Archive | July, 2017

How to Lose Weight Just By Walking

Who said you can’t lose weight through walking alone, and without going to the gym? Don’t listen to them! You can become 20 pounds lighter in the next few months without lifting a weight or going on a hunger strike. Walking is a form of exercise that is safe and easy for everyone to execute, and you can use it to achieve your weight loss goals. This article explains how you can use walking to lose weight and maintain it without going to the gym or going on a serious diet.

Why Should You Walk?

Walking is a simple form of workout exercise that is often underrated in terms of health benefits, although it does have numerous health benefits. Walking will give you a stronger heart and bones, it helps lower your blood pressure and ease your stress, and help you drop more pounds than you’d imagine. The good thing about walking is that you can do it anywhere, with little effort, and it doesn’t require any equipment.

How Much Weight Can You Lose By Walking?

The number of pounds you can drop by walking is determined by your body weight, walking intensity, and your pace. If you walk at a common pace of 4 miles per hour you are most likely to burn about 400 calories in one hour. But bear in mind that this is just on average, so you don’t have to walk 4 miles a day. You can go 3 miles to burn 300 calories or 2 miles to burn 200 calories. And if you don’t have much stamina, you can cover a shorter distance and add other exercises for a better result.

How Often Should You Walk?

The frequency of your workout should depend on your state of health and targeted goals. If you are healthy enough to engage in walking and you want to achieve optimal results, then you should be walking 3 days a week for about 20-30 minutes to start. As you are progressing, you should increase the number of days as well as the duration; like every day for 45-60 minutes.

How Can You Walk For A Longer Period Without Boredom?

To have an interesting walking routine you need to try different ways of carrying out the exercise, such as taking a different route from time to time, walking outdoors and indoors, listening to music, or even singing your favorite song out loud while you walk. You might be surprised at the distance and duration you can cover by adding some of these things to your walking.

How You Should Walk For Optimal Results

If you are planning on losing significant weight by using walking as the only exercise then you have got to do it properly. I know what you are thinking right now – you are probably asking yourself if there are ways to walk properly, considering that you have been walking since you were 3 years old. Well, when it comes to walking for weight loss, yes! There are ways to walk for optimal results. You’ll burn much fat if you do the following while walking:

* Chin up: Avoid looking at your feet while walking, look forward as this will help keep your neck in a comfortable position.

* Activate your abs: Try to brace your core and maintain good posture by pulling your belly button in the direction of your spine.

* Squeeze your glutes: For you to be able to go a longer distance you should try tightening your glutes. This will help push you forward.

Is It Important To Monitor The Number Of Steps You Walk?

An important way to boost your chances of success is to know the number of steps you take every day. This will help maintain a particular number of steps you would need to go to get a particular result (amount of weight loss). The device that can help you with the number count is a pedometer (like this one) or a wristband (like this one). With these devices, you can know how many miles you would need to go to get to the number of pounds you intended on dropping. Once you get a pedometer, you will attach it to your clothes at your hip, or elsewhere while you walk.

What Should You Do To Lose Weight And Maintain It Through Walking?

You are definitely going to lose weight through walking alone if you continue with it. however, you can increase the time it would take to lose weight by adding resistance training to your walking routine. You can walk with dumbbell (arm) weights, or try power walking by increasing your pace some days, alternated with your normal walking days. You can even set aside a particular day in the week for just resistance exercise, such as weightlifting or jogging, in order to keep the pounds off that you will drop through walking. Also, you should eat healthily in order to maintain your weight.

If you are planning on starting out with walking as an exercise routine to lose weight then I encourage you to do so, because your effort is not going to be wasted. Walking is a simple form of exercise that can result in weight loss if performed properly and consistently. You can be sure that you will lose pounds within few weeks after starting your walking routine, provided you apply everything we have discussed in this article. Therefore, follow it properly and we will meet at the beach this summer!

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How To Restore Gut Health After Antibiotic Use

The first antibiotic, Penicillin, was discovered in 1928 by a Scottish biologist named Sir Alexander Fleming while he was experimenting on influenza virus. He found that a common fungus, Penicillium notatum, can control the growth or kill certain kinds of bacteria. He named this newly discovered substance Penicillin, which successfully treated some deadly bacterial infections like syphilis, gangrene, and tuberculosis.

These days, most antibiotics are synthetic though they are usually chemically related to natural antibiotics. Antibiotics are of great value because they combat infections, save millions of lives, and are not harmful to normal body cells. However, they have their drawbacks as they kill healthy gut bacteria and may have side effects such as stomach upset, nausea, diarrhea, and yeast infection.

When penicillin and other antibiotics were first introduced, they were perceived as wonder drugs because they worked quickly and seemed like an answer to all common illnesses. Unfortunately, decades of overuse have resulted in more and more drug-resistant germs – any bacterium that survives an antibiotic treatment can then multiply and pass on its resistant properties to other bacteria.

  • Although antibiotics can only treat bacterial infections, they have often been misused for viral infections as well (for example cold, flu, bronchitis, most coughs and sore throats, some ear and sinus infections, and stomach flu).
  • Antibiotics are commonly sprayed on fruits and vegetables and given to animals like cattle, chicken, and pigs. As a result, humans are consuming minute doses of antibiotics every day. The cumulative effect on healthy gut bacteria cannot be underestimated.

Antibiotics kill beneficial gut bacteria. Even a single round of antibiotics causes havoc to our gut health.

First, antibiotics cause leaky gut or intestinal permeability, because they so viciously inflame the intestinal lining resulting in the widening of spaces between cells. Normally, the food that we eat is broken down into tiny molecules before they are being absorbed. When we have leaky gut, large molecules of food get through the gut lining into the bloodstream. This triggers the immune system to react, makes antibodies against that food, and result in a food allergy.

Second, antibiotics decimate the population and diversity of good bacteria in the gut. Since 80% of our immune system is in the gut, these good bacteria are our major defense system against all sorts of illnesses. Not only is it important to have a preponderance of good bacteria versus bad, diversity of gut bacterial strains is also critical. Antibiotics are known to reduce the number and diversity of the resident bacterial population in the gut.

What do we do if we absolutely have to take antibiotics? Are there ways we can counter the damages caused by antibiotics?

First and foremost, take a quality probiotic supplement as this will immediately help to reseed some of the good bacteria in the gut.

Check to make sure the supplement contains one or more of these bacteria strains that have confirmed health-promoting features:

• Bifidobacterium bifidum

• Bifidobacterium brevis

• Bifidobacterium infantis

• Bifidobacterium longum

• Lactobacillus acidophilus

• Lactobacillus bulgaricus

• Lactobacillus casei

• Lactobacillus paracasei

• Lactobacillus plantarum

• Lactobacillus rhamnosus

• Lactobacillus salivarius

• Streptococcus thermophilus

Choose one with a higher bacteria count by looking at the number of organisms per capsule, expressed in billion CFU’s. Most brand range from 1-50 billion CFUs. In general, the higher the number, the more potent and expensive it is.


For the first month after antibiotic use, take a probiotic supplement twice a day, morning and evening. Some supplements are to be taken on empty stomach, some with food. Follow instructions on the bottle. For maintenance, take a probiotic supplement every day.

Apart from taking a supplement, the following are five additional dietary tips to help restore gut health:

1. Avoid Inflammatory Foods

With leaky gut, the gut lining is already inflamed, therefore, it makes no sense to continue eating foods that will cause more inflammation. The worst foods are:

  • wheat
  • dairy
  • sugar
  • deep fried foods


Stay away from inflammatory foods during antibiotic use and at least 7-10 days after. Best is to avoid for 2-4 weeks so that the gut lining has a chance to completely heal and rebuild.

2. Stewed Apples

Cut up two washed, unpeeled, organic apples into 1/2-inch pieces. Place in a pot with filtered water up to about one-third of the apples. Add a few raisins and some cinnamon. Bring to a boil and simmer for 8-10 minutes until the skin of the apple becomes shinny. This makes four servings.

The magic with stewed apples is the fiber inside the skin called pectin. When it is cooked, the pectin comes to the surface. It acts as a prebiotic (food that feeds the good bacteria) and helps seal the leaky gut.


Have the stewed apples twice a day for the first week after antibiotic use. Then reduce to once every few days for the rest of the month.

3. Chicken Bone Broth

For those who are not into cooking or have no time to cook, many health food stores do carry pre-made chicken bone broth. However, homemade bone broth still tastes the best.

Place organic chicken bones in a soup pot. Add vegetables (such as onions and carrots) and herbs (such as thyme, oregano, parsley, and bay leaf). Add 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Fill with filtered water. Bring to a boil and simmer for at least 3-4 hours. Season to taste.

Chicken bones are rich in collagen which acts as a prebiotic (food that feeds the good bacteria) and helps seal the leaky gut.


Drink a cup of chicken bone broth every day for the first few weeks after antibiotic use. For maintenance, drink on a regular basis.

4. Foods That Make Butyrate In The Gut

Butyrate is a fatty acid naturally found in butter, ghee (clarified butter), raw milk, parmesan cheese, animal fats, and kombucha (fermented tea).

Butyrate is also formed inside our gut when the good bacteria feed on insoluble fiber (bad bacteria do not feed on insoluble fiber.) Insoluble fiber passes through our intestines largely intact because humans do not have the enzymes to digest it (whereas soluble fiber forms a gel when mixed with liquid). Insoluble fiber prevents constipation by retaining water in the stool and making it soft and bulky.

Top insoluble fiber foods include:

  • Beans and legumes
  • Nuts and seeds such as almonds and flax seeds.
  • Vegetables such as turnips, parsnips, okra, green peas, artichokes, asparagus, beets, sweet potato, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, corn, kale, bell peppers, onions, and carrots.
  • Fruits such as apple (with skin), pear (with skin), orange, raspberries, strawberries, apricots, mango, prunes, and figs.

(Please note that it is always preferable to buy organic fruits and vegetables as conventional produce is often sprayed with pesticides and antibiotics. However, if organic is not available, it is still preferable to eat non-organic vegetables than not eating vegetables at all.)

Butyrate is crucial to the well-being of our gut because it supports the health and regeneration of cells in the gut lining. In other words, butyrate helps to repair leaky gut. Multiple studies have shown its ability to fight colon cancer – people with higher levels of butyrate in the gut have a lower risk for colon cancer.


Make sure your daily diet is always rich in insoluble fiber, especially vegetables.

5. Fermented Vegetables

If you are not into making your own fermented vegetables, you can find them in the refrigerator section of many health food stores. Just make sure they have not been pasteurized as all the healthy bacteria will be lost.

Fermented vegetables are very rich in healthy bacteria or probiotics. Each type of vegetable provides a different strain of bacteria. Since diversity of gut bacteria is essential, it is best to eat several types of fermented vegetables, such as sauerkraut, kimchee, fermented beets, and pickled carrots, cucumbers, and onions.


Eat a forkful of fermented vegetables twice a day for the first few weeks after antibiotic use. For maintenance, eat once a day.

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Workout Books For Fat Burning – Burn The Most Fat With The Best Book

Losing body fat can be a struggle at the best of times. Emotional, physical and mental problems are all too frequent when trying to burn fat, unless you have the best workout books for fat burning.

There are some shockers out there, there are ones that give you mediocre information, and then there are ones that will take you from being whatever size you are, to a perfect beach body if you put in the work.

We need decent information before we can get decent results. Imagine just being gifted an airplane and trying to figure out how to fly it yourself… You will crash and burn.

Same with anything in life, we need to get the best information from somebody who has the results we want, can motivate us to do what we want and is willing to put the hard work into us.

Here are a few points when choosing a workout book to burn fat.:

  1. If you are buying an ebook, always email the author first and see how much of a detailed response you get, sometimes they won’t even email back – you want to make sure you get support after you buy, by making sure you get support before.’

  2. Check that the author has the results you want. Ask for a picture or some other proof.

  3. Decide if the author can motivate you to put in the work, do they offer further assistance, coaching, a mentoring program or another way to guarantee that you get results?

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Exercise Intensity – What it is and Why It’s Important

Exercise intensity is one of the most important variables in any workout, because if the intensity is not correct, your workout won’t have the intended effect. Exercising at the wrong intensity level is one of the most common mistakes people make and it should definitely be avoided, if you want to experience optimal results. Intensity seems like a fairly simple concept, as it typically refers to exercise difficulty, but intensity is a little more complicated than it first appears.

The problem with intensity is that it has multiple definitions and different ways of being measured, depending on the type of exercise being performed. For example, when designing resistance training workouts (e.g. lifting weights), intensity is measured differently than when designing a traditional aerobic workout (e.g. running). Therefore, if you want to design workouts to achieve specific goals, it is important to understand how intensity is used in different situations.

Exercise intensity is a measure of difficulty, but a workout can be difficult without being considered a high intensity workout. To give you a better idea of what I mean, let’s take a closer look at resistance training workouts. When training with weights or other types of resistance where you perform sets and reps of various exercises, intensity is determined by the amount of weight used during the set, not the perceived difficulty of the set.

More specifically, intensity is measured as the percentage of your one rep max (1RM). A 1RM represents the amount of weight you can lift one time with proper form and you will have a separate 1RM for every exercise in a workout. For example, if the greatest amount of weight you can lift during the bench press bench press one time is 100 pounds and you want to train at 80% intensity, then you would use 80 pounds during your bench press sets.

Safety Note: 1RM testing can be dangerous if not conducted properly. If you need to figure out your 1RM for program design purposes, be sure to have a qualified professional conduct the tests. Another option is to use a higher repetition test, such as a 10RM test (highest amount of weight you can lift 10 times) and then find a chart to predict your 1RM from that number.

High percentages of a 1RM are consider high intensity exercises and low percentages are considered low intensity exercises, regardless of the number of reps you complete during the set. This means that performing one rep at 90% of your 1RM is technically considered higher intensity training than performing 5 reps at 85% of your 1RM, although 5 reps at 85% is actually more difficult. Factors like reps, sets, tempo, and rest periods are not considered when determining the level of intensity of a resistance training workout, although they certainly affect the difficulty of your workout.

Honestly, for most people it is not too important to know their 1RM, as programs designed from 1RM testing are mainly used with competitive athletes. However, it is important to understand what it means when someone refers to the intensity of a resistance training exercise. With resistance training, intensity is just one of many variables used to determine the overall difficulty of a workout. Therefore, by itself, intensity is always reliable for predicting workout difficulty.

Traditional aerobic training (swimming, running, etc.) also uses percentages to signify the level of exercise intensity, but the percentages represent something completely different with resistance training. With aerobic training, intensity is expressed as a percentage of your maximal heart rate. In other words, the percentage is a measure of the cardiovascular demand of the exercise. Simply put, the higher your heart rate, the higher the intensity of the exercise.

Since higher heart rates correspond to higher levels of difficulty, the intensity of aerobic training workouts are more reflective of overall difficulty than the intensity level used to describe resistance training exercises. If you want to design an aerobic workout of a specific difficulty level, all you need to do is perform the exercise at the intensity (heart rate) that corresponds with your fitness goals. Unless you are a competitive athlete or need to improve very specific physiological characteristics, you do not have to factor in many variables, as you do with resistance training.

Even though resistance training and aerobic training measure intensity in different ways, they both use a specific physiological attribute to measure intensity. Resistance training uses muscular strength to quantify intensity and aerobic training uses heart rate. The important thing to note is both types of exercise use a measure that can be numerically quantified, so specific adjustments can be made to improve the effectiveness of each exercise or workout, which ultimately improves the results of your overall training program.

When most people refer to intensity, they mean to the general feeling of difficulty, as opposed to a specific physiological measurement. Describing intensity as the overall feeling of difficulty is also an acceptable definition of intensity and if you have very general goals, such as making any type of improvement in your fitness level, then using the general feeling of difficulty as your guide can be appropriate. However, if you have more specific goals, such as improving aerobic endurance, speed, muscular strength, etc., then your workouts need to be designed to match the intensity level required to stimulate each specific improvement.

There is no single workout that will improve every aspect of fitness simultaneously, so you have to decide which fitness attributes are most important to you. Multiple fitness attributes can be improved through your overall training program, but different attributes often need to be improved by performing different types of workouts. For example, training to improve aerobic endurance requires a drastically different workout design than training for maximal strength.

Understanding the different meanings and measures of intensity really comes into play when creating workouts to improve different aspects of fitness using the same type of exercise. For instance, if you perform resistance training workouts and you want to improve your maximal strength and muscular endurance, you need to train using different intensity levels (use different amounts of weight) for each task.

Training to improve maximal strength requires training with a high intensity (high percentage of 1RM), but you will not be able to perform many reps with the high amount of weight. When training for muscular endurance, you must perform a high numbers of reps, so a lower intensity weight must be used to achieve the desires results. It is important to note that though different intensities are used during each workout, both workouts may still feel equally challenging, depending on the other variables in the workout design.

If you want your workouts to result in specific improvements, it is important to have a way to quantify the intensity of your workouts. Not only will using numerical intensities help you figure out how to plan for your goals, but it also makes it easier to modify your program as your ability level and goals change over time. On the other hand, if you use the more general meaning of intensity and create workouts solely because they are a certain difficulty, then you won’t have nearly as much control over the type of results you get from your training program.

Intensity is a general concept to describe exercise difficulty, but by using the physiological numerical measures of intensity, you can take your training to the next level and really personalize your program to match your particular goals.

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High Triglycerides – 2 Success Stories You Must Know About

With all the focus in the last 15 years on cholesterol, mainly due to the many billions of dollars made by selling cholesterol-lowering drugs, the role of high triglycerides in heart disease has often been overlooked. There is simply not enough money to be made in lowering triglycerides. This is because it is mainly a dietary issue.

Abnormally high levels of triglycerides have been implicated in causing atherosclerosis, or hardening of the blood vessels. They have also been implicated in inflammation of the pancreas and other disorders. The good news is that for most people lowering their triglyceride levels is a simple matter of better nutrition and will power. Let me let you in on a personal story.

I personally had borderline to high triglyceride levels since my teenage years. Several medical doctors told me that it was “idiopathic,” which, in plain English means that they had no idea why my triglycerides were higher than they should have been. After spending several years studying biochemistry and trying all sorts of nutritional plans, I found that certain simple dietary changes and one superior nutritional supplement dropped my triglyceride levels from just under 200 to well below 50 in just a couple of months. And this is where they have remained.

I then shared this success story with a friend, who was also diagnosed as having “idiopathic” high triglycerides, except that he also had a history of heart disease in his family and his triglycerides were over 850, which is dangerously high. Well, I’m happy to say that after copying my nutritional plan, his family doctor’s eyes practically popped out of her head when she saw the results of 105 in two months and 74 two months after that, proving that people can and do have control over their own health.

The strategy is the following: eliminate all simple sugars and refined carbohydrates from the diet. That means no white bread, no white rice, no white spaghetti, no sugar and/or sweets, no alcohol and no sweet/tropical fruits. Replace them with complex carbohydrates, such as dark rye rusks, brown rice, whole-grain spaghetti and lots of raw and steamed vegetables. Replace the sweet fruits with sour, low-fructose fruits, such as Granny Smith apples, kiwis and grapefruits.

Sugars, all types of sugars, including sucrose, dextrose, maltose and generally anything that ends in -ose, are converted by the body into triglycerides. Fructose, or fruit sugar, is one of the worst offenders, being the most damaging when consumed in fruits with a low fiber content. A good general rule is to eat only fruits that grow in the Northern European or North American latitudes, such as apples, pears and berries, which are lower in fructose than tropical fruits and to limit their consumption to a few servings per day.

The second piece of the puzzle is exercise. Daily exercise helps to burn off excess triglycerides, as the fats in your body are converted into energy. The key here is consistency, not fanaticism. My friend, for example, began with walking up a steep hill for one half mile, twice a day on his way to work after breakfast and lunch. It’s that simple.

The final piece of the puzzle is taking at least six capsules of a pure, top-quality concentrated fish oil supplement, every single day. Fish oil is extremely effective at lowering triglycerides. Honestly, I can say that it was a great satisfaction for me to see my friend wave his blood test results in my face with glee, after coming back from his (shocked) family doctor. And to top it all off, he lost about 35 kilos, or 77 pounds, yet another health benefit of this regimen.

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Are you Flushing Your Vitamins Down the Toilet?

People who clean out those portable toilets know the truth about vitamin and mineral pills. Many of them report seeing the remnants of partially digested vitamin and mineral capsules at the bottom of the porta-potties, some with the name of the pill manufacturer still on them! Do you think the people who took those vitamins realize they have literally flushed their vitamin pills and money down the toilet?

Out of the millions of nutritional supplements available on the market today, how do you know that the one you are using is worth the money you are spending on it? New technology can help you make the most of your vitamin and mineral supplement purchase.

There are 3 ways to judge if your vitamin and mineral supplement is worth the money you are spending on it: the quality of the raw materials, how well your body absorbs it and the ORAC score.

First, your nutritional supplement must be produced with quality raw materials. The only requirement FDA places on supplements is that it contain at least a trace of the vitamin, mineral or herb that is named on the label. If your supplement is really cheap, you might want to investigate how much of the ingredient you want is in there. Many discount vitamin makers will just use one little leaf per bottle of supplement with fillers added to make it look good.

Second, the Physician’s Desk reference says that only 10% of the nutrients in traditional vitamin and mineral pills and capsules are absorbed by your body. It must be digested first to be in a form that your body can use. Liquid nutritional supplements are an improvement over pills and capsules but they can’t be completely absorbed by the body either because they go through the digestive process as well. The nutrients are not in a small enough form to be absorbed by the body but they are better than pills and capsules.

Third, the ORAC score can tell if your nutritional supplement is strong enough to do what it says it will do. ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. It is a “definitive test for assessing the anti-oxidant strength of potential antioxidant compounds.” So, the higher the ORAC score, the stronger the antioxidant capability of the compound. To give you an example of this, fresh fruits and vegetables were given an ORAC score of 800. That means they are capable of delivering a strong antioxidant effect on the free radicals that produced by your body.

Eating fruits and vegetables with a high ORAC score may help the aging process in the human body and brain, according to studies done at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition research Center on Aging at Tufts University in Boston. Whole food vitamins give you the nutrition found in food plus the convenience of being able to get all you need with just one dose.

When it comes to vitamins and minerals, you really do get what you pay for. Investigate your choice in vitamin and mineral supplements to make sure that the one you choose are of the highest quality and completely absorbable by your body.

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Essential Points About Gravity Edge Home Gym Machine

Gravity Edge home gym machine has a number of aspects associated with it and you need to be aware of the basic fact that amongst the various machines available across the world the Gravity Edge home gym machine is one of the most effective ones.

Since gravity Edge gym machine is designed to provide a complete workout for the entire body so as to obtain a well chiseled and muscular body that is fit as a fiddle by working out on this solo machine.

Features of Gravity Edge Home Gym Machine

One of the interesting facts about the Gravity Edge gym machine is that it is very cost effective and inexpensive. So much so that the price is quite unbelievable and if one is interested in going ahead with buying this machine then one can manage it quite easily within his/her finances and not worrying about going bankrupt.

To further enhance its use, one can think of combining this gym machine along with other machines to complete a gym set. Home or a public gym, one just needs to invest some time into carefully planning about what all machines one needs to buy once the selection is complete, one has the best gym equipment for all kinds of situations.

How to Procure Gravity Edge Home Gym Machine

A fixed budget plan has to be made and finances have to be allocated for this situation in order to ensure that one is completely convinced that the amount being spent is judiciously used and for obtaining the best possible results. One should try to have the maximum equipment available within the finances that one has allocated.

Buying the equipment straight from the Gravity Edge Manufacturer would result in a lot of savings since it cuts out the costs that one would have incurred on paying the fees which one would be required to shell out at a regular retail merchandise.

Another way of procuring the equipment is to get it through internet. However one needs to be very careful while exploring this medium of shopping lest one may get cheated through an unknown illegitimate vendor. Also one needs to cross check the prices that are being quoted for the equipments online with the prices available through a regular retail vendor since procurement of equipments online would incur additional shipping and handling charges which may increase the overall cost of the equipment.

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Isometrics Exercises – 3 Critical Factors to Get Ripped Fast

If you are seeking to gain optimal results from the Isometrics Exercises that you are doing or thinking about doing, then you will want to check out this brief write-up. And discover the 3 top-rated tips for quick strength growth!

Almost everyone is not getting what you could consider great results from their isometrics exercises. If they were to make a few small changes to their work out, they would increase the results by at least 300%.

Within this short write up, I will give you the 3 top strategies that helped me get incredible results from my Iso workouts.

One of the key strategies is to train or workout using Isometrics exercises and Isotonics. Isometric exercises alone will help you build incredible muscle strength. One of the advantages of ISOs is that it will assist you in building greater strength than just about any other exercise or training protocol.

Furthermore, this type of training does a better job at building tendon strength than free weights, or bodyweight exercises. Bear in mind that the amount of weight or resistance that you can use has much more to do with your tendon strength than actual muscular strength. To prove my point, if you were to watch a power lifter working out you would see that he or she incorporates many different partial repetitions or static holds in their workout program.

But, one of the drawbacks of isometrics exercises is that while they help you to develop a great deal of tendon and muscular strength unfortunately, because of the lack of repetition they do not do much in shaping and building muscular size.

That is why one of the best ways to set up your strength training program is to utilize both isotonic and iso exercises into your routine. That way you get the best of both worlds, you will get greater strength gains and muscular size.

Nevertheless, you cannot follow some of the outdated training protocols that are currently being recommended for use in your isometric exercise program. Essentially, what they recommend is that you perform isometrics everyday.

Unfortunately, this type of advice is still being promoted and does not take into consideration the one critical factor that does build muscle size. And that factor is “Rest.”

1. In order to grow muscle mass you must continually strive to use more resistance

2. You must eat healthy and nourishing foods,

3. And you must get at least eight hours of sleep each night. While you are sleeping your body releases growth hormone to help, your body recuperate and build new muscle tissue.

If you work out every day is too much the strain on your body system and as a result, you will suffer a plateau.

One way to increase the results from your iso workouts is to utilize isometric exercise equipment or an iso exerciser. These types of devices will allow you to perform more exercises than you could normally do with just free hand Iso’s.

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3 Muscle Building Secrets You Probably Don’t Know Yet

What makes a secret so valuable is that it’s not readily available to everyone. However, when they empower us, we have knowledge that can improve our lives. This is also true in terms of muscle building secrets. Here are some of the most effective ones.

1. Muscle magazines are often owned by supplement-selling companies.

In fact, such companies own (or have owned) all of the major bodybuilding magazines. Oftentimes they keep the best muscle building secrets from you, and instead are basically trying to push their products. In fact, many of the so-called supplements on the market are nothing more than diet pills-but that’s another story. You should not expect bodybuilding magazines to provide you with the best tips-otherwise you could join their elite group of weightlifters.

2. There’s no miracle weightlifting product.

We’re often bombarded with ads claiming that a particular pill, powder, or fluid is THE product for achieving a chiseled physique. However, it’s important to realize that ones giving the product rave reviews tend to be the ones selling them! Sure, these products can help to enhance your workout routine. However, don’t expect top weightlifting advice from the manufacturers of such products, or their bodybuilding magazines.

3. Training like an average Joe is the best approach.

We often hear the bodybuilding universe argue that we should train like a bodybuilder in order to become one. The argument has no merit. Yes, many of us are interested in losing weight and boosting the mass of our muscles. However, most of us do not intend to become professional bodybuilders. Neither are our bodies prepared for the rigors that bodybuilders undergo daily. Thus, such routines could absolutely devastate our bodies, resulting injuries, illnesses, and so on.

Of course, there are more muscle building secrets that can help you hulk up in no time at all! So, start looking for a reliable resource you can use today. Your muscles will thank you for it!

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Weight Training – Advantages And Disadvantages

Weight training is a great way to get your whole body in shape. Many people associate weight training with your upper body and arms. However if you have the right equipment then you can easily exercise the lower part of your body, such as your chest and legs. You may think to yourself that everything about using weights is an advantage. However there are disadvantages to using weights and all the advantages and disadvantages will be described below.

One of the advantages of using weights to work out is the way that you can strengthen your whole body. We all know that weights are used by the person using them standing still and then performing an action using the weights. This action can be moving your arms up and down or side to side. If you are not the type of person that likes to partake in running, swimming or any other kind of real life sport, then weights is the perfect solution to keeping your body toned and in great shape.

Another advantage of using weights to keep fit is when you are using these weights and your body is standing still. Your bones in your body are becoming active as they are trying to support you as you are doing the exercises. So you are in effect working out the entire body every time that you use weights to exercise.

There are disadvantages to using weights for exercising and the main disadvantage is safety. You should never exercise with weights alone. You should always have a supporter with you in case the worst happens. The most common safety concern is using the barbell. There is a possibility of becoming trapped under the barbell if you are unable to do a repetition due to the amount of weight on the barbell.

Another disadvantage when using weights is causing damage to your own body. As stated before you need your whole body when you are using weights. If you cannot keep complete control of your body when you are working out, then you are going to pull or even tare a muscle in your body. Also using heavy weights when you are not ready will always cause an injury to the part of your body that you are exercising. Always remember to start off small and then move on when you feel perfectly ready to do so.

Overall weights are a good way to work out. Millions of people use weights to do a daily work out. After one or two weeks you can start to feel your body becoming more and more toned. You can also feel the muscles in your body start to bulge a bit more then before. However safety will be the major concern to remember when you are using your weights. You must remember to stretch all the muscles in your body before you attempt to exercise your body. You have to get your heart pumping and when you are done remember to warm down so that your body knows that the workout is over. Warming down will prevent trapping any Lactic Acid in your body.

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