Archive | Diet & Nutrition

Replenish Nutrients Lost Through Alcohol Consumption

You had a wonderful weekend, but now you feel lazy, sapped of energy, and unable to concentrate. It’s because the alcoholic beverages you drank filled you up with empty calories and left you sapped of nutrients. For this reason, it is important to take vitamins and nutritional supplements to replenish nutrients lost through alcohol consumption.

Alcohol Consumption and Vitamin Depletion

Many of us spend our weekends enjoying ourselves, and the Monday blues set in by Sunday evening. Although it’s fun to release stress and tension by drinking socially, it is important to realize that excessive alcohol consumption can result in adverse side effects like vitamin depletion. When drinking socially, it’s easy to forget to eat properly. People often end up either not eating anything, or munching on popcorn or peanuts. This results in the intake of empty calories, which do nothing to nourish the body. The result? A body depleted of essential vitamins and minerals, which are important in maintaining good health. Heavy drinkers generally suffer from deficiencies of vitamin B, vitamin B1 or thiamine, vitamin C, vitamin A and folic acid. Our body requires these essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients in order to protect our organs and promote optimal functioning of our entire body. If a person does not eat enough of these vitamins and nutrients, his or her health will deteriorate.

Drink, And Still Stay Healthy

Although it is difficult to give up drinking, here are a few tips to help you ease your way into a healthier lifestyle.

  • Drink in Moderation: Excessive alcohol intake can be very harmful; it is for this reason that doctors advise drinking in moderation. One drink a day for anyone above 65 and 2 drinks a day for men under 65 is considered moderate drinking.
  • Maintain a Healthy Diet: A healthy diet and regular exercise can ensure that your body remains healthy, even while drinking occasionally. Therefore, eating a diet rich in green leafy vegetables and fruits is a good idea. Vegetables are a rich source of vitamins and nutrients. You can also include dairy products, eggs, fish, liver, wheat germ, wholegrain products, and chicken in your diet. Avoiding junk food – especially fried fast food – can work wonders for your health. By balancing your diet according to these steps, you can help replenish vitamins and nutrients lost due to excessive drinking.
  • Take Custom Vitamins for Drinkers: Investing in custom vitamins could certainly work for you. Since these vitamins nutritional supplements are customized and prepared by taking into account your individual body composition, the chance of vitamin overdose or under-dose occurring is slim. Customized nutritional supplements are the best way to ensure that your body does not suffer much due to alcohol intake. Therefore, custom vitamins are a nearly surefire way to ensure that your body gets what it needs to stay healthy – even as you continue to drink moderately. For people who find it difficult to give up drinking entirely, but would like to improve their health, these tips can definitely help.

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The Flaw of Air Alert and Why Today I Only Use The Jump Manual

I’ve never been happy with my vertical jump height, but I’ve heard a lot of good things about two programs called The Jump Manual and Air Alert, so I looked into it. Air Alert promises to increase your jump height by 8 to 14 inches. The Jump Manual doesn’t mention a specific height, but it does say that certain athletes who have used the program have gotten from 10 to 25 inches higher. It appears as if Air Alert is based on a formula that delivers the same results for everyone who uses it, while The Jump Manual is geared toward your specific potential. The latter also seems more personal, since the creator offers individualized email training and has even set up forums where people also going through the program can chat and exchange ideas.

The guy who devised The Jump Manual has lots of experience trying out different methods of improving his own vertical jump height. He tried strength shoes, stair running, college programs, Air Alert, and pretty much everything else out there before doing the research to come up with Jump Manual. He wasn’t satisfied with the segmented approach other programs took, so he used his own experience and knowledge about all the aspects involved with increasing the height of your jump shot.

Air Alert doesn’t mention nutrition at all, and mostly focuses on different repetitive muscle exercises. Jump Manual has a whole section devoted to nutrition, including a guide. While the creator is not a nutritionist or dietitian, he has researched his points thoroughly, and the program has been positively reviewed by physicians. Jump Manual allows for the fact that nutrition equals health, and health in turn is a significant part of muscle strength and quickness. Without good nutrition, all the training in the world won’t be able to get an athlete to his or her full potential, and Jump Manual creator takes this into account.

A core point of The Jump Manual is that strength, quickness, and your brain need to be involved in any jump to increase its height in what the creator of the Manual calls a “height-reaching explosion.” The idea is that if you’re thinking about applying strength and speed during the same muscle contraction, you will achieve the greatest amount of height during your jump. Air Alert emphasizes training, but more of the endurance aspect. Repetitive training might add a few inches to your vertical jump, but the thoughtful, quality training The Jump Program endorses seems more likely to help you explore your full potential, as opposed to limit you to a preset improvement.

The thing I like most about The Jump Program is that it seems to be based on a holistic approach, focusing not simply on muscle exercises, but nine different variables – fuel, form, stamina, flexibility, and balance, for starters. It also includes the nutritional aspect of priming your body to achieve a higher jump, which Air Alert fails to mention at all. Air Alert seems stuck on what it terms “Habitual Jump Training,” which is supposed to strengthen your tendons, ligaments, buttocks, calves, and thighs with moves like the “kangaroo effect.”Air Alert and The Manual both make you take training to another level, but The Jump Program encourages low repetitions with more intensity. The entire program focuses more on quality over quantity. Since I’d rather use my brain and my body in tandem than just my body, I’m going with The Jump Manual.

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Diet Pills

There are two types of diet pills, the prescription, under this category you have the appetizer suppressants that work in a way that makes you feel fuller, and there is the types which are mixed with anti-depressants to help with people who may be over indulging for emotional reasons caused by stress or depression. These types of release a chemical in your brain to stabilize the chemical in-balance which is the cause of depression. The difference between over the counter (OTC) and prescribed is that prescribed are strictly controlled by the Food and Drugs Administration department (FDA)

Over the counter prescription can be extremely dangerous and even fatal because they have not been tested and approved by the FDA. Many of the pills have the same sort of drug as the prescription but may contain a higher dosage than the FDA approved amount or may have a huge mixture of other chemicals or herbs. Many OTC weight loss pills over the past years have been tested and taken off the market by the FDA due to the high rates of amphetamine and or the huge mixture of different ingredients causing symptoms such as nervousness, tremors, diarrhea, bulging eyes, racing heartbeat, elevated blood pressure, insomnia, heart failure and even death.

Work at fastening the metabolism, suppressing your hunger and removing the extra un-needed stored fat. Many also will help to increase your energy levels allowing you to burn off more energy; however a lot of people experiences serve insomnia as a result.

Many diet pills make you feel thirsty all the time, to make your body believe its full when it’s not. Drinking water is very important. If you’re not drinking the recommended amount of water then your body will start losing the electrolytes, which are salts that conduct electricity and are found in the body fluid, tissue, and blood of which your kidneys regulate. When you don’t have enough electrolytes you may experience muscle spasm, weakness, twitching, irregular heartbeat, numbness, confusion, being lethargic, headaches, dizziness. For an immediate boost drink a bottle of a sports drink like power aid, All Sport, Gatorade, or tomato juice. To continue in keeping your electrolytes in balance eat more potatoes, bananas, avocados, leafy green vegetables, celery, yogurt and low-fat cottage cheese

When used in conjunction of an exercise program, and eating regular healthy meals most diet pills will help in weight-loss. However if your lifestyle habits don’t change than the diet pills will begin to fail in keeping the weight off resulting in extra weight gain. Diet pills should always be used for short periods of times. Most doctors will recommend that once you reach your goal weight stop taking the pills but continue with your healthy lifestyle to keep the weight off.

When using OTC diet pills always read the ingredients and research each ingredient intensively. Only ever use them as directed by either your doctor or the directions which comes along with the pills.

Diet pills can be rather expensive so if your pills contain 30 pills, use those 30 days to change your diet and your lifestyle, learn to change the way you think about eating and exercise so you keep your lifestyle up, your weight down and without the diet pills. You only have one life so make the most of it by leading a healthy diet and lifestyle so you can live it to its fullest.

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Do Reliv Products Really Work?

Physicians many times treat the symptoms of our ailments without treating the cause. Significant health benefits have come to me as the result of using Reliv products over the last 3 years. The human body is a remarkable organism that can heal itself given the proper nutrition.

Convincing testimony came from a friend of mine who used the Reliv products. Suffering from a lack of energy and extreme fatigue and depression, I went to a well-known physician whose expertise was allergies. Doctors at the Mayo Clinic referred patients to him and he had an incredible reputation for being on the leading edge of treatments. He diagnosed me with several allergies and candida that may have contributed to low energy. Candida is a yeast infection of the intestines and women seem to be familiar with the problems of yeast infection. So I was surprised at the diagnosis but was determined to overcome it. He explained to me that my immune system had been damaged and that is why I was susceptible to the ailments I was experiencing. The solution was to slowly build my immune system through medication and nutrition. He outlined a strict diet for me which excluded sugar. He also recommended buying groceries at a health food store and thus started my journey to better health through proper nutrition.

Things went well for about a year as I continued to consult my physician. My problem was that no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t eliminate sugar from my diet completely. I experienced relief from my symptoms again after discovering acupuncture. It was a method of eastern medicine of disease prevention that treated the body and the immune system. They also recommended a strict diet which excluded sugar. I couldn’t maintain a sugar-free diet for extended periods of time.

My quest for proper nutrition to help build my immune system continued knowing in the back of my mind that I may ultimately fail if I could not eliminate sugar from my diet. When our immune systems are damaged, we are more susceptible to short and long-term illness. Major illnesses like cancer, chronic bronchitis and heart disease start to thrive in weak immune systems. Living in a cold weather northern state, I came down with the flu and bad colds frequently. During the spring and the fall, I had to leave the windows of my house closed to fresh air because of the pollen and airborne mold in the air. My sinuses were continually stopped up and breathing well was a chore. I would experience relief at times by using pure Vitamin C from my local vitamin store and discovered eating whole, sometimes raw garlic helped.

Discovering the right formula for building my immune system was at times confusing and complicated. I learned the body needs daily minimum requirements of several vitamins and protein. I also learned that many of the foods we eat today lack the nutrients we need. Some people have become vegetarians in order to avoid the processed food we consume. My fatigue and depression persisted and interfered with my personal and professional life. I became resigned to treating my symptoms without treating the real cause of my ailments.

When I was introduced to Reliv, I learned that many people had experienced miraculous healing and health benefits by using the products on a daily basis over a period of time. Reliv International is a reputable company and has numerous proprietary food science patents which is extremely rare when dealing with health supplements. When I inquired as to what made the products work so well, I learned that the products have exclusive bio availability and that people experience a variety of amazing health benefits because the products are designed to build the immune system. I couldn’t believe I found such an amazing product which really simplified the nutrition puzzle by including the maximum daily requirements for every vitamin and nutrient our bodies require to fight off illness.

Immediately I experienced a dramatic increase in energy and alertness by consuming the Reliv products on a daily basis. Over time I was not getting sick in the winter and I was able to open my windows in the spring and summer without having allergic reactions. I did experience severe back problems form stress which at one time confined me to a wheelchair. I was not able to stand on both feet for more than 5 minutes without excruciating pain from my sciatic nerve in my legs. I was instructed to increase my intake of Reliv products and sure enough, I do not have the back problems nor the sciatic nerve problems that were so debilitating.

I do have a healthier diet but continue to struggle with sugar consumption many times. However the use of Reliv products over a period of time has given me a quality of life I did not think was possible. The support system of Reliv encourages me with phone calls and weekly newsletters dedicated to healthier lifestyles through exercise, good nutrition and continued use of Reliv supplements. I need to start an exercise routine and cut back on the ice cream and chocolate that I love to consume. In spite of my shortcomings in those areas, i am experiencing unbelievable physical health as the result of using Reliv products over a period of time. Reliv also makes it possible to earn income by adding retail and wholesale customers.

If you would like to learn more about how Reliv could possibly benefit your health, you can contact me through EzineArticles and I would be glad to assist you. If you do decide to join Reliv or any other reputable Network Marketing Company, just click on the link below to discover the secrets of the top 3% of Internet Marketers and how they are able to succeed in MLM.

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General Motors Diet Review – Pros and Cons of the GM Diet

The General Motors diet is the closest thing to a diet myth there is. This program, named after one of the most famous of US companies, and supposedly created for its employees, has an origin shrouded in mystery.

General Motors itself has never admitted that the GM diet, as it’s known for short, is indeed connected to the company at all.

Nevertheless, this diet plan is widely known and isn’t likely to change names any time soon.

The General Motors diet is a strict nutritional plan for 7 days. Each day has its own specific allowed food items which are combined in intriguing and unorthodox ways. The diet is restrictive but may lead to a fast weight loss. Whether this is a short term or a long term weight loss is unclear.

As this diet has no known creator, there is no where to turn for questions on why it works, and how these specific food choices were made. However, it is quite clear that this plan has both good and bad points which any man or woman who wish to use it should know about.

General Motors diet pros and cons


  • The GM diet is free as it doesn’t belong to anyone. It can be easily found online.
  • All of the dishes are easy to make so it’s right for busy people
  • All the food is affordable so this diet will not hurt your pocket
  • The guidelines are easy to understand and apply
  • Can help you to lose weight


  • The diet is restrictive and will not be easy to stick to for long
  • There are no exercise guidelines included in the program
  • As the diet doesn’t belong to anyone, there is no support system for this diet. You need to figure things out for yourself.
  • Due to its being a low calorie diet, you may experience metabolic slowdown which will make it more difficult to maintain your weight loss into the future

Overall, reviews of the General Motors diet are mixed. It has certainly worked for some people but it’s not a lifestyle plan, but is more suitable as a quick hit sort of program to help you shed some pounds fast. The appeal of the diet is its simplicity, the fact that it’s free, and the name of it which still signifies something profoundly American. However, there is no doubt that the GM Diet is not perfect as these pros and cons show.

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The Fear of "Not Knowing Enough"

Have you ever felt that you didn’t know enough? I know I did for the first few years in my practice. And so this is what would happen:

– I would spend most of my free time pursuing additional credentials and reading tons and tons of books about my modality (which was nutrition at the time)

I collected and read hundreds of health and nutrition books. In fact, in my office I have a large bookcase full of all the information I learned. Yet to my surprise, I found learning more about nutrition didn’t help me grow my business.

– For example, whenever someone expressed interest in my services, be it at a networking meeting or a cocktail party, I would feel SO EXCITED and attempt to prove to them that I actually did know a lot and would spend time answering all of their questions about nutrition.

I really thought this meant they were interested in my services and that at any moment, they would ask to book an appointment or ask for my business card.

We would talk for an extended period of time, and very often, I felt I was in convincing mode or making the case for the importance of nutrition.

Sometimes, I felt the person was just wanting me to hear THEIR opinion about nutrition and enjoy the opportunity of debating with a nutrition pro.

Other times, it seemed it was pretty clear that that person needed my help and they would asked me about how I worked, but they NEVER became a client.

So what was the problem?

It wasn’t that I didn’t have enough passion.

It wasn’t that I wasn’t putting myself out there.

I simply wasn’t responding to these inquiries IN THE RIGHT WAY.

Since this recurring situation touched one of my big insecurities about my practice, I kept attracting this situation over and over and over again.

It didn’t change until I realized that:

1) answering everyone’s questions wasn’t turning people into clients

2) studying more and more about my modality wasn’t helping me attract clients either and

3) falling prey to this situation was endlessly frustrating and demoralizing.

False Premise Every Wellness Pro NEEDS TO KNOW:

Learning more and more and more about your modality DOES NOT help you attract clients.

Answering people’s endless questions about what you know DOES NOT help you attract clients.

What DOES help you attract clients is learning to respond to opportunities IN THE RIGHT WAY.

And that’s within the domain of marketing, not within your modality training. Unfortunately, wellness pros aren’t taught how to do this as part of their training. Things finally changed for me when I decided to funnel some of that “continuing education” energy and invested into studying what makes people successful in very small businesses like my own practice. And what I realized, and what few wellness pros know is this: Marketing is the bridge between you and your clients. NOT more training in your modality. There is a BIG WIDE GAP between where you are and where your clients are and it’s up to you to bridge that gap.

Solution: I teach you exactly how to respond to inquiries in your services IN THE RIGHT WAY, in my Fast Start to Clients Program. I call this learning how to design “breakthrough offers” that inspires people to book appointments with you. It’s one of the secrets to success.

You’ll learn what to say, what NOT to say, how to stop feeling like you’re convincing people to care about your modality and how to make “works every time” offers that puts an end to the fear of not knowing enough and the demoralizing drama of giving, giving, giving without getting clients in return.

To your success,

Karin Witzig Rozell

Founder, The Wellness Professional Network

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Israeli Army Diet Reviews – Is This a Healthy Diet Plan?

The Israeli Army Diet is a low calorie diet plan which was popular in the late 1970s but is still used by some people today. No one knows for sure where this weight loss program got its name as it has nothing to do with the Israeli Army. Because this diet isn’t based on a book and has no recognized creator, it is difficult to track down its origin. However, what’s important is whether this diet really works and whether it is healthy.

Israeli Army Diet Review

This is an 8 day diet with a very simple and strict menu:

  1. Days One – Two: Apples (black tea/coffee allowed)
  2. Days Three – Four: Cheese (black tea/coffee allowed)
  3. Days Five – Six: Chicken (black tea/coffee allowed)
  4. Days Seven – Eight: Salad (black tea/coffee allowed)

As you can see, in all the 4 phases you can eat one food item for 2 days straight. This means that this isn’t such an easy diet to follow and requires a lot of will power. However, following this diet can result in a great weight loss because it’s so low in calories. Of course, this will mostly be water weight, but if you have an event coming up, this may help you to shed some pounds fast.

Because this is such a low calorie diet, it’s not healthy to follow the Israeli Army Diet for long. Even eating according to this diet for 8 days may lead to feelings of fatigue, extreme hunger, and irritability due to lack of calories. However, this kind of deprivation can lead to a fast weight loss.

If you want to use the Israeli Army Diet, I recommend doing so for a short time and be ready to shift to a more balanced diet and exercise program.

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Do Not Drink Milk As Water

Milk can be drunk as water in some cases especially when you are thirsty and there is no water. The reason is because 90% components of milk is water. Water is the first most important nutrient for human beings. When your body losses more than 2% water, the body functions will be affected. If there is no water supplying for several days, people may lose their lives. Therefore, if no water is available, milk is a choice.

However, we can drink water as much as we can. But we could not drink milk as much as we can. Except water, milk still has fat, protein, sugar and calcium and so on. These stuffs have limitations for acceptable daily intake. Thus milk should not be drink unrestrictedly.

People usually think milk is high nutritive. Thus it is good to have much. There is a misunderstanding about it. They think nutrition is the content and quality of each nutrient. But actually nutrition refers to the reasonable formulation of each food’s quantity and varieties. It does not mean that to add protein, vitamin, calcium, zinc and so on together is high nutrition. It should have cereals, vegetables, meat, eggs, and beans and so on. These form our daily diet. Therefore, using milk as water is destroying the balance.

In addition, the protein and fat which milk contains are about 3%, sugar 5% and calcium 1‰. If a person shall drink 1.2 liters water per day, calcium is overweighed. Fat and hear energy is also a little bit more. This will easily cause obesity. This is why westerners choose skimmed milk. As for other nutrition in milk, they can be supplied by other food we eat everyday. Hence it is not very important to emphasize them.

Third, high protein, high fat and high energy are one factor of diabetes, tumor and cerebral and vascular diseases. As a result, some scholars do not think highly of drinking milk as water like some westerners do. They even suggest not drinking milk which is surely not very acceptable and reasonable.

In a word, we can drink milk everyday to get some calcium for our bodies. When we are out of water, we can use it as an institute. However, drinking too much milk instead of water for quite a long time is not advisable. It does not give you high or rational nutrition. Instead, it may bring harms to your body.

Finally, let your lovers or family members know this because they may drink milk as water. So they can know how they will choose and do their best to protect their bodies. This is a little Christmas gift you give them.

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What To Do When You Slip Up On The Dukan Diet

A friend comes to your house wanting to celebrate her recent success with you or share her current woes. A bottle of wine and two glasses are quickly produced. You are her friend but you’re on the Dukan diet, so what do you do? There is a birthday in the office, someone has bought in a cake. It is sliced up and everyone gets a piece, including you. But you can’t eat cake on the Dukan diet! You can’t be rude either, so what do you do? Your child has a party, it’s his birthday and all his friends are coming round to celebrate the big day. The party is a success but now you’ve got the clearing up to do. Cookies and crisps are tempting you, you try just one, then another and then some more. You’re on the Dukan diet, what should you do now?

You can probably think of hundreds more examples of finding yourself slipping from your diet. Should you abandon hope? Are all diets ultimately destined to fail because situations like this will just keep happening? Of course not.

Slipping up every now and again when you are on a diet is perfectly normal and everyone does it. I’m willing to bet that almost everyone who has successfully lost weight on the Dukan diet has faced situations similar to the ones described above and slipped too. It happens to us all. However, with the Dukan diet, it happens much less frequently. Due to the lack of hunger and food cravings you will find yourself tempted to slip far less often than with other inferior diets. But circumstances beyond your control may mean that the right thing to do is eat or drink something that is prohibited on the diet. Who can, with a good conscience, refuse to share a drink with a friend in need simply because they are on a diet?

If you do slip the first thing you need to do is stop worrying about it. Getting stressed out because you ate something you shouldn’t won’t do you any favors at all. All this will do is make you more likely to slip again and give up the diet entirely. The second thing to do is to get straight back on the horse. Return to the diet and forget the slip ever happened. Remember you are supposed to be picking up new eating habits and forming a good relationship with food. Freaking out because you drank a glass of wine or ate a slice of birthday cake isn’t a healthy attitude. Bear in mind that if you slip the worse thing that will happen is that you may have to add an extra day or two to your diet overall. Considering the total time spent on the diet, a couple of days is hardly worth worrying about

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The Impossible Cure for Autism

In 1996 when my daughter was diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDDNOS), there were very few natural resources to help children who were non-verbal. I had taken her to what was presumed to be the best hospital at the time, “Children Memorial”. The psychologist who evaluated her noted in her record, “We currently do not have the testing resources to properly evaluate the scope of her case; it falls under the spectrum of PDDNOS”. Offering blanket statements and improper diagnosis does not bring our children any step closer to wellness. My daughter remained completely non-verbal until age seven when I discovered after years of research a homeopathic protocol to help detoxify heavy metals from her body. I chose homeopathy because homeopathy has been in clinical use for over 200 years. Homeopathy has had no recorded side effects and no negative interactions with other drugs. Homeopathy can be taken safely and effectively with nutritional products, herbs, and other conventional drugs and procedures. If your child is taking drugs, you will need to monitor them as their symptoms improve. As they have less need for their prescription a plan, stepping down and off medication would need to be coordinated with your physician.

Homeopathy is based upon evaluating the symptoms and behavior and applying the proper remedy to help address the specific issues. My daughter started talking for the first time at age 7 within three weeks of being on the following recommended protocol. She also stopped spinning, slamming her head, explosive crying, and starting sleeping more through the night. She became calmer going into public and had less behavioral outbursts when transitioning from one environment to another.

Recommended Homeopathic Detox Protocol:

Please keep in mind the manufacturer is important; I highly recommend the “Energique Nutrition” brand of products. If you cannot buy it in your area please contact me through my blog listed in a link below. I can give you the information of doctors offices who can help you obtain the proper products and ship to you.

Items you will need and recommended dosages:

” Energique Nutrition” Metastat – 3 drops once a day.

This will pull the metal (i.e.; mercury, aluminum) out from where it is lodged, The majority of it will come out in the first week or so, then more slowly afterwards, you will need to monitor your child to possibly add an extra drop per day after the first two weeks.

Energique Nutrition Cometox- 2 capsules per day

If your child cannot take capsules, you can break them open and mix them in small amount of flavored syrup or beverage, just enough for him to swallow it liquefied. Cometox will chelate the heavy metals so that they cannot be re-lodged in the body.

Energique Nutrition Cilantro – 12 drops two times per day.

Homeopathic Cilantro is well known as a safe chelating method of evacuating heavy metals from the body.

Energique Nutrition Solidagocom – 10 drops two times per day

This protects and strengthens the kidneys to eliminate the heavy metals.

Calcium Carbonate

You can choose your own brand or I recommend a brand called “Calcium 6 Plus” or Solary brand. For children 1-6 years old, 250 mg, twice a day. For children 6 -11 years and older, 500 mg, twice a day. Age 12 – adult, 600mg, twice per day

Helps re-build bone and when the heavy metals are pulled put it can leave an empty space or small pit in the bone. Calcium carbonate helps to rebuild the empty space with healthy new bone material.

Keep in mind your child should always take calcium carbonate two times per day, no matter what, even when he is off this program. Calcium carbonate alkalizes the blood stream, and helps strengthen the ions in the brain. To give you an idea on how to do this, a typical day would be:

Morning: 3 drops of Metastat

1 Cometox

12 Drops of Cilantro

10 Drops of Solidago

Calcium Carbonate, as directed

Evening: 1 Cometox

12 Drops of Cilantro

10 Drops of Solidago

Calcium Carbonate, as directed

What you might observe:

In the first two weeks, your child may be a slight bit more irritable. They may be more prone to provoking behavior such as demanding to turn lights on/off, flicker light switches, flicker and push buttons around house. They may be too anxious to sleep.

Your child may cry and be more sensitive than he is now as well. Just be gentle and patient with them. In order to detox, it has to come up and out in order to be released from the system. As toxins are being released, you child may behave in a more temperamental manner due to the stress of detoxifying.

In the third week, look for more improved eye contact when you greet them. Notice the start of making clearer vocal sounds, repeating words, and showing some improved degree of listening skills. Imagine my shock when my silent non-verbal child all of a sudden said hello to me for the first time. Be patient, play music, let them enjoy listening to songs with easy to learn words like nursery rhymes and sing with them. Engage in pretending games such as playing drums on a toy instrument or drumming your hands on a surface.

Stay on this program for 30 days. You will only need to buy one bottle of each item.

Compared to other detox or heavy metal chelation options, the above protocol is safe, non-invasive, and relatively inexpensive.

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