Archive | Diet & Nutrition

Know the Simple Tips to Buy Vitamin K

Many people may not know whether they can afford to buy Vitamin K. In fact it is very expensive nutrition. That is why nature has provided enough and deficiency is generally not common. Do not worry too much. However it is better to know the consequences in case of deficiency and prevention is better than care.

If you want to buy Vitamin K, the best source is the natural food. Meat products especially liver and eggs are rich in Vitamin K. Carrot, broccoli, spinach and soy beans are also having Vitamin K. Fermented yoghurt is another source of Vitamin K. However it is not precisely known the quantum of this nutrition in each and every natural food. That is the reason for many people to go in favour of genuine Vitamin K supplement.

If you want to buy Vitamin K supplement, you should bear in mind the following.

Do not go for cheap products. Vitamin K is very expensive. The natural form of Vitamin K is the Vitamin K2. It is synthesized in our large intestine with certain bacteria. It is called menaquinone. One should have at least 180 mcg of this vitamin twice a day. Look out for dosage when you select the product.

Do not go for only Vitamin K supplement. Go for multi nutrition supplement. This is because multi nutrition only will guarantee strong liver and intestine that can synthesize this vitamin.

Do not go for ordinary capsule and go for enteric coated format when you buy Vitamin K supplement. This will guarantee that this expensive nutrition reaches the pancreas and the full benefit is derived. Thus you will see value for money.

Daily I take a fantastic nutrition supplement that includes Vitamin K also along with 70 other natural herbs and salts in enteric coated format. This is the holistic approach to get synergy of the nutrition. Visit my website before you buy Vitamin K.

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The Fool’s Diet – Weight Loss For Idiots – Lose Weight in 14 Days!

Upon hearing of a safe and quick diet, “guaranteed” to shed those unwanted pounds in mere days, many immediately think that it’s too good to be true. Why not, when over the years, hundreds of regimens have advertised the same thing with no results, or worse, causing even more serious health problems. Today, people are less easily fooled. But the question remains: Is there really a way to quickly, safely lose weight in mere days?

The answer is a resounding YES. Known as the Fool’s Diet, this weight loss program promises to get rid of those pounds in 14 days. Before you scrap this diet for another gimmick, check out why the Fool’s Diet Weight Loss Program is different from all others, and why it might just be the answer to your dieting needs:

* The regimen follows a cycle of 14 days, wherein the food you will eat will be plotted out. Contrary to other regimens which work on making you eat less to the point of starving, this program actually allows you to eat a variety of foods, from lean proteins to starchy carbohydrates.

* The foods that you are allowed to eat in this diet are mostly those that you can get from your local supermarket. There’s nothing exotic there that you will have to pay loads to get.

* The program is so easy to follow, thus the name Fool’s or Idiot’s Diet. You only have to make sure that your meals consist of fruits, proteins, and a bit of carbohydrates.

* It’s not expensive since most of the foods you can get at your local grocer.

* You will definitely see the effects within a few days. However, you must maintain the diet so that your weight loss will continue.

Personally, I think the best part of this program is that it actually tells you to eat until you are almost full. Unlike other programs wherein you’d probably faint from hunger by the end of the day, this program actually doesn’t make you suffer while giving you great


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Are You Allowed To Eat Steak On The Medifast Diet?

I often hear from folks who are wondering what types of meat they can eat on the medifast diet. One popular inquiry concerns steaks. People want to know whether you can eat it, how large the portion sizes would be, and how often you get to have this food. I heard from someone who said “will I ever get to eat steak on medifast? It’s my favorite food and I can not imagine life without eating it regularly.”

The answer to this questions is that you can eat steak. But you’ll need to eat a certain kind. And at a certain time. I’ll explain this more below.

Eating Steak For Your Lean And Green Meal: In addition to five of the diet’s prepackaged meals, you’re allowed one larger, main meal each day that you make or provide yourself. That meal should consist of lean protein and low glycemic vegetables. How many ounces of that protein you get depends on how lean that protein is. For example, if you’re eating a meat which is over 95 percent lean, you can have six ounces of it. If you’re meat or protein is over 85 percent lean, you can have five ounces of it. Needless to say, you will have to choose lean cuts in order to make this work. Obviously, the more marbled and fatty the meat is, the higher the fat content you can expect.

Lean cuts of steak are eye round, sirloin, and shoulder. T bone is also considered relatively lean. Steaks like prime rib, rib eye, and beef tenderloin contain more fat. If you are going to splurge and eat a fattier cut of meat, then you’ll have to eat less of it. I will admit that I sometimes slip to less lean cuts of meat. But, when I do, I will put this in stir fries, soups, or stews so that I can use less. In other words, the meat is not the main attraction but you have enough so that you can taste and enjoy it.

If you’re going to have a traditional meal of a larger cut of steak with your salad or vegetables on the side, you can choose a meat which is labeled extra lean. You can easily see this by looking at the nutritional information on the side of the package. Also, I find that you can often just cut any visible fat off of even lean cuts to save even more fat that way. Since I’ve become used to eating leaner foods, I actually find excess fat or grease a bit too much so I actually prefer consuming leaner cuts of meat now. So to answer the question posed, yes you can have steak on your lean and green meal, but to enjoy more of it, you’ll want to choose lean cuts.

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Trends on Tap for Health & Fitness

In providing advice and counsel for health and fitness I find my clients run the gamut from individuals focused on a personal plan, to health industry companies teaming up with employers to create plans supporting the company healthcare benefit goals. Both groups are interested in the trends related to health and fitness for 2017. My list this year includes items from food to fashion; —here is a snapshot view of what’s hot in getting physical this year.

Wearable Technology

Fitbits and health-data tracking watches began the trend in wearables. Among the latest items in the market shown at the recent 2017 Consumer Electronics Show(CES) is the ‘The Welt”, which looks like a leather belt yet it tracks users’ waist sizes, eating habits and steps, as well as how much time per day they spend sitting down. The Welt works with an app that creates a customized health and weight loss plan based on the wearers’ own data.

You will also need the right shoes and the makers of Digitsoles hope you’ll opt for their products to stay on track. Digitsole’s products are another twist on fitness trackers with sensors built into insoles and shoes, which can monitor steps taken and calories burned. The company makes everyday-looking sneakers and insoles that users can hook up with their smartphones to monitor the workout and even heat up the shoe!


When it comes to foods on the list eggs are moving from breakfast to meal occasions throughout the day. Spices and produce continue to rise in consumption as folks look to new food experiences and more flavorful dishes.

  • Egg Yolks
    Though egg yolks have received a bad rap in the past for fat and cholesterol content, it appears the egg has been pardoned. The 2015-2020 U.S. Dietary Guidelines do not put a cap on egg consumption. Eggs can fit in a healthy diet—they are a good source of protein, and can be considered a meat substitute at a fraction of the cost. Eggs contain 13 essential vitamins and minerals including Vitamin D, critical for bone health and immune function. Eggs contain Choline, essential for normal functioning of all cells, but particularly important during pregnancy to support healthy brain development of the fetus. Eggs are also a good source of Lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants that are believed to reduce the risk of developing cataracts and slow the progression of age-related macular degeneration.

  • Turmeric
    There has been a growing interest in spices to flavor and season foods. Turmeric a spice from the turmeric plant is yellow and often used in Asian dishes and curries. Google Trends 2016 indicates that this spice is a rising star and will continue to hold a place on the hot list. Turmeric provides 26 percent of what’s needed in manganese and 16 percent in iron, along with excellent amounts, vitamin B6, potassium, vitamin C and magnesium. The addition of turmeric as a spice in a recipe has been shown to help regulate blood fat levels after a meal. Each of these is a benefit for good health.

  • Fruits and Vegetables
    Fruits and vegetables continue to be popular items on the trend list. Increased consumption of produce will boost the intake of needed vitamins, minerals and fiber in the diet. Vegetables in the spotlight for the upcoming year include colorful varieties of traditional veggies such as purple potatoes and asparagus. Cauliflower is also showing up in purple and bright yellow alongside the traditional creamy white variety. Jackfruit is getting a lot of buzz. This is the tropical fruit that enrobes a meaty, somewhat starchy fleshed fruit inside an oblong, oval-shaped, green pod. Jackfruit is versatile and can be part of the main dish or dessert. It is high in vitamin C, and B-complex vitamins. It is also high in dietary fiber and can have a laxative affect.

Though this list touches on a few of the trends that are in focus for moving forward with health goals in 2017, keep in mind that the key point is to choose what works for you and get moving for better health.

Take Away: There are a lot of options in health and fitness trends so try something new or sample one of the foods on the “hot list.” You may find that the new addition is a winner in helping you achieve your goals.

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Are The "5 Deadly Whites" Coming to Take You Away? (Part 1: White Flour and White Rice)

There is a group of foods that most Americans love to eat, and, in fact, eat several times a day. These foods have a few things in common. They are stripped of almost all nutrition. They are loaded with calories, and they partner up with each other to create foods that compromise the health and fitness of Americans.

Although the name may be new, these foods are very familiar to all of us. In fact most of us eat the “Five Deadly Whites” every day and usually more than once. Can you guess what foods are included under the category of the “Five Deadly Whites?”

They are:

White flour

White rice

White salt

White sugar

“White” or refined oils

With the event of the Industrial Revolution in the 1800s in Europe and in America came the invention of more complicated and efficient devices for pulverizing the wheat berries into fine white flour, polishing brown rice into white rice, and the refinement of the sugar cane into white sugar, making these common foods more palatable to the Western taste buds.

Add white salt and refined “white” oils, and we have a total of “Five Deadly Whites.”

Who are the losers in this processing and refining process? We are. White rice, white flour, white sugar products may taste better to spoiled taste buds, but they are also stripped of nutrients.

What is so bad about white rice, white flour, white sugar, white salt, and “white” or refined oils?

Let’s take a closer look at these common foods, starting with refined grains.

Americans love many different foods made from refined grains in the form of white flour products, white rice, quick oats, and corn grits. We have an emotional attachment to the Pillsbury Dough Boy (ah-hoo) and fine, light white flour for breads, pastas, pastries, pizza crust, pies, cookies, cakes, and desserts of all kinds. Many of us love these products made with refined white flour, even more than we love sugar-laden foods.

Furthermore, since World War II, grains were bleached, gassed, and colored into mere remnants of their original form; and then roasted, toasted, and frosted with sugar; and embalmed in chemicals and preservatives; and stuffed into a big box. We call these completely adulterated grains–cereals; and these cereals have about as much nutrition in them as the cardboard box that contains them.

Refinement, pulverization, sifting, cooking, and packaging of whole grains cause the loss of enzymes, or the “life force” in foods, along with the loss of nutrients, including vitamins and minerals.

Again, who are the losers in this refinement process? We are.

Refined grains, or fragmented foods, offer poor nutrition, leaving the body still hungry for good nutrition. Thus we overeat; and we overeat the wrong foods. Americans are often overfed and undernourished. Why? Because we eat too many of the processed, refined, and preserved foods that are low in nutrients and high in calories, high in fat, high in sugar, high in salt, and we eat too few of the foods that are nutrient- and fiber-rich.

Refined grains contain no fiber that acts as an intestinal broom to clean out our intestines.

Refined grains are refined and preserved with chemicals; chemicals that we end up eating and are hard on our bodies.

Refined grains cause our bodies to make excess mucous that accumulates in our noses, sinuses, throats, bronchial tubes, and our lungs, causing us to sniff, blow, drain, and cough and, often times, leading to more frequent colds and respiratory problems.

Refined grains cause the calcium to be depleted from our bones, increasing our chances of getting osteoporosis.

Refined grains are broken down in our digestive system and absorbed too quickly into the blood stream. This upsets the blood sugar levels, exhausting the pancreas and/or the adrenal glands, triggering hypoglycemic and diabetic reactions. Refined grains are just as bad for people with diabetes as white sugar.

In fact, refined grains are just plain bad for all of us, and we pay a hefty price for eating them–premature diseases and early deaths.

Are white flour goodies worth risking the health and fitness of our bodies? Only you can answer that question for yourself, but be prepared to accept the consequences that will result from your answer.

Part II: White Salt

Part III: White Sugar

Part IV: “White” Processed Oils

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Change Your Mind About Sugar

In this modern era of manufactured foods, it seems we have become conditioned to expect a sweet taste in almost everything we eat. Even your favorite brand of beef jerky now lists high fructose corn syrup as an ingredient. You may opt for low fat versions of foods, at the suggestion that fat is not good for your diet. The problem is that when the manufacturers remove the fat, the product often loses its desirable flavor or texture. To remedy this, some form of sugar is regularly added to make the product more palatable.

With reports about the rise in obesity and diabetes and a myriad of other health issues pointing at sugar as a major contributor, it is no wonder that manufacturers and consumers alike are searching for sugar substitutes. We are conditioned to expect something sweet to eat at almost every turn, so it seems natural that we want to maintain the same diet but with a healthier sweetening agent.

Unfortunately, many of these substitutes create the very same glycemic response as sugar does inside your body when they are digested. This means they cause insulin spikes and can lead to glucose intolerance. Some of these sweeteners lead to a host of other complications in the digestive system and throughout the body. Specifically, we are talking about commonly available products like aspartame (aka NutraSweet or Equal), sucralose (aka Splenda), saccharin (aka Sweet’N Low), acesulfame potassium (aka Sunett or Sweet One) and neotame.

Some of these products, aspartame in particular, actually creates a stronger insulin reaction in the body than natural sugar does. These products also stimulate a strong hunger reaction in the body, which drives you to eat more food, exactly what you were trying to avoid by choosing a ‘diet’ or ‘lite’ option. This means that consuming diet versions of products that include aspartame may lead to weight gain faster than sugar. Studies show that people who consume diet sodas are susceptible to major sugar-related illnesses as those who consume the full sugar versions of the products. These illnesses include obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Worse yet, aspartame has been linked to causing cancer and other tumors in laboratory animals. One of the oldest substitutes, in terms of availability in mass production and marketing, is saccharin. New research shows that saccharin disrupts the balance of beneficial bacteria in our digestive system, leading to glucose intolerance and other metabolic disorders. In general, these sweeteners should simply be eliminated from your diet.

If you insist on searching for sugar substitutes because you can’t seem to break away from that sweet taste, look for something like pure stevia. Stevia is a naturally sweet product extracted from the leaves of the stevia plant and it does not appear to create any of the negative effects of artificial sweeteners. Be careful to read the label before putting the product into your shopping cart. Some products have stevia on the front of the box yet list dextrose as the primary ingredient on the back. Dextrose is a glucose product often extracted from corn and it has nothing to do with stevia. Similarly, avoid products high in fructose as fructose generates the highest insulin response in your body. This includes products like agave syrup and honey, unless you can find locally grown raw honey and then use it in moderation.

Maybe it is time to change your mind about sugar instead of changing your sugar to a different sugar. Drinking water, tea or coffee instead of soda without sugar added is a good start. Eating full fat plain yogurt with a handful of berries for breakfast is another. Look for every opportunity to remove sugar and its various substitutes from your diet. At first, your taste buds may rebel against you, but soon you will adjust and you may begin to enjoy new tastes in your food that you didn’t know were there. Your body and waistline will let you know you made the right choice.

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The Pros and Cons of the Oatmeal Diet

The oatmeal diet is a weight loss program that at its most extreme has you eating nothing but oatmeal for a week and slowly introducing back other foods while still eating oatmeal to lose weight. More moderate versions use oatmeal as a replacement for things like pasta, bread and other more fatty grains. What are the pros and cons of this kind of diet?


The most extreme version of the oatmeal diet is obviously a fad, crash diet that is hard to keep up, unhealthy, and often leads to yo-yo dieting. While there is plenty of oatmeal nutrition to consider, there isn’t enough to live off of healthily for an entire week before slowly bringing back other foods. It’s best to do this diet in moderation if you’re going to tackle it.

The other major problem with the oatmeal diet is boredom. Many people don’t exactly know what to do with oatmeal and think of it as nothing more than oats and milk or water which never sounds appetizing. Many people who try to live off this weight loss breakfast end up doing it for just a few days and then backslipping. Make sure to carefully research the recipes and other things you can do with oatmeal and don’t try to eat it plain day in and day out!


If done properly, the oatmeal diet can be a great way to lose weight while still keeping on top of your nutrition and diet plans. Oatmeal is very filling and easy to make, so it can be eaten quickly and keeps you full all day. Oatmeal is also a lot cheaper than the full breakfasts many people eat, so you’ll save a great deal of money as well as time and effort. Finally, this weight loss breakfast food is extremely versatile; you can add fruits, nuts, spices and a bit of sugar if you like to make a real breakfast treat that is packed with nutrients for your day! Remember, breakfast is the most important meal of the day and should not be taken lightly. The oatmeal diet ensures that you get your day off to the right start.

As with any diet, this one works best when you keep your nutrition and diet overall in mind and don’t try to crash diet it. A weight loss breakfast of oatmeal will really help you shed the pounds while still giving you enough energy to get through the morning. The oatmeal nutrition includes the always hard to find fibre which is necessary for weight loss and you can all whatever you like to it to make it truly your own. An oatmeal diet can be a highly effective method to lose weight so long as you play it smart!

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Why Food Combining For Acid Reflux Works

Not just any food combining. But proper food combining works for acid reflux.

Here’s why.

Acid reflux or GERD, is simply a message that tells your body that something is wrong inside. As such, it cannot be treated successfully by taking prescriptive medication all the time. Yes they help you out in the short run. Drugs and antacids might help you in an emergency, but for treatment and preventive maintenance? That’s another story. One that your doctor has most likely failed to tell you about.

Truth is, conventional medicine is more focused on relieving the symptoms of a condition, and not taking into full consideration the root cause of the problem. Alright, if they want to “uproot the root” cause, they go into their “bread-and-butter” solution known as surgery. Not a pretty picture, but what can you do when they tell you that it is your “best and only” option?

Where conventional medicine comes up short, natural methods of treatment such as proper food combining has worked wonders for countless individuals who were once acid reflux sufferers. It has been touted by nutritionists and health specialists not just as a solution for GERD, but for almost any digestive disorder that you can think of. Crohn’s? IBS? Gastritis? Ulcers? These are just some of the conditions that proper food combining has been able to address, in a simple manner.

And it’s not something new either.

This manner of eating was first discovered in 1911 by a New York physician by the name of Dr. William Hay. Fed up by conventional medicine’s incapability of curing his Bright’s Disease, a life-threatening illness during that time, he sought for alternative and better ways of treating himself. He came up with the idea of food combining, which deals with how different foods are digested uniquely. For example, some foods require an acid enzyme, while others need an alkaline environment to be properly assimilated. The two groups should never go together.

This discovery not only led to his disease being cured, but enabled him to become a successful lecturer and teacher of proper food combining, which has taken in a lot of names and derivatives such as the popular “Hay Diet” of today.

What does food combining then have to do with acid reflux?

Remember what I mentioned earlier when I said that it’s a message telling your body something is wrong inside? Chances are, it’s been the way you’ve been eating all this time that is causing the pain you are now feeling. Not just what you ate yesterday or last week, but for your whole lifetime. Acid reflux or GERD is not something that you get overnight.

Let’s be specific. If you are like me, your eating habits before mainly consisted of skipping breakfast (because time is gold), rushing off to work, skipping lunch hour and eating like a ravenous wolf come 2 or 3 in the afternoon. You then finish off the rest of your day with more work and reason that since you had a heavy meal (1 meal at that), you skip dinner time, and settle for a tempting treat say 9 or 10 in the evening. That would be either a bag of chips, that melted chocolate cake that’s sitting all by itself in the fridge, your favorite 3 flavor combination ice cream, or something that’s less than healthy. Then you “rinse and repeat” that same thing the next day. And the next day.

What can you expect 5 or 10 years later? Some, even for just a year already have acid reflux symptoms. It is different from person to person as it depends on how good you’ve been to your body all this time.

Proper food combining solves and restores order to the body, specifically to the digestive system. And the amazing thing is, the human body is capable of healing itself given the right kind of environment where it can take place. Again, it doesn’t happen overnight, although some have been surprised of the immediate relief they have experienced. But give it a few weeks to a few months, and you’ll definitely see improvements that your doctor would never believe could possibly happen again.

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The Benefits of Taking a Daily Multivitamin

The human body needs vitamins to function properly. Each of the 13 essential vitamins (A, C, D, E, K, B12, and the 7 B-complex vitamins) provides the regulation of a crucial function. We acquire a majority of the vitamins our body needs from food. When there is a deficiency, we are in danger of becoming seriously ill or even dying. Vitamin supplementation can reverse illness caused by vitamin deficiency, sometimes miraculously. Nowadays, it is very rare to find someone who isn’t taking a daily multivitamin. Since there is a good chance that most of the individuals who take a daily multivitamin are eating a variety of foods, is it really necessary that they take a multivitamin? It may not be necessary, but everyone can benefit from taking a multivitamin.

The obvious benefit of taking a multivitamin is to prevent deficiency. In some situations your dietary needs may increase. Pregnant women, for example, are generally advised to start taking multivitamins in their first trimester. This is to ensure that they receive the proper nutrition and pass it on to their unborn child. By taking a multivitamin every day a pregnant woman can decrease her risk of passing malnutrition on to her baby. However, the benefits of taking a multivitamin every day go beyond replenishing nutrient stores.

With so many advancements, the world is moving at a pace that just gets faster and faster. People often feel like they can’t keep up. They try to do too much and wind up in a stressful condition. Another benefit of taking multivitamins is that it combats stress. There are numerous stress formulations that can keep you mental healthy as well as energize you. In addition to these short-term benefits, taking a multivitamin every day can also reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

While taking a multivitamin on a daily basis makes good nutritional sense, it is not a magic bullet. It is often the case that people who suffer symptoms of illness attempt to cure themselves by taking multivitamins. This can be a serious problem. Some health conditions require special attention. If you have symptoms of illness you should seek medical attention.

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Benefits of Plums For Natural Weight Loss

A plum is a delicious fruit when eaten alone or in fruit salads or cut up in cereals and yogurt. It can also be cooked up to make compote or sauces for dessert dishes.

Plums are very nutritious and contain potassium, Vitamin A, Magnesium, Iron and fibres which keep us healthy and full of energy. They also prevent platelet clotting which may result in diseases like Artherosclerosis, High Blood pressure, Stroke and Coronary Heart Disease.

It also prevents constipation and removes toxins from the body. In this you can lose weight naturally.

Plum contains citric acid that can prevent tiredness and muscle cramp. It improves gastrointestinal and liver function and thus prevents constipation.

So start eating plums to keep healthy and beautiful and also to lose weight.

Summing up, you should eat plums for various purposes. You can get various vitamins and minerals from these, improve your circulatory system, digestive system and your heart’s health. It will also help you to stay active and energetic.

You can follow the tested diet plans for weight loss. These plans contain everything you need in order to lose the excess weight without any hard workouts. These diet plans can be easily used by the family to lose weight and to stay slim thereafter. Many times, people lose the excess fat and then regain it after some time. But with a good diet plan, you will stay in figure forever and be able to increase your body’s metabolism to lose the excess calories and fat.

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