Archive | Losing Fat

How to Lose Visceral Fat

Visceral fat surrounds your internal organs, mostly in the stomach region, and is the reason so many people have big bellies. This is the really dangerous fat, directly linked to diabetes, heart attack, high blood pressure, stroke and some cancers. It is full of hormones and toxins, which, when released, go directly to the liver or into the bloodstream. The more visceral fat your body carries, the more likely you are to develop any of the above diseases or conditions, all of which can incapacitate or kill you.

The good news is that although visceral fat is the easiest fat to put on, it’s also the easiest to take off. Many studies have shown that while losing weight may stop the growth of visceral fat or minimally reduce it, exercise is what really burns it off. A brisk 30-minute walk, six times a week will stave off increases in visceral fat and test subjects who performed intensive aerobic exercise 5 – 6 times per week were able to lose several pounds of visceral fat over a period of six months.

Dieting alone won’t rid your body of visceral fat; it must be burned off through exercise, and in order to keep it off, you must make adequate aerobic exercise a part of your daily life. People who lead sedentary lives have more visceral fat than those who are even moderately active. Weight loss diets unaccompanied by sufficient aerobic and muscle strengthening exercise may cause you to lose weight, but most of the loss is from lean muscle tissue and not from stored fat.

Your body hoards and protects its fat stores like a dragon does the treasure in its cave, and adds to its collection as much as it can. It’s up to you to convince your body that your lean muscle tissue is too precious to sacrifice, so that it will resort to burning fat for its fuel. This can be done only by “showcasing” your muscles by exercising each muscle group in order to bring them to the attention of your body. Brisk walking, swimming, cycling, cardiovascular aerobics and anaerobic exercises such as resistance weight training and Pilates will do this for you by raising your metabolism so that you burn calories and fat more rapidly without losing nearly as much lean muscle. Preserving your lean muscle tissue through exercise also makes you stronger and takes inches off your body through the combination of fat loss and muscle tightening and toning.

Your entire body benefits from the loss of visceral fat. Losing visceral fat decreases your resistance to insulin, which can prevent Type II Diabetes, or if you are already diabetic, increase the efficiency of the insulin your body produces, making it easier to control your blood glucose levels. Your body won’t have to deal with the toxins that visceral fat releases into your system; if you are hypertensive, your blood pressure may be easier to control, decreasing your risk for heart attack and stroke. With less weight to carry, your stamina is increased and even small tasks that once tired you out are easier to accomplish. The more visceral fat you lose, the flatter your stomach becomes, resulting in the ability to wear smaller clothing sizes and have a trimmer figure.

Everyone needs to avoid putting on visceral fat. Diet is an important part of losing fat, but sufficient exercise guarantees visceral fat loss, and may save your life!

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Exercise and Fat Loss: Examining Strategies for Maximizing Fat Loss During Workouts

These days almost everyone is concerned with losing weight or more importantly losing fat. I am asked more questions about this topic than all others and it is an obvious source of confusion for many people. The problem is there are many different opinions about the best way to lose fat and most have at least some truth to them.

One popular strategy suggests concentrating on the percentage of calories from fat that you burn during the exercise. This leads to recommendations for exercising at a particular intensity/heart rate, which is often called the fat burning zone. This sounds like a good way to figure out how to exercise for maximal fat burning, but when you exercise to burn the highest percentage of fat, you end up burning fewer total calories, because the exercise intensity is too low.

Another common strategy is to focus on the total number of calories burned during your workout instead of the actual fat calories. This is recommended because unless you burn more calories throughout the day than you consume, you will never lose fat, regardless of the percentage of calories you burn while exercising. This is true, but just looking at the number or type of calories burned while exercising never gives you the full story.

There are however other important factors that are often overlooked when determining how to exercise for optimal fat loss. First, some types of exercise, such as resistance training, may not burn a lot of calories during the actual workout, but your body will keep burning calories at a higher rate for many hours after you stop exercising. This increased calorie burning effect will vary depending on the duration, intensity, and type of exercise. As a result, it becomes very difficult to accurately determine how many calories are really burned due to your workout.

Fortunately, knowing how many calories or how much fat you burn while exercising is not as important as you might think. The real issue is how your workout affects your metabolism. Increasing your metabolism is by far the most beneficial thing you can do to improve long-term fat loss. Your metabolism is responsible for burning many more calories than exercise and if your main goal is fat loss, you should focus on increasing your metabolism as much as possible.

Increasing the body’s metabolism is a complicated issue that is affected by genetics, exercise, nutrition, and a number of other lifestyle factors. Since this article is about exercise and this issue is too large to be properly addressed in this article, I will concentrate on a basic strategy to help improve your metabolism.

This strategy essentially has 2 main goals, preventing muscle loss and challenging your body. Muscle has a significant influence on your metabolic rate and every pound of muscle burns about 30 calories per day. If you stop doing exercises that stress your muscles, you will start losing muscle and your metabolism will slow down. Moderate to high intensity resistance training (weights, bodyweight exercises, etc.) is an ideal choice for this type of workout.

As a general rule, you should perform exercises that are difficult enough that you are unable to perform 15 reps; 6 to 12 reps per exercise is a good range. This may be more intense than your usual workout, but if you only have enough time for a short workout, it will be enough intensity to retain your current level of muscle. Also, since your exercise time will be short and the number of total sets will be low, you shouldn’t have to worry about gaining muscle or bulking up. Bodybuilders have large muscles mainly because they perform an excessive number of sets, sometimes 20-30 per muscle group, not because they lift heavier weights.

The overall workout only needs to be 15-30 minutes long and you have some options as to how to design the workout. You can do 1 set of many different exercises, multiple sets of a few exercises or anything in between. With the increased intensity of the exercises, you probably won’t want to exercise much longer anyway.

I also suggest performing a higher percentage of leg exercises (squats, lunges, etc.) than usual. This is because your largest muscles are in your legs and exercises that stress large muscles create a greater overall demand on the body and produce better metabolic improvements. Try for 35 – 40 % leg exercises if your workout is 30 minutes and around 50% if the workout is closer to 15 minutes. This approach will also maximize the number of calories burned during the workout and result in more calories being burned throughout the day.

If you would rather perform endurance activities (running, biking, etc.), you can apply the same principles of increasing the intensity to make the exercise more demanding. Perhaps the best method is to replace a constant intensity aerobic workout with a shorter interval training workout. This involves alternating between your normal pace and much more challenging pace. For example if you are a runner, you could alternate between running for 1 minute at your regular speed and sprinting for 30 seconds.

Regardless of which approach you take, you should feel about as fatigued at the end of your short workout as you do after a regular length workout. However, if you are not accustomed to more intense training, it is important to start out slowly and let your body adapt to the training. It is very important not to overdo it or push yourself too hard. You want to feel fatigued, but not run down or excessively sore. Also, even though the workout is short, you still need to warm up before the workout and stretch/cool down after you finish.

Keep in mind this strategy does not represent a complete well-rounded fitness program and is not intended to replace your existing program. It is especially useful during times when you may have a limited amount of time to exercise, such as while traveling and it is also beneficial for adding variety to your program. I chose this approach so people with different workout routines and overall goals could apply the strategy to their individual situations.

Look at your existing program and determine how to apply this information to benefit your most. In addition, be sure to remember that nutrition and lifestyle factors (sleep, stress, etc.) are always important too. You can have the best exercise program in the world and if you have bad nutrition and lifestyle habits you will still have a hard time losing fat.

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The Top 3 Fat Loss Diets – Which Is The Top Fat Loss Diet?

Of the dozens of fat loss diets in existence today, there are only 3, yes 3 that stand out above the rest. Each of these diets are unique in that they get rid of fat in every area of the body. They work quickly, and their effects can be seen/felt days after you’ve started it. So here they are, the top 3 fat loss diets.

1. Master Cleanse:

The master cleanse is also known as the lemonade detox diet. What it does is it flushes out all of the toxins, undigested food and harmful substances in your body. This causes people to lose 10-20 pounds within 1 week and fat loss also occurs VERY quickly.

During the 5th day of the master cleanse, the body will be rejuvenated and will start to burn fat at an incredible level. This will cause people to see a tremendous difference and once the master cleanse is complete, the results remain for months including health benefits such as energy, vitality, stamina and much much more. This is definitely one of the most powerful fat loss diets in the world. A resource will be provided later on in the article for people interested in trying the master cleanse.

2. Swimming:

Swimming has and always will be the #1 most beneficial exercise in the world. It is the only exercise that trains every muscle in the body, causes people to lose weight quickly and burn off fat fast. If you go to a gym and it has a pool, consider going there at least twice a week. Swim at a steady pace and don’t overdo anything. If you keep at it, the body will adapt to the swimming and will burn off plenty of fat. People can see results within 2 weeks when it comes to swimming and it is the most recommended exercise by experts. Jogging on treadmills doesn’t even come close.

Now we move onto the last diet. Of all the methods mentioned above, this is arguably the easiest and quickest Fat Loss diet. It is called:

The Fat Loss 4 Idiot’s Diet:

Just as the name suggests, anyone can complete this diet. The Fat Loss 4 Idiot’s Diet incorporates a technique called “calorie shifting”. This technique automatically raises your metabolism and increase fat burning tremendously causing rapid fat loss and weight loss.

The diet itself involves eating 4 or more full meals a day and shifting the calorie values of every meal while drinking 10 glasses of water a day. This tricks the body’s fat burning functions and causes it to increase them to keep order going. Many people can lose 10 or more pounds in less than 2 weeks with calorie shifting. It is also the ideal diet for anyone whose too busy to try the other 2 methods and is looking for an easy way to lose weight and get rid of fat quickly.

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14-Day Fast Fat Loss Guide

I recently stopped by the new house of an ol’ college buddy to meet his fiance and new baby boy. He’s getting married in 5 months time and we had to have a serious chat.

You see, he’s gained 25 pounds since birth of his son. He really fell off the wagon. But he’s taken the first and most important step by admitting things have to change and so we sat around for over 2 hours in his backyard on a beautiful day and hammered out this plan.

I could have wrote a 5-month plan, but I wanted to fast-track his results – and YOUR results – because research shows people who start losing fat quickly get better long-term fat loss results as well.

So here’s your complete 14-day FAST-TRACK guide to fat loss (if you like it, please forward it to a friend or print them off a copy too):

Day 1 – Stop Everything to Plan, Shop, & Prepare This Meal Plan

I hope you’re reading this on Sunday, because I want you to plan, shop, and prepare today. If it’s Monday, skip your workout and do this instead – its THAT important.

And I don’t just mean planning what you are going to eat for dinner. I mean planning what you are going to eat for every meal for the next 2 weeks.

Don’t tell me that’s too hard. After all, most people with lean physiques stick to a relatively similar diet for 90% of their meals and then enjoy a random cheat/reward meal 10% of the time.

So your schedule might go like this:

Breakfast – 2 eggs, 1 slice rye toast, 1 apple, Green Tea, fish oil

Snack – 1oz raw almonds, 1 pear, Green Tea

Lunch – Grilled chicken/salmon or black bean salad with spinach, onion, peppers, mushrooms, etc., 1 banana or bowl of cherries, 2 cups unsweetened iced tea with lime or lemon

Snack – Unlimited raw vegetables and hummus

Dinner – Protein and vegetables and fruit…so this could be a small piece of steak, chicken, or fish, along with your favorite vegetables, and a bowl of your favorite fruit.

Or it could be the veggie dinner I had last Monday of quinoa with red pepper-cashew sauce and avocado wrapped in kale leaves.

Or it could be wild rice with beans and avocado and salsa.

That schedule won’t change much, with the exception of a slight variation in your main course at dinner, right? And then once per week schedule a meal of your favorite food.

Everyone can stick to this plan for 14 days, and this tip alone will help you lose 5-12 pounds of fat in just 2 weeks. And this is also how you’ll need to eat for the rest of your life. It’s not hard, it just requires a little practice. Keep at it and never, EVER give up.

Alright, so to review, here’s your 3-step guide to Day 1.

i) Plan your meals.

ii) Shop for the food.

iii) Prepare the food (cut everything up, put in the proper trays, cook food if necessary, and get it all packed up for work)

In addition to planning out all of your meals, you must also start keeping a food journal (you could do it online too), because studies show that keeping a food journal will help you lose fat faster.

Next, make sure you do 60 minutes of activity today AND take a “before” photo along with your weight, body fat (if possible), and measurements of your waist, hips, arms, and thighs. Continue to weigh yourself every other day, as research shows that frequent check-ins lead to greater weight loss.

Day 2 – Attend An “Online Fat Loss & Fitness Seminar”

You must set EVERY workout and activity session as an appointment with yourself that you must keep – just like a doctor’s visit. Let nothing, except real emergencies, come between you and your workouts.

Today you’re going to do a short, burst exercise workout.

Now if you are currently using long, slow, boring cardio to lose f at, stop that bad habit immediately and switch to short, burst workouts.

If you need to learn more about short, burst workouts, go to YouTube and search for interval workouts. While you are there, look up my “Diet vs. Exercise” video series to see why diet is much more effective for fat loss than cardio.

If you are a beginner, please start conservatively. But if you have been working out for a while, the next 3 weeks are your time to step your workouts up a notch.

Day 3 – Write Your Way to Fat Loss

First, you must schedule 60 minutes of easy to moderate activity. I’ll talk about that in a second, but you can do anything from a 60 minute walk, a yoga session, a light bodyweight and stretching session, an hour of playing with your kids, or playing an easy game of your favorite sport. Don’t go too hard, but stay active.

You must also carve out 30 minutes to sit down and write out 3 short term goals and 3 long term goals. Write down EXACTLY what you want to accomplish in these 14 days. After that, write down what you want to accomplish in the following 90 days.

Once you’ve done that, you’re going to prepare a contract with yourself promising to take the steps necessary to achieve these goals. Sign the contract and review it everyday to keep you on track.

Day 4 – Recruiting Day

Today’s another short burst workout. Make sure you are using a professionally designed structured and proven fat loss workout, rather than just “winging it” or using long slow cardio for fat loss.

You’ll also spend time today recruiting for these 3 components of your fat loss social support team:

– Nutrition buddy

– Workout partner

– Fat loss forum accountability buddies

Research shows that recording your nutrition in a food journal and having someone review your meals increases your chance of losing fat.

Another study found that if you workout with a partner who is losing fat, then you’ll have a greater chance of losing fat as well.

And finally, a third study found that the more often subjects checked in to an online fat loss forum, the more likely they were to lose a lot of fat.

Get your team together and you’ll get more results – faster.

Day 5 – The 60 Minute Solution

Why am I telling you to get 60-minutes of activity on your off days?

Well, to be honest, I do NOT expect you to burn massive amounts of fat with easy, off-day activity.

However, every minute you spend moving, you are NOT snacking! I know the biggest problem you will have is your diet. So instead of snacking in front of the computer or TV, spend your free time away from food. That’s the simple secret to the 60 minute solution.

So get 60 minutes of activity on Day 5.

Day 6 – The Challenge

Your 3rd workout needs to be a challenge workout so that you can improve your performance each week. In fact, you should set at least one personal best in each workout. If you improve your performance, your physique will improve as well.

Day 7 – Diet Check-In and Reward Meal

Congratulations, you’ve made it through 7 amazing days of fat burning. Today you’re going to double check your nutrition plan by reviewing your food journal.

If you haven’t already done so, eliminate all liquid calories and replace with water and Green Tea.

If you need to learn more about nutrition, start using the free service called It will help you track your calories.

And if you’re really struggling to avoid night eating, try this tip. Place a small mirror on your fridge door. Research shows that subjects consumed fewer calories when they did this because it will remind you to make smarter choices.

Finally, as a reward for all of your hard work, you can treat yourself to your favorite meal. But that doesn’t mean gorging. It simply means having a normal meal of your favorite foods to give you a mental break from your plan. When the meal is over, don’t go back for seconds. Get right back on the 14-day plan instead.

Days 7 & 8 are also 60 minute off-day activity days.

Day 8 – Review your goals.

It’s no good to write your goals down and then forget them. Review them at least weekly, if not daily. Heck, carry them around in your pocket and look at them at every meal.

As you workout, visualize yourself reaching your goals. Believe in yourself, keep a positive attitude, stay motivated and you’ll continue to make fast fat loss progress every day.

This will also be another great day to plan, shop, and prepare.

Day 9 – Take It to Another Level

Week one was great, but with only 5 days left it is time for you to step it up again. This time I want you to hire a trainer for just one session to make sure you are doing all the exercises correctly and training as hard as you can (safely, of course).

Add this trainer to your support team. And by the way, a good trainer should be able to estimate your body fat better than any of those “fat scales” you can buy at a store…so get them to check that too.

Day 10 – Plan Your Next Shopping Trip

Today is another 60 minutes of off-day activity, and you’ll also work on improving your nutrition even more. What I want you to do is focus on eating more from the Fat Loss Foundation.

The 3 components of my Simple Nutrition Fat Loss Foundation are raw fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Research shows that eating more of these 3 foods will help you lose weight better than a diet that is low in fruits, vegetables and nuts.

Make an effort to eat one new fruit, vegetable, and nut each week during your between meal snacks.

If you aren’t already eating grapefruit, try one today and see how it helps fill you up (because it contains a lot of soluble fiber called pectin). Add a new vegetable – such as broccoli, cauliflower, or asparagus – to your dinner. And try walnuts or pecans instead of almonds at your morning break.

Slowly but surely increase the fiber in your diet until you hit the recommended amount of 35 grams per day.

And I hope this goes without saying, but you should have eliminated all foods that contain added sugar. That is one the simplest yet most effective nutrition changes you can make.

Day 11 – Recruit Again

Add a new member into your social support team, such as a new workout partner or healthy-eating partner. This will add strength to your commitment. If possible, join a transformation contest online, or start one among your friends or co-workers.

But when you do that, keep in mind that you want to help other people succeed. The more you can help others lose fat, the more you will help yourself as you share what’s working with your friends and they show you their fat loss secrets too. Stay positive, and you’ll build a powerful fat loss team.

Today is also another fat loss workout day, so give it your best.

Day 12 – Check-In Time

Today you’ll re-measure your weight, body fat, and measurements. Take a look in the mirror to compare yourself against your before photo to see big changes that will motivate you to stay strong.

I also want you to start thinking about getting a tan. Yes, I said getting a tan. Why? Because simply adding a little bit of color to your body can make you look leaner. There’s a reason all those models in supplement ads are tanned, you know.

Finally, if there is a “big day” at the end of the 14-days, make sure you try on the outfit you are going to wear to double-check that it is going to look great on you.

Make sure you do this check-in either before your 60 minutes of activity or a few hours after so that exercise does not mess-up the numbers.

Day 13 – Mental Performance Review

Write down all obstacles that are still in your way of success, and then brainstorm 2 solutions to overcome each. Get some help from your social support team on this. The more you and your team share solutions, the more fat you – and everyone else – will lose.

For example, you might come up with rules like, “No eating in the car” to help cut down on bad food choices. Someone else might suggest “brush your teeth after dinner to avoid night-time snacking”. Those are simple yet powerful tips to keep you on the fast-track to fat loss.

Follow up this positive session with your best TT workout yet!

Day 14 – Review, Plan, & Prepare

Congrats on making so many powerful changes in just 2 short weeks.

By now, you’ll probably have lost 5-12 pounds of fat and just as importantly, you’ll have developed proven, life-long fat burning habits that will be easy for you to stick to forever.

Keep this weight loss train moving by reviewing your original goals. Next, do your planning, shopping, and preparing for another week, and get ready for even more fat loss.

Enjoy your 14-day results and celebrate with a reward meal (and show off your firmer, leaner body at the big event too!).

Wishing you success!

Please email me with your success story in 14 days (or sooner!).

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5 Belly Fat Loss Tips

If you want to lose belly fat as fast as possible, you need to do things the right way, both in terms of workouts and in terms of nutrition. Too many people are trying to lose belly fat and failing miserably. Don’t be one of them.

Here are 5 tips you need to follow to achieve the fastest belly fat loss:

1. Do intensive cardio workouts – Cardio is important to burn off body fat. However, don’t settle for medium intensity workouts like the elliptical. Do some running, swimming, or rowing to make the most of your time. Also, you don’t need to do long cardio workouts. If you make them intensive, a 20 minute workout is quite enough.

2. Don’t starve yourself – While it’s important to not overeat, starving yourself isn’t the way to lose stomach fat either. Starving yourself may cause metabolic slowdown and will stop or slow the fat loss process. Eat enough calories from good sources and they will not turn to ugly fat.

3. Don’t follow fad diets or take diet pills – To achieve long lasting results, there are no shortcuts. You need to workout and eat in the right way to burn fat. It will take time to get perfect abs. Don’t rush things or you’ll never get the flat stomach you desire.

4. Tone your entire body – You can’t burn belly fat specifically. You lose fat from your entire body or not at all. Therefore, you need to work on your entire body, get lean all over, and you will see results in your abs as well.

5. Follow an abs program – The final tip I have to get flat abs is to follow a professional abs program. If you really want a perfect tummy, don’t go about it in an amateurish way. Learn from the pros. Get an abs program and follow what it teaches.

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Fat Loss For Men – 2 Easy Fat Loss Tips

Weight loss is an issue that many people in the world face. They have excess pounds around their midsection and they want it gone. They don’t want it gone a year from now, they want it gone yesterday. Most of the time, these goals are unrealistic. With the plethora of weight loss systems out there, there’s no telling what kind of results you might get. If you choose the wrong system, it might set you back even further. While weight loss is a tough subject for many people, it’s really not as complicated as most people make it out to be.

Fat loss for men is even easier than it is for women. If a man only has a few pounds that they’d like to lose, they can usually shed it pretty quickly. What might take a woman a few months to lose, a man can do it in a few weeks. Their bodies are just rigged differently and they can do this whether it’s fair or not. What are some of the more important things you’ll need to remember in order to lose weight?

1. One of the biggest parts of the equation is exercise

Working out regularly is an integral part of the process of weight loss. Lifting weights is a great thing to get involved with in fat loss for men. When you train your muscles, they will in turn burn more calories. They will be burning calories even while you’re sleeping. This means that you will lose weight that much faster.

2. Obviously another big thing in this equation is your diet

What you put into your body has a lot to do with what you will look like. If you sit on the couch and eat donuts all day every day, there’s a good chance you’re going to be overweight. If you eat a healthy, well-balanced diet, you’re probably going to be fit and slim. There are a lot of things that you can eat on a healthy diet. You don’t necessarily have to cut out all of the foods you love in order to be fit. These diets that remove all carbohydrates or something like that are usually not going to work. Yes, they might work in the short term, but can you really expect yourself to stay away from pizza for the rest of your life?

Of course not! This means that as soon as you get back on carbs, you’re going to be bigger than ever. Your body will soak it up and hold onto it tighter than it ever has before. Eating the appropriate portions of protein, vegetables, fruits, milk, grains, and other things are still essential. There’s really no getting around the things that are good for you.

Sometimes its not always easy to know what you should eat. If you’re someone who would like it spelled out for you in plain English, Fat Loss 4 Idiots might be something you want to look at. It gives you a detailed diet that will actually help you burn fat.

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Diet For Body Fat Loss

You can find end number of diet programs that are meant for fat loss but often these fall into the failure category as the results are not positive. It is important to choose the right diet for body fat loss without any after effects and which bear healthy results for longer durations.

The reason for most of the diets for body fat loss failing to accomplish their goals is due to the fact that these diets follow a system of complete restriction of some mineral or nutrient which may work temporarily but is not fruitful in the long run. Fats are essential requirements of our bodies and thus some amount of fat should be present. The diet for body fat loss that eliminates all traces of fat can make you lose fat from your body but could make you suffer from various other ailments.

When you deprive your body of fats for a long time and then start replenishing your body again, it rejects the element causing severe problems. However not all diets cut down on the fat content. Some diets for body fat loss replace the unhealthy fats with other rich sources which are healthy and nutritious. This means that your body does not get unnecessary calories but at the same time receives its full nutrition. Some of these foods are nuts that are useful sources for the vegetarians and fishes.

Some Wonder Diets

Some of the diets for body fat loss that have borne successful results are the Weight Watchers and the South Beach Diet. The Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet is one excellent diet for body fat loss. This diet stresses on eating healthy and natural foods that is replete with fiber, proteins, carbohydrates and lean fat, to minimize your cravings which will help to reduce the fat in your body.

You can also follow the ‘Strip That Fat Diet System’ which helps you with various combinations of diets for the first 2 weeks. This diet program includes some easy weight loss systems that can help you lose fat for a long time. Another effective diet for body fat loss is ‘Top Secret Fat Loss Secret’ which has some remarkable tips to remove the fat from your body.

The diets for body fat loss which have proved to be a hit do not believe in the concept of restricting your diet. Their target is to provide you with healthy nourishment for your body while trying to eliminate all the excessive unhealthy fats.

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Belly Fat Loss for Men: Effective Tips

Before telling you how to go about belly fat loss for men, I think it is best for you to know the health implications of belly fat. Regardless of your weight, the fat accumulated in your tummy increases your risk of having heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, some types of cancer, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, high triglycerides, low levels of high-density lipoprotein or the good cholesterol, metabolic syndrome and sleep apnea. Knowing this, you will be more motivated to lose that extra flab on your tummy.

Whether you want to lose that extra flab on the stomach or on your thighs, the principle remains the same, you need to lose weight. Here’s how to.

Reduce your caloric intake:

Reduce on the portion sizes of your meals. It is necessary to eat moderately and not as much as you desire in order for you to eat less calories. The idea is that you should eat fewer calories than you burn. The lesser the amount of calories you take in, the better. Maybe substituting heavy meals with fruits and vegetables will do the trick.

Increase your physical activity:

It is recommended to have 3 to 5 times weekly exercise regimen in order to lose weight. It should be that the exercise is in a moderate intensity to attain obvious physical changes on your body. If you opt for a more vigorous aerobic activity the better it is. The problem lies when you don’t have time to go to an aerobic class or enroll in a gym. To solve this, you just need to convert your everyday activities into a more active one. For example, replace your hobby of riding on an elevator with climbing on a stairs, walking to the office instead of riding on a car. There could be a lot more, you just need to be creative on your exercise plan.

Abdominal Exercises:

After following through your chosen diet and exercise regimen, you are then ready to do abdominal exercises. Remember though, abdominal exercises cannot do the trick of eliminating your belly fat. Abdominal exercises comprise of sit-ups, leg raise, side crunches, and the like. Ask your fitness trainer and he would be more than willing to let you learn the different abdominal routines.

Do resistance training:

You can do resistance training with free weights, exercise machines or resistance bands. A study published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism suggests that the combination of cardiovascular exercise with resistance training is more effective than cardiovascular training alone in getting rid of that unwanted abdominal fat.

To achieve belly fat loss for men, it is important that you are knowledgeable of the health hazards of that fat. This way you are more motivated to lose that fat. There is really no other way to lose that belly fat than losing weight. To lose weight, you need to balance your diet with healthy choices, lead an active healthy lifestyle, and do the extra mile to do abdominal exercises and resistance. If you do all these four, then you are sure to have a flat and fabulous belly that is ready for a belly ring accessory.

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Fat Loss – Weight Loss Tips

Want fat loss… weight loss tips that are simple, yet effective? If so, this article will give you a few unique ideas that you may not have heard of before. If you’re confused about what to do in regards to losing weight, it’s not your fault. There’s so much conflicting information out there. It makes it hard to figure out what is right and what is wrong.

Fat Loss – Weight Loss Tips

1. The only exercise you need for weight loss is walking up and down some stairs

That’s it. Simple… yet effective. So if you have stairs at home or if you live in a building that has stairs, USE THEM. I just need 15 minutes of your time each day. There are 1440 minutes in a day. 15 minutes isn’t hard to find regardless of how busy you are. In those 15 minutes, walk up those stairs and walk back down. Keep doing it until you’ve finished the whole 15 minutes. Don’t stop until you’re done.

Do this 6 days a week. This takes up only 1 and a half hours of your time each week. With 168 hours in a week, this is the bare minimum you can do FOR YOURSELF and your health.

2. Add 2 protein shakes a day to your diet

Now, in doing this, you’ll reduce the amount of food you eat elsewhere. This usually happens naturally… so no willpower is needed. I don’t want you to treat these protein shakes as complete meal replacements. They’re more like “mini-meals” or big snacks. What you’re doing with these is you’re switching out calories… less bad calories, more good ones. Also, these will pack more punch, so you’ll need less of them to feel full and satisfied.

Look, you don’t need to go the diet pill route. That’s a lost cause. Those companies are just sucking money out of your wallet. Forget them. Turn your back on them. You can get a lot of fat loss using weight loss tips like the 2 above without buying over-hyped pills.

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Fat Loss, Diet and Exercise

One of the most common misconceptions about fat loss is that fat can be lost from particular parts of the body by exercising that area.

Men, for instance, tend to accumulate fat around their stomachs. Doing thousands of crunches is not however going to burn off fat from the stomach – the body doesn’t burn fat selectively. Likewise a flabby chest (another area that fat tends to accumulate in men) cannot be cured by bench pressing. Women tend to gain fat deposits around the buttocks and thighs, and similarly, fat here cannot be lost by high repetitions of leg exercises.

The first thing to realise is that you cannot solve fat problems without sorting out diet. A poor diet, or one that contains more calories than those ‘exercised away’ will lead to fat being deposited – in different areas in the different sexes, as we have seen.

In order to lose fat, calories expended during the day must exceed those imbibed over the same period. You can increase the number of calories expended by exercise, of course, but essentially a diet high in calories and fat will usually lead to fat gain. And it is the issue of diet that therefore becomes key in fighting fat accumulations.

Exercises that raise cardiovascular activity are better at fighting fat than anaerobic exercises such as weight training. Weights can be used to tone individual areas and promote muscle growth but on their own will not necessarily play a major role in fat loss. Of course, high repetitions of lighter weights is an aerobic exercise and therefore valuable calorie burner. Programmes designed to build muscle mass are not necessarily the best for fighting fat.

The easiest way to address fat issues is to change the way we eat. Sporadic dieting has little long term effect on fat and repeated dieting seems to promote increased weight gain in the long term. What we should be aiming for, rather, is a lifestyle change that is implemented for the very long term; that is, indefinitely. Permanent removal of needless fat such as a junk food habit will do more for fat loss than any fad diet, however rigidly implemented. We need to get into good habits, such as no snacking (or healthy snacking) and stick to them permanently in order to address the body’s long-term fat levels.

In short then, in order to lose fat, exercise more and eat less, permanently. And remember that exercises for particular groups of muscle will not burn fat around that muscle group but rather contribute to the overall calorie burn caused by an exercise regime.

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