Archive | Building Muscle

Six Pack Exercises

Six Pack Exercises; aspiring beach models are always looking for the latest and greatest moves to keep their abs looking incredible. However, instead of searching for the next exercise that will sculpt your stomach, a better question to ask is how to perform the routines that are already being done. Most people who strive to build their abdominals by doing six pack exercises do their routines incorrectly.

The most common, and still the most effective, of the many six pack pack exercises is the crunch. While in no way revolutionary, many search for other ways to build up their abs when the solution stares them in the face. Some people get tired of doing crunches, however, due to lack of results. This failure to achieve goals is usually due to a lack in a consistent workout schedule and/or inability to perform the routine correctly.

When performing a crunch (or any of the six pack exercises that you are already performing), people have a habit of rolling their shoulders. This can easily spotted when an individual has his or her hands behind is head and the elbows are pointing toward the feet. If this is observed, the individual is already in an incorrect position. Instead of rolling the shoulders, aim to keep them flat. To test this, ensure that the elbows are parallel to the ground instead of pointing out.

The second most common mistake made by those during six pack exercises is bending the neck. When this is done, the resistance is taken off of the abdominals, and it can also cause severe neck pain and strain. To correct this, stare straight up at the ceiling instead of moving your gaze as you perform the crunch. This will keep the abs working consistently, and it will prevent your neck from hurting while crunching.

The final mistake that is made during six pack exercises is cheating. When in the middle of a workout, it is common that individuals either go for repetitions (instead of quality) or alter the exercise so that it is easier. Those who cheat are those that are most likely to search for the latest and greatest (and easiest) six pack exercises, because they are unwilling to do the work that is required to build the perfect set of abs.

If one is able to correct the mistakes that are common during six pack exercises, the perfect set of abs can be developed rather quickly. The secret, however, is to keep the correct positioning, to avoid cheating, and to keep a very regular workout pattern. In doing so, one does not need to pursue the newest and hottest six pack exercises, because the best can be done at home.

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Muscle Building for Fat Guys

It is every man’s natural desire to have a ripped body. For overweight guys, there will be two phases for muscle building. First, you need to cut down the fat. Then only you can start building muscles. This article will guide you through your fat slashing phase as well as your body building phase.

Fat Slashing Phase

In this particular phase, your goal is to lose those excess body fats. Imagine “The Biggest Loser” in your head. How to lose excess body fat? First, you need to reduce simple sugars intake. Simple sugars can be found in cakes and cookies. So you better stay away from the cookie jar. What is the reason behind cutting sugar intake? Well, sugar triggers insulin, which causes cravings for sweet things. You also need to eat foods that are low in carbohydrate. This is due to the fact that carbohydrates trigger insulin, which in turn, can store calories into fat. This is also the main cause of weight gain.

Your diet should now include lots of vegetables such as lettuce, celery, cucumbers, radishes and mushrooms. Perhaps in the first two weeks, you should start by eating carefully proportioned meat, fats and salads. Then, you can slowly add more green vegetables in your diet. You may also try cheese, nuts, seeds, berries and other fruits to vary your diet. Do not forget your whole grains too.

Cardio workouts are also essential. You need to diet as well as workout at the same time. Cardio exercises help to enhance your cardiovascular and respiratory system. Cardio exercises are also proven to be very helpful in losing extra body fat over a long period of time. Perhaps you can start with jogging at the local park, or cycling, if you like. Choose a cardio workout that you enjoy so that you do not abandon it halfway.

Bulking Phase/ Body Building Phase

This phase should not be a problem for overweight guys. Since you are already big, all you need to do is keep your healthy diet. You should be eating three healthy meals as well as three healthy snacks every day. Serious body builders take their diet very seriously. Therefore, you need to be strict with yourself.

In addition to keeping a healthy diet, you need your body building workouts. Do not discard your cardio workouts. They can be the best warming up or cooling down exercises for you. Perhaps you can start your day with a short jog across the park. Then, you can continue with your dumbbell workouts or your body weight workouts (i.e. push-ups, pull-ups and squats). You can join the gym if you can afford to pay the membership fees. Nevertheless, you can always do your own research and find out ways to effectively build your body at home.

Most importantly, do not revert back to your old eating habits (i.e. Pizza Hut, McDonalds, calamari rings, Kentucky Fried Chicken) – it will make you gain weight and start from scratch.

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Muscle Building Secrets – 10 Easy Ways To Build Muscle Fast

Many people are eager to build muscle mass and gain weight. They are usually in a hurry to see results. Maybe that’s because they’re being bullied by tough guys, or want to impress someone with their body, or want to model their favorite macho guy film star. Whatever the case, the desire for muscle gaining secrets often leads them astray.

Here are 10 simple ways you can build muscle mass rapidly and safely, without resorting to dangerous pills, drugs or supplements.

1. Work hard for the first year. You’re just getting started and need to learn the lifts, exercises and techniques. You also cannot afford to hurt yourself and take prolonged breaks to recover from injury. So exercising regularly and more frequently is better for newbies. More is better than less. And exercise your entire body.

2. Split up your training after the first year. You may prefer to build upper body muscles, or lower body, or abdominal muscles. Depending on your choice, you may split your training. It ultimately depends upon how strong you have grown by then. If you can lift heavier weights more comfortably, then you could hasten the exercise routine.

3. Do more push ups and chin ups. Upper body muscle mass building exercises are diverse and varied. But chin ups, dips and push ups are the very best and most effective. No other variations are likely to replace them soon. Weighing yourself down to add resistance against which your muscles grow will even speed up the process.

4. Limit yourself to 4 workouts every week. Just that exercise carried out regularly will be enough to produce remarkable changes in your physique. But these workouts should be complete. Standing presses, deads, squats and bent over rows are a part of your program. If you over do it, you may get injured and need rest breaks.

5. Space out your workouts sensibly. Giving yourself a short interval between the days you work out can help damaged muscles recover energy. Training on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday may be a good routine. But tailor whatever you do to your overall lifestyle so that you will be able to consistently follow your exercise routine.

6. Lift heavier weights. Getting strong happens by lifting heavier weights. Load up your weight bars. Add weight gradually over time. You can’t help build up your muscles that way. Be sure that you consume enough proteins and calories as you stimulate muscles to grow. This is one of the best muscle gaining secrets that are hidden under plain sight.

7. You should not go heavy on certain exercises like split squats, neck exercises and external rotations. If an exercise places you in an unfavorable position for your joint, take care because an injury can be particularly painful and damaging. Do not go heavy on those. Reserve the weights for the more steady squats, presses and dead lifts.

8. Mix up your weight training with soft workouts. Tissue quality improves when you make use of the foam roller also. Self massage methods that use balls or even having one by a professional masseuse can help keep your muscles supple yet strong. It could be strange if you bulge everywhere with muscle, but as a result of it you appear clumsy and like an oaf as you stumble around thanks to the stiff bulk.

9. Do the appropriate number of reps. What is appropriate? That’s hard to tell. It depends a lot on the individual. But 25 to 50 reps per body part is a fair estimate for many, and repeating it 2 or 3 times every week will definitely help you gain muscle. More than that is not harmful, but not particularly helpful either. The key to muscle gaining in a rapid fashion is to optimize your workouts in a way that you get the most benefit from the minimum effort.

10. Workout in sets of exercises. Not all routines are the same. Some exercises require that you carry out 25 reps at once, and in these cases, 5 sets of 5 reps each will not have the same effect. The heavier the weights you use, the more likely it is that your sets will be smaller. That way you’ll build real muscle quicker, because your fast twitch muscles are activated sooner with heavy loads.

So there you are – 10 easy ways to build muscle fast. You’ll start seeing results in as early as 6 weeks. But for the best, most lasting effect, you must stick with your workout routines for at least a year.

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Success Guide To Fat Burning Muscle Building Workouts

If you look around you will find a ton of different methods to lose a few pounds. It is very easy to get confused on which weight loss method may be the best for you. You can study each weight loss system but it is hard to know how long to stay with the particular diet you are trying or exactly what steps to take to succeed. It is enough trouble to lose weight without worrying about the how to go about succeeding with the diet.

You may want to try a common sense guide to fat burning muscle building workouts. All the new stuff that comes along is too much to keep up with. To get rid of the pounds you need to change some things in your life starting with your attitude. Make a commitment to yourself and stick to it. Start out with some fat burning exercises that you can handle. Search the Internet for good websites and newsletters to subscribe to and you will be well on your way to losing those extra pounds.

Most weight loss plans only teach you what to eat or how many sit-ups to do each day. You should get the right mindset so you can succeed with your weight loss plan. Include motivational material in your daily exercise program. You have to believe the weight is going to come off in order to have any long-term victories. Once you have yourself believing you can succeed then you need to make a commitment to yourself.

Making a commitment to yourself is not the easiest thing in the world to do. This commitment is essential if you want to change your bad habits. Set some short and long-term goals and see them through.

Picking the right type of exercise will help you reach your weight loss goals in less time. Fat burning exercises may include walking, running or jogging. Things like riding a bike or going for a swim should work well. The amount of calories you burn does matter. Use your exercise time wisely and include as many muscle groups as you can into your exercise routine.

The Internet is a wealth of fat burning information. Do a few searches and you will find enough info to keep you busy for months. Search out good fat burning newsletters you can subscribe to. These ezines will arrive in your inbox over time and help keep you motivated when the going gets rough.

Start your fat burning muscle building workouts with a trip to your doctor. Discuss your plans and goals and get your doctors approval. Start your fat burning adventures today and see it through to the end.

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Truth About Muscle Building – 4 Truths To Build Muscle

Muscle building is an activity that men will always be interested in, and they will always want to know how they can get the best results when they’re working out at home or when they’re in the gym. There are a lot of magazines on the market with articles that explain muscle building in the best ways, the newest ways, or the most insane ways for them to get muscle on their bodies and fast. But the truth is a lot less exciting than any of these magazine articles. The truth comes down to a lot hard work, common sense, and planning. The fact of the matter is that a person can go from skinny to bulky. But they will have to put in the time and effort that it takes along with following the right plan. Here is a look at some of the things that a person needs to do if they want to build muscle upon their body:

The first thing that they need to do is come up with a specified plan. Muscle building isn’t simply an activity of lifting more weights. While we planning certainly needs to be included, one has to look at the types of foods that they eat, the frequency of their workouts, and what the end goal is. So the first truth about muscle building, is to come up with a plan. They need to have something well planned out from beginning, during and end. The second truth about muscle building for a person who wants to build muscle, is the need to plan their diet well. Many people don’t realize this, but changes outside the body can’t take place unless there is a change inside of the body. What this literally means is that a person has to change their internal chemistry in order to get the outward results that they desire. To this end a person has to research the type of diet that they need to incorporate in order to build muscle.

A person who wants to build muscle will have to not only change their eating habits, but they will have to look at supplementation. People who build muscle on their bodies are very serious about the vitamins and supplements that they take in order to make internal changes in their body. It would be a good idea for a person to go to a health food store, or to a nutritional store to learn about the types of items that will be necessary on this journey. This person will also want to research proper diet. There is a lot of information that can be found on the internet, or in books specifically for bodybuilders.

The third truth about muscle building for a person who wants to build muscle, is to dedicate a certain amount of time each day in order to build the muscle. This time will be spent either in the privacy of their own home, or at the gym. But the muscle won’t be built by fantasizing about it. One has to put in the time and the effort to lift those weights. If a person is starting their muscle building journey for the first time, it would be in their best interest to hire a personal trainer. This personal trainer should be licensed and or certified, and they should have lots of experience in helping people to build muscle.

Finally, the truth about muscle building is that a person wants to build muscle should do things such as stay away from excessive sugars, alcohol drinking, and any other self-destructive habits that we make them become unhealthy, then that would distract them from their muscle building goals.

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6 Pack Abs Guide

To get serious six pack abdominals is hard work; you need drive and determination to start with – working out and toning bits of your body hurts. But there are also three other things you need to take into account, Cardio, Diet and Muscle Building. To really get a great six pack you must embrace the burn that comes from working your muscles hard and pushing them to their limit, this is how you stimulate the muscles to grow and develop. Here is a brief guide to the three areas mentioned.


Cardio is key, it is what helps you to burn off fat and allowing your six pack to be displayed. There is no sense working hard for a six pack only to find it is hidden by stomach fat! You must get your heart rate up and get more active for at least 20-30mins a day. You can do this however you want, running, cycling and swimming are all popular choices but you can do something different if you wish, such as climbing for example. It doesn’t matter what you do all that matters is it increases your heart rate, boosts your metabolism and sheds your fat!


Diet is also important, if your exercising hard this can be undone simply by eating badly. Firstly you can improve your six pack by eating less sugar, take 1 sugar instead of 2 in your tea, eat less high sugar foods etc. Also don’t fall into the low fat/fat free trap! These items can often contain replacements in them that are worse for you than the fat in full fat items. A good general rule to adopt is to eat foods where there is only a small amount of ingredients or with ingredients you have heard of. That’s not to say you can never eat sugar just try and half your intake of chocolate/sweet things, even that could mean you drop a couple of fat pounds without any other change.

Muscle Building

The final major piece of the puzzle lies in the targeted building of the abdominal muscle, if you don’t have the muscle you can’t have a great six pack! The best know exercise is crunches, they are fantastic at building your abdominals and should be a part of any six pack workout. The other exercises I would recommend are air bike or cross body crunch, fifer scissors, hip rock and raise, oblique v-up. 25 reps of these exercises will really give you a burning abdominals but the results are fantastic.

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A Simple Guide to Making Ectomorphic Muscle Building Fun

One of the main problems ectomorph’s face is that in the early days the process of building muscle simply isn’t fun. It hurts, makes us feel sick, and the progress can be slow going. Here are a few simple ideas you can try to actually enjoy the journey:

  1. Set fun goals for yourself. Instead of simply pushing for more reps of any exercise, make it a game. Reward yourself when you hit X number of pull ups, or Y number of push ups. By doing this you’re essentially changing your motivations from “building muscle” to much more enjoyable aim of beating your own personal bests.
  2. Find exercises that work for you. Doing a “proper” routine of exercises is useless if you’re not going to keep it up. It’s better to follow a less effective or even unbalanced regime that you can actually keep up with for a long time. For example, although pull ups are the best ectomorphic exercise I certainly rely too heavily on them. But I justify it by realizing that I simply enjoy doing them. They’re such a simple exercise, they look impressive to onlookers, and beating my own record is ultimately satisfying. Anyways, once you find your groove with a particular exercise you’ll become fascinated with other ones to flesh out your routine.
  3. Pump some music. Before doing any physical activity pump up some music on the loudest volume you can use without blowing out your ear drums. Upbeat rock music is a sure way to take the focus off the pain of exercise, and more on the fun, progressive side of it.
  4. Challenge other people. Find people to workout with and then challenge each other to doing the most amount of reps, or lifting the heaviest amount of weight. It’s amazing the strength you can uncover when your pride is at stake.

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5 Hot Muscle Building Tips for Extreme Muscle Building

Most people think that building muscles is very easy, this is a big lie. You will have to choose the right exercise and work with them extensively. Also you have to know that not all exercises will give you a good result, so you have to meet experts to help you choose your Muscle Building exercises. If you really want to build muscles, then you must add the following exercises to your Muscle Building routine, not withstanding your body composition, whether you are lean, average or fat, you need to do the following.

1. Weight Lifting: If you have been trying to build muscles without weight lifting, you have not started. This will help you exert pressure on your muscles and this is the only way you will see muscle growth quickly. Also when doing weight lifting, work with heavy weights. Some of the most effective weight lifting exercises include Weighted Pull Ups and Dead Lifts.

2. Squats: This exercise is very necessary for anyone who wants to be successful with Muscle Building, mostly it helps you grow your leg muscles. It is also good to carry heavy weights when doing squats, this way it affects most parts of your body.

3. Work Hard and Short: This technique is overlooked by so many people. If you want to get the best out of your routine, you will have to work really hard till you are unable to continue and also do your routine within an hour. It is not advisable to remain at the gym throughout the whole day.

4. Train Infrequently and Rest: You must allow time between your routines and also rest. It is advisable to set a time interval between each Muscle Building routine of 24 to 48 hours, this will allow your muscles to heal and grow. Also you should sleep for at least 7 hours a day because most of your Muscle Building growth process will take place during sleep.

5. Eat the Right Food: This is as important as choosing the right Muscle Building exercises. If you are lean, your meal should consist of 50 percent of protein food, 40 percent of carbohydrates food and 10 percent of healthy fats, but if you are fat or average, you can consume 70 percent of protein food, 20 percent of carbohydrates food and 10 percent of fatty food. Eat foods like eggs, lean meat, chicken breast, turkey, green vegetables, olive oil, coconut oil and avocado. Also drink lots of water.

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Muscle Building Programs – The Three Factors

You want to develop a muscle building program that you can live with. You have read books and it seems like everyone recommends something different. Which one do you choose?

All muscle building programs should include three factors. The first is the weight training itself. The second is the proper diet. The third is surprisingly rest. Each of these factors is equally important in a muscle building program. Let’s look at each and determine what is best for you.

Weight training can be basically broken down into two categories. HIT or High Intensity Training calls for 1 – 3 sessions of full body training each week. All of the repetitions are done to failure. This means that you do the repetition until you are unable do the repetition again. Periodization means that you will do light workouts for three weeks, medium workouts for three weeks and heavy workouts for three weeks. These workouts are typically done 3 times a week. Each period of exercise stresses one part of the body. These two categories can be and are modified to include some of each category in a workout. The most effective workout is one that exercises multiple muscle groups at one time.

A low fat high fiber diet is essential in any muscle building program. Low fat, high fiber foods provide the body with what it needs to create muscle. Foods high in fat content like most fast foods, do not supply the body with what is necessary to build muscle. Your muscle building diet is not only what you put into your body but also when you put it in. Frequent small meals are better than a few large ones. You control your workout to build the muscle that you want. You can control what you put into your body to help it build that muscle.

Any muscle building program must include rest. When you exercise your body your muscles will become sore. This soreness is your body’s way of saying that you have broken down muscle fiber. Your body needs a rest period to rebuild that muscle fiber. Your body as it rebuilds the muscle fiber will recognize that the fiber that was there wasn’t strong enough to do what you asked of it. Your body will rebuild that muscle fiber stronger and larger. No, you aren’t the six million dollar man, but your body will and does recognize the need to rebuild bigger and better.

An effective muscle building program consists of 3 parts, weight training, nutrition and rest. If any of the three are neglected, then it will take the muscle building program a longer time to produce the desired results. Muscle building programs are not just about being a “gym rat”. Muscle building programs are an all-encompassing exercise in discipline.

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7 Minute Muscle – Build Muscle Fast

You’ve probably heard all of the “common sense” stuff about building muscle. You know how you should work out for 90 minutes every day and do three sets of 8 reps on every machine. Guess what: It used to be “common sense” that the earth is flat too! The fact is that those sorts of old fashioned approaches are just not very effective. You can actually build muscle much faster by working out less but working out smarter.

There’s where Jon Benson’s advice comes in very handy. Jon Benson is a “rebel trainer” who tells the truth about how to build muscle faster by working out smarter (and working out less.) Did you know that you can build a huge amount of muscle with short 7 minute workouts? You can and you will if you follow Benson’s guide: 7 Minute Muscle.

What’s 7 Minute Muscle? It’s a guide written by Benson which can be downloaded online instantly (24/7/365) and which contains all of the information you need to build a huge amount of muscle in a very short time. If you want to make sure you are making the most out of your time at the gym then this is what you need.

It’s more than just a written guide though. It also includes training videos which show you exactly how you should be training. These videos are essential and they are part of what puts this guide ahead of the competition. It’s sometimes hard to know how to perform an exercise without an example. 7 Minute Muscle includes those examples.

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