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4 Tips On Creating Your Healthy Eating Plan

To be healthy, the first and most important steps are to accept that you need to make changes to your present lifestyle and eating habits. Once you understand that, the next step is to come out with an action plan to follow.

This action plan should be based upon your personal fitness goals.

Implementing this plan is an important step in your journey towards fitness and health.

By making your goals concrete will help you to be more motivated and sticking to your plan.

Create your personal healthy eating plan by following the 4 tips given below;

1. Be realistic in setting your goals

Do not make the common mistake of setting unreasonable and difficult goals for yourself. Once you are unable to reach your goals, you will feel discouraged and might even give up on your diet plan.

Be more realistic when setting up your goals but that does not mean making it easy for yourself.


If you work long hours, you cannot expect to cook healthy meals all the time.

When creating your goals, think about all this details. Decide exactly how much weight and amount of fat you want to lose. Make them reasonable, neither too easy to achieve nor too difficult to attain.

It is difficult to accurately determine your body fat percentage without using expensive medical equipment, it is better to monitor your change in body fat or muscle with measurements.

Before you start your healthy eating and exercising plan, record the measurements of your waist, hips, thigh and upper arm. And check them again every two weeks or so to monitor your progress.

It is also difficult to accurately determine your caloric needs without using medical equipment. To be sure how much you should be consuming, consult a professional or your personal trainer.

2. Proceed gradually

After you have developed your goals, implement the changes gradually.


Your goal is to stop your habit of eating chocolate with munching on carrots or bananas. But do not cut off your chocolate completely from the first day of your diet plan.

Think on how to gradually reduce the amount of chocolates you eat. This will prevent you from your irresistible cravings.

Eating foods that are both healthy and yummy, encourage you to follow through with your plan. Prevents mindless eating by taking your time when eating and enjoy every bite of the food you eat, helps you realize when you are full.

3. Be honest to yourself

Whenever you concede to your cravings, be honest about it.

Admit that you have eaten things you were trying to avoid and make the effort to make up for it in your next meal. Your integrity helps to cover up for times when you conceded to your craving in foods you had decided not to eat.

It can help you to monitor what you eat everyday and be accountable to your diet plan can also help you to stay on course with your diet.

4. Snacking on healthy foods

Munching on snack between meals help to increase your metabolism but ensures that the snacks you eat are healthy. They help you burn more calories and keep you from overeating.

Snacking on healthy foods also gives you a constant supply of energy throughout the day.

Coming out with an eating plan can take time.

Follow the 4 tips given above to reduce your planning time and by using the ideas to help you create and stick to this plan.

After you have perfected it and vigorously sticking to your healthy diet plan, you will reap the benefits that come with eating a healthy diet.

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Control You Weight With Great Impression Slimming Tea

Obesity problem is now found in all parts of the world irrespective of the culture of the people. This is because of the change in lifestyle. Modern food and stressful jobs play a major role in increasing the weight of a person. More than that, the mechanical lifestyle has reduced the possibilities of physical exercises. As this lifestyle continues, not all calories consumed by the person are burnt and hence, a large portion of the calories is deposited as body fat resulting in over weight. People who are obese realize that they are over weight only after considerable weight gain. It is easy to gain weight but it is very difficult to lose even a pound. Diet and exercises is the key behind weight loss.

Among the various dietary supplements, great impression slimming tea is a Chinese herbal tea that can help weight loss. Just by drinking this tea regularly, you can lose weight in a few days. Many people have found great use of slimming teas and various combinations are now available in the market. You should never be carried away by the advertisements and you should always choose the right product that works in the right way.

Slimming tea is not something new to Chinese medicine. Great impression slimming tea has various benefits making it a suitable drink for those who want to lose weight. It works on the digestive system and regulates digestion. Food that is not properly digested accumulates as fat. By improving the functionalities of bowels and other digestive organs, digestion can be regulated. When the food that you eat is properly digested, your body will be provided with appropriate nutrition. Bowels are responsible for absorption of nutrition and by strengthening bowels; your body will become healthy.

Caffeine that is present in tea can aid in the calorie burning process. Polyphenols that is present in tea digests fat which is very important for reducing weight. Digestive problems like constipation are cleared by drinking great impression slimming tea regularly. Qi flow is promoted inside the body which eliminates dampness and other disorders. This tea also contains antioxidants that help reduce free radicals in the body. Toxins are also washed away by slimming tea and you will feel much more energetic when you drink this tea regularly.

Great impression slimming tea is available in tea sachets. To drink the tea, you have to soak a tea sachet in 170 ml of boiling water for 5 to 10 minutes. Within this duration, the water will absorb tea extracts and the tea will be ready to drink. Then you can remove the sachet and drink the tea. The tea sachets are intended for single use only. For about 45 days, you have to drink this tea regularly to get the desired results. To start with, drink the tea before going to bed for the first week. Then you can drink the tea twice a day in the morning and evening till the end of the course. However, if you take more quantities in a single day, you may suffer from various disorders like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

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The Acid – Alkaline Debate: Part 3 – 6 Steps To Go From Acidic to Alkaline!

Before I go into the steps you can take to create the proper alkaline balance in your body, I want to quickly review several items to drive home my personal belief that most dark colas, whether they be regular or diet, have been one of the leading causes of all the degenerative diseases we are seeing. It is not the sole cause but a leading contributor. Why?

Remember What We Said About the pH Scale?

The pH scale is not arithmetical but logarithmic. Logarithmic means that the values separating each unit are not of equal value along the scale but increases in proportion to their distance from a pH of 7. For example, a pH reading of 6 is 10 times more acidic than 7, but a pH of 5 is not 20 times more acidic but 100 times more acidic. If you’re catching on, then a pH reading of 4 is 1000 times more acidic that a pH of 7.

The pH value for Coca-Cola is 2!

That would make it 100,000 times more acidic than a pH of 7. If your diet is lacking in alkalizing foods, then how are you going to offset this high acidic environment? Your body is going to pull calcium and other minerals to offset this so that you can maintain a slightly alkaline environment. If your diet is high in acidic foods and drinks, poor in alkaline foods and lacking in mineral and trace mineral intake, then you are setting yourself up for calcium to be taken from your bone structure. This is a recipe for osteoporosis.

6 Steps to Go From Acidic to Alkaline!

To regain your optimal pH balance, you will need to take the following steps:

1. Change your diet to include more alkalizing foods.

2. Increase your water consumption and eliminate dark colas.

3. Cleanse and detoxify your body of microforms and the toxins they have created.

4. Replenish your mineral reserves.

5. Replenish your enzyme reserves.

6. Replenish the populations of healthy probiotics in your GI tract.

When someone consumes a diet rich in acid producing foods, the body’s overall pH balance can be thrown off. To counter this effect, alkaline food and water must be consumed to provide the nutrients necessary to neutralize the acids and toxins created from an acidic diet. The top alkalizing foods and nutrients are:

o Wheat Grass

o Calcium

o Sodium

o Potassium

o Chloride

o Bicarbonate

o Kamut Grass

o Barley Grass

o Alfalfa Grass

Think Green – Think Green Fusion Technology!

Notice that it is the grasses and certain key minerals that are necessary part of your diet. A good Green Fusion drink would be an excellent replacement for the dark colas. A diet rich in green and colorful vegetables would help create an alkaline diet. Increasing your intake of pure, clean water to at least ½ gallon per day will not only aid in maintaining the right pH balance but will also aid in weight management and weight loss. Get a good mineral supplement into your daily diet plan. However, Tums with Calcium is not the answer. Even though calcium is an alkalizing mineral it needs the acidic environment of the stomach to be absorbed properly. The purpose of Tums is to reduce stomach acids. This interferes with calcium absorption. I’ve never understood why doctors promote this type of product in their offices as a calcium supplement.

There is so much more that could be said in this area. Hopefully, these three articles on The Acid – Alkaline Debate have provided you with knowledge which is the precursor to prevention. As our American culinary tastes have evolved to the Super Size Me diet of acidic foods, we have also seen an explosion of both the waist line and degenerative diseases. Diseases that are not only preventable but robbing us of our youth and vitality as we grow older. You can see the critical importance of maintaining an alkaline environment for your body. Enjoy the foods that will help you create optimal health and wellness and potentially allow you to live a long life disease free.

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Your Weight Loss Cheat Sheet

On your journey to the perfect body, your diet will make up most of your efforts. In fact, your diet will be about 75% of all effort that you put in! That is why it is so important to make the correct decisions on your diet.

Feel welcome to use this list as a cheat sheet for making healthier decisions. All food plays a part in your weight loss but those listed at the top will be of least importance and those listed at the bottom will be the most important.


This group includes anything that has sugar such as candies, cakes, cookies, pies, doughnuts and other desserts. You don’t have to cut this food group out altogether on your weight loss journey, as long as you keep the portions small. Foods in this group are often high in calories and low in nutrients so limit your intake to about 80 calories a day or about 560 calories a week.


The truth is that some fats are good for you, while others are really bad for you! Try avoiding fats such as saturated fats and trans-fats as these have often been linked to heart disease amongst other diseases! Instead, focus rather on the good fats that are found in olive oil, avocado, nuts and nut butter.


The best low-fat proteins you can find are low-fat and fat-free and include fish, skinless white-meat poultry, dairy foods, egg whites and legumes. Also, as an added benefit, proteins can also be a great source of fibre to help with the weight loss process.


This food group is primarily grains or food made up of grains. Whole grains will naturally be the better choice as they include more fibre. Examples of carbohydrates are whole-grain cereal, whole-wheat bread, whole-wheat pasta, oatmeal and brown rice. Just be on the lookout for the term ‘whole’ and you will be on the right track!


Vegetables are high in nutrients and fibre which and low in calories which is why they are a big part of any weight loss diet. Try sticking to fresh fruit, but failing that canned fruit will work just as well!


Include as much fresh fruit in your diet as possible as this is the most important food group out there. Just like vegetables, try to stick to fresh fruit and avoid fruit canned in sugary syrup. If you can, stay away from fruit juice and dried fruit as these tend to have more calories and fewer nutrients.

No one type of food group can ever be discounted in the weight loss process as they all play their role in burning fat. Just remember that exercise can never be overlooked in any weight loss program And you should be aiming to get at least 30 minutes of exercise about 3 – 5 times a week.

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Hoodia Diet Gum Revolutionary Diet Product Has Health Benefits Beyond Effective Weight Management

Many have heard about Hoodia and it’s unique ability to suppress the appetite and help in the battle of the bulge. Lesser know, “functional gum” is the term applied when referring to a gum product that has a purpose beyond just freshening breath. It is a superior delivery system for an active nutritional or medicinal ingredient, and is not only a popular trend, but an improvement on traditional modes of taking supplements or medicines.

Hoodia gum is an example of functional gum. It is the latest innovation in the area of weight loss utilizing Hoodia gordonii, the amazing succulent from South Africa that has been shown in clinical trials to suppress the appetite, increase energy and improve mood.

What is so attractive about this idea of functional gum applied to Hoodia for weight management, is that the amount of Hoodia needed to achieve results is greatly diminished. Why is this…Ms Patrie goes on to say that “you can achieve approximately 90% absorption of the actives, compared to a modest 20% that can be obtained with conventional supplements”. The implications are huge and benefit the consumer not limited to improved efficacy. With the cost of true South African Hoodia still relatively high, less Hoodia needed to achieve results, equates with much better value for their money. This is what sets this product apart from other weight loss aids and other Hoodia diet gum products.

The positive features of using Hoodia gum are numerous, but there is also a side bonus that might just be a valuable as it’s convenience, effectiveness, social acceptability (chewing gum in most situations is acceptable as sucking on lollies is not), value and all around fun. The “oral gratification” supplied by chewing, great tasting sugar free fresh spearmint flavored gum, is helpful not only for thwarting food cravings that occur as a result of calorie restriction, but those food cravings associated with smoking cessation.

One of the biggest problems that a smoker faces when they stop, is that increased snacking and weight gain is inevitable. This weight gain associated with smoking cessation is so universal that is deters many people from even attempting to stop. Some people do not want to replace cigarettes with just another form of nicotine in the form of nicotine gum. So, using a great product like NuTrimU during this vulnerable time of almost guaranteed weight gain, is a real no-brainer.

When smokers quit the habit, they miss intensely, the oral gratification they get from smoking. They eat often and more, as their appetite rules. The new functional Hoodia diet gum, can be used to suppress that urge to munch and “have something in your mouth” when quiting the deleterious habit. It might actually increase the success rate which is low. Hoodia gum may have a important health benefits beyond it weight management utility.

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Weight Loss – Ending Your Diet Mentality Means Greater Success With Losing Weight

Are you overweight, or do you feel you have weight to lose? Do you have Type 2 diabetes? If you have answered yes to these questions, there is a good chance you are a victim of the “diet mentality.” The diet mentality is one that may seem fruitful in theory but is ineffective in practice. It is certainly a sound idea to plan your diet and nutrition around your health goals, which may involve your weight or blood sugar level. But there is one ingredient integral to the success of any diet, which is inherently lacking in most.

This ingredient is the ultimate purpose of the weight loss plan. Is the weight loss plan being used as a means of producing quick change, or introducing lasting habits? Those who have internalized the diet mentality mostly lean towards the former. For a case in point, consider the surge of people undertaking a new food plan at the turn of the New Year. New Year resolutions are notorious for their ambition. Unfortunately, they tend to be resolutions that are usually broken as a mechanism for quick change is one lacking a sustainable basis.

Before we go any further, allow us to clarify there is nothing wrong with looking to improve your health by dieting. Changing your food choices in an attempt to lose weight or lower your blood sugar is a worthy goal deserving recognition. But you must be very careful – don’t fall victim to the “diet mentality” and its many drawbacks.

Ending this thinking may be easier said than done. It is human nature to look for shortcuts in an attempt to save time and effort. It is genuinely difficult to make a lasting change when it is natural to overlook long-term benefits for the short-term ones. But if you are to ultimately succeed, this is precisely what you must do: look at the long-term benefits.

Ending or avoiding the diet mentality is in your best interest. Those who still have it will benefit from trying something new. Instead of planning the next few weeks or months around a particular goal, it is better to imagine where you would like to be and doing what it takes to get there, regardless of how much time is needed.

To clarify, here is an example. Let’s say you would like to lower your blood sugar to a healthier range and lose 20 pounds. Determine what you need to do to get there regarding diet and lifestyle, and don’t set an end date to reach your goal. Focus strictly on the process – ensure each day you are acting according to your plan. Measure your progress every so often but don’t worry about how quickly you are moving forward. Small steps may be slower than leaps, but you are much less likely to stumble.

Start thinking long-term. The “diet mentality” excites and motivates but is also full of broken promises. When it comes to dieting, a commitment to making lasting change is what it takes to succeed.

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Cancer, Candida and The Parasite Connection

Candida and the Parasite Connection

In order for the body to heal, it must first be able to absorb all the nutrients and to improve the digestive system and enhance the immune system. There are many reasons why the digestive system might not be functioning properly.

Many people have experienced an increase in digestive problems over the years. The most common reasons are – a diet deficient in proper nutrients, impure water, coupled with the overuse of antibiotics, oral contraceptives, corticosteroid drugs, and other medications.

We are seeing more people suffering from Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome, leaky gut, diverticulitis, celiac disease, indigestion, reflux, allergies, asthma and constipation. Parasites and other harmful organisms that affect the immune system are on the increase. The most common of these is Candida Albicans. All this shows the need for better nutrition through a healthy diet.

It is crucial to increase and maintain bacteria levels, eliminate any yeast infection and parasite infestation, thus help rid the body of cancer.

Plenty of organic raw foods will keep the bowel free from constipation. The body has to balance bacteria levels, combat yeast infection and eliminate parasites. People do not realize that the human body is a perfect place for parasites. They accept that children become infested with parasites and will give their children a dose of medication. But once past the toddler stage, parasite prevention and eradication is stopped. It is quite unusual for an adult to be treated.

Attention to parasite infestation is no less important for adults. Follow the protocols described below to rid your body of parasites. However, you will also need to find out if you have candida infection.


Candida, or Candida Albicans, to give it its full name, is an overgrowth of a single cell yeast-like fungus. This fungus is referred to in Eastern cultures as a dampness affecting various parts of the body most commonly the gastrointestinal tract and the vagina. The digestive system and metabolism is compromised by the often prolific growth in the body by this yeast. Those having a weakened immune system almost always have high levels of candida, especially those suffering from advanced cancer, HIV and AIDS. In extreme cases the infection will travel through the bloodstream and affect every organ of the body.

People suffering from candida become very sensitive to certain foods. They find some smells intolerable, especially petrol, cigarettes, exhaust fumes, perfumes, cleaning products, and rubber.

Test yourself for candida without a visit to the doctor or the naturopath. Proceed as follows:

1. Place a glass of water on your bedside table or on your bathroom cabinet before going to bed.

2. First thing in the morning, spit into the water. Do not eat or drink anything before this (this is important).

3. Let the saliva sit in the water for about 30 minutes but no more than an hour before testing.

4. Check the water to see if it is clear. If you see strands of saliva (like legs) floating in the water or cloudy saliva that has sunk to the bottom of the glass,

or floating in the water, then you have candida.

If you have candida, it will need to be cleared up immediately. The removal of parasites from your system is also imperative if you want to absorb nutrients from your food. For cancer sufferers, it is usually the fluke worm that is the problem.

You will definitely have parasites if you have cancer or candida. Remember:

• The candida yeast feeds off sugar.

• Your body’s pH balance is important for friendly bacteria such as lactobacilli to thrive. These are needed to metabolise sugars properly.

4 week Eradication Program

Foods to avoid

Remove all foods that contain sugar, honey, malt etc. and yeast from your diet; this includes yeasted breads, cakes, buns, rolls, pastries, crackers (unless sugar and yeast free), enriched flour, anything fried in breadcrumbs, truffles and chocolate.

Eat no fruit, including sweet fruits, dried fruits, and acid fruits. Do this only for four weeks.

All yeast spreads. (Vegemite, Marmite etc.)

Black tea and herbal teas. The two exceptions are Pau D’Arco tea, known for its anti fungal properties (two to three cups per day is sufficient), and Black Walnut Herbal Tea, which is helpful for the elimination of parasites.



Dairy milk – (you can replace it with almond milk, coconut milk, oat milk or rice milk). Make sure they are sugar and malt free.


Alcohol, soft drinks, citrus drinks frozen or canned, fermented foods such as soy, vinegar, soy sauce, honey, peanut butter, pickles, stock and soup cubes, alfalfa sprouts, and vitamin B tablets that contain yeast,

Enriched flour or anything made from ‘baker’s flour’ which contains yeast

and chemical improvers.

Nutrients and foods to take;

Multi-strain probiotic. Use a dairy free formula.

Paracea to remove parasites and worms, Paracea also helps digestive function and fights candida.

Kolorex herbal antifungal formula.

Garlic oil which has a yeast killing effect in the intestines.

Bromelain between meals facilitates the digestion of dietary protein (the best formula to purchase is Nutrition Diagnostics Bio-zyme Formula).

Co-Enzyme Q10 daily.

A diet high in fibre. Eat lots of fresh vegetables, yeast free grains such as brown rice, millet, and non fermented vegetarian protein.

Eat live cultured yoghurts that are sugar and juice free.

Replace your toothbrush every two weeks or disinfect with either a solution of water and citric seed acid or apple cider vinegar.

All products recommended contain quality ingredients. Most are provided by naturopaths or doctors committed to advancing complementary medicine. This type of practitioner will have a degree in Nutritional Medicine. Although the nutritional supplements recommended in this handbook will not be harmful to you, it is however recommended that you seek professional advice from your health care practitioner. He or she will check the dosages and may recommend an alternative product.

Nutritional Supplements


Nutrition Care Lactobac Powder or similar – use a non dairy formula.

5 ml level spoonful 2 times daily – 1 hour before meals.

Fights candida Infection, balances bacteria levels in the stomach.

Active Ingredients: Lactobacillus rhamnosus 14.25 billion organisms, Bifidobacterium longum 750 million organisms.

Bioceuticals Paracea Forte or similar – 2 capsules 3 times daily before meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner).

When taking Paracea or similar product it is important to take for 2 weeks, then 5 days off, then 2 weeks on again – this is to make sure any eggs that hatch are destroyed. Helps to maintain a healthy digestive function and rid body of parasites, worms, bacteria, and candida and gut disturbances.

Active Ingredients: Artemisia herb (Chinese Wormwood), Berberis vulgaris (Barberry)

stem bark, Juglans nigra (Black Walnut) fruit hull, Citrus x paradise (Grapefruit) fruit.

Bioceuticals Quercetin (or similar) (Includes Bromelain for improve absorption of quercetin.) 600mg twice daily between meals. Spreads healing and helps reduce the effects of inflammation and allergic conditions together with the Bromelain to provide

nutritional support.

Active Ingredients: Quercetin, Bromelain.

Nutrition Diagnostics Bio-Zyme Formula – 1 capsule to be taken 30 minutes before meals. Promotes digestion, breaks down plaque in the arteries, thins blood, and stops the growth of malignant cells in many forms of cancer. It enhances the immune system and defends against candida.

Active Ingredients: Bromelains, Papain, Extracts equivalent to fresh: Cynara scolymus (leaf), Extracts equivalent to dry: Zingiber officinale (root), Powders, Gentiana lutea (root), Cinnamomum zeylanicum stem bark.

Kolorex from Forest Herbs – 1 x Aniseed and 1 x Horopito simultaneously once a day.

A stringent anti-fungal and helps to maintain a balanced intestinal flora.

Active Ingredients: (New Zealand Herb Horopito (Pseudowintera colorata), Aniseed.

Nutrition Care Garlic Oil – 2 capsules twice daily. Inhibits the growth of the infecting organism. Excellent for eradicating candida, colds and bacterial infections.

Active Ingredients: Each capsule contains 3g of fresh pure garlic oil.

Nutrition Diagnositic Bio-Vitamin C Powder – 2 heaped tsps twice daily. Builds up immunity and further damage by the release of toxins.

Active Ingredients: Ascorbic Acid, Lycine, Glycine, Proline, Citrus Bioflavonoids Extract, Green Tea, Catechins, Epigallachatechin 3-0 Gallate

Bioceuticals Multi Essentials – 1 tablet daily with food, due to the strength of this formulation it must be taken with food to avoid nausea.

Multi Essential Vitamins are needed for proper immune function and used in conjunction with other remedies will aid absorption of other nutrients.

Active Ingredients: Mixed Tocopherols, Betatene, Ascorbic Acid,Natural vitamin

E (as succinate), vitamin A (as retinyl palmitate), vitamin B1 (thiamine, vitamin

B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (nicotinamide), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine, hydrochloride),

vitaminB5 (calcium pantothenate), vitamin B12,Folic Acid, vitamin D3, vitamin K1,

Calcium citrate, Manganese amino acid chelate, Zinc amino acid chelate, Copper

gluconate, Selenomethionine, Magnesium Oxide, Chromium nicotinate, Biotin, Choline bitartate, Inositol, Molybdenum trioxide, Boron, Bioflavonoids. Supplies a balanced vitamin B complex with extra B12 for healthy methylation and homocysteine metabolism. Provides 2:1 ratio of Calcium to magnesium with boron, for healthy bone support

Orthoplex Repairase – 1 tsp daily. The combination of antioxidants, antiinflammatory, is immune supportive, has antiviral activities and repairs internal and external tissue.

Active ingredients: Quercetin, Rutin, Magnesium ascorbate, Bromelains, Zinc gluconate, Calcium pantothenate, Selenomethionine, d-alpha tocopherol

succinate, retinyl palmitate.

Also extremely helpful is coconut milk and coconut oil as it helps to fight dangerous micro-organisms in the body. The lauric acid in coconuts is the same medium chain fatty acid (MCFA) found in mother’s milk. This compound is a substance that has been shown to inactivate numerous viruses, bacteria, yeast and fungi.

Whether you have cancer or not it is my belief that we all need to have a healthy digestive system to actually avoid cancer and other diseases.

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The Yeast Free Diet – Free Yourself From Sugar Overload

You should understand the basics of how yeast behaves in the body before undertaking a yeast free diet. Yeast is a normal component in the body’s functions for processes. Yeast lives in the digestive tract and in the vagina, and helps to regulate the balance of the vagina.

Yeast organisms feed on sugars in the body. When there is too much sugar in the system, or a weakened immunity system from an illness or use of antibiotics, you could be dealing with an explosion of yeast organisms. Even hormonal changes due to pregnancy and your period can bring on yeast overgrowth. And, people with lowered immunity due to illness or diseases will often get a yeast infection.

However, when yeast overgrowth occurs, you will face symptoms you would rather not deal with. Common vaginal yeast infection symptoms are itching, burning and soreness of the vagina and labia. Often the yeast infection spreads onto the inner thighs, under the breasts, or any warm, moist environment.

Left without treatment, a yeast infection can turn into a more serious spread of the yeast into the blood, organs and even the brain. It is best to treat the yeast infection immediately when you notice yeast infection symptoms. Also, use preventative measures like a temporary yeast free diet to stop the yeast overgrowth and bring your body into harmony.

Yeast thrives on sugar, so the key to the yeast free diet working is to cut down on sugars. Hidden sugars are everywhere in drinks, processed foods and condiments. You can apply the yeast free diet by cutting out the following:

High fructose corn syrup- found in soda, candy, coffee flavorings and fast food sauces

Nonfat snack foods- tend to up the level of processed sugars

Cocktails- mixed drinks like Margaritas, daiquiris and soda-mixed drinks pack grams of sugar

Sugar Cereal- avoid sugar cereals as the cereal and the frosted coating packs lots of sugar

The yeast free diet incorporates natural sugars that break down in the body quickly, rather than storing up as yeast food. Eat fruits, use natural sweeteners like honey and simple syrup, and try cinnamon or nutmeg spices in your coffee instead of sugary pumps of flavorings.

Eat vegetables and grains which will bulk up in digestion, keeping you feeling full longer. Try not to turn to diet soda drinks, as these contain chemicals. Try flavored sparkling water or fresh squeezed juices. Adding frozen berries to water makes sweet ice cubes!

Avoid beer as it is high in fermented yeast and sugars, and red wine has much less sugar than

white wine or rose. Try drinks mixed with soda water or tonic water.

Your yeast infection can be controlled with a yeast free diet, as well as preventing infections throughout the year. By following a few guidelines, you can enjoy a normal carbohydrate diet without excess sugars that contribute to yeast infection.

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KISS Diet: The Only Diet You’ll Ever Need

So here is the problem. You like millions of other people enjoyed the holidays and what with all the rich calorie laden meals, cookies, cakes and candy canes you put on a few pounds. You probably resolved that as soon as January second rolled around you would lose some weight. Well the second of January has come and gone. You gave dieting a try but after a few days you quit and you gain back the two or three pounds you did lose.

You have tried every weight lost plan there is and never really got any lasting results. You have seen the ads on TV and the internet. You read magazine articles about losing weight and watched celebrities strut their stuff. Weight reduction plans run the gamut from fast, cleansing, detox to Paleo, high carbs and low carbs. What is a person to do? Why can’t I lose weight? If only I could find a diet I could live with and actually enjoy eating the meals.

Well there is such a diet! I call it the K.I.S.S. Diet or the Keep It Simple Silly Diet. You see most every diet out there is doomed to failure. Why? Because in order to lose weight and keep it off you need an eating plan that is easy to follow, easy to prepare, uses common everyday ingredients, one that will not break your food budget and that you will enjoy eating.

Most diets out there call for expensive and unfamiliar food items and/or require long prep times. Using exotic spices with unfamiliar tastes may be okay when you are feeling adventurous but not as a regular addition to your meals. The K.I.S.S. Diet uses everyday familiar foods, comfort foods if you will and a few simple principles.

Now I am not a doctor or dietician I am just a regular guy, who with his wife has tried nearly everything under the sun to lose weight and failed! Finally a few years ago I looked at all the highest rated weight lost programs and took the common elements they shared and developed my own system that has worked for my family. This is not a problem you can buy. I do not have a book, DVD or meal plan to sell you. As I said this is a Keep It Simple Silly plan that I freely share. So without further ado here are the key points.

1. Start each day with a lean protein breakfast. It can be eggs. I like mine poached. But a slice of whole wheat toast with peanut butter, non fat free plain yogurt with fruit or a smoothie.

2. Lunch is a salad or vegetable laden soup.

3. Dinner lean protein either meat or vegetarian.

4. Snacks: Fruit, low fat cheese, handful of nuts, non fat plain yogurt, olives, Hummus, etc

5. Drink plenty of water.

6. Avoid sugar in all its forms.

7. Do not eat any food that is white.

8. Eliminate processed foods from your diet.

9. Move! Walk, walk, walk! Insert five or ten minutes of some kind of exercise every day.

10. Get enough sleep!

Now I admit there is nothing new in this plan. In fact you probably knew all this before you read this article. But sometimes with all the hype out there regarding weight lost and new diets we forget the simple truth about eating. This truth is “Everything in moderation.” You probably remember your Momma saying this, right?

My point in trying to grab your attention with my diet was to help refocus you and remind you that you don’t need to spend buckets of money, drive all over town searching for strange foods or spending hours in the kitchen preparing unfamiliar meals. The solution was always right in front of you in your refrigerator and pantry. So relax use the simple principles above and rest assure that over time you will lose weight and keep it off for good!

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The Weight Gain Formula

Weight gain seems to be kind of an isolated subject. We don’t usually encounter too many people on a daily basis who wants to gain weight. The mass are probably shouting out now, “who wants to gain weight?”.

While it is true for every three to four people we meet, at least two of them wants to lose an inch or two. A pound here or a few pounds there. Unfortunately there are also many individuals whose desire is to pack on the pounds for one reason or another.

The most common reason for the need to gain weight most likely is due to some type of illness. Sometimes under weight issues are caused by poor diets and improper nutrition.

For most people gaining weight comes easily but for others it may seem like a never ending uphill battle. It’s been proven gaining weight can be just as difficult as losing weight for some.

How To Gain Weight

First and foremost, someone who wants to increase in weight should start with the essential requirements for the body’s overall health. Making sure to eat three well balanced meals each day. Making it a habit to do movement exercises along with drinking accurate amounts of fluids daily, plus getting proper rest each night is a huge step in the right direction for supplying the body with what is needful.

Beyond the essentials, I believe there are other factors which contributes to properly gaining healthy weight. In fact there are six areas I consider needs to be well balanced and they are mindset, knowledge, nutrition, supplements, exercise as well as support.

I want to briefly touch on each area, starting with mindset. Having a right mindset is highly important to the weight gain process. It requires making a sound decision and seeing it through.

Once the decision is made then comes knowledge. Understanding what creates weight, becoming aware of the concept about eating larger portions. Eating to gain weight by grasping the fact you have to eat more calories than you expend.

Nutrition plays a big part when it come to gaining. Many people will tell you to eat any type of food if you want to gain weight, just as long as you eat, eat and eat. This is totally false because the motive is to achieve healthy weight gain results instead of flabby results. Good food choices will consist of sufficient amounts of proteins and good fats.

Sometimes in order to help bring balance into your body, supplements are required to reach healthy weight goals. The right supplements are packed with the appropriate vitamins and minerals.

We all know exercise is important to our bodies overall health. However when seeking to gain weight there are some exercises which must be avoided during the process. The idea is to slow down your metabolism, not speed it up.

It is highly recommended to surround yourself with a group of good supporters. People who are truly in your corner as you are trying to reach your weight goals. Do your best to stay around like minded people.

There are a number of contributing factors to the process of gaining weight. However, the bottom line is, whenever the body is deficient in minerals or any vitamins, it becomes extremely harder to gain body weight. By consuming supplements packed with quality nutrients will take care of mineral depletion in the body only.

Take into account good food, rest and exercise as well as age, body health, eating habits and other habits does have an important role in how successful your weight gain formula becomes.

When you combine all these elements together and stick to the process you have a greater chance at reaching any weight gain goals you set for yourself. I recommend doing your research in the fields of nutrition and health and go from there.

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