exercise you boost your self esteem and positive image of yourself quickly.

When you exercise outdoors you become more aware of nature and the fresh air and sun and you increase your consciousness.

Exercise also increases chemicals in your brain that support and prevent degeneration of the hippocampus, an important part of your brain for memory and learning.

With all these benefits to both the body and mind many people still have trouble making regular/planned exercise a daily part of their life.

If you currently are not participating in a regular exercise regimen here is a secret that will help you begin… slowly and easily with very little effort.

Promise yourself you will respect your body and mind by exercising only 5 minutes a day!

Every one of you can devote a mere 5 minutes daily for a week to get something so important started in your life.

Pick a few basic exercises and promise yourself you will begin giving yourself this gift of life starting tomorrow.

Stick to the 5 minutes each day no matter what you have to adjust or when or where you have to do the exercise. Everyone can find 5 minutes a day.

If you do this you will feel better physically and mentally after only 1 week.

The next week increase your routine to 10 minutes. Do not take any days off.

Take careful notice as to how you feel after only 2 weeks.

The third week increase your exercises to 15 minutes. Do not take ANY days off.

After the third week you will have built new neural pathways of this thought into your brain and will have begun to form a new habit in your lifestyle.

If you do this I promise you will feel the difference in how your body feels and how your mindset has changed.

This will give you a taste of the potential you have in front of you to make major changes in how you feel and how you think through exercise.

You will have more energy, self esteem, self confidence, less stress and anxiety and depression. You will think with more clarity and life will slow down and you will have more self awareness.

There are many more benefits just waiting for you to enjoy, and if you only take the few minutes I have suggested and you stick with it you will be on your way to a much healthier body and mindset.

Congrats! Another good day of working on your all important mindset.

… LIVE the Whisper

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