Archive | May, 2018

Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and Good Nutrition

Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is a cancer that develops in the lymphocytes, a type of white blood cells. White blood cells are part of the body’s immune system, which fights infections and diseases that the body encounters. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is about five times more common than Hodgkin’s disease, another general type of lymphoma that is found in the body. Early detection and treatment are vital for this cancer.

The symptoms of Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma can be easy to mistake for other illnesses and there are many cases where there are no symptoms at all. In some cases there may be a swollen but mostly painless lymph node found in the neck, the armpit or in the groin area. Other signs that might be noticed include fever, night sweats, fatigue, weight loss, abdominal pain or swelling, chest pain, coughing or trouble breathing and extremely itchy skin.

Risk factors for this type of cancer include: having an organ transplant or other use of immunosuppressant drugs, AIDS, infection with Helicobacter pylori (also called H.pylori, it is known to cause ulcers), exposure to certain types of chemicals like those that are used to kill insects and weeks. Infection with Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma also increases with age and it becomes most common in people who are age 60 or over. There are no age limits however, and the disease has been found in every age group.

Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is usually diagnosed by: physical exam, blood and urine tests, X-ray, CT scan, MRI or PET scan. Biopsy of a suspicious lymph node may be done to confirm diagnosis and to determine the growth rate of the tumor so that a cause of action can be determined. A bone marrow biopsy may also be necessary to find out if the disease has spread to other areas of the body. The disease is classified by about thirty types and is also given a number to determine its stage. Stage I is the beginning stage and it is considered to be the most treatable.

Treatments include surgery to remove the tumors if possible, chemotherapy, radiation, stem cell transplantation. In some cases, observation can be used especially in the case of very slow growing tumors. Biotherapy using several different types of medications is often used as well. Interferon therapy is another common treatment plan for those with Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Interferons are types of protein that are a normal part of the immune system that work to fight viral infection. There are other treatment types that are less common as well as some that are considered to be experimental in nature.

A Healthy Diet for a Strong Immune System

Like other cancers, Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma will attack the body where it is most vulnerable, especially during times of lowered immunity or at the site of other infections. The body’s immune system needs to be strong- requiring a healthy, well balanced diet. Once the disease is found, extra protein will be needed so that the body is strong enough to continue fighting and to build up the immune system. The doctor will discuss exactly how much protein you will need as well as how much is actually safe for you to add to your daily diet. The American Heart Association recommends that protein make up no more than 35% of the daily diet, however when fighting cancer of any kind as well as other illnesses, it might be necessary to go beyond this amount.

A healthy diet should include the right proteins, carbohydrates and fats, in the right amounts. Eating small meals frequently can help with the nausea involved with chemotherapy.


Carbohydrates are the primary energy source for the body. Simple carbs are the white sugars, white flours and overly sweet foods that make the blood glucose level skyrocket and may overly stress the immune system. Complex carbohydrates digest much more slowly in the body and are typically healthier. Good sources of complex carbohydrates include the whole grain foods and some vegetables. The healthy diet should consist of 50-60% complex carbohydrates.


Healthy fats, especially the monounsaturated and those that are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids are also vital to the healthy diet. Omega3’s are found in salmon and other cold water fishes. Other good sources of Omega 3’s include nuts and olive oil.


Protein comes from two sources, animals and plants. Animal protein, including low fat dairy foods and eggs are complete proteins because they have all eight essential amino acids that the body does not produce on its own. Amino acids are broken down during digestion and used to make other amino acids, hormones and enzymes that are vital to other functions in the body, including, ironically, digestion. With the exception of soy protein though, plant proteins are incomplete because they lack one or more of these eight essential amino acids. Plant proteins come from beans, grains, seeds and nuts.

In addition to natural food sources for proteins, there are a number of protein supplements including powders, shakes, bars and liquid protein supplement shots. All protein supplements are made from either a plant or animal protein with some made from a combination of protein sources for the best digestion and health benefits. The type of protein supplement that is best for you will depend on a number of factors including your diet, food allergies or sensitivities and nutritional needs.


If you are simply adding protein to your diet, you only need to choose your protein, based on your tastes and by what is most convenient. However, if there are dietary considerations like vegetarianism, it is important to pay attention to the type of protein supplement so that you are choosing the right one that still fits in with your choices. Good protein supplements that are appropriate for vegans are soy and rice, both made wholly from plant proteins. Both are considered to be complete protein sources and can be found in protein shakes and protein powders.

Food Allergies

Whey protein is one of the best protein supplements to use for immune system strengthening, however it is not good for those who might be lactose intolerant. Whey protein isolate has less lactose than whey protein concentrate and may be okay for those with only moderate milk and milk product sensitivities. Soy protein is a good choice instead; however there are some who are allergic to soy as well. Rice protein may be the best for those with known or suspected food allergies because it is hypoallergenic. It is important to keep these considerations in mind when looking for a protein bar as well.

Nutritional Needs

The protein supplement should supply a good amount of protein but without added sugars or fats. Increased sugar can deplete the immune system which is an increased danger for those at high risk or diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.


The MayoClinic

The American Heart Association

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On Pregnancy and Nutrition

Nutrition And Pregnancy

Eating well is one of the most important things you can do you for baby. Healthy eating is important for the health of your baby and should be planned in advance and implemented before pregnancy. Nutritious foods can help you get and stay fertile and are important before and during the entire term of your pregnancy.

The best diet is the simplest and you may be aware of it as something you’ve seen it on a wall at school or in a doctor’s office. A well-balanced diet means 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day (organic is best, especially during pregnancy; you and your baby don’t need all the extra chemicals). Fresh fruit and juiced fruit from fresh vegetables are best. Starch and starchy food: breads, grains and cereals, pasta, rice, potatoes, avoid bleached or blanched breads and flour and always go for wholegrain options. Eat foods with lots of protein: lean meats, seafood, eggs, pulses, legumes, beans (again, organic if it’s available for eggs, pulses, legumes and beans). Eat a fair amount of dairy products like milk, cheese and yoghurt to make sure you get sufficient calcium.

Dairy food made from unpasteurized milk may contain listeria which could harm your baby and lead to miscarriage. It’s a harmful bacteria detrimental to pregnancy contained in unpasteurized dairy products. Pates, raw or undercooked meat or eggs are also potential sources of bacteria that can harm your unborn baby. Make sure everything you consume is well-cooked. It may be a wise idea to avoid raw seafood like sushi as well.

As for other seafood-any sea fish may contain unsafe levels of naturally occurring mercury, so it’s wise to avoid these during pregnancy.

Liver and liver products (e.g. pates, liver sausage, etc.) should be avoided because the possibility exists of them containing large amounts of vitamin A in the form of retinol. Too much retinol could be harmful to your developing baby.

Alcohol during pregnancy is a big “no-no” and should be avoided entirely as well as smoking and being around people who smoke.

Caffeine consumption should be no more than 200mg a day (2 cups of coffee, 4 cups of tea or less)

Remember, when you’re pregnant eating healthy foods becomes top priority for you and your baby. Having a baby is a lot of extra strain on your body. You need more protein, iron, calcium, and folic acid than ever before. You also need more calories. On the other hand, eating for two doesn’t mean eating twice as much, but the foods you eat must be the main source of nutrients for your baby. Sensible, balanced meals are best.

You should gain weight gradually during pregnancy, not all at once, and most weight should be gained in the last trimester. The following growth rate is often recommended by doctors:

2 to 4 pounds total weight gain during the first trimester

3 to 4 pounds each month during the second and third trimesters

300 calories a day more during at least the last six months of pregnancy is what most women need compared to their caloric intake before pregnancy. Remember, the quality of calories you take in is more important than the amount. A growing baby needs healthy foods with a lot of nutrients, so avoid junk foods and foods with a lot of sugar, fat and other empty calories.

Stan P. Wright

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Depersonalization Relief Through Nutrition

Nutrition is a far greater part of the recovery process than one can imagine. Foods reflect your moods and when used correctly allow one complete control over how they feel. From the moment you arise in the morning until you go to sleep at night, there are food choices which will determine how you will feel.

Morning foods should provide energy and vigor rather than bog you down. Instead of fueling the fogginess they should crack through the haze and boost your concentration levels as you begin the day. Caffeine is not required to achieve this morning energy response. There are other natural food choices that help blast through the fog.

Here are a few suggestions to combat early morning feelings of brain fog:

– Avoid all sweet and refined boxed cereals at all costs. Pancakes and waffles are also not recommended unless whole grain and accompanied by a protein.

– Get up, get dressed and get out… walking past the brain fog after a nutritional meal helps awaken mind and body.

– Watch your thoughts and stop scaring yourself with “what if” thinking.

The best choices for an energy provided breakfast is as follows:

Breakfast Suggestions

Eggs (prepared in any fashion you prefer), along with whole grain toast or turkey bacon, and warm decaffeinated beverage.

Oatmeal with low glycemic fruits (blueberries, cantaloupe, strawberries), and one egg or protein powder.

Natural peanut butter on whole grain bread with fresh berries or melon slices and decaffeinated warm beverage.

Never skip breakfast and always have this meal within 30 minutes of rising in the morning.

Lunch Suggestions

– Dense/Solid Protein such as chicken, meat or fish with a whole grain bread or salad side. (no sweet dressings).

– Salad with Protein (chicken, fish or meat).

– Soup with vegetables and protein (chicken, fish or meat)

– Grilled Cheese on whole grain flatbread with unsweetened beverage.

Dinner Suggestions

– Lean Protein (Chicken, Meat or Fish) along with Potato and Green or Yellow Vegetable, Salad.

– Whole Grain Pasta with Protein and Salad or Vegetable.

– Mediterranean Salad with Seafood and Lemon Dressing.

– Chili with Shredded Cheddar and Caesar Salad.

The above suggestions are a minor outline (which is more detailed in our program package), and can be used as a guideline for foods that will allow clarity and peace of mind. They fuel your energy without adding to feelings of anxiety and depersonalization.

Never go more than 4 hours without a meal. Snacks are fine but you’ll find unnecessary if your meal satisfies you.

Suggestions for Snacks:

-Hummus with carrot or celery sticks.

-Natural Peanut Butter and Blueberries on whole grain toast.

-Hard Boiled eggs and Cheddar Cheese. –

-Whole Grain Cereal and Berries

-Fresh Fruit with Cheese or Nuts (nut butters)

-Yogurt and Fresh fruit.

Remember that food is fuel and when the proper nutrition plan is followed it will allow one full control of how they wish to feel. You are always in charge when applying the correct choices and following the proper steps.

The above are only a few examples of how you can use foods to change the way you feel. The combination of this nutrition plan and the proper behavioral modifications will change your life. They will help you maintain balanced blood sugar levels and naturally boosted Serotonin (the feel good chemical) in the brain.

The foods you often crave are often the exact foods that fuel this condition. Choose foods that are low in sugar and do not metabolize into sugar, such as refined white flours, pastas and simple sugars. If you must have a sweet, do it directly after your meal. The goal is to keep stable blood sugar levels and balanced Serotonin in the brain. By following this food plan you will feel happier, more secure and less reactive to outside stimuli.

This is a very specific nutrition plan and must be strictly adhered to in order to achieve results, but well worth the effort. The Behavioral Modification steps are also to be followed precisely to achieve complete success.

This is the combination and path to full and permanent recovery from depersonalization and anxiety. The results will give you back your life as you achieve full clarity and a true sense of well being.

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Photosynthetic Nutrition For Health and Life

Living organisms are continuously undergoing chemical reactions which gives rise to energy changes in their bodies. All these reactions and changes are termed metabolism. Basically, metabolism consists of two processes, the synthesis or building up of complex body substances from simpler constituents and energy, and the decomposition nor breaking down of these complex substances and energy. The first process is known as anabolism and the second as catabolism.

One of the main characteristics of living organisms is the ability to feed. This is referred to as nutrition. Nutrition is therefore, the process of acquiring energy and materials for cell metabolism, including maintenance and repair of cells and growth. In living organisms, nutrition is a complex series of both anabolic and catabolic processes by means of which food materials taken into the body are converted to complex body substances (mainly for growth) and energy (for work). In animals, the food materials taken in are usually in the form of complex, insoluble compounds. These are broken down to simpler compounds, which can be absorbed into the cells. In plants, complex food materials are first synthesized by the plant cells and then distributed to all parts of the plant body. Here, they are converted to simpler, soluble forms, which can be absorbed into the protoplasm of each cell. The raw materials necessary for the synthesis of these complex food materials are obtained from air and soil in the plant’s environment.

All living organisms that cannot provide their own energy supply by either photosynthesis or chemosynthesis are known as hetero strophes or hetero strophic organisms. Hetero strophic means feeding on others’. All animals are hetero strophes. Other organisms such as many types of bacteria, a few flowering plants and all fungi use this method of nutrition. The way in which hetero strophes obtain their food varies considerably. However the way in which the food is processed into usable form within the body is very similar in most of them. But all green plants possess the ability to manufacture carbohydrates from certain raw materials obtained from the air and soil. This ability is important not only to the plants themselves but also to animals, including man, which depend directly or indirectly on plants for food.

Photosynthesis is the process whereby plants manufacture their foods through the use of energy from the sun and available raw materials. It is the manufacture of carbohydrates in plants. It takes place in the chlorophylls (i.e. green) cells of leaves and stems only. These green cells contain chloroplasts, which are essential for the synthesis of food. All the raw materials required for photosynthesis, namely, water and mineral salts from the soil, and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere have, therefore, to be transported to the chlorophylls cells, which are most abundant in leaves.

The tiny pores, or stomata, which usually occur greater numbers on the lower surfaces of most leaves, allow gases from the atmosphere to pass into the tissues within. A stoma is an oval-shaped epidermal cells known as guard cells. Each stoma is actually the aperture of a sub-stomata air chamber. This is a large intercellular air space, which lies adjacent to the stoma. It is continuous with other intercellular air spaces found inside the leaf. The size of each stomata pore depends on the curvature of the guard cells flanking it. When the guard cells are full of water they become swollen, or turgid, and consequently the pore opens. However, when the water level is low they become soft, or flaccid, and collapse, as the result, which the pores close. When the stoma is open air enters the sub-stomata chamber and diffuses throughout the intercellular air dissolves in the water, which surrounds the cells. This solution of carbon dioxide then diffuses into the cells of the leaf, particularly the palisade cells. Here, it is used by the chloroplasts for photosynthesis.

Water carrying dissolved mineral salts such as the phosphates, chlorides and bicarbonate of sodium, potassium, calcium iron and magnesium, is absorbed from the soil by the roots. This soil water enters the roots hairs by a process called osmosis the movement of water molecule from a region of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration through a semi-permeable membrane. It is then conducted upwards from the roots, through the stem to the leaves by the xylem tissue. It is transported to all the cells, via the vein and their branches.

The chloroplasts contain the green pigment, (chlorophyll) which gives the plants it color and capable of absorbing light energy from sunlight. This energy is used for one of the first essential steps in photosynthesis; namely, the splitting of the water molecule into oxygen and hydrogen. This oxygen is liberated into the atmosphere. The hydrogen components are used too reduces carbon dioxide, in a series of enzymes and energy consuming reactions, to form complex organic compounds like sugars and starches.

During photosynthesis high energy-continuing compounds like carbohydrates are synthesized from low energy-containing compounds like carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight and chlorophyll. As solar energy is necessary for photosynthesis, the process cannot occur at night due to the absence of sunlight. The final products of photosynthesis are carbohydrates and oxygen. The former is distributed to all parts of the plant. The latter is given off as a gas through the stomata back to the atmosphere in exchange for the carbon dioxide that was taken in. the occurrence of photosynthesis in green leaves may be demonstrated by experiments showing the absorption of carbon dioxide, water and energy by the leaves, and the production of oxygen and carbohydrates. Simple experiments can be set up to demonstrate the giving off of oxygen by green plants, the formation of carbohydrates (namely, starch) in leaves and the requirements of carbon dioxide, sunlight and chlorophyll for the formation of starch in green leaves.

Experiments in physiology involve the placing of biological materials like plants and animals or parts of plants and animals under unusual conditions, e.g. jars, cages or boxes. If an experiments is set up to show the effects produced by the absence of carbon dioxide during the photosynthetic process, then the result obtained from such an experiment can be argued as being partially due to the placing of the biological material under unnatural experimental conditions it is, therefore, necessary to set up two almost identical experiments; one is placed under normal conditions (the control experiment) where all the factors necessary for photosynthesis are present while the other (the test experiment) is placed under a condition where a single factor is eliminated or varied while all the other factors are present. This enables the experimenter to be sure that the result shown by his test experiment is due to the eliminated or varied factor and not to the experimented set-up. Thus, the control experiment serves as a guide to ensure that the conclusion obtained by the test experiment is not a fallacy.

After certain proper experiments observation show clearly that oxygen is released only when photosynthesis occurs, i.e. during the day. No starch can be formed if sunlight is absent although the other entire essential factors such as water, carbon dioxide and chlorophyll may be present.

Photosynthesis the basic constituent of nutrition the unit of healthy living has played and is playing an essential role to living organisms. The complex cellular structures of plants are built up from the primary product of photosynthesis, namely, a simple carbohydrate like glucose. At this stage, it must be realize that, though much emphasis has been placed on photosynthesis, the process of protein synthesis is just as important as the former. During protein synthesis, nitrogenous compounds absorbed by plants and in certain cases, phosphorus and others element, combine with glucose to form the various plant proteins.

Besides contributing to the synthesis of plants proteins, glucose is important also because it can be transformed into fats and oils after a series of chemical reactions. It is also the primary product from which other organic compounds are formed.

The importance of photosynthesis in all food cycles cannot be overemphasized. Animals are unable to make use of the sun’s energy to synthesize energy-rich compounds from simples easily-available substances like water and carbon dioxide found in the atmosphere around us, rather the ultraviolet rays from the sun causes some to living body; the melanin and keratin it affects the color and strength of animals skin, and some internal damages. From the rays, Therefore, it is fortunate that plants have the ability to use the energy provided by sunlight to synthesize and store energy-rich compounds upon which ultimately all forms of animal life are dependent.

For his survival, man eats not only plant products like fruits, vegetables and cereals, but also animals like cattle and fish. Cattle and other herbivorous animals depend entirely on plant life for their existence. While certain fish are herbivorous, others have a mixed diet and a large number are entirely carnivorous. Carnivorous animals depend indirectly on plants for a living. Their immediate diet consist of smaller animals which themselves must feed, if not entirely, then partly, on plants. Photosynthesis is the first step in all food cycles.

During the process of photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere and oxygen is added to it. If this purification process did not exist in nature, soon the atmosphere would become saturated with the carbon dioxide given out during the respiration of animals and plants and during decomposition of organic matter so that all life would gradually come to a stop. Without photosynthesis, there will be no nutrition. And if there is no nutrition, living thing will not exist. And if there’s no living things in the earth the earth will still be without form and entirely void. There will be no for living things to do work if photosynthesis does not court. I wonder what will be the fate of living things today or sometime, when photosynthesis comes to a stop.

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Scarsdale Diet Portion Sizes by Food Group

There has been some misconception about the Scarsdale diet portion sizes in the diet. Some have been led to believe there are no diet portion sizes and you are free to eat as much as you want. The Scarsdale diets are founded on the principle that you eat until your hunger is satisfied (or you are in other words full) and then you stop eating. You should not eat until you are stuffed. This is where the confusion begins with the Scarsdale diet portions and sizes.

Some people take the phrase “eat as much as you want” to mean there are no Scarsdale portions, however this is not correct.

In order to help folks know how much they can eat, here is a list of Scarsdale diet portion sizes; broken down into food groups; with a portion size comparison for you to follow. Hopefully this will guide those who want to have maximum weight loss while on this diet.

Scarsdale Portion Sizes for the Carbohydrate Food Group

The main component of the diet carbohydrate group is the protein bread. A serving here is one thin slice. The goal is to consume a protein bread that is greater than 4 grams of protein and less than 12 grams of carbohydrates.

There really are no other Scarsdale portions for the carbohydrate food group that you will need to measure.

Scarsdale Diets Portion Sizes for the Meat Food Group

The meat food group receives a lot of attention in this diet portion sizes you will measure. Since meat is a protein and the Scarsdale diet is high in protein you will be eating meat at a lot of you meals.

A good rule to use when measuring portions and sizes for the meat food group is to have a serving of meat about the size of your palm. This will roughly give you the required Scarsdale portions and sizes for the meat food group.

Scarsdale Diet Portions for the Fruits and Vegetables Food Group

The vegetable food group is another one that gets a great deal of consumption in this diet. Vegetables offer fiber, vitamins and minerals without consuming a lot of calories. However corn, potatoes, peas and beans (not veggies anyway) are not allowed. Other vegetables such as green beans, carrots, mushrooms have a Scarsdale portion size of about what will fit in one cupped hand. Spinach, lettuce cabbage and other leafy vegetables are two cupped hands.

If you have a big appetite though, the vegetable category is so low calorie these diet portions and sizes are the ones you want to increase and fill up on. You get fuller, with a lot fewer calories.

The Scarsdale portion sizes for fruit are always ½ a grapefruit and a medium fruit about the size of your fist for all others. If the fruit is cut up, generally what will fit in your cupped hand will give you the Scarsdale portion sizes for fruits.

Scarsdale Diet Portions for the Fat Food Group

Fats themselves (such as butter, margarine, and mayonnaise) are not allowed on the diet; so you have no need to worry about the Scarsdale diet sizes for this one!

Remember you should always consult your health care provider before beginning any diet regimen. Hopefully this has helped clear up any confusion you may have had regarding Scarsdale diet portion sizes. If you follow this guideline; you should fall within the desired 850-1000 calories per day for optimal weight loss.

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Isometric Exercise, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bodybuilding

What do Isometric Exercise, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bodybuilding all have in common?

You may be surprised to learn that Isometrics has been used in bodybuilding workout routines since it was first discovered. Arnold Schwarzenegger was probably its biggest proponent.

If you have ever wondered how bodybuilders utilized isometric exercise as part of their bodybuilding routines then … read this article and discover why every single bodybuilder uses isometrics in their workouts and in getting ready for a competition!

You would think that bodybuilders — the guys that throw weights around as if they were plastic dolls would never use isometric exercise in their bodybuilding routines wouldn’t you? However, the exact opposite is true.

In this article, I will give you two examples of where bodybuilders use isometrics.

The first is in their posing routines. To get ready for a bodybuilding competition you must practice doing your posing routine.

Each time you do a double biceps pose, — for example — you are holding the pose for a few seconds at a maximum contraction. This is isometrics. One way to apply this and get phenomenal results is as follows:

Perform a set of barbell curls, then perform a double biceps pose for 30 seconds while the muscle is still pumped! Your arms will be in severe pain but don’t worry about this focus on the muscle contraction. Rest for about 30 seconds and then repeat again. (You do this in between each set of barbell curls.)

Although there is no “real” resistance the Isometric Contraction causes the muscle to become harder and more defined. This is nothing new Arnold Schwarzenegger revealed that he would spend hours holding each pose in order to make the muscle harder and more defined.

Mr. Schwarzenegger’s in his book “Arnold: the education of a bodybuilder” revealed that to get his calves as defined, hard and cut as possible he would do a lot of “tensing” after each workout.

He referred to this method as “Super Isometrics.” (You can find is on page 72 of that book)

Joe Weider who created most of the terms currently being used in the bodybuilding industry… referred to isometrics as Iso-Tension. (It is one of the Weider principles for building a strong and powerful physique.)

Let’s explore the second example of how isometric exercise is used in bodybuilding.

Again let us go back to… Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Arnold would perform an exercise called “bicep cheat curls.” In this exercise he would use more weight or resistance than normal. The logic behind this is to force the muscles (typically a 90° angle) to develop strength in the maximal contraction.

Arthur Jones the creator of the Nautilus exercise equipment also indicated that the use of isometric exercise in bodybuilding was one of the best things that any bodybuilder could do.

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Reg Park’s 1951 Mr. Universe Workout

This is the same workout that Reg Park trained with to win the 1951 Mr. Universe title. He won Mr. Universe again in 1958, becoming the first to win the prestigious event twice. Park, who later went on to replace Steve Reeves as Hercules in the mid sixties, gained 25 pounds of muscle on an already solid frame in 10 months with this program.

Reg trained three days a week on this routine. He ate 3-4 meals per day and had a protein drink that was made up of milk, cream and honey, which he drank six times a day. Proof that you don’t need to buy expensive supplements.

Grab any photo of Reg Park and you’ll see what can be done with hard work and determination. Remember, Park was a pre-steroid bodybuilder, all natural. And to me he looks a lot better and more powerful than the drug induced bodybuilders of today.

The Reg Park Classic 1951 Workout

Squats 5 x 10

Bench Press 5 x 10

Weighted Dips 5 x 12

Barbell Curls 5 x 10

French Presses 5 x 10

Chins 5 x 10

Donkey Raises 5 sets

Abs 5 sets

Notes: There was no rep scheme for his abs and calves, he’d work them until they had enough. Park, like all the old timers, lifted heavy weights and didn’t use many isolation exercises in his routine. If you decide to follow this program and feel wiped out on three days a week, knock it down to two. Park had exceptional genetics and recovery ability that most don’t have.

Understand that to be successful in any weight training program – hard work is a must! Half-hearted effort does nothing for you. If you’re new to weight training or grossly out of shape, consult a physician first and get on a beginners program. End of disclaimer.

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A Mr Universe Workout

Here is a workout from 1959 Mr. Universe champion, Bruce Randall.

Randall liked to work mostly upper body with squats or deadlift being his only lower body exercise. He would change his routines frequently and went through different stages as a powerlifter, Olympic lifter and bodybuilder.

As a matter of fact, Randall went from 415 pounds (as a powerlifter and Olympic lifter) all the way down to 223 pounds as a bodybuilder!

Bruce finished second in the 1958 Mr. Universe and was bound and determined to come back stronger the next year. Of course he did and the rest is history.

Some of Randall’s best lifts were 770 pounds in the deadlift, 680 in the squat, 375 in the overhead press and 482 in the bench press.

Below is a typical workout that Randall followed on his way to the 1959 Mr. Universe crown.

Mr. Universe Workout

Overhead Press 3 x 4-6

Bench Press 3 x 4-6

Incline Bench Press 3 x 4-6

Curls 3 x 4-6

Chins 3 x 4-6

Leg Raises 1 x 20-50

Squats or Deadlifts 3 x 6-8

Notes: Randall trained 3-4 days per week and would alternate squats and deadlifts. He eat three meals a day with one or two homemade protein drinks. As always, train hard and with maximum effort. If 3-4 days is too much, lower it to 2 days. Train hard and heavy.

Understand that to be successful in any weight training program – hard work is a must! Half-hearted effort does nothing for you. If you’re new to weight training or grossly out of shape, consult a physician first. End of disclaimer.

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How to Get Big Muscles Today – Follow These Tips Massive Muscle Gain

No person, growing up, says “I want little muscles when I get big.” Why… People like big muscles. All men want big muscles and women want a man with big muscles. If you’re finally ready to get the rock-hard physique of your dreams keep reading, because in the following paragraphs I will tell you how to get big muscles.

Decide Today

The first step of how to get big muscles always starts with a decision. You have to decide for yourself what you want to achieve and then you must take action immediately. Set your goals, develop a plan and then take action. Immediate action does something for yourself conscious mind. It helps you ward off procrastination, which will be the biggest obstacle you face while trying to gain muscle. Decide to today that you will get big no matter what stands if your way. If you do this, you will be successful.

Intensity Is A Must

This second step is very important if you want to know how to get big muscle. To gain massive muscle quickly you must train with extreme intensity inside of the weight room. You must work at a furious pace and drown all outside distractions. When you put total concentration into each rep of each set you’re setting yourself of for unheard muscle growth. Your muscles will hate this new stress being put on them and will have no choice, but to grow.

Don’t Over Train

Finally the last step to getting huge is preventing overtraining at all cost. Make sure you’re getting proper rest between workouts. For most people trying to get bigger, their question shouldn’t be “how to get big muscles,” it should be “how do I stop overtraining, so that I can finally grow?” Remember, muscle doesn’t grow inside of the weight room while your lifting – It grows while you’re sleep, so get proper rest.

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Get a Body Like Jean Claude Van Damme – Van Damme’s Diet and Workout Revealed!

Do you remember the hero from movies like Universal Soldier and Timecop, Jean Claude Van Damme?. Jean is a trained martial artist. He’s very well known for his physique and is fondly called as “Muscles from Brussels”. All his movies are of the action genre. These include Bloodsport and Kickboxer.

Building a body like his is no cake walk. One needs to build a healthy routine and follow it religiously. Apart from your intake, your workouts, amount of rest and supplement intake should be well planned. All this done, you bodybuilding process is on the right track.

Van Damme’s Bodybuilding and Dieting Tips

* Many food contains zero calories. Candies and sodas are such items and they should be avoided. Nutritious foods are those with high fibrous content. Eggs, soya products, fruits and vegetables are all very rich in fibrous content. A meal is eaten to increase the rate of metabolism which in turn burns fat. A slow and steady process of body building includes taking around 12 meals every single day.

* Cardio workouts have increased in importance from time to time. This because it increases metabolism and boosts your stamina levels. Cardio exercises can always be performed at home. Simple daily activities like walking, running, cycling and swimming count too. External help can be sought in the form of treadmills and stationary bicycles.

* There are many body weight exercises like pull ups, pushups, different types of dips and squats which help the body build stamina and strength. The most important aspect of the process of body building is rest. Adequate rest is pivotal to build a great physique. Van Damme performs a variety of exercises to maintain that awesome body he has. Bench presses, pull ups and curls are a few of these workouts.

* The whole process of bodybuilding involves a lot of sweat and endurance. The stamina in one’s body can be increased by the consumption of Nitric Oxide. This compound has an amazing effect on the body, preventing it from all kinds of diseases including cancer and heart attacks. Its elements include an anti aging substance which helps the aging process of the human body slow down.

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