Archive | Building Muscle

The Healthy Benefits of Increasing Your Metabolism

There are many benefits to increasing your metabolism. You can have an increase in energy through out the day, you’ll sleep much better and probably the most important health benefit of all is you will lose weight and then be able to keep that weight off. And here’s a benefit most people don’t think about. By simply increasing your metabolism you will burn more calories even when you are sleeping.

With a slow but steady increase in metabolism it is possible to hit the recommended one to two pounds of weight loss per week. The interesting thing about increasing your metabolism is the fact that in order to burn calories the body needs calories. Actually cutting calories can slow down your metabolism to the point where you are no longer burning excess calories and your body begins to store more fat.

As everyone knows exercising is a good way to lose weight. It is also a good way to increase your metabolism. But just like anything else it is the type of exercise that’s important to your long term weight loss goals. Many fitness and weight loss “gurus” have lead the general public to believe that aerobic or cardio type workouts are the best way to lose weight. While there is nothing wrong with doing those types of exercise and there are indeed great health benefits to doing them they are not the end all and be all of weight loss.

Here’s why. When doing aerobic workouts your metabolism does increase and your burn more calories then you would sitting on the couch watching TV. But what happens when your workout is over? Your metabolism slows down. Your are no longer burning those extra calories. The key to increasing your metabolism is to increase your metabolic rate while resting.

How do you do this? Weight training. Building lean muscle mass is a calorie burning machine not only during the workout but also post workout when you are resting your muscles are rebuilding and this takes calories. The beauty of weight training is you can customize your workout to shape your body however you see fit. Lifting weights will not build large bulging muscles unless you tailor your workout and lifestyle to do that. For women weight training is a great way to not only increase their metabolism but also shape and tone their body’s. The other benefit of weight training is the ability to keep off the weight once you have lost it. Lean muscle mass requires large amounts of caloric energy to maintain itself.

Combine these two metabolism boosting exercise regimens together and you will truly be on your way to losing any amount of weight you want and keeping it off easily. The only thing that is missing is the desire and commitment to make it happen and that is something that has to come from within.

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The Key to Productive Strength Training – Double Progression

There are two major facets of athletic development: excellent nutrition and progressive training. Assuming that you have your nutrition plan squared away with the right amounts of calories, protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats, your training protocol is all that stands between you and reaching your highest potential in both athletics and general health and wellbeing. Unfortunately, when many people begin a training regimen of any sort, they have little information to guide them in the design of their exercise program. While there is an almost infinite number of strength training protocols available, this article discusses a principle that is fundamental to all effective resistance training programs. The concept of double progression is the foundation of continuous progression in strength and muscle gain, and yet it is an idea that is almost unknown outside of serious weight lifting circles. Learn to understand the practice of double progression and how to incorporate it into your resistance training schedule and you will find the results to be well worth the effort!

The concept of double progression involves, as the name implies, two different but parallel routes toward strength and muscle gain. The first is increasing weight. If you can lift more weight this month (for the same number of repetitions, in the same style, etc.) than you could last month, your strength has increased in that time and in many cases so has your muscle mass. The second avenue of progression is in the number of repetitions of an exercise that can be performed. If you are able to lift the same weight for more repetitions this month than you could last month, then your strength has again improved with a similarly likely increase in muscle mass.

Unfortunately, the fact is that you can neither increase weight nor repetitions alone indefinitely. If you attempt to add more weight each week, you will very quickly find that your body cannot keep up, even when adding very small amounts of weight. In the same vein, if you try to add more repetitions each week you will also hit a wall in terms of progression and, for reasons beyond the scope of this article, you will also see little if any muscle growth as the repetitions add up. Luckily, there is a solution. Double progression incorporates both increases in weight and repetitions in a focused and disciplined way, ensuring multiple paths of progression and providing the opportunity for virtually continuous improvement.

The first step to designing a double progression plan for an individual exercise is to determine a range of repetitions that you know will produce strength gains. Unfortunately, that optimal range varies between people and indeed can even differ between muscle groups within a single subject. The key to finding your range is to simply try out different options and see what works best. This process can take quite a while, but it produces extremely valuable information.

I will relate my personal rep ranges so that you can develop an idea of how to start investigating your own. From experience, I know that most of the muscles in my back (latissimus dorsi, trapezius, spinal erectors, etc.) produce the most consistent strength gains over time using a range of three to six repetitions. However, the muscles in my shoulders (deltoids) require a higher rep range of about five to eight. The difference in ranges may seem insignificant, but through trial and error I’ve found that, for example my progress on rowing exercises slows to a crawl or even stops if I use sets with more than six repetitions. Attempting to gain back strength using sets of eight is, for me, essentially futile. Similarly, when performing the overhead press, which strongly activates the deltoids, I have found that performing sets of less than five reps leads to rapid stagnation. While sets containing between five and eight reps are effective, sets of three produce little to no success. Experimentation is essential to determining your optimal repetition range, but the time spent is well worth the valuable data you will discover. On the other hand, if you are just starting out and have no experience, simply choose a range anywhere between six and twelve repetitions. From there you can try different ranges as you become more comfortable

Once you have determined a productive repetition range for each exercise, you now must find a weight at which you can begin to work your progression. One method used to come up with a starting weight is to discover your maximal capabilities at your desired repetition range and then decrease from there. Of course, any time you are working to the point where you cannot lift a weight anymore requires a spotter to ensure your safety. Once you have a safe mechanical and/or human safety system in place, work your way up in weight until you reach a point where you cannot properly complete a set. For example, if I choose five to eight repetitions as my optimal range in the bench press, then I will need to find out the maximum amount of weight I can lift for five repetitions, also known as my five rep max (5RM). After enlisting an experienced spotter to catch the bar when I fail, I will begin to lift in sets of five reps with adequate rest in between, raising the weight by five to twenty percent each set. At some weight, say 210 pounds, I will be unable to safely complete all five reps. I might get three or four and then be forced to stop. The weight used on the previous set is then my 5RM. For this example, we will say it was 200 pounds.

Now that I know what my maximum weight is for one set of five, I need to find my starting weight for my progression. Generally one does more than a single set of each exercise. So, for this example I’ll choose three sets of five to eight for the bench press. The total volume (set multiplied by reps) is another variable that you can tweak over time to produce the best results. Some people respond better to higher volume and many progress best with lower volume. Begin somewhere in the middle with two to four sets and work from there. When beginning a new double progressive cycle, it is best to underestimate your starting weight to give your body some time to adapt to the new regimen. With a 5RM of 200 pounds, I will begin the cycle with 160 to 170 pounds, or 80% to 85% of my 5RM.

To execute the double progression, my first workout will consist of a good warm-up followed by three sets of five to eight reps with 160 pounds. During each set, I will attempt to complete all eight reps. If I am unable to succeed with eight reps in all three sets, I will use the same weight next week and try again. However, if I do complete eight reps in all three sets, I will then increase the weight by five pounds during my next training session. I may be able to perform all three sets of eight successfully again with 165 pounds, prompting me to add another five pounds for the following week. However, at some point I will not be able to complete eight reps in all three sets. At that time, my goal would then be to add at least one rep each week until I again reached by goal of eight reps for three sets. More weight will then be added, the reps will drop back down, and the cycle continues.

Double progression fights stagnation and allows for multiples avenues of progression by taking into account both increases in weight lifted as well as the number of repetitions performed. By setting a repetition range that you know if effective for you, you can most efficiently effect strength and muscle mass gains while consistently raising the working weight to compensate for your new-found abilities. Progressive resistance is essential to produce increases in strength and muscle mass. These assets are extremely valuable to both men and women, regardless of their age, condition, or previous activity level. You will gain confidence, functionality, and self-esteem through the use of a properly designed nutrition and progressive resistance exercise program. Don’t be intimidated by the numbers or the challenges of lifting. Start slowly, do your best, and discover abilities that you never knew you had!

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Whey Protein Dropship – Bulk Up Your Online Profits

If you currently sell online and looking to diversify your revenue stream (or thinking about doing so), you can benefit from whey protein dropshipping. It is a process in e-commerce by which online sellers can earn money online through the sales of Protein without having the actual components on hand.

The process consists of 3 separate parties:

  1. The Wholesaler (aka Dropshipper): Ships tubs directly to the customer
  2. The Direct Seller: Posts tubs of protein for sale online at their determined selling price
  3. The Customer: Sends payment directly to seller

When a customer makes a purchase, the seller will contact the wholesaler and order the tub of protein thereafter. Most wholesalers will ship the product as white label, so it looks like it came direct from the seller. In whey protein dropship, the seller is not the one keeping inventory of the items. Once the customer’s payment is made, the seller funnels payment to the wholesaler for the amount of protein sold. The difference between the seller’s price for the tub and the wholesaler’s price is the actual earnings.

In general, protein dropship offers a good opportunity to earn money by selling online. You do not need to store the items you are selling, there is no need for an inventory and you can start with zero. A credible supplier or distributor is critical in making your online business work. There are other methods from making money through protein sales aside from dropshipping; such as promoting the item as an affiliate marketer or buying at bulk wholesale and selling direct for bigger profits.

Pure whey protein supplements are excellent health items to sell online. Discover more on how you can start your protein e-business by knowing more about whey protein dropshippers. One way of acquiring expertise on this field is through my website. You can browse through it and stay posted!

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Massage Therapist Need To Understand Golgi Tendons & Muscle Spindle Cells

As a massage therapist it is vital to know the various parts of the human body and understand their significance. Two terms that you should know and understand are Golgi tendons and muscle spindle cells. As a massage therapist it is important to know these two sensory neuron proprioceptors and know what they do. The muscle spindle, for instance, is a proprioceptor that relays information regarding changes in the length of muscles. The Golgi tendon is a different type of proprioceptor that relays information regarding muscle tension changes. These two proprioceptors are important for stretching muscles and conditioning muscles. Together they help to protect the muscles from overstretching and becoming injured. First, though, it is important to know what each is and its particular function.

What are Sensory Neurons

Neurons are cells that work to carry messages through the body. The neurons are responsible for telling you to bend your finger or flex your foot. They also make sure that you don’t overstretch your muscle or apply too much tension to a tendon, thus avoiding injury. Every neuron is comprised of a cell body and nerve fibers. It is the nerve fibers that receive impulses from other neurons and then send that information to the cell body. The fibers then send the impulses away from the cell body to other neurons.

The Golgi tendon organs and muscle spindle cells are both sensory neurons called proprioceptors. These sensory neurons are located in nerves and tracts but their cell bodies are found just outside of the spinal cord. They move messages from sensory organs in the tendons and muscles to the spinal cord. Some of these neuron fibers are called proprioceptive fibers. These fibers monitor the way that a muscle contracts and stretches as well as measures the tension that is in a tendon and transmit’s that information to the spinal cord so that the information can be processed. This feedback allows the body to know positions and postures of the limbs even when they cannot be seen.

What are Golgi Tendons

Golgi tendon organs are located in the collagen fibers of the tendon at the point where the tendon fibers merge with the muscle fibers. While they function in a manner that is similar to muscle spindle cells in that they measure muscle changes, they only become activated when there is contraction of the tendon. They also monitor changes in the tension of the muscle that comes from a change of the muscle length. When the tendon or muscle is overstrained, it sends a message to the muscle which causes it to relax. This is important for preventing injury.

What are Muscle Spindle Cells

Muscle spindle cells are located in the muscle fibers, parallel to them. Their function is to monitor and measure muscle length on a continual basis, both when the muscle is at rest and when it is stretched as well as the speed of changes in muscle length. The muscle spindle cell is located inside the muscle while the Golgi is located at the end of the muscle.

How the Golgi Tendon Organs and Muscle Spindle Cells Work Together

The muscle spindle cells [] have a very effective working relationship with the Golgi tendon organs. The muscle spindle monitors the changes in length and the speed of those changes within the muscle. It sends the message to the spine to convey the information to trigger the stretch reflex. This stretch reflex, for which the Golgi tendon organs are a part, tries to stop the change of the length of the muscle. This is a protective feature of the human body that prevents injury. The more the muscle tries to stretch and the faster it tries to stretch, the more the Golgi tendon organs cause it to contract. Over time, the muscles can be trained so that the stretch reflex allows for more and more of a stretch before contracting.

As a massage therapist it is important that you understand how the Golgi tendon organs and muscle spindle cells work together to prevent injury to muscles. As you work and stretch the muscles of your client, you must pay attention to the response of their body. Learn to detect the muscle spindle cell’s span and ability to stretch, but also learn how to detect when the Golgi tendon organs begin to work to prevent injury. Then learn how to work with that push-pull action to help lengthen the muscle and increase the muscle spindle cell’s ability to stretch the muscle until the Golgi tendon organs attempt to stop the stretch. This will help you prevent injury to your client and help them work with sports injuries.

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Formadrol Extreme XL Review – What Does This Anti-Estrogen Do For You?

Formadrol Extreme XL from LG Sciences is promoted as an anti-aromatase, anti-estrogen and a testosterone boosting agent. It contains a complex of ingredients that each work in a unique pathway for obtaining the desired outcome. Anti-aromatase agents have been around for many years and they have been shown in human clinical trials to boost testosterone, which is the goal of most men over 18 who are into bodybuilding.

The first ingredients in Formadrol Extreme are called aromatase inhibitors. The enzyme aromatase is responsible for converting testosterone to estrogen. In men, this has a dual function of reducing your natural testosterone and also increasing the female hormone estrogen. Body fat contains a high amount of this enzyme, making chubby men more likely to have high estrogen levels.

3-beta-3-hydroxy-urs-12-ene-28-oic acid and 2-Penyl-benzo{h}chromen-4-one are both plant based aromatase inhibitors. They have slightly different functions since 3-beta-3-hydroxy-urs-12-ene-28-oic acid seems to be a suicide inhibitor based on its structure and 2-Penyl-benzo{h}chromen-4-one is a competitive inhibitor. These stop the enzyme from converting testosterone to estrogen, thus reducing the female hormone estrogen and increasing the male hormone testosterone. This testosterone boosting effect is something that is prized by bodybuilders who wish to increase their male hormones!

Sodium caprylate is a natural fatty acid that has been shown in preliminary studies to make the androgen receptor more sensitive. This ingredient should help the higher testosterone levels work better by giving them more of an effect!

Highly Standardized Ellagic Acid was shown in preliminary studies to be a natural SERM. SERM’s block the effects of estrogen at the receptor, which can also impact the ability to boost testosterone and also reduce the effects of the female hormones.

Ginger extract has been shown in animal studies to boost the testicular ability to make testosterone. This will help increase the ability of the body to produce testosterone resulting from the signaling of the aromatase inhibitors.

Luteolin, Quercetin and Piperine help all of the other ingredients make it through the gut and may help them be more active in the bloodstream.

Formadrol is used to help men above 18 boost their testosterone levels to the highest possible human range. Because of the performance enhancing benefits of high testosterone, anti-aromatase agents are banned by Olympic athletes so anyone in sports should be careful to make sure that there isn’t a ban on aromatase inhibitors.

For anyone looking to boost testosterone to the highest possible human levels and take advantage of the extra performance benefit and sexual benefits of higher testosterone, then Formadrol is a good product.

Formadrol can also be used after a cycle of andro or anabolic steroids to help the testes recover more quickly. This is called PCT or “post cycle therapy”. It is used in the LG Sciences Trifecta Stack for this purpose.

Formadrol Extreme is a very potent mix of testosterone boosting herbs and should be very good for any male over 18 who wishes to reduce estrogen and boost testosterone. It is available online or at numerous retail stores for a reasonable price of $25-35 and should last 30 days.

The Formadrol Extremem side effects are typical of supplements that boost testosterone. They include the potential for increased acne, potential for hair loss and the potential for increased aggression. Formadrol Extreme XL was simply a larger, 90 count sized bottle for one retail customer, but now all bottles of Formadrol are the XL version.

Like every supplement results using Formadrol Extreme XL depend on proper diet and exercise.

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Glutathione Vs Glutamine

What is the difference between glutathione and glutamine?

Glutathione is an antioxidant, one of the human body’s most powerful antioxidant particles, while glutamine is an amino acid. However, Glutathione is also said to be an amino acid but a different kind, as it is a material resulting from several types of amino acids. This material is also beneficial to the body as an antioxidant as these help avoid cancer from occurring by preventing carcinogens and other cancer-causing substances from damaging important cellular components in a human body.

Both glutamine and glutathione are already naturally produced by the human body; however, both can also still be enhanced further by outside sources such as natural glutathione supplement and glutamine supplement.

These two substances may seem the same, but, their roles and effects on the body are quite different from each other.


The long name for this is glutamylcysteinylglycine and as mentioned above, it is an antioxidant and is also made from several kinds of amino acids, such as glutamate, cysteine and glycine. You might have also noticed that the long name of glutathione includes these three amino acids.

One of glutathione’s major roles is to control the kinds of bonds created between proteins and other substances in one’s body. Another one of its many roles is to help the human body absorb and make use of other amino acids.

There are many varieties of natural glutathione supplement nowadays, so, it is best that you are familiar with their benefits:

1. Anti-aging. This is one of the well-known benefits for these supplements. This antioxidant recycles both vitamins C and E which helps in protecting the body against the causes of aging.

2. Detoxifies the body. This antioxidant also benefits in being able to control immune cells and detoxify parts of the body, for example, the liver. Another way glutathione helps in cleansing the body is by getting rid of unwanted heavy metals such as mercury.


Glutamine may also be an amino acid just like Glutathione, but it is the richest one in the human body. Glutamine has an essential role and that is to eliminate ammonia, a waste product, from the body. Its other roles also include maintaining the normal function of one’s immune system, digestive system and brain.

There are numerous glutamine supplements these days and they are available in forms of medication or even raw foods. The medications, however, are sensitive to heat, so, it is advised that they be taken with water at a cold or room temperature.

The benefits of glutamine supplement include:

• Helps keep the brain healthy by providing various substances such as glutamic acid and gamma-aminobutyric acid which also help the brain to function well. This also aids in the mental health of a person to help them think properly and clearly, therefore, avoiding cases of mental illnesses.

• Like glutathione, it also promotes anti-aging by slowing down the causes and effects of aging.

• Other benefits of glutamine supplement are helping in maintaining the proper function of kidneys and also to boost one’s immune system to prevent them from sickness and infections.

• These vitamins can also help by healing wounds faster.

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Can HGH Help Heart Attack and Stroke Victims?

According to the American Heart Association, someone has a heart attack every 34 seconds in the United States. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 785,000 Americans have their first heart attack each year. There are nearly 500,00 others who have an attack subsequent to their first. A heart attack occurs because the blood flow that brings oxygen to the heart gets restricted or cut off. The cells of the heart muscle, without oxygen, begin to die.

Human growth hormone (HGH) has been shown to slow down or even prevent in some cases apoptosis, or programmed cell death, with recent clinical animal studies showing that human growth hormone can help protect heart and brain cells from dying after a stroke or heart attack.

In one study on rats which experienced heart attacks in the past, researchers gave one group injectable HGH, a second group IGF-1 (Insulin-like growth factor), and the third group a placebo. The groups that received human growth hormone or IGF-1 experienced less tissue and cell death than the group that was given the placebo. Another study found that IGF-1 treatment helped to revive brain cells after a brain injury.

The results of these studies could have dramatic positive implications for heart attack and stroke victims. Heart attacks and strokes are particularly devastating because heart and brain cells die and tissue death is seemingly irreversible. Heart tissue death means that heart function is compromised, and with brain cell death, the patient may never regain speech, full-body movement, or memory functions. If human growth hormone treatment can help prevent cell death, the tragic consequences of a heart attack or stroke can possibly be avoided.

The amount of HGH produced naturally in our bloodstream is not sufficient to help protect the heart and brain. When we are young, our pituitary gland produces optimal levels of human growth hormone and releases it into our bloodstream. However, beginning sometime in our twenties, our natural production of this hormone steadily declines, potentially leading a lifetime of hormone deficiency.

Human growth hormone treatment is available to help replenish hormone levels for patients with a prescription. However, this method can be painful and very expensive. Prescription human growth hormone therapy requires the patient to undergo nearly 50 injections per month at a cost upwards of $2,000. For many people, this option is inconvenient and cost prohibitive.

Many individuals have sought out natural formulas, offering a safe, effective, and affordable alternative to injectable human growth hormone. A select few of these homeopathic formulas contain a proprietary blend of natural ingredients that help strengthen and empower the body’s pituitary gland, the primary gland responsible for HGH production in the body. The link could be made that by strengthening the pituitary gland to function at stronger and more youthful levels, the gland would naturally produce greater levels of human growth hormone in the body.

Additionally, some of these formulas contain ingredients that have been clinically proven to provide an amazing spectrum of benefits that may mirror those often seen with traditional HGH treatment programs. This safe and effective natural alternative offers an affordable and convenient solution for those seeking these benefits.

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Milk Thistle Benefits – How This Herb Can Help Women With Lumpy Breast Tissue

If you are one of those women who are plagued with lumps in your breasts, you’ll know how worrisome it can be at times. Of course it’s always really important to get any lumps checked out by your doctor. No question. But what we’re talking about here are those benign lumps which can come and go with your monthly cycle. So in this article we’re going to take a look at how milk thistle benefits women with lumpy breast tissue.

I happen to be one of these women, too and so I know what it is like when you are routinely checking your breasts as advised and suddenly find that there is a new bump somewhere. This happened to me again a few weeks back, and despite the fact I have this history, I was still really upset so I went off to have it checked out and put my mind at rest. Yes, it was nothing abnormal. Which was a relief.

But the doctor did point out that I had severe lymphatic congestion which accounted for some unpleasant swollen lymph nodes, tiredness and irritability. Well, I knew it was time to go back to my old herbal remedy. And that’s what I want to share with you today. It’s milk thistle.

Not many women know about this amazing plant and what it can do for you. Did you know milk thistle benefits include relieving symptoms of congested lymph?

This plant is renowned for its ability to regenerate the liver and protect it from toxins. But little is known about how it supports the lymphatic system to transport toxins back out through your blood stream to cleanse your body. When this isn’t working properly, your skin can erupt with all sorts of complaints including acne and boils. You can feel very depressed and out of sorts. And the lymph can build up in all sorts of places. With me this has always been in the breast tissue.

So taking this herb on a daily basis is key to reducing those lymphatic blockages we can feel as lumps. I have been doing this again for about 3 weeks and already I have noticed a big difference. In order to support this process I do daily yoga stretching exercises to help shift the energy and keep my bodily fluids flowing. And something else you might want to do is pour yourself a lovely warm bath and fully immerse yourself in it for a while. Switch off to everything else and fully relax to heighten the experience.

Now, I’m actually killing two birds with one stone here because the milk thistle benefits are many. This powerful herb is also protecting my liver, cleansing it and helping to promote new liver cell growth. And my liver does so many jobs, it’s a miracle that it manages to keep up with its tasks. If your liver doesn’t function properly, you can get seriously ill. Nurturing it with herbs is one of the best things you can do.

But in order to fully enjoy the benefits of milk thistle you need to make sure that it is standardized to contain at least 70 – 80% of its active compound silymarin. This is the ingredient that brings about the medicinal benefits. Now, as with every form of cleansing and detoxing, you have to make sure that you drink large amounts of water to flush all the toxins that get released out of your body. Otherwise they will build up and you can end up feeling really ill.

A really good way to take advantage of milk thistle benefits is to take them combined in a quality nutritional supplement. Ideally with a selection of other herbs that cleanse and support your immune system to enhance your feeling of well-being. Choose a form that is specifically suited to your needs. If you’d like to read more about the benefits of nutritional supplementing, you can read some detailed information on a brand I recommend on my website.

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Weight Training For Strength and Power For Track Sprinters and Power Athletes

Athletes require strength-speed or speed-strength to be successful in track sprints.  Strength conditioning for athletes requires a sound strength programme.  Strength drills must much the angles and positions experienced by an athlete when performing the event.  Coaches must devise drills that allow a sprinter to apply power effectively.  A Strength training program for sprinters and other power athletes, must be planned with the following in mind.


Age of athlete

Training age

Training time

Strength requirements

Competition dates

This is not an exhaustive list but it’s a start.  Strength training can consist of resistance work, plyometrics, medicine ball work and body weight exercises to develop body strength. A coach can plan or periodise a strength training program by following how the body gains strength naturally.  As humans grow the body initially attains muscle mass, then strength and then power.  Following this pattern of development is an efficient way of planning strength training, for sprinters. 

Hypertrophy phase

This phase can be 4-10 weeks long.  The shorter phases suit sprinters because longer phases cause excess body mass to be gained.  Strength training for muscle mass should be done specifically for the hamstrings and quadriceps.  A weight of 60-75% of the maximum lifted for an exercise should be used.  Repetitions of 8-12 lifts should be done with 1-2 minutes recovery in between.  This will build muscle mass over time.  Sets of 3-5 should be completed. Training should be done 3 times a week

Maximum strength phase

This phase can be 4-6 weeks long.  During this time the aim is to acquire an increase in strength by using the newly developed muscle acquired during the hypertrophy phase.  The intensity should fall between 75-95% intensity.  Repetitions should be kept to a minimum.  2-3 repetitions in a set is ideal. 3-5 minutes is sufficient rest between sets.  Sets of 3-5 should be the maximum. Training should be completed twice a week.

Power phase

This phase can last 4-6 weeks long.  During this phase the aim is to teach the muscles to contract explosively and with greater force.  The intensity of lifts is a mix of high loads and smaller loads.  70% of lifts work should be done at an intensity of 80% of the maximal lift with repetitions kept to a minimum of 3-5.  Recovery should be 3-5 minutes.  Sets of 4 should be the maximum. Training should be completed 3 times a week. 

Maintenance phase

During the maintenance phase, a small volume of resistance work is needed to keep the gains made in the previous phases.  The maintenance phase is similar to the power phase with the exception that only 70% of the volume from the power phase is needed.  Training can be done twice a week.

To support this type of training, stretching must be done after sessions and on recovery days.  A balanced diet with adequate protein must be followed.

Keywords and their meanings

Repetitions:  The number of times an exercise is lifted or completed.

Set:  This is made up of lifts or repetitions of an exercise.

Recovery:  The amount of minutes rest between a set.

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Can You Still Grow Taller and in Good Health If Your Intolerant or Allergic to Lactose and Gluten?

Planned carefully, a vegetarian eating style can provide what is needed for growing taller and for good health. That takes commitment. But, once you understand it, being a smart vegetarian to grow taller takes no more effort than any other approach to smart eating. Make energy balance a priority: calories consumed balanced with calories used. Vegetarian eating isn’t necessarily lower in calories. on energy balance. Build meals around protein sources that are naturally nutrient-rich, such as beans and lentils. Avoid overloading on high-fat cheeses to replace meat and grow taller. Make meat or poultry dishes vegetarian: pasta primavera, veggie pizza, vegetable lasagna, tofu-vegetable stir-fry, vegetable lo mein, vegetable kabobs, and bean burritos or tacos. For vegans, consume reliable sources of vitamin B12 such as fortified breakfast cereal or soy beverage and vitamin D, especially if your exposure to sunlight is limited.

For good health while growing taller, follow the advice of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the grow taller 4 smarts program, meant for vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike. Refer to our knowledge for recommended food group amounts.Today’s supermarkets sell all the foods you need for a healthful, vegetarian diet to grow taller even vegetarian convenience foods. You don’t need to shop elsewhere, but specialty stores may carry less common items (such as textured soy protein, quinoa, kosher gelatin, and wheat gluten).

A food sensitivity, or adverse reaction to food, can’t be overlooked as a health issue and prevent us from growing taller. It can seriously affect and disrupt the quality of life and may even be life-threatening. The causes of discomfort are more numerous, and perhaps more complex, than you may think. Among the types of food sensitivities: A food sensitivity, or adverse reaction to food, can’t be overlooked as a health issue.

It can seriously affect and disrupt your growing taller process and the quality of your life and may even be life-threatening. The causes of discomfort are more numerous, and perhaps more complex, than you may think. Among the types of food sensitivities.

A food allergy rallies the body’s disease-fighting (immune) system to action, creating unpleasant, sometimes serious, symptoms. In other words, the immune system starts to work even though the person isn’t sick. That’s why symptoms appear.

Psychological reasons. Feelings of discomfort after eating can also be wrapped up with emotion. Even though there’s no physical reason you shouldn’t grow taller, just thinking about a certain food that may be associated with an unpleasant experience can make some people feel sick!

If a certain food seems to bother you, skip the temptation to self-diagnose. Instead, check with your physician. For example, a reaction to milk could be an intolerance rather than a food allergy; let your doctor diagnose your symptoms. This chapter can help you get familiar with possible causes. Be aware that an adverse reaction may be a foodborne illness; this illness can be nefast and disturbing. For a closer look at identifying and preventing foodborne illnesses, intolerances you should look up the e-book about the grow taller 4 smarts program.

With a food intolerance, physical reactions to a food to grow taller often result from faulty metabolism. The body can’t adequately digest a certain component of a particular food. Perhaps because a digestive enzyme is deficient. Substances that are part of a food’s natural chemistry such as theobromine in coffee or tea, or serotonin in bananas or tomatoes may cause bad reactions, too.

Do you like milk to grow taller but, think that milk doesn’t like you? Then you may be lactose-intolerant and not allergic to milk. The good news is: A serving of milk may be “friendlier” than you think!

A milk allergy is quite different. It’s an allergic reaction to the protein components, such as casein, in milk. People who have a milk allergy usually must avoid all milk products. People with lactose intolerance can eat dairy products in varying amounts; that’s because lactose intolerance is a matter of degree. If you suspect lactose intolerance, avoid self-diagnosis. Instead, see your doctor for a medical diagnosis; the symptoms might be caused by another condition. Lactose intolerance is diagnosed with several tests: a blood test, a hydrogen breath test, or a stool acidity test for infants and young children.

How many people trying to grow taller have low levels of lactase? Between thirty to fifty million Americans; however, a large proportion of them have few if any symptoms. And many people who think they’re lactose-intolerant really aren’t. Certain ethnic and racial populations are more widely affected than others. In the United States as many as 80 percent of African Americans and 75 percent of American Indians, 90 percent of Asian Americans and 60 percent of Hispanics are lactose-intolerant to some degree. The condition is least common among persons of northern European descent who tend to maintain adequate lactose levels throughout their lives as they would grow taller. Researchers have identified a genetic link with lactose intolerance.Lactose intolerance is sometimes linked to other issues. For example, some medications lower lactase production in the body. Lactose intolerance can be a side effect of certain medical conditions, such as intestinal disease or gastric (stomach) surgery. Depending on the cause, lactose intolerance may be short-term and you may drink milk to grow taller afterwards.

As another option, food products to grow taller have been developed for people with lactose intolerance. Some products are lactose-reduced. Others contain lactase, the enzyme that digests milk sugar and that’s deficient to some degree in people with lactose intolerance.

Calcium is especially important to grow taller because of its role in growing taller and stronger bones. An adequate amount of calcium helps children and teens grow tall, healthy bones and helps prevent the bone-thinning disease called osteoporosis. Milk and other dairy foods supply about 72 percent of the calcium in the American food supply. Without these foods, meeting your calcium requirement can be challenging. For more about calcium in a healthful diet.

Lactose intolerance is easy to manage. Most people with difficulty digesting lactose can include some dairy and other lactose-containing foods in their meals and snacks to grow taller. In fact, most people with lower levels of lactase can drink a cup of milk without discomfort.

If a non-dairy creamer can replace milk for someone who’s lactose-intolerant? How about non-fat dry milk? No. Non-dairy creamers may contain lactose. Check the label. The nutrient content of the creamer and the milk is different. In a non-dairy creamer, the protein quality and the amounts of calcium and vitamins A and C to grow taller are lower than in milk. Regarding non-fat dry milk, remember that fat, not lactose, has been removed from milk.

For people with gluten intolerance trying to grow taller it is a whole different thing, consuming gluten damages the small intestine lining, and the damaged intestine can’t absorb nutrients to grow taller as well. For those with gluten intolerance, the risk for malnutrition, especially among children, is high.

Other potential risks: premature osteoporosis, colon cancer, autoimmune disorders (including thyroid disease and type 1 diabetes), arthritis, miscarriage, and birth defects.Who’s at risk?

As a genetic disorder, gluten intolerance is more common among people with European roots. The actual incidence in the United States is unknown but may run as high as 1 in every 133 Americans. The challenge is: Gluten intolerance is often misdiagnosed, and its varying symptoms often imitate other health problems. Often it goes undetected until triggered by other body stresses: perhaps surgery, a viral infection, or pregnancy.

The symptoms? They vary. Weakness, appetite loss, weight loss, chronic diarrhea, and abdominal cramps and bloating are common; some experience a painful rash, muscle cramps, or joint pain. Among women, gluten intolerance may interfere with the menstrual cycle. For children, gluten intolerance is especially risky. Unless well managed, gluten intolerance can affect a child’s behavior and ability to grow and learn. Chronic irritability is a warning sign. For growth and development, a child’s high energy and nutrient needs require adequate nourishment to grow taller.

Gluten intolerance can occur at any age. Symptoms may appear first during infancy when cereal is started. Most cases are diagnosed in adulthood, often ten years after the first symptoms. Temporary lactose intolerance may accompany gluten intolerance, at least until the condition is under control and the small intestine heals. Healing may take months or years.

Primary treatment for gluten intolerance is a life-long, strict eating regimen; a gluten-free diet is a “must.” Once gluten is eliminated, the small intestine can heal. Nutrient absorption then improves; symptoms disappear. Those with gluten intolerance can live a long, healthy life. If you think you have gluten intolerance, ask your physician for a diagnosis.

Gluten-containing ingredients that can cause you harm in your grow taller process may be hard to detect because they may appear under a different name or as part of another ingredients. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is working on labeling regulations to help consumers more easily identify gluten-free products. Knowing how to identify gluten is important for using ingredients’ information from food manufacturers. Technically, “gluten” describes the protein component of grain. Although rice and corn contain gluten, it’s in a different form, so it’s not harmful. Avoid gluten from barley, rye, wheat, and perhaps oats; even tho these whole-wheats help you to grow taller.

Know the origin, composition, and production of ingredients you eat to grow taller. For example, flavored chips may be dusted with an ingredient made with wheat. Since the amount is less than 2 percent by weight, the ingredient may not be listed on the label. Another example: vinegars, distilled from grain, are okay except for malt vinegar in the United States. Malt vinegar is a problem because malt by definition in the United States is barley; it may be added to or used as the starting mash to produce malt vinegar. Ingredients used in prepared foods, such as marinades and barbecue sauce, may have malt vinegar, too.

…is a wheat allergy is the same as gluten intolerance (celiac disease or gluten-sensitive enteropathy)?

No, they’re two different conditions: different physiological responses, treated in different ways. With a wheat allergy, wheat products and foods made with wheat products must be avoided. If you’re allergic to wheat, you can consume wheat substitutes, including oats, rye, and barley to grow taller.

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