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How to Naturally Increase Erection Size on a Raw Food Diet

What is the best way to increase erection size without pumps or products? Are there any legitimate ways to increase, enhance and improve blood flow to and through the male anatomy when erect? Can diet, or lifestyle affect penis size… and IF so, HOW so? Any of these questions sound familiar?

If you are anything like the tens of thousands of men who struggle with issues of erection size and self esteem during sex, this article was written with YOU in mind!

Curious to know more? Continue reading as we take a closer look at some of the best ways to increase your erection size, without drugs, danger or doing anything wild or weird.

The best NATURAL way to improve erection size?

Very simply, your diet. What you eat has a very powerful and profound effect on your sexual performance, and believe it or not… on your SIZE as well. The truth is, erection size is modulated mostly by the amount of blood flow to and through the corposa cavernosa, and no matter how much you may read that says differently elsewhere, if you aren’t getting an appropriate amount of blood… your erection strength, length and power will suffer for sure.

The biggest enemy to driving blood flow to the male anatomy?

Lifestyle choices. Or more specifically, POOR lifestyle choices that compromise the quality of your body’s inherit ability to perform at an optimum level. (both sexually, and of course… in all others areas of physical, emotional and mental health as well, ALL of which that play a part in your ability to maximize your manhood in bed)

For example?

Smoking and alcohol are 2 lifestyle choices that are highly associated with sex. Unfortunately, for men, both of those habits constrict the blood vessels, decrease the amount of oxygen to the blood stream, and ultimately, restrict the amount of blood that can travel to and through the corposa cavernosa, by as much as 50% or more.

Habitually… and in combination with a poor diet?

Both can lead to significant size shrinkage, poor sexual performance, PE, (premature ejaculation) ED (erectile dysfunction) and quite simply, being BAD in bed to boot!

Categorized: Do it with Diet

The BEST way to reintroduce highly ozegnated blood back into the blood stream that can reverse the poor performance above?

A raw food diet is a great place to begin. Foods high in anthocynanins, anti oxidants and phytonutrients can not only hyper oxygenate your blood, but they open UP your blood vessels, and force more fluid to flow to and through the extremities as well. (all leading to longer and stronger erections, and MUCH better sex to boot!)

Foods that are specifically HIGH on the list of “Do’s”?

  • Spinach and Broccoli
  • Blueberries, Bilberries, Blackberries and ALL red, purple or deeply colored fruits
  • Salmon, sardines and all oily fish high in Omega 3 fatty acids (not a “Raw” food, but a super food that IS good to introduce into your diet if you are struggling with maintaining an erection)
  • Resveratrol supplementation (or small amounts of red wine prior to sex)
  • Sprouted seeds and nuts

The truth is, any food that is compromised mostly of water is going to have by default, high levels of hydrogen and oxygen, and are going to have a dramatically POSITIVE effect on your bodies ability to fill up dense spongy tissue and maximize muscle growth.

The BEST approach if you feel insecure about erection size relative to your partners expectation level?

  1. Avoiding highly processed foods, sugar, refined starches and eat ALL natural, whenever possible.
  2. Include a wide variety of male enhancement exercises, including jelling, pc lifts, Kegel exercises and other movements to improve blood flow to and through the erogenous zones.

Lastly, be patient!

Give yourself a bit of time before you expect radical improvements or expect to notice a dramatic difference. It can take a few weeks to notice changes this significant, but when you DO (and you will!) the payoff is more than worth the wait, I promise!

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Erectile Dysfunction and Nutrition – The Top 9 Super Foods Essential for Boosting Erections

Erectile Dysfunction affects millions of men around the world, and for many suffers, the problem is physiological. This is usually the result of an unhealthy lifestyle, and from conditions such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The good news is that through lifestyle changes, the causes of erectile function can be reversed. One of the principal ways of doing this is through diet. This article suggests 10 super foods that are essential for maintaining optimum sexual health.

1. Lean red meat

The protein in lean red meat naturally boosts levels of dopamine, the brain chemical primarily responsible for enhancing sex drive, mood, alertness, and movement. Meat is also high in zinc, which boosts libido by reducing production of the hormone prolactin. (Too much prolactin acts to suppress production of testosterone).

2. Liver

Liver is a good source of glutamine, which is essential for your immune system to function. Liver may also increase a slowed-down libido. Ounce for ounce, liver is among the best sources of fertility-boosting vitamin A. Men who get plenty of vitamin A each day have higher sperm counts and perform better sexually than men who don’t.

3. Eggs

Egg yolks contain cholesterol, which are important building blocks for testosterone. Eating raw eggs is one of the most direct ways of increasing testosterone and ultimately enhancing the male libido. Eggs are also one of the most significant sources of vitamin A, which aids sperm count. Eggs are also high in vitamins B6 and B5. These vitamins help balance hormone levels and fight stress, two things that are crucial to a healthy libido.

4. Fish and Seafood

Raw oysters: Long regarded as an aphrodisiac, oysters are high in zinc, which raises sperm and testosterone production. Oysters also contain dopamine, which is known to increase libido.

Salmon, mackerel, trout and tuna: these oily fish are high in omega-3 essential fatty acids, which are essential for a health immune and circulatory system. The omega-3 fats found in salmon have a broad array of beneficial cardiovascular effects. Omega-3s assist against clotting of the arteries by improving the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol. Oily fish are also a rich source of selenium and zinc which are needed for peak sexual health.

5. Almonds

These nuts have an abundance of nutrients. They are a prime source of monounsaturated fats, which reduced the risk of heart disease, by acting to lower LDL (the bad cholesterol). They are also high in Vitamin E, which acts as an antioxidant. Almonds are also a rich source of magnesium, which helps to improve the flow of blood, oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.

6. Peanuts (the best natural way to increase production of nitric oxide!)

Contrary to what their name implies, peanuts are not true nuts but a member of the legume family, and are related to peas, lentils, chickpeas and other beans. However regardless of whether they are a bean or a nut, peanuts have been described as “dietary Viagra“. Peanuts are rich in L-arginine, which causes vasodilatation in blood vessels. L-arginine is a precursor of nitric oxide, which is responsible for inducing smooth muscle relaxation. Research has shown that the levels of L-arginine are higher in peanuts, weight for weight, than in any other common nut or legume. Additionally, peanuts are a very good source of monounsaturated fats, and feature an array of other nutrients that have been shown to promote heart health. Peanuts are also excellent sources of vitamin E, niacin, folate, protein and manganese.

7. Wheat Germ

Wheat germ is the vitamin and mineral rich embryo of the wheat kernel that is removed during the refining of whole wheat grains to white flour. It is packed with important B vitamins, such as folate, thiamin, and vitamin B6, and the minerals zinc, magnesium, and manganese. Zinc of course is essential to the healthy functioning of the reproductive system. Wheat germ also has a high amount of vitamin E, a powerful fat-soluble antioxidant in the human body which helps protect fat-containing substances in the body from damage by free radicals. Vitamin E is therefore an important element in a healthy cardiovascular system, which is essential for sexual potency.

8. Oats

Via their high fiber content, oats are one of the best cereals to reduce cholesterol levels, thereby helping to unclog the arteries and improve blood flow. Oats, oat bran, and oatmeal contain a specific type of fiber known as beta-glucan, which has been shown in numerous studies to significantly reduce cholesterol levels. Oats also contain a unique antioxidant compound, called avenanthramides, which helps prevent free radicals from damaging LDL cholesterol, thus further reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

9. Pine Nuts

These nuts (actually seeds of the pine tree) are rich in zinc, and have been used as an aphrodisiac throughout the Mediterranean and the East. The Roman poet, Ovid, included pine nuts in his list of aphrodisiacs. The Perfumed Garden, (an ancient Arabic love manual), contains many references to pine nuts including this prescription to restore a man’s sexual vigor: “A glass of thick honey, plus 20 almonds and 100 pine nuts repeated for three nights.”

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Erectile Dysfunction and Nutrition – The Top 7 Fruits For Healthy Erections

Did you know that fruit can play a significant role in sexual health? If you are one of the millions of men around the world suffering from Erectile Dysfunction, you might be wondering how nutrition may affect your erections. The truth is that nutrition plays a significant role in sexual health and erectile dysfunction. And any good diet should contain an abundance of fruit. Fruit is an essential source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, and it is often a good source of fibre. Below are the top 7 fruits for optimum sexual health.

1. Bananas. Ripe bananas are a major source of the amino acid tyrosine, and as they mature and get sweeter, their tyrosine component becomes more potent. Tyrosine regulates and stimulates dopamine levels. Bananas are also one of the best sources of potassium, an essential mineral for maintaining normal blood pressure and heart function.

2. Apples. Apples are loaded with antioxidants, which help protect the cardiovascular system from oxygen-related damage. One of these antioxidants, quercitin, has also been shown to trigger dopamine production in the brain. Apples also reduce artery-clogging cholesterol.

3. Strawberries. Strawberries are an excellent source of vitamin C. In fact they have more vitamin C than citrus fruit. Strawberry is also a good source of folate, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, vitamin A and vitamin K. They are also en excellent source of potassium and magnesium. Strawberry are an excellent source of anti-oxidants, and are also packed with flavonoids, which keep bad cholesterol from damaging artery walls.

4. Watermelon. Research has shown that this fruit may have similar effects on blood vessels to Viagra. The reason is that watermelon is unusually high in an amino acid known as citrulline, a phytonutrient that helps to relax and open up blood vessels, promoting the flow of blood to the penis. Our bodies use citrulline to make another amino acid, arginine, which is a precursor for nitric oxide, and the nitric oxide assists in blood vessel dilation.

5. Pomegranates. These fruits are rich in antioxidants that can keep bad LDL cholesterol from oxidizing. In addition, pomegranate juice, like aspirin, can help keep blood platelets from clumping together to form unwanted clots. Research has shown that long-term consumption of pomegranate juice may help combat erectile dysfunction.

6. Papaya. Papayas are rich sources of antioxidant nutrients such as carotenes, vitamin C and flavonoids; the B vitamins, folate and pantothenic acid; and the minerals, potassium and magnesium; and fiber. Together, these nutrients promote the health of the cardiovascular system. Papayas are also an excellent source of vitamin C as well as a good source of vitamin E and vitamin A, three very powerful antioxidants. These nutrients help prevent the oxidation of cholesterol. Only when cholesterol becomes oxidized is it able to stick to and build up in blood vessel walls. Papayas are also a good source of fiber, which has been shown to lower high cholesterol levels.

7. Avocados. Avocados have long been considered an aphrodisiac. The name itself comes from the Aztec word ahuacatl, meaning “testicle tree.” Avocados contain oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat that may help to lower cholesterol. Studies have shown that a diet high in avocados can lead to significant decreases in total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, along with an increase in health promoting HDL cholesterol. Avocados are a good source of potassium, a mineral that helps regulate blood pressure, and guards against circulatory diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke. Avocados also contain very high levels of folic acid, which assists in metabolising proteins, thus providing you more energy.

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How Diet and Nutrition Can Increase Penis Size

Some people believe that a proper diet and proper nutrition can help increase penis size. The penis is not a separate part of your body. Therefore, you should make sure that it is properly taken care of with a balanced diet and proper nutrition.

Health is wealth

If your physical condition is poor, do not expect that your penis is also as healthy as the other parts of your body. To help increase penis size, you need to make sure that the rest of your body is not sleep and rest deprived, is not sick, not malnourished, or under too much stress. Otherwise, the performance of your penis may not live up to your expectations.

External factors

Penis enlargement is a process that works to increase penis size but you need to understand that there are several external factors that can influence how successful it can be. The most important factor of penis enlargement is the blood flow. Remember that insufficient blood flow reaching the penis results in a poor erection.

Essential nutrients

To keep your blood healthy, you need to make sure that you are on a proper diet and maintaining a regular exercise routine. Several vitamins and health supplements can help improve your blood, which can help increase penis size and your vitality. However, you need to ensure that your vitamins and supplements are able to provide you with the following ingredients:

· 500mg of calcium

· 300mcg of vitamin B12

· 250mg of vitamin E

· 1000mg of vitamin C

· 100mg of vitamin A

· 250mg of magnesium

· 5mg of iron

Vitamins and minerals

Those vitamins and minerals can be found in several one-a-day vitamins. However, you need to make sure that you read the labels of the vitamin bottles before buying the right one that fits your daily needs. Other supplements that can boost your sexual performance include bee pollen and L-arginine-also known as amino acid.

Bee pollen

Bee pollen is a supplement that can help increase penis size. It is rich in minerals, vitamins, enzymes, and amino acids. Regular doses can provide frequent erections, bigger ejaculations, and more sexual energy. It comes in tablet and capsule forms, but you can also take it in its natural form.

Amino acids

L-arginine contributes to harder erections and increased amounts of semen when you ejaculate. You are required to take 500mg every day and a 1000mg dose a few hours before intercourse so you can boost your performance. However, you need to use it in moderation and discontinue your use if you experience any form of side effects.

You are what you eat

Remember that those essential vitamins and minerals are also present in certain healthy foods that we can eat like fruits and vegetables. Also, keep in mind that your alcohol intake should be in moderation. Otherwise, too much alcohol can lower your sexual drive. Smoking is also bad and can affect the way you perform. Remember that blood flow is the key for a longer erection. Smoking decreases the oxygen and blood supply in your arteries, which affects your sexual performance and the quality of your erection.

Prescription medications

There are prescription drugs like antibiotics that can cause you to lose your sex drive and and may even lead to impotence. Consult with your doctor first if you feel that your prescribed medications are affecting your performance.

Avoid steroids

Steroids can also cause damage to your sexual functions aside from causing damage to your heart, kidneys, and liver. The side effects of steroids to the male reproductive system includes the shrinking of testicles and the reduction of testosterone production.

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Penis Sensitivity & Diet: They Go Together

Penis sensitivity is something most men simply take for granted. They know that when their penis is touched and stroked (whether by a partner or by themselves), their body experiences the tremendous sensations that make sex so exciting and enjoyable. Clearly, penis sensitivity is crucial for a man’s sex life and he will want to be sure he maintains excellent penis health in order to help maintain a proper level of penis sensation. And it may be that some surprising factors – such as diet – can have an impact in this area.

Penis sensitivity

Why is the penis so prone to extreme sensations anyway? For the same reason that any part of the body demonstrates a tendency to react to stimulation: nerves. The neural network runs throughout the body. Nerve endings are near the surface of the skin and they pick up stimulation – a touch on the arm, a kick in the pants, a stroking of the penis – and send a signal back to the brain that something is going on. The brain sends a signal back so that a man turns around to the touch on the arm, yells “Ouch” to the kick in the pants, and sighs and moans at the stroking of the penis.

The penis tends to have many more nerve endings per square inch than other parts of the body. Because penis skin is so thin (especially when the penis is erect and the skin is stretched out), those nerve endings are more receptive to stimulation – thus the higher degree of penis sensitivity compared to other parts of the body.

Because of that sensitivity and the pleasure it affords, men really like to have their penis fondled. Sometimes, though, when a man is in pursuit of orgasm through penile stimulation, he may find himself in situations where the all-important friction is a little too much. Perhaps he is engaging in intercourse without appropriate lubrication or he’s furiously masturbating with a grip that is extremely tight. Short term, these activities produce the desired result – a tremendous orgasm – but over time, they may “mute” the degree of sensitivity in the organ. When that happens, there’s a somewhat “deadened” sensation that can interfere with a guy’s sexual enjoyment.


So why should what a guy eats have any effect on how sensitive his penis is? Basically because what we eat has an effect on all parts of our bodies and lives – including the penis. Research has indicated that diets with vitamins B12 and E, as well as folate, help increase sensitivity all over. So if a man has reduced penis sensitivity, he may want to up his intake of these nutrients.

What foods are good for vitamins B12 and E and folate? Lots of dairy products contain B12, as do many kinds of seafood – and liver is especially high in B12. Meanwhile, spinach is a winner for both folate and vitamin E. Folate is also found in many other green vegetables, as well as citrus fruits. And vitamin E is abundant in many nuts (almonds, peanuts, pine nuts) and oils (olive oil, wheat germ oil, etc.), as well as trout and salmon.

Meanwhile, avoiding fatty foods is good for penis sensitivity. Cholesterol dampens nerve endings, so watch those high-fat foods, especially when eating red meat.

Diet can help maintain penis sensitivity, but more help may be required. That’s where regularly using a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) comes in handy. Select a crème that contains L carnitine, an amino acid with neuroprotective properties and can help restore loss of sensation. It also helps if the crème contains L-arginine, an ingredient which helps produce the nitric oxide that keeps penis blood vessels open and flowing.

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Depersonalization and Adrenal Fatigue

Those who struggle with anxiety often state they feel fatigued or depleted. They feel flat, exhausted, foggy and lightheaded. Feelings of depersonalization often appear as one becomes frustrated and caught up in the cycle of worry and fear.

There is a logical explanation for these sensations and also a way to overcome the exhausted and unreal state one is now experiencing.

Explanation is of primary importance.

Those who struggle with anxiety often state they feel fatigued or depleted. They also struggle with feelings of unreality and brain fog. This drained sensation is caused by the combination of:

1 – Constant release of adrenaline, in response to the habit of fearful thinking.

2 – A significant decrease in serotonin due to continuous stressful thought, worry and poor diet/nutrition.

This is why so many who struggle with anxiety often find themselves in a state of depletion, due to the overall release of adrenaline. Every worried thought triggers a mild release of adrenaline and every panicky thought an even greater release. It makes perfect sense that one would experience symptoms of adrenal fatigue and depersonalization after a period of time.

Other Triggers:

Generalized Stress
Unresolved Pressures and Issues
Stressful People and Situations
Improper Diet and Nutrition, Refined and Processed Foods
Skipping Meals
Lack of Sleep

There is a definite pattern that makes this easy to identify.

One Begins to Experience the Symptoms of:

Feelings of Exhaustion, especially in the early part of day.
Emotionally Flat
Lack of Appetite
Inability to Concentrate
Dizziness and Lightheaded
Hypoglycemic Reactions- Reactive to foods high in carbohydrates.
Feelings of Unreality and Fogginess- Symptoms of Depersonalization

Believe it or not, with the proper approach, these sensations of depersonalization and adrenal fatigue actually dissipate quite quickly. A few corrections in diet/nutrition and behavior will place one back on track and the result is the reconciliation of the above symptoms.

It is important to know how to naturally repair both mind and body from both adrenal fatigue and feelings of brain fog, stemming from adrenal fatigue.

It is Best to Avoid:

Refined and Processed Foods
Caffeine: Coffee, Tea, Sodas, Chocolate
Stressful People
Stress in General
Carbohydrates without proteins. (combination buffers action of carb)
Stimulating Foods and Medications

Healing Regimen:

Retrain the Brain: Learn to switch off stress and replace it with productive behaviors.
Turn off the Racing Mind: Give the depersonalized mind a chance to refresh. Mind Clearing works.
Recreational Therapy in Moderation: Mild outdoor activities that stimulate mind and body.
Anxiety Neutralizing Diet: Stabilizes Blood Sugar Levels, Non-Starchy Foods, Lean Proteins, Good Fats, Vegetables and Fruits.
Serotonin Boosting Diet: Helps body manufacture serotonin in the brain, naturally (Anxiety Neutralizing Diet)
Proper Sleep and Relaxation
4-5 Small Meals a Day
Never Skip a Meal
Use Sea Salt
Pure Water
Supplements: B Complex, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Multiple Vitamin

The mind and body are able to recharge and rejuvenate. It is up to you to make these changes in order to allow it to do so. Self-nurturing is necessary, especially after one has stressed the system with constant thoughts of fear and worry. It’s time to break this habit, learn to retrain the brain, fuel the body with healthy foods and give both the mind and body a chance to refresh and revitalize.

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Paper Thin Skin – How to Thicken Your Skin and Bring Back Its Youthful Strength and Flexibility

Paper thin skin is a real thing.

It isn’t just your imagination: After years of aging and lack of the right nutrients, your skin really does get thinner and thinner. The fat under the skin is lost. Much worse, you lose collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid, all essential to a healthy complexion. Oxidation damages and ages your skin.

Here is an explanation of how it happens, and how you can thicken and rebuild paper thin skin.

What you notice first

If you have been saying, “My skin is paper thin,” you have probably had a series of bumps, bruises and scrapes. Your skin bruises at every little bump that most people would hardly notice. (Sometimes you can’t even recall getting a bump, but you have a nasty bruise anyway.) If you scrape your knee even a little, your skin peels away as if you had a major accident.

This isn’t just a problem of appearance. When your skin is this delicate, it is also easily infected, and takes much longer to heal. You may well need medical care for a wound that would hardly bother someone with healthy skin.

What causes the problem

The problem is skin aging. That does NOT mean simply getting older. Some people get super-thin, easily wounded skin long before middle age. Often this is because of long-term use of medical steroids. Generally these drugs are given because of a chronic health condition.

Regardless of the contributing factors, aging skin has specific causes — and passing time is not one of them! Fortunately, all the most important causes of aging skin can be reversed.

Supplements can help your skin and your overall health, too.

Look for a supplement that contains at least 30 mg of SAMe (S-Adenosyl-Methionine) and at least 50 mg of Carnosine. SAMe is a wonderful nutrient involved in a key process called methylation; Carnosine stops glycation, which destroys healthy proteins, including collagen and elastin; Carnosine also has the unique ability to halt glycation which has already begun.

The other supplement that has a powerful record for skin health and repair is omega 3 fish oil. A just-introduced omega 3 fish oil contains the antioxidant astaxanthin, and a lycopene extract. The lycopene complex in this oil has been shown in clinical trials to actually thicken skin, add density, and dramatically reduce scaling and roughness — both very common in aging skin.

Skin care lotion or cream

Several ingredients in skin care lotion or cream have a proven clinical record of reversing the causes of aging skin. They can thicken and toughen skin and renew its flexibility, month after month. Here are some of the best:

— Cynergy TK stimulates the skin’s own natural production of collagen and elastin. It increased new skin cell production by 160 percent and improved skin elasticity by 42 percent in trials with human volunteers. It also reduced inflammation and had powerful antioxidant qualities.

— A seaweed extract called Phytessence Wakame allowed the skin to rebuild its hyaluronic acid levels. In trials, it did this by blocking 52 percent of the action of an enzme that degrades hyaluronic acid.

— If the product contains Coenzyme Q10 in tiny particles, often called a “nano-emulsion,” it can penetrate the skin deeply. In general, other forms of CoQ10 are not well absorbed. With natural vitamin E, CoQ10 makes perhaps the most powerful antioxidant combination in healthy skin.

See my website for more on toughening and thickening paper thin skin.

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Classic Symptoms of Omega 3 Deficiency

Before we get into the specific symptoms of Omega 3 deficiency, there are a few terms that you should be familiar with. They are EFA’s that are known as essential fatty acids.

EPA’s eicosapentoaenoic acids DHA’s docosahexaenoic acids, and ALA’s alpha-linolenic acids are Omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 6 fatty acids are linoleic acid and arachidonic acids.

Omega 3 deficiencies occur because the American/European diets are excessively rich in Omega 6 and very low in Omega 3.

This imbalance creates the classic deficiency symptoms of Omega 3. These symptoms include Cancer, Arthritis, Obesity, Heart disease, Arthrosclerosis, and Diabetes. Studies have shown that supplementation with Omega 3 and reduced consumption of Omega 6 could prevent, treat, or reverse some of the health conditions mentioned above.

Other reasons for the Omega 3 deficiency are the low levels of these fatty acids. Healthy fats have been replaced with cheap oils and transfats that are not digestible. The process used in making cooking oils, margarine, shortening, also reduces Omega 3 acids. Partially hydrogenated vegetable oils and transfatty acids became abundant in diets to give more flavor and richness (gravies, sauces, salad dressings). Omega 3’s is also negatively affected by sautéing, frying, and deep frying. EFA’s (essential fatty acids) should come from food sources as well as fish oils.

There are a variety of classic symptoms of Omega 3 deficiency. Would you believe that excessive ear wax can be a symptom? Children and adults with ADHD, in various studies, have been found to have very low Omega 3 fatty acids. Problematic/oppositional behaviors, inattention, learning problems, and other health conditions are symptoms of deficiency. These conditions include Obesity, High Blood Pressure, Arthrosclerosis and heart disease. Dry hair, Dandruff, and dry skin have also been found in those with Omega 3 deficiencies.

The addition of Omega 3 fish oils can help to treat, prevent, or reverse ( ‘cure’ ) many of the health conditions. The best fish oil source for Omega 3’s is from the Hoki fish that is native to New Zealand. They are found in cold fresh water.

Pure supplements of Omega 3 fatty acids can be accomplished with a process called Molecular Distillation. This is a process whereby all contaminants and toxins are removed. This results in a safer and more potent supplement. Pharmaceutical grade supplements are also the best choice. Talk to your doctor and/or pharmacist to find out where these supplements are available. Also talk to your doctor about whether Omega 3’s are something you should consider.

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Cabbage Soup Diet – The 7 Advantages and 7 Disadvantages

The Cabbage Soup Diet is a typical example of “magical” food diets. It is primarily based on the claims that the cabbages have special fat-burning abilities, though not yet scientifically proven. There have been many different versions of this diet but the traditional cabbage soup diet allows you to eat as much cabbage as you want. However, no authority claims to be the originator of the cabbage-soup diet.

Basing on a simple 7-day diet, the cabbage soup diet is very restrictive. It is a low-fat, high-fiber, low-calorie diet, directed towards rapid weight loss.

The primary foods allowed throughout the diet include large quantities of cabbage soup (as much as possible, at least once a day), vegetables, fruit, and beef, but not all of these together, distributed day to day. Alcohol is particularly not allowed, only water and unsweetened fruit juices when suitable.

Like any other diet weight loss programs, the Cabbage Soup Diet also has its advantages and disadvantages that we should know.

The 7 Advantages of Cabbage Soup Diet

The advantages of this diet are as follows:

1. You loose more weight as you eat more cabbage.

2. You can eat as much as cabbage soup as you want throughout the diet.

3. Cabbage soup has high water content, and water has been a proven way to keep your self well hydrated at all times.

4. The diet is known to be high in fiber and less in calories compared to others.

5. Because of the soup’s composition, you will not be left feeling hungry.

6. This soup will not strip meat from your diet, since you will still be allowed to eat beef during the diet.

7. The diet only lasts for seven days.

The 7 Disadvantages of Cabbage Soup Diet

On the other hand, are a few disadvantages regarding the cabbage soup diet and they are as follows:

1. A reported side effect of this diet is that it is supposed to give a headache to those who undergo it.

2. The Cabbage Soup Diet is only effective for weight loss during the first week. It is not meant for a long term diet, that is why people who undergo the diet need to transfer to another diet regimen.

3. The diet restricts other types of drinks other than water or unsweetened juices. Curbing your cravings for alcohol, sodas and milky drinks may be difficult.

4. Instead of losing fat and water. The Cabbage Soup diet attacks your muscles and you end up losing precious muscle tissue.

5. Due to the restricted amount of calories, you may feel low energy levels throughout the diet.

6. Unlimited cabbage may not sound unappealing, especially to those who basically do not like cabbages.

7. The diet lacks the vitamins and minerals necessary for the preservation of a healthy body.

This diet is only a quick fix type of diet and should not be taken for more than the recommended duration. If you are looking to loose more weight than just the few pounds shed with the ‘Cabbage soup diet’, it is recommended that you seek the help of professional dietitians.

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Why Peach Juice Can Give You Diarrhea

Peaches are undoubtedly one of the most sumptuous fruits in the whole entire word. They ooze flavor and have a soft, and delicate texture that can send your taste buds wild. One amazing thing that derives from this delicious fruit is peach juice. This is one of the most popular fruit juices around, behind the obvious candidates such as apple, orange and cranberry juices. Like the fruit itself, peach juice has a wealth of nutritional benefits, that make it well worth considering when it comes to making healthy dietary choices. However, one thing small drawback that can often cause a slight amount of bother is that peach juice can cause diarrhea.

Why do fruit juices cause diarrhea?

Peach juice is not alone in causing what is a notoriously frustrating condition, in fact many fruit juices if drank in larger quantities can change the dynamics of your stools. The reason for this is due to something that fruit juices contain, the culprit’s name being sorbitol.

So what is sorbitol?

Sorbitol is a sugar that the body cannot digest. If you are drinking a lot of peach juice, or even other fruit juices such as apple and prune juice, your body will react by trying to dilute the sugar. This is endeavored by using water from the bloodstream and sending it to the intestine. This extra water is therefore responsible for changing the constitution of the stools, making them looser.

This is the same for people of all ages, however with babies the problem may be more troublesome as their bodies are so small. May this be a warning to anyone who feeds their infants a lot of fruit juice, the consequences could be messy!

Peach juice nutritional benefits

It you are an adult who likes to drink peach juice, don’t let this put you off, as this is really only likely to occur if you drink excessive amounts. I am not trying to put you off drinking fruit juices, quite to the contrary as they are loaded with the nutrients that your body needs. They are a much better alternative to other soft drinks such as fizzy pop.

Just to be clear here I will highlight some of the peach juice benefits that are well worth taking note of.

* Peach juice is loaded with vitamin C, in fact from a regular 500 g serving of peach juice you can get over a fifth of the total vitamin C needed in an entire day.

* You get a very healthy amount of dietary fiber from peach juice, from a 500 g serving you can obtain around 14% of the total fiber your diet requires in a day.

* You can get just over 10% of the total vitamin A needed in a day with a 500 g cup of peach juice.

One drawback – Calories

Calories are one thing that we all look out for in our diet, and due to the sugar that is found in peach juice, it is something that is not exactly low in them. There are approximately 330 calories in a 500 g serving of peach juice. This is quite a lot considering if you were to go for the fruit on it’s own, you would be eating considerably less. In a medium sized peach weighing around 100 g there are just 38 calories.

In comparison to other fruits, and more so to the majority of foods we all include in our diets, the calories found in peaches are hardly anything to worry even the most avid calorie counter.

There is always an alternative of course, and that could be to dilute the juice with water. Of course it is not going to reduce the calories in the peach juice, but making a 500 g serving one part water and one part peach is going to halve the calories in that serving.

More information

So there you have it, drinking a lot of fruit juices can cause an upset stomach and diarrhea due to the sorbitol that they contain. One thing to bear in mind is that it is actually from the fruit itself, not some sort of added ingredient when making a fruit juice. However, due to the concentrate of the fruit that goes into making the juice, it is more likely to cause you problems than just by eating a portion of the fruit itself.

Eating the fruit itself is not only going to reduce the chances of an upset stomach, but is also going to ensure you take on less calories. So perhaps a peach and a glass of water could be less problematic than a nice refreshing glass of peach juice. The decision is yours and down to how your body reacts to the juice, and also how concerned you are as to peach calories, or those found in the juice.

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