Archive | Diet & Nutrition

Kiwi Fruit is a Tremendously Valuable Health Food to Have in Your Kitchen

Kiwi Fruit is relatively low in sugar compared to most fruits, being packed with curative vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. One large Kiwi fruit contains more vitamin c than a cup of strawberries, an orange or half a grapefruit.If you are wanting to add more vitamin c to your diet then try this awesome fruit, a small kiwi fruit has more vitamin c than a medium sized orange. It is also a top source of folic acid and beta carotene.

This great fruit is also a excellent source of fiber. There is a greater amount of fiber in three of these fruits than a bowl of bran flakes, and the fiber content is increased even further if eaten with the skin on. Just give them a scrub and eat skin and all. Constipation has met its match with this fruit.

Kiwi fruit are also a highly effective digestion aid. In fact they make an excellent meat tenderizer. The enzyme in this fruit is called actinidin, it is so powerful that simply rubbing a half of it on meat will tenderize it. They are also a rich source of potassium, which is needed to stimulate the flow of digestive juices.

If you suffer from inflammation of the joints and muscles you should consume kiwi fruit regularly. The enzymes found in this fruit could benefit anyone that suffers with arthritis or fibromyalgia. These enzymes are also very valuable for anyone dealing with low back pain, hip pain and sciatica. Try to eat two firm fruit daily, preferably on a empty stomach. This will optimize the absorption of the fruits enzymes.

They are an ideal fruit to have for breakfast, they are very easy to digest which is important for people who find it difficult to eat breakfast. Whenever eating foods such as nuts or meat, eat a kiwi fruit for desert they will really help to digest the protein rich meal.

Always try to buy them when they are still hard, because once they become soft they have lost much of there nutritional value. We are lucky because you can get kiwi fruit anywhere these days, so go ahead and add them to your shopping list and reap the benefits today.

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10 Healthy Snacks For Weight Loss and Wellness

Contrary to popular belief, snacking is actually very beneficial. It helps to refuel your body, maintain blood sugar and energy levels and control your appetite.

Healthy snacking will help your body get the nutrients it needs and help you avoid overeating at meal times.

Indulge in these guilt-free snacks. Remember we encourage an anti-inflammatory, low-glycemic, paleo-style diet for weight loss and wellness. A body must get healthy before it can lose weight.

1. Fruit and Yogurt Parfait.Organic plain yogurt is best. Yogurts with added flavors are higher in sugar. Instead, flavor your yogurt with fruit. Blueberries are an excellent choice as they have a lower glycemic content that will help balance blood glucose and insulin levels.

2. Romaine Lettuce Wrap With Organic Turkey and a Slice of Raw-Milk or Skim Mozzarella Cheese.

Romaine lettuce contains the highest nutritional and fiber content of all lettuce. Turkey is 94% protein which helps you to lose weight by boosting your metabolism and decreasing hunger. Adding raw milk grass-fed cheese not only adds flavor but also adds calcium without any harmful hormones or preservatives. A great source for grass-fed wild meat, game and poultry is at U.S. Wellness Meats.

3. Veggie Sticks With Cottage Cheese Dip. Non-starchy vegetables contain almost eight times the amount of fiber found in whole grains. Fiber is essential for a healthy digestive system. Fat-free organic cottage cheese makes an excellent low calorie snack.

4. Shrimp Cocktail Shrimp is 90% protein. Try dipping it in some cocktail sauce for a low calorie, high protein snack.

5. A Handful of Nuts. Walnuts are the best choice as they’re rich in protein and fiber but they also contain a high dose of omega 3 fatty acids (good fats) as compared to other nuts. Healthy fats help lower your risk of disease. Omega-3s are anti-inflammatory, meaning they help prevent inflammatory diseases such as stroke or heart disease. People who are overweight are actually suffering from an inflammatory condition.

6. Celery Sticks and Almond Butter. This is a great combination of protein, monounsaturated fat and energy. Almond butter is a healthier alternative to peanut butter as it contains no added ingredients or preservatives and better fats. (peanuts are a legume not a nut)

7. Deviled Eggs. Eggs are very high in protein which makes them a great snack. My Guacamole Deviled Eggs are a great high-protein healthy snack with good fats.

8. Herring Wraps. Buy a few tinned containers in a few different flavored sauces such as tomato or tangy mustard, herring fillets are high in omega 3 fish oils. Don’t but if they are in soybean oil. Try wrapping them in a few leaves of romaine lettuce.

9. Banana Nut Pop. Dip a banana in plain organic yogurt and roll in walnuts or coconut. Freeze. Yummy!

Bananas are a great source of fiber and potassium. They do have a high sugar content so eat in moderation. Coconuts have anti-microbial, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties and are one of the best sources in the world for MCFA (medium-chain triglyceride fatty acids)

10. Lemon Tuna Avocado Snack. Halve an avocado and scoop out the flesh. Mix with lemon juice and tuna. Serve in the shells. Good protein, good fat.

Avocado’s are high in monounsaturated fat and potassium. Tuna is a great source of protein, omega-3 fatty acid and is very nutrient-dense. Protein builds muscle which in turn burns more calories to help you lose weight.

And here’s your BONUS snack idea….

***Smoked salmon.

Don’t get salmon that’s been smothered in brown sugar. Salmon is one of the best sources of protein and healthy fats on earth. Always try to buy wild-caught and not farmed raised (fed grains).

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Margarine Myth

We all have myths about what’s good for us to eat and what’s bad. See if you have this myth: Margarine is better for you than real butter.

What’s the truth? Is margarine or butter healthier for you? Both substances contain the same amount of fat. The only real difference is the kind of fat they contain. One contains synthetic fat, fat that very closely resembles plastic. The other contains natural fat that human digestive systems have had thousands of years to learn how to digest. Can you guess which is which?

Right! Margarine contains plasticky fat. Vegetable oil is placed under high pressure, then hydrogen bubbles are forced into it causing the molecular structure of the natural oil to turn into a synthetic, pseudo-plastic substance. In fact, margarine doesn’t break down. You can leave margarine out on the counter for weeks and it won’t degrade. So if bacteria can’t break it down, do you really think your body can?

Well, it can’t. This ‘plastic’ fat can be found in any product containing hydrogenated oils. Your body cannot tolerate one single gram of these oils. And mass consumption of these hydrogenated oils has been linked to heart disease, cancer, and obesity. The primary foods that contain hydrogenated oils are fried foods–that means your French fries, chicken fingers, and deep fat fried Twinkies that you buy at the fair. Other culprits are chips, cookies, candy bars, crackers, cakes, and Cool Whip. Apparently, most things that start with C.

The amount of Trans Fats from partially hydrogenated oil must now be listed on all foods. Unfortunately, when the FDA made this law, fully hydrogenated oils weren’t popular. Thus, many of your junk foods may list zero grams of trans fat, but in their ingredient list you will see fully hydrogenated oil. If partially is bad for you, how can fully be any better?

We’ve always known this, but sometimes it’s good to be reminded. Your health really is your choice. Reading the labels of what you are eating is one of those choices. Anything that is natural is far more beneficial to your body than any artificial, modified, plasticized substance. Be smart, be conscious. And call the office with any questions.

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12 Healthy Healing Foods From the Bible

Why does our society seem to seek every way to overcome sickness and disease other than looking in the best Instruction Manual that’s been around for thousands of years? Why do we avoid the simplicity of the basics when it comes to our health? The “basics” I refer to are eating healthy foods, getting regular exercise and adequate sleep.

Of course, the best instruction manual I am referring to is the Bible and there must be hundreds of books out there educating us on the importance of adequate exercise and sleep. Yes, there are scads of books on what to eat, too, but if they tell you to eat something that seems to contradict what the Bible says is OK, you probably should do some serious research before incorporating it into a regular eating plan. 

There are actually some diet/eating plans being promoted that in the long run, may not be very healthy. What a shame if you lose weight, for example, and then have a heart attack because you were eating way too much meat or didn’t get adequate nutrition.

Do I even need to mention some things you should obviously avoid if you want to experience optimum health? Folks, as much as I hate to list anything, this is what I see around me in abundance: fried foods, sugar in just about everything it seems, artificial sweeteners, meals heavy in meats with few vegetables and fruits, almost all cooked, (very little raw foods), and diet drinks.   

The foods listed in this report are by no means all the “healthy” foods mentioned in the Bible. They should, however, provide you with some guidance in your food choices.

1. Apples. Song of Solomon. Apples are considered to be the “all around health food.” They are high in flavonoids, fiber and Vitamin C. Some of the apple’s healing powers include:

A.      They lower both bad cholesterol and high blood pressure

B.      The juices in apples are highly effective virus fighters

C.      They help stabilize blood sugar, an important factor in controlling diabetes

D.      They suppress the appetite without robbing the body of necessary nutrients

E.       Depending on the need, they prevent constipation or help treat diarrhea

One caution: conventionally grown apples may be highly sprayed with pesticides and coated with wax. Purchase organically grown apples when possible.

2. Barley. Deuteronomy 8:8, Ezekiel 4:9. Barley’s high fiber content can help keep us regular, relieve constipation and ward off a wide variety of digestive problems. It also may help block cancer. Barley is full of beta glucans, a type of fiber that can lower the risk of heart disease by reducing the levels of artery-clogging LDL.

3. Coriander (Cilantro). When the children of Israel wandered in the desert and received manna from the sky, they described it as looking like coriander seed. Since then coriander has been called “the healer from heaven.” Coriander is recommended for indigestion, flatulence (excessive gas) and diarrhea. Externally, it’s used to ease muscle and joint pain. Recently, scientists began looking at coriander as an anti-inflammatory treatment for arthritis. Other research has demonstrated that it reduces blood sugar levels, an indication that it may prove to be a useful sugar management tool for diabetics.

4. Fish. Luke 24:42-43. Fish is low in cholesterol and contains healthy polyunsaturated fats. Fish is a rich source of protein, potassium, vitamins and minerals with only a moderate amount of sodium. Eating fish:

* Thins the blood

* Protects arteries from damage

* Inhibits blood clots (anti-thrombotic)

* Reduces blood triglycerides

* Lowers LDL blood cholesterol

* Lowers blood pressure

* Reduces risk of heart attack and stroke

* Eases symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis

* Reduces risk of lupus

* Relieves migraine headaches

* Fights inflammation

* Helps regulate the immune system

* Inhibits cancer in animals and possibly humans

* Soothes bronchial asthma

* Combats early kidney disease

The key to the healing powers of fish lies in the omega-3 fatty acids. These are particularly concentrated in cold-water fish such as anchovies, bluefish, herring, lake trout, mackerel, sable fish, whitefish, flue fin tuna, salmon and sardines. Note: in deciding between “healthy” and “unhealthy” fish, you can get specific instruction from Lev. 11:9. Eat only fish which have both fins and scales.

5. Garlic. One of the world’s oldest healing foods. By the time of Moses, garlic was already being used as an anticoagulant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor agent, as well as a relief for flatulence, a diuretic, a sedative, a poultice and as a cure for internal parasites. Research suggests that garlic may help protect against heart disease and stroke by lowering blood pressure. It contains allylic sulfides, which may neutralize carcinogens. In fact, garlic has been linked to lower rates of stomach cancer, too. It is heart-friendly, with scores of studies showing its astonishing ability to fight hypertension, prevent blood clots and lower cholesterol.

6. Fruits, Berries, Grapes. Numbers 13:23, II Samuel 16:1-2. Grapes were the first thing Noah planted after the flood. Grapes were eaten fresh, dried and eaten as raisins just as we do today, and pressed into cakes. However, most of the crop of the vineyards was made into juice, wine and vinegar. A cup of raw grapes contains only 58 calories, 0.3 grams of fat, zero cholesterol and vitamins A, B and C. Grapes also contain important minerals such as boron, calcium, potassium and zinc. 

Grapes may be helpful in preventing osteoporosis, fighting tooth decay, heading off cancer and fighting off viruses. Other health-giving fruits include figs, melons, and pomegranates.

7. Legumes. 2 Samuel 17:28-29, Genesis 25:34. As reported in the book of Samuel, beans were among the highly nutritious foods sent to feed King David’s hungry army and restore their strength for the hard times ahead. Beans have a lot of soluble fiber, which helps lower LDL and reduce blood pressure. The fiber also helps keep blood sugar levels stable, stave off hunger, and even reduce the insulin requirements of people suffering from diabetes.

Beans are a great source of protein as well as being packed full of vitamin C, iron and dietary fiber. Beans help lower blood pressure and reduce the “bad” cholesterol that today’s research has shown to be the cause of so much devastating heart trouble — a rarity centuries ago. Beans contain chemicals that inhibit the growth of cancer. They help prevent constipation, can stop hemorrhoids and other bowel-related problems from developing, and help cure them if they do.

8. Nuts, including almonds, pistachio nuts and walnuts. Song of Solomon 6:11, Gen. 43:11. Botanists today believe that Solomon’s “garden of nuts” referred to in Scripture was a rich grove of walnut trees. At the time, walnuts were prized for the oil they produced, which was regarded as only slightly inferior to olive oil. The fact that walnuts were a delicious treat and highly nutritious was an added bonus. Nuts contain the right mixtures of natural ingredients whose benefits include cancer prevention, a lower risk of heart disease and help for diabetics. The oil found in walnuts is considered helpful because it is one of the “good guy” polyunsaturated fats and tends to lower blood cholesterol levels. Note: it’s best to avoid roasted nuts since they have been found to carry carcinogens, which could lead to cancer growth, so buy your nuts raw.

9. Olives. The olive was one of the most valuable and versatile trees of biblical times. It is mentioned frequently throughout the Bible. Probably the most famous reference to olive oil and its healing powers is in the parable of the good Samaritan, in which the Samaritan cares for a beaten and robbed traveler, treating his wounds with oil and wine. Olive oil, mixed with wine, was even used to soften and soothe bruises and wounds. Known benefits of olive oil include:

* Lowers blood cholesterol            

* Reduces LDL (bad) cholesterol levels

* Retards cancer growth

* Reduces the wear and tear of aging on the tissues and organs of the body and brain

* Reduces gastric acidity

* Protects against ulcers and aids the passage of food through the intestines, helping to prevent constipation

* Reduces the risk of gallstones

* Aids normal bone growth

One CAUTION: olive oil has a slight laxative effect, so add it to your diet gradually. 

One TIP: the more pure the olive oil, the better, so spend a little extra and get Virgin Olive Oil.

10. Onions. Numbers 11:5. Like its cousin, garlic, the onion is noted as a cure-all. And the folk healers hold it in high regard as far back as 6000 years or more. At least 3000 years before the birth of Christ, onions were treasured both as food and for their therapeutic value — particularly in the treatment of kidney and bladder problems. Some facts about onions:   

* Taken internally as a tonic to soothe intestinal gas pains

* Taken internally to alleviate the symptoms of hypertension, high blood sugar and elevated cholesterol

* Some people attribute their long life to a diet that includes high concentrations of onions and yogurt

* The juice of an onion and a syrup made from honey has been used to treat coughs, colds, and asthma attacks

* A tonic of onions soaked in gin has been prescribed for kidney stones and to eliminate excessive fluids

* Modern herbalists recommend onion syrup as an expectorant (it helps eliminate mucus from the respiratory tract)

* Onions can raise the good and lower the bad cholesterol

* Onions can slow blood clotting, regulate blood sugar, break up bronchial congestion and possibly prevent cancer

* Onions possess a strong antibiotic that kills a variety of bacteria

* Have been used externally as an antiseptic and a pain reliever

11. Wheat. Jeremiah 41:8, Ezekiel 4:9. Wheat was the “staff of life.” Biblical people ate their grain boiled and parched, soaked and roasted, and even ate it green from the stalk. It was pounded, dried or crushed to be baked into casseroles, porridges, soups, parched grain salads and desserts. Ezekiel’s bread was intended to be a survival food during the dark days of the Babylonion conquest because it contained wheat, barley, beans, lentils, millet and spelt. Wheat bran is high in insoluble fiber. The fiber protects us against constipation. It helps prevent intestinal infections, hemorrhoids and varicose veins. It also improves bowel function and guards us against colon cancer.

12. Wine. I Timothy 5:23. John 4:46. Making wine from grapes is one of the most ancient arts and the beverage of choice in the Bible. According to Genesis, one of the first things Noah did after the flood was plant a vineyard so he could make wine. Researchers are now rediscovering what the physicians of the Bible knew centuries ago. In moderation, wine has a profound impact on our health and healing. Just a single glass of wine a day may be enough to raise the good cholesterol by 7% and help the body put up a barrier to a variety of cancers.

Wine appears to help stop heart disease and cancer. A study at the University of Ottawa in Canada concluded that there is a clear link between wine consumption and lower rates of heart disease. Countries where more than 90% of alcohol is consumed in the form of wine have the lowest rate of heart disease deaths.

A British study of 100 men and women discovered that a single glass of wine or sherry everyday increased the HDL or good cholesterol. When the group abstained from drinking wine, the HDL level decreased.

Red wine also seems to increase the body’s defenses against cancer. White wine may carry some of the same therapeutic benefits, but research so far seems to indicate that red wine is the most effective cancer blocker. Note: be sure to drink only in moderation. Ephesians 5:18.

As you can see, the Bible lists a lot of foods, foods that are actually available to us today, that we could be consuming to prevent illness, serious diseases and many trips to the doctor. Good health is not that difficult, but you do have to work at it a bit. It’s a balance of what you eat, exercise, sleep, avoiding stress, taking vitamin supplements. And strange as it may seem, the Bible is actually a complete instruction Manual for all of this.

In conclusion, the 12 healing foods listed here are only a partial list of healing foods found in the Bible. However, this report provides abundant evidence that God has placed on this earth, many health-giving foods for our consumption. A person who makes a serious effort to daily eat some of these health-giving foods, while avoiding health-destroying foods, certainly can expect to reap the benefits of a healthier body.

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Carbohydrates – Are They Good For Us Or Are They Bad For Us?

Carbohydrates certainly are and have been the most controversial type of food in the American diet today. Are carbs good? Are they bad? What is a good carb? What is a bad carb? It is very confusing for most people. Carbohydrates are, however, one of the most varied of the three nutrient types. Carbohydrates include starches such as bread and potatoes as well as sugars. They also contain things we think are good for us, like fruits and vegetables and of course everybody’s favorite chocolate.

Americans typically consume excessive numbers of carbohydrate through the course of the day. If the carbohydrates are not converted to sugar to be used for energy, they typically get stored as fat, so carbohydrates can make you fat. Most carbohydrates do come from plants.

Carbohydrates come in two basic groupings. They are the simple carbohydrates and the complex carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are often called simple sugars. These include fructose which is fruit sugar; sucrose, table sugar; and lactose, which is milk sugar. Complex carbohydrates are also made up of sugars but their molecular structure contains longer and more complex chains of sugars. These carbohydrates include fibrous foods and starches. Foods high in complex carbohydrates include most green vegetables, whole grains, and beans. Your body needs carbohydrate for many reasons. They are the main source of blood glucose, the major fuel for our cells, and the only source of energy for both the brain and the red blood cell. So yes, you do need carbohydrates. If you do not need carbohydrate, you will die.

Simple and complex carbohydrates are converted into glucose in the small intestine. The glucose proceeds into the liver, your body’s phenomenal processing system. The liver then converts the glucose into glycogen, stores up glycogen and subsequently converts it back to glucose as needed by our cells. The liver also makes sure your blood stream is getting only the glucose the body needs. So, what happens with the extra glucose or the excess carbohydrate intake? You guessed it. Your liver converts the excess glucose into fatty acid and stores in its body fat. Your brain with its many complex chemical reactions gets a mild tranquilizing effect when you eat carbs. Carbs lift serotonin levels which is why many people when depressed or anxiety levels are very high, turn to carbohydrates because the serotonin levels do have a calming effect and give that person a feeling of emotional well being.

To briefly summarize, carbohydrates includes starches, sugars, fruits, and vegetables. Glycemic indexing rates carbohydrates by how they raise blood sugar level which can cause the body to store fat. For weight loss and for health reasons, it is important to eat more low glycemic carbohydrates and fewer starches. Eat starches as a condiment, meaning have a taste or two not a whole portion because starches are usually high glycemic and cause the body to store fat. You cannot go wrong eating green vegetables because they are packed with good nutrition. They have plenty of fiber and are low glycemic, meaning they do not cause your body to store fat and they do not cause abrupt fluctuation in blood sugar level. If you are vegetarian, make sure you have not also become a starchitarian.

If you are experiencing any signs of deficiency or any symptoms, I would recommend contacting your physician. If you would like more information concerning carbohydrates, you could visit our website at []

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The Power of Resistance Training in Older Adults

The number of men and women over the age of 65 represents approximately 12.5% of the US population. This growing segment of the population faces multiple age related changes in body composition that can lead to reduced quality of life and ultimately severe injury. As the body ages muscular power, strength, mass, and endurance all decrease. While these changes are taking place the resting metabolic rate decreases, body fat levels increase, and bone mineral density decreases.

These changes can cause deterioration to the extent that daily functionality is impaired or impossible. In these cases taking part in everyday activities increases the risk injuries to the hips, spine, and or wrists. At this point the individual is caught in a vicious cycle, injury is extremely possible with movement, but without movement further deterioration will occur. Reaching this level can be avoided by maintaining a proper level of fitness and nutrition throughout life.

While the potential health risks associated with resistance training for the older adult, OK so you are not an Olympian, will need to be evaluated the rewards of resistance training are nearly endless. Resistance training has been shown to provide older persons significant improvements in muscular strength, power, mass, and endurance while reducing body fat levels. Possibly more importantly bone mineral density has been shown to increase in response to a properly designed resistance training program; the bones adaptation is a multifaceted reaction that requires proper hormonal and nutrition balance for maximum results.

Your life is based around a few basic movements, these movements when put together one after another or used at the same time result in the complex movements necessary for everyday life. An evaluation of your squat, bend and twist your body core, lunge, and walking gait will reveal a great amount of information that a fitness and wellness professional can use to compile a proper training program.

It is my opinion that the average training program for an aging adult should include elements of strength, endurance, and balance training. This combination will provide proper stimulation of the neuromuscular system resulting in the maximum quality of life gains. For the severely deteriorated a program may simply start with basic movement strength exercises, while for the silver Olympian a program may start with advanced balance and strength exercises.

Either level of participant should be able to get great results in or out of a gym, for those of you who do not want to go to a gym there are plenty of fitness tools and toys to provide you an excellent workout at your home, these include a multitude of bands, balls, strings, and balance toys. Proper training should be obtained from a fitness professional before using any of these toys.

Although you may reluctant to start a resistance training program one should realize that the potential benefits of resistance training include improvements to musculoskeletal health that cannot be obtained through other forms of exercise. Regular participation in a properly guided and designed resistance exercise program will reduce the risk of injury while improving self image and confidence. Get out today, find a proper fitness professional, start your resistance training program, you will not regret it!

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Don’t Take Probiotic Supplements – Until You Have Read This

You may well have heard the word ‘probiotic’ bandied around a lot lately in popular

advertising and marketing campaigns! When you notice something like this

happening you need to be aware of a couple of important things – that is why this

article could save you time, frustration and money…

Doctors have stated that is probable that ALL people over the age of 65 living in

countries like the US and the UK should regularly take a probiotic supplement

product to boost the function of their digestive system. It seems that the eating

patterns, and other bad habits common to western societies can decimate the

‘internal bacteria’ we NEED in our gut in order to obtain all the nutrition we should be

getting from our food.

Major food companies – especially makers of yoghurt-type products have not been

slow to see the marketing potential for new ranges containing so-called ‘good

bacteria’. You may ask – why has this been popular within this food sector?

It is now clear that the some of the most effective, and most resilient, ‘good bacteria’

are the members of the Lactobacillus ‘family’. There are 13 strains of Lactobacillus

which can all aid better digestive processes when present in your gut in an

appropriate concentration. Lactobacillus are also the strains of bacteria that are used

to ferment milk and create products such as yoghurt.

Some people have experienced benefits from regularly consuming the small, and not

inexpensive, yoghurt style drinks that have been launched onto the market. It seems

that some of the benefits may be psychological as much as anything – but for some

there may genuinely be enough of a boost to their digestive ‘flora’ (as the good

bacteria are sometimes referred to – it is the same root from which the word ‘flower’

comes in English) to make them feel as if their system is working better.

In general, however, it may be that there is hardly enough of a ‘dose’ of probiotic

bacteria to help the majority of people substantially. The jury is still open on this to

some extent – because thorough experimental work has been limited.

You may well find that if you are suffering from the many, varied symptoms that can

signify that you have an impaired digestive process – you will fare better taking a

proper probiotic product with a guaranteed high count of appropriate ‘good bacteria’.

Such products are available – usually in a powdered form – that can be blended with

juices, or even just with water, and should be taken daily to ‘maintain’ a healthy

balance of bacteria in your digestive system.

What you must look out for, though, if you are to avoid wasting your money on

ineffective products – is that the probiotic product you choose contains the range of

Lactobacillus bacteria. There are other ‘good bacteria’ but this genus (or family) is the

strongest and can get through the acidity of your stomach, and past other ‘chemical

challenges’ in your diet (such as alcohol, and caffeine!) to get into the intestines

where they are needed.

It is a sad fact that when we lived as primitive creatures, and for many millennia,

whilst we ate fresh foods that we hunted and farmed in an organic and natural way,

our diets supported our bacterial needs. Nowadays, with so many processed foods

and chemicals in our environment our digestive systems have become badly

impaired. This can ultimately lead to a wide range of health problems – form just

feeling listless, and lacking in energy right through to setting the scene for serious

diseases such as cancer to establish itself.

For this reason it may well be that choosing to use a reliable and high quality

probiotic supplement could be the best thing you could do to support your health.

This is especially so as you get older. However you must satisfy yourself that the

product you buy contains the best bacterial sources and is produced by a reliable

company. Otherwise you could simply be wasting your money and getting no real

benefit in the long term.

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14 Day Brazilian Diet – How to Lose 10 Pounds Fast

If you still do not know how to lose 10 pounds fast I would recommend what best worked for me. Very popular Brazilian, or some people call it 14 days diet, allows you to lose 10 pounds in 14 days time. There are a lot of different opinions about this diet, but I know that what worked best for me will work for other people.

Definitely this is not a healthy type of diet and not recommended without consulting your doctor or certified nutrition specialist.

Brazilian diet:

Day 1:

1 egg, a cup of coffee without any sweeteners and 1 apple. Use this menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Day 2:

Repeat menu of day 1

Day 3:

Breakfast – 2 eggs

Lunch – 100 g of boiled low-fat beef with spinach.

Dinner – 1 apple

Day 4:

Breakfast – 1 egg

Lunch – 100 g of boiled low-fat fish

Dinner – 2 eggs, a cup of coffee without any sweeteners.

Day 5:

Breakfast – 1 egg, a cup of coffee without any sweeteners

Lunch – 2 eggs and 1 big tomato

Dinner – 100 g of boiled low-fat fish with vegetables

Day 6:

Breakfast – 1 egg, a cup of coffee without any sweeteners

Lunch – 100 g of boiled low-fat beef and a cucumber

Dinner – 100 g of boiled chicken breast without skin and a cup of coffee with 1 teaspoon of honey

Day 7:

Breakfast – a cup of coffee with 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 egg

Lunch – 100 g of boiled chicken without skin with vegetables

Dinner – 100 g of boiled chicken without skin with vegetables, an apple and a cup of coffee without any sweeteners

Repeat first week for second week.

Don’t forget to drink a big glass of non-carbonated water before each meal and try to consume more water during the day, but do not drink for one hour after the meal.

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The Importance of Physical Fitness

In its most general meaning, physical fitness is a general state of good physical health. Obtaining and maintaining physical fitness is a result of physical activity, proper diet and nutrition and of course proper rest for physical recovery. In its simplest terms, physical fitness is to the human body what fine-tuning is to an engine. It enables people to perform up to their potential. Regardless of age, fitness can be described as a condition that helps individuals look, feel and do their best. Thus, physical fitness trainers, describe it as the ability to perform daily tasks vigorously and alertly, with left over energy to enjoy leisure-time activities and meet emergency demands. Specifically true for senior citizens, physical fitness is the ability to endure, bear up, withstand stress and carry on in circumstances where an unfit person could not continue.

In order for one to be considered physically fit, the heart, lungs, and muscles have to perform at a certain level for the individual to continue feeling capable of performing an activity. At the same time, since what humans do with their bodies directly affects the state of mind, fitness influences to some degree qualities such as mental alertness and emotional expression.

Physical fitness is often divided into the following categories in order for people to be able examine its components or parts. Particularly, physical fitness is judged by:

1. Cardiovascular endurance: This is the ability of the body to deliver oxygen and nutrients to tissues and to remove wastes over sustained periods of time.

2. Muscular strength & endurance: Strength deals with the ability of the muscle to exert force for a brief time period, while endurance is the ability of a muscle, or group of muscles, to sustain repeated contractions or to continue to apply force against an inert object.

3. Flexibility: This denotes the ability to move joints and use muscles through their full range of motion.

4. Body composition: Considered as one of the components of fitness, composition refers to the body in terms of lean mass (muscle, bone, vital tissue, and organs) and fat mass. Actually, the optimal ratio of fat to lean mass is an indication of fitness. Performing the right set of exercises can help people get rid off body fat and increase or maintain muscle mass.

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Superfoods for Migraines

Migraines and cluster headaches: whatever the label, the pain and side effects can be intense! In addition to traditional treatments, including more of the following “superfoods” can help.

What are superfoods? Well, they’re not exactly supplements–although some supplement companies have begun to market “extracts” of various superfoods. By definition, superfoods are whole foods or oils that offer exceptionally high doses of nutrition. People call them “super” in part because of their benefits and in part due to their origins. Most superfoods are not new; rather, they’ve been used by powerful ancient cultures and only recently rediscovered by the West. Although some scientists and many raw foodists credit superfoods with amazing regenerative and protective abilities for almost any health issue, this article discusses superfoods for special consideration by those who suffer migraines and/or cluster headaches.

Cacao (kuh-COW): Commonly marketed as raw cacao or raw chocolate, this “food of the gods” actually became monetary currency in the Aztec empire! Conventional wisdom tells those with migraines to avoid chocolate as a major trigger food. While some people do have sensitivities to chocolate, most people actually react to the typical dairy and refined sugar in cooked chocolate bars. Raw cacao, by contrast, offers seven times the antioxidants of its cooked version, without the offending dairy and sugar. More importantly for those with migraines, raw cacao contains one of the highest sources of magnesium in any food. Magnesium acts as the relaxing counterpart to calcium and helps to balance brain chemisty. In fact, many migraine sufferers manage to stave off headaches by consuming large quantities of magnesium supplements. Magnesium can also help with PMS, another known trigger of migraines. In addition to magnesium, raw cacao offers caffeine (which seems to affect the body less intensely in its raw form). Some people with migraines find that judicious use of caffeine can curtail a headache before it becomes a full blown episode. Most prescription migraine pills contain some form of caffeine. From a nutritional standpoint, raw cacao certainly beats a Pepsi! If you know for sure that chocolate causes a reaction, skip the raw cacao, but otherwise it could be worth a (delicious) try. Add cacao nibs or powder to morning smoothies, or make raw fudge by mixing the powder with coconut butter, raw agave nectar or honey, and some of the other superfoods listed below. As with any new food, start small so you can monitor your reactions.

Maca (MAH-kuh): Also known as “Peruvian viagra,” maca is a root grown at 14,000 feet in the Andes Mountains. Despite its fame for keeping Peruvian men virile into their 80’s, maca actually functions as an adaptogen, meaning it balances all hormones. If someone has too much estrogen, maca works to lower estrogen levels. If another person has too little estrogen, maca helps the body bring those levels back to optimal levels. Maca also nourishes the adrenal glands, helping the body handle some of the stress that so often triggers cluster headaches and migraines. Maca grows in some of the most inhospitable conditions on earth, but it has learned to flourish where other plants die. Natives believe that the root transfers this strength and adaptability to those who consume it: “You are what you eat!” Metaphysics aside, maca’s high mineral content, B-vitamins, protein, fatty acids, and plant sterols allow it to rebuild the body wherever it most needs help–good news for people whose headaches come from stress or hormonal imbalance. Maca tastes a bit like radish, so you don’t want to add too much to sweet smoothies. It blends exceptionally well with cacao, though, and I always enjoy a morning glass of fresh squeezed lemon juice in water with about a teaspooon of maca. The lemon brings out maca’s hidden sweetness, making a surprisingly zesty lemonade.

Hemp: No, I’m not talking about marijuana, even though some people do employ cannabis for medicinal purposes. You can now find hulled hemp seeds, hemp butter, hemp protein powder and hemp oil at alternative health food stores and in many online shops. Despite virtually no THC content (the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana), the U.S. government prohibits the sale of hemp seeds ready for sprouting, so you can only legally buy hulled ones or hemp products, most of which seem to come from Canada. Nonetheless, hemp has experienced a major resurgence in recent years as people have rediscovered what ancient Europeans knew so long ago. Hemp supports the immune system and contains edestin, the protein most easily assimilated by humans–good news for people who react to protein powders made from soy or dairy (whey). Hemp seeds, butter and oil also contain the perfect ratio of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids, thought to help balance hormones and brain chemistry. In addition, the green color of hemp comes from chlorophyll, which differs only by one atom from hemoglobin. (Hemoglobin forms around an iron atom, whereas chlorophyll forms around that beneficial magnesium atom.) Purifying the blood with chlorophyll-rich foods like hemp, wheat grass and leafy greens can alkalinize the body, which, in turn, eases stress responses like migraines and cluster headaches. Hemp protein powder tastes a bit gritty, but the butters, oil and seeds carry a pleasant, slightly nutty sensation that combines especially well with raw cacao and maca. You can also replace the bulghur wheat (gluten is a major migraine trigger) in foods like tabouli with hemp seeds, or use hemp butter as a nutritious replacement for another common trigger–peanut butter.

Yerba Mate (YUR-buh MAH-tay): For those people who know they need to kick the coffee habit but simply can’t forgo their cuppa Joe, Yerba Mate offers a good substitute. Another highly mineralized South American food, Yerba Mate tastes somewhat similar to coffee, but instead of depleting the adrenal glands, it nourishes them with B-vitamins, 15 amino acids, 11 polyphenols (like in green tea and red wine) and, you guessed it: more magnesium and chlorophyll. Whereas coffee provides a caffeine jolt, mate’s energy comes from the B-vitamins, blood purifying properties and a component called mateine. Unlike caffeine, mateine gives a lift without the crash. Some independent coffee houses now serve soymilk “mate lattes,” or you can brew the tea at home. For best results, warm but don’t boil the water, then let the tea steep for 5 minutes. You can then add hemp milk and essential oils like peppermint with a hint of raw cacao powder, creating your own minty mocha. Yerba Mate also brews well as a sun tea, mixed with orange peel or traditional chai tea spices. A favorite of shamans, Yerba Mate offers a traditional, nutritional alternative to coffee, along with minerals and nutrients thought to support hormonal balance and alkalinity.

In short, these superfoods bring trace minerals, potent nutrients, and a bit of folklore. As foods rather than drugs, they gradually rebuild and support the body, instead of generating a “quick fix.” If you’d like a holistic approach to treating migraines or cluster headaches and haven’t responded to “newfangled cures,” you might want to explore some ancient culinary treats.

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