Archive | July, 2017

Healthy Eating – Part 2 of Your Fat Burning Nutrition Guide For 6-Pack Abs

Have you set goals to see six-pack abs? While a great workout program enhances your results, nothing is going to boost your results like a proper diet. Unless you have the right foods sorted you will find you struggle with your results. Continuing on from Part 1, here are two more important tips to help you get into top shape…

1. Fiber, Sugar, And Micronutrients. One mistake some people make when putting together their six-pack ab diet plan is focusing too heavily on calories and macronutrients. While both of these are important for long-term success, do not overlook the smaller details, namely fiber, sugar, and the micronutrients.

Getting more dietary fiber into your day by way of fresh vegetables will help fill you up, making it easier to sustain your desired calorie intake. Cutting sugar will contribute to promoting regulated blood sugar levels, which reduces your risk of gaining body fat.

Finally, adding plenty of nutrient dense foods to your daily diet by focusing on wholesome foods rather than processed, will go a long way towards keeping your energy up, ensuring optimal metabolic function, and helping you optimize your well-being.

Both vitamins and minerals play a vital role in keeping your body running optimally, and this is not to be overlooked. Getting a great set of abs does you no good if you feel miserable and never want to leave the house due to poor health. Eating nutrient rich foods will help prevent this.

2. Hydration Smarts. Few people think of hydration when it comes to fat burning nutrition, but it is another significant element in the game. Proper hydration will not only help keep your energy levels up but will also allow you to reduce water retention, which may make it seem like your fat loss is progressing slower than it is.

Additionally, as many people mistake thirst for hunger, staying adequately hydrated can help reduce your chances of eating calories when you do not need them. Plus, it will also contribute to boosting exercise performance, reducing fatigue and allowing you to burn more calories every session.

When it comes to hydrating your body, choose water as often as possible. Adding some branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) to your water jug can be the perfect way to encourage you to drink more while also helping prevent your body from moving into the catabolic state that is so common when on a fat loss diet. Beyond that, protein powder can also be consumed but stay away from any other calorie providing beverages. Aim to get your calories from whole food sources as these just offer greater satiety.

Keep these tips in mind, and you too can have great looking six-pack abs this coming summer.

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Diet and Weight Loss Supplements

Before you decide to start taking supplements to aid your weight loss, you need to understand a few of the basics of dietary supplements.

Dietary supplements are basically products that people add to their diets to augment the food that they eat because they are missing essential nutrients. These dietary supplements often include vitamins, minerals, herbs, and amino acids.

They are available in the form of pills, liquids or even powder (in the case of many kinds of fibers). But the most important thing to remember is that a dietary supplement is not an alternative to a healthy lifestyle because it is only by having such a healthy lifestyle that you will be able to lose weight and keep it off. Dietary supplements will simply make it that much easier for you to keep going. They help you get the essential nutrients that your body needs to function at its best. It is only when your body is at its optimum level that you can push it to lose weight without losing physical resistance and the mental drive that is so important if you want to be successful in sheding the weight and keeping it off.

Many dietary supplements are labeled as being natural. This does not always mean that there are no side effects and you must consult your doctor before taking any kind of dietary supplement if you fall within any of the following categories:

Pregnant or lactating;
Suffering from diabetes;
Suffering from high blood pressure;
Suffering from any other health problem requiring medication.

There are many healthy dietary supplements at hand to help you. Let them give you a hand!

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Classical Conditioning: The Secret Behind Exercise Motivation

We all know how hard it can be sometimes to get off the couch and exercise.

Even the least creative of minds can come up with some excuse to avoid going for a run. Procrastination is a huge issue in fitness. But many people don’t realize how easy it can be to motivate yourself to go for a run.

What if you could trick your mind into thinking it actually wanted to exercise?

Using simple psychology, you can turn your mind into your very own personal trainer! For free.

Your mind used to be your biggest barrier to exercise – your body craved a run, but you talked yourself out of it. Now your mind can be your biggest motivator. How?

Classical conditioning.

Step one is to make a plan. Before you can even start to use psychological conditioning, you need to create a tangible workout schedule. Start with small, attainable goals – such as going for a run every other evening for a week.

You need to write your plan out as a list – and put it somewhere you’ll see every day. This constant reminder that you should be exercising is important to the concept of classical conditioning which we will try to implement into your exercise routine.

Next it’s time to apply the psychological phenomenon of classical conditioning.

Classical conditioning is a term given to the psychological effect of stimulus association. Perhaps you’ve heard of Pavlov’s dogs – who came to associate food with the sound of a bell, and eventually salivated merely at the bell. Classical conditioning requires a neutral stimulus to gradually become closely associated with a stimulus which causes some sort of reflex in the subject. Eventually the boundary between the stimuli will become blurred in the mind. The ultimate goal of classical conditioning is to transfer the reflex from the second stimulus to the first (previously neutral) stimulus.

So what’s the neutral stimulus in your exercise plan?

The act of going for a run.

In order to achieve effective motivation through classical conditioning, you need to find a stimulus – which already causes a reaction from you – and begin associating it with the act of exercise.

For example: your favourite song. Go cold turkey on listening to your favourite song – unless you are exercising. Make sure that you do not hear the song at any other time. Look forward to listening to it while you run!

After a while, the same feelings you get NOW when you hear your favourite song will be associated with the act of exercise.

To run will be a treat – whether or not you listen to the song.

Although the stimulus of music is ideal for this sort of conditioning – because it is easy to control, and easy to associate with physical activity – you CAN experiment with other types of stimuli as well!

Maybe you have a favourite shirt that would be appropriate to run in. Maybe you can drink your favourite energy drink on your run.

Keep in mind that stimuli which are associated with physical activity WHILE you are completing the activity are the most effective. The more intense the connection with the actual activity, the more effective the classical conditioning will be. And, ultimately, the more you will love exercising!

Finally, realize that lack of motivation to exercise is something that everyone experiences.

But now you’re one of the few who know the secret to overcoming exercise procrastination.

And you can beat this laziness!

Now get out there and go for a run!

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Toning Up – An Introduction To Getting Toned

We’ve heard it all before. And we’ve probably said it ourselves especially when beach season is just around the corner.

“I want to get more toned.”

When you ask them what they mean by wanting to get “toned”, chances are you’ll hear adjectives such as “tight”, “firm” and “trim”.

So what is toning?

“Tone” refers to the condition of your muscles. It should be tight and firm but you must also reduce your level of body fat so it will not obscure visibility or definition.

At rest, your muscles are in a state of partial contraction. When required, muscles fibres contract priming your body to action. Muscle contraction is more evident in a lean but built physique. This is why over the years the word “tone” has been associated with a trim, tight and firm body.

There are 3 components to getting a toned body…

The first component is resistance training. When you apply resistance to muscle it responds by recruiting fibres to handle the amount of forces directed to it. Staying frequently active helps with toning your muscles and helps burn off excess body fat by increasing your metabolism.

There are many ways to apply resistance to muscle but the best way is by lifting weights. With a weight training program, you can adjust the amount of resistance by tweaking the amount of weight or increasing the number of reps.

The second component is cardio. The most effective form of cardio is High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). Not only does your body use stored carbohydrates as the primary fuel in HIIT but your metabolism stays elevated 48 hours after exercise. Your body becomes a fat-burning machine!

Finally, the third component is diet and proper nutrition. You need the right sources of calories to fuel your workouts and to jump-start recovery after a productive training session in the gym. A well-planned diet made up of healthy and nutritious meals will help unveil your toned physique!

Getting all these components to work and complement each other will be the key to a successful body toning program.

Before you embark on a muscle toning program, visit several exercise websites for specific exercises for toning up as well as specific diet tips.

You can exercise all day long but having the correct diet will be the key to making that muscle tone visible to the world and ensure all your hard work pays off!

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Healthy Eating – What To Consider When Choosing a Protein Bar

If you are at all supplement savvy where your nutrition program is concerned, chances are you have come across a protein bar or two. These are very popular right now and can make for an excellent way to help improve your protein intake and fuel your day. But, if you are not careful, the protein bar you choose will not be much more than a glorified chocolate bar. How can you be sure the one you decide on is going to deliver the results you are after?

Let us go over the top points to keep in mind when selecting a protein bar…

1. The Total Calorie Content. First, consider the total calorie content of the bar you are thinking about buying. Unless you are purposely trying to gain body weight, you do not want the bar to come in at any more than around 200 calories per serving. Some bars are creeping up there at around 250 or more calories, so either skip those entirely or save them for a day when you are particularly active.

Remember you are looking for a snack here, not a full-blown meal.

2. The Fat To Protein Ratio. Next, check out the fat to protein ratio the bar has to offer. Are you getting more protein grams than fat grams? The protein/fat ratio is important. Remember fat has over twice the calories per gram than protein does, so if they are about equal in grams, this means you are getting far more calories from the fat than you are from the protein.

A good protein bar should have…

  • around 20 grams of protein, and
  • between 5 to 10 grams of dietary fat.

This will put the total contributing calories of fat and protein to around the same level.

3. Sugar Overload! Sugar is the big thing you will want to watch out for when choosing your bar. Too many bars have 15, 20 – even 30 grams of sugar per bar. That is as much as what you will find in your favorite chocolate bar.

Skip those. Protein bars with a high sugar content are not meant for anyone looking to maintain a favorable body weight or wanting to keep their blood sugar levels stable.

4. Sugar Alcohols. Finally, beware of sugar alcohols. Sugar alcohols may seem appealing as they are not going to spike your blood sugar levels the same as pure sugar would, but do not be fooled. They have other effects.

Most people who consume sugar alcohols will experience gastrointestinal discomfort because of them, so it is a good idea to bypass them altogether.

There you have the most important points to remember regarding protein bars. Find a few good ones, and these can make for a terrific snack when you are in a hurry.

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How To Build Abs From Nothing – Where Do You Start?

Have you ever gotten out of bed, looked at the mirror and wished you had a great set of six pack abs? You’re not alone! There is no limit to what I’ve seen people do to discover how to build abs and really firm and tone their midsection. From fad diets to weight loss pills to crash workouts to hours upon hours of steam and sauna therapy; the list goes on and on, name it and I’ve bet someone has tried it.

The lure of perfect six pack abs is just too tempting

The unsettling fact that people need to realize is that there is no overnight cure. Learning how to build abs and a great looking six pack takes time, dedication and perseverance. It means putting restrictions on what you can eat, how you exercise and how you live your life. Sounds serious doesn’t it?

Don’t let me scare you away, even though it sound like a lot of work, it really isn’t. And the main reason for that is that by setting out to achieve a brilliant six pack stomach, you are also setting your life on a healthy and vibrant path.

As you start to really watch your daily intake of food and maintain a healthy balance of good quality food in, you will begin to feel healthier and more energetic. As your nutritional requirements are met adequately, now you have your foundation for six pack abs set, you can begin to focus on effective whole body and targeted abdominal exercises to really strip away the layers of fat sitting on top of your abdominal muscles.

Okay, so now that we’ve established that learning how to build abs takes effort (but that it will make you feel fantastic!) let’s cover some six pack basics:

  • Nutrition is your foundation. This is where everything MUST start. Make sure you feed your body a healthy, balanced diet of healthy fats, protein and carbohydrates. Take the time to do a rough calculation of your daily calorie intake. Now make sure that you are always meeting or exceeding that calorie intake with calorie burn from exercise.
  • Yes, they are your usual sit-ups and abdominal crunches. Boring, repetitive but yes, when done properly, these basic exercises can at least get you started! Try to utilize a stability or swiss ball when performing crunches or situps as you can dramatically reduce the impact these actions have on your lower back.
  • You also have to do full-body exercises and pay attention to your lower body. Cardio exercises are to uncovering how to build abs in the fastest time possible. Try jogging, exercising, cycling or skipping rope. All of theses workouts really help to trim down the layers of fat covering your beautiful abdominal muscles.
  • Cardio exercises may help your overall physique, but you should also try to lift weights. Many women are afraid to do this because they believe weight lifting can make their body appear bulky and muscular. The key is to learn how to lift weights properly and in turn discover how to build abs without looking manly.
  • Try doing variations of abdominal exercises and full body exercises so your body doesn’t get used to any one activity. Also, you can easily get bored doing the same thing every time so it is better to create many variations of exercises to keep both your mind and body engaged and guessing at what you are going to throw at them next!

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How Long Does Quitting Sugar Really Take?

The #1 fear most people have when it comes to sugar addiction is not being able to quit eating sugar. More accurately, they fear how terrible they will feel when they stop eating it – and then fear that will drive them back where they started.

The good news is it doesn’t have to be that way.

It took me quite a long time to get to where I am today with my sugar addiction – namely, off sugar and with no cravings. But let’s be fair – I had no one back then to give me specific instructions or helpful coaching. This was years ago, and people didn’t understand sugar addiction in those days.

Instead, as a pioneer in the field of sugar addiction, I was reading articles in science journals that sounded something like this: “Radio assays were performed on rat brain… “

Yes, the information was that exciting (how could I make that up?) – and also that remote from my personal struggles with sugar. For me, quitting sugar was about putting bits and pieces together and turning them into a formula to follow.

Now that sugar is recognized as addictive – and sugar addiction is recognized as both problematic and widespread – books and guidelines on quitting the stuff are everywhere. I’ve written both.

So how long DOES quitting sugar take?

To be completely honest, getting rid of cravings for good will take a while, but the quitting process itself takes much less time. The answer is it takes less than a week – if you do it right.

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The Eat More, Weigh Less Diet – Know the Pros and Cons of This Diet

What are the pros and cons of the Eat More, Weigh Less program? This routine is the result of studies aimed to find ways to quash heart disease. With this program, you are required to eat foods low in fat and high in fiber and vegetable content. Dairy food consumption should also be reduced. You must eat mainly complex carbohydrates such as grains, fruits and vegetables, and foods rich in essential fatty acids such as omega 3. You should also eat foods low in saturated fat and sugar content. This program emphasizes differentiating between good and bad stress and regular physical activity.

The advantages of the Eat More, Weigh Less Diet are as follows:

1. It offers healthy benefits for you to lose excess weight.

2. It guides you in the way you create your meals, from food preparation to cooking, to make them more healthy and nutritious than your ordinary home-cooked meal.

3. Nutrition is preserved in food because it recommends healthy procedures and steps to follow in preparing your food.

4. It helps you manage good and bad stress.

5. It promotes an active and healthy lifestyle, through sports, exercise, and other physical activities.

What are the disadvantages of this routine?

1. It can be difficult and extremely limited. Meat is out of the picture, so people who are used to eating meat will find it very difficult. The thing here is that there is 6% of total fat calories to consume, very low when compared to the 25% to 35% recommendation.

2. Some people think this is too much for a long-term program. What they do is to modify this diet to suit their lifestyles, interests, and personalities.

3. Some people might find it hard to take in fiber initially. The key here is to start taking in fiber slowly, and eventually increase its rate so the body can get used to it.

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5 Drills For Extreme Football Conditioning

In the dark ages of football, conditioning is usually adjusted to nothing more than running a few miles and maybe jogging up stadium steps. It was the old standby. And, often the only reason it was done was because that's what your coach did when he was young, and his coach before him. . . And on and on and on. . . It was the mediocre conditioning conundrum and it stuck football like a plague.

If there's one thing that all football strength and conditioning coaches should agree on it's that running sucks for improving football conditioning.

Jogging is boring, results killing, and, if you are over 200lbs (and you all should be), it can be hell on your knees and ankles. We never run distance in a game, and usually not much more than 30yards and often only 3 – 10yards!

Yet, no matter what, some football players continue to rely on the dreaded and unproductive jogging as the mainstay of their football conditioning programs.


I'm pretty sure it's because most coaches grow up when the aerobics craze hit. Jogging was the solution from everything from fat loss, heart health, sports conditioning to solving world peace.

But, just because you did something 25-years ago does not mean you should still do it! It used to be common practice to not allow your players to drink water during summer practices. It took a few tragic accidents before this stupid practice was put to rest.

How many times must we run around the practice field screaming "4th Quarter" before someone gets that in order to win the big games. . . The close games against good teams, we have to be in extreme football condition, or, as we like to say. . . Game shape.

But, if you do not run how the hell do you get "in shape?"

If you play a sport, you should do conditioning that is similar to the demands of your sport, which is why Football players have absolutely no business running distance. Ever.

Sprinting, of course, is the usual answer. And, it should be. But, for most of the country, sprinting outside is not always an option. Here in NJ it looks to either rain, snow or dump buckets of ice on us at the most random times. I can only imagine what the hell goes on in places where it really snows.

Sprinting in the snow may seem cool and hardcore, but, slip on one spot of ice and your season is done.

There are alternatives for those time. . .

But, a word of warning. . . It is not for the weak hearted.

Combining three exercises, often called Triple Threats, is not new. Early strongmen would often perform triples; Typically a Two-Hands Anyhow, a Press, then a Side Press. Olympic lifters often use them and guys like Alwyn Cosgrove have applied complexes to fat loss training with phenomenal results. But, we are not talking about just combining exercises in the gym. Using Triple Threats for extreme football condition is a great way to get into amazing football shape even when going outside is impossible.

1. Prowler, Farmers Walk, Sprint

This movement is brutal. There's just no point where it lets up. Start off by setting up a Prowler (or sled) about 30-yards from a set of loaded Farmer's Walk bars. Very heavy dumbbells can be used if you do not have access to Farmer's bars.

Get down low and start pushing that Prowler. This should be a sprint, so do not overload the sled too much. As soon as you reach the bars, pick them up and do a Farmer's Walk back to the starting point. Then, drop the bars and sprint back to the prowler.

The last sprint might feel a little funny, especially on the later sets, but tough it out. Yell out "Fourth Quarter!" Or whatever cliché gets you to keep going when you just want to vomit.

Start with 3 sets of this combo, rest as needed. When you get good, try to cut the rest periods down to 45-seconds. Gradually. Trust me, go gradually. Five sets of this will be enough for most. You can use it as a stand-alone movement, as part of a conditioning day, or as a finisher after a weight room session.

You can do this in the gym if outside is not a possibility. The Prowler would not go over well with the school, but, you can get a tarp or even a heavy piece of rug, throw a few plates on top, attach a rope and pull. Instant indoor sled.

2. Dumbbell Cleansers, Dumbbell Front Squats, Dumbwalk Dumbbell

This is a favorite of mine. It's super easy to set up, easy to do, and is excellent for conditioning and teaching your body to be coordinated when tired. By the way, this is important. I've heard for years that you should not put high skill exercises toward the end of your strength sessions because you're too tired to perform the movement correctly. But, seriously, if you play football (or any sport really) you damn well better be able to perform high skill movements when tired. You better be as fresh in the 4th Quarter as you were in pre-game warm ups!

This trio is great for teaching the body to be on point even as you tire. Grab two dumbbells and knock off 5 rapid fire cleans.

On the 5th, immediately do 5 explosive Front Squats. Then, on the 5th, keep the 'bells on your shoulders and go right into a Duckwalk. You can go for about 10 yards. But, speed of movement is more important.

The keys here are:

Speed! You have to move fast
25-Seconds rest between sets
Focus. . . You must learn to perform when tired

Go for 3 – 5 sets to begin with. This works great as a finisher, done at the end of a strength training session.

3. Kettlebell Swing, Kettlebell Bear Crawl, Kettlebell Push ups

This trio can also be done with Dumbbells, but it's no where near as fun. It's best to do this combo outside, preferably in crappy weather (conditioning is as much about mental toughness as it is physical). Yea, yea. . . I just said do not sprint outside. . . There's not sprinting here, suka.

Start off by doing 10 – 15 reps in the KB Swing. As soon as you finish, drop down and, with kettlebells in hand, start doing a Bear Crawl. Crawl about 30 yards. When you reach the finish line, keep your hands on the K-bells and do as many push-ups as possible.

Rest as needed at first, but actually try to cut the rest down to under 45-seconds between sets.

Once you get used to this combo, try doing it with two different size K-bells. No one ever said the weights always have to be perfectly balanced. This will increase difficulty and keep your stabilizers working the entire time.

This complex can be used as a finisher on an upper body day or as part of a conditioning day. Start off with4 sets and work up to 6. Experiment with different Kettlebell weights, try using dumbbells, or wear a weighted vest through to increase the workload.

4. Sandbag Bearhug Carry, Shoulder and Squat, Sandbag Deadlift

Again, best to head outside for this one, but, if you can not then the gym is perfectly fine. I've said it a million times; Sandbags are excellent for improving strength and football conditioning. . . And it's the # 1 tool for bridging the gap between the weight room and the field.

You will have to play around a bit with the weight of the bag. If it's too heavy, you'll never make it. But, if it's too light, the exercise becomes too easy. Starting light and going heavier is the best way to go.

Start off with feet shoulder-width apart. Bend and grab the bag just as you would a barbell Deadlift. You will have to find the best form for you, but, a good way to start for beginners is to Deadlift the bag to the thighs, then do a high-pull / hip pop combo to get it to the chest. If you've ever watched World Strongest Man competitions, you've seen this move used when lifting the large, round stones. It'll take some practice to find your sweet spot, but, once you do, you'll have very little problem.

Once the bag is at chest level, wrap your arms around it and squeeze the hell out of the damn thing. If you relax your grip, the bag will fall, especially as you get tired. Once secured, start walking. When you get to the 50-yard marker drop the bag, repeat the lifting sequence but this time get it to your shoulder. Do 5 reps each side.

When you hit the 10th rep, drop the bag again and do as many Deadlifts as you can. This is quite a bit of work in a short time, so it is ideal when used as a finisher. Start with 3 sets and gradually increase to six.

5. DB Swing, DB Snatch, DB OH Lunge

Again, if you are afraid of accidently becoming a card carrying member of a Kettlebell Kult, you can use Dumbbells for this complex. This is best done with one 'Bell at a time.

Grab one Kettlebell or Dumbbell, take a shoulder width stance and knock off 20 Swings. Immediately do 20 Snatches then, keep your arm locked out overhead and do 10 Lunges with each leg.

This is ideal for those who are forced to workout inside or in a very small gym because it takes up so little space. You can do the swings and snatches without much fear of some dummy walking directly in the path of the dumbbell. . . Though I once saw Roder drop the bar he was doing Straight Leg Deadlifts onto his foot, so I guess ya never know, eh?

This is also a great way to condition when you can not get to the school's weight room. . . Like on Christmas break. All you need is one dumbbell and some balls.

Depending on your needs, choose 1 – 3 of the combos and work them hard 2 – 3 times a week. If you are early in your off-season, one day a week should hold you. As the season draws near, or if you are looking to lose fat for a specific occasion, start to increase the amount of conditioning you do. The old mainstay of doing 3 weight training workouts and 2 conditioning sessions is a good starting point.

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Exercises and Workouts – Ways To Boost Your Shoulder Press

As you hit the gym, it is important you are not overlooking your shoulder training. Having attractively developed shoulders will not only make your physique aesthetically pleasing, but it can also help provide functional strength that will come in helpful on a day-to-day basis.

One of the main exercises you will want to be doing when it comes to working those shoulders is the shoulder press. And if you are stuck at a weight level lift, there are some clever tricks you can use to get past it.

Here is what you should know to crush your next plateau…

1. Switch to the Barbell Press. If you have been doing the dumbbell shoulder press for as long as you can remember, it might be the time to focus on doing a barbell shoulder press instead. Sometimes just switching over to this new piece of equipment can kick-start your results, getting you past the sticking point.

Likewise, the reverse also holds true. If you have been doing the dumbbell press for a while, try a barbell press instead.

2. Focus On The “Mind-Muscle Connection.” Next, start focusing on the “mind-muscle connection.” Ask yourself, when you lift a weight, are you focusing on pressing it up through your shoulder muscles? Or is your primary concern simply getting the weight up, full-stop?

If it is the latter, you may not be targeting the right muscles. Try decreasing the weight and focus in on pressing just with your shoulder muscles. You should feel them fatiguing as you move through the lift. If you do this, you will slowly find these muscles becoming stronger, and eventually, you will be able to lift more weight. Not to mention, you should see better overall results as well.

3. Do “Drop Sets.” Another technique you can use to get past a training plateau is to perform drop sets. With this, you will do one set at your average weight, and upon reaching a point of fatigue, you will then “drop” the weight and perform another set. Then if you want, you can “drop” one more time and make a final set.

Doing this “drop set” is a way to help train your body to tolerate fatigue, which then allows you to push harder on your straight sets when you are using a heavier weight. This is a very intense training technique, however, so do not attempt to do it every single workout. Once every other workout should be plenty.

4. Add More Frequency. Finally, the last thing you can do to improve your shoulder performance and strength is to increase your training frequency. If you have only been hitting your shoulders once a week, start hitting them twice a week or even three times if you can.

As long as you have one day between each session, this should be sufficient for them to make a recovery – and you to see significant progress.

Keep these points in mind as you hit the gym for your next shoulder workout. Do not let frustration get the best of you if you are not able to get to the next weight level. Instead, train smarter, and soon you will be there without a problem.

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