Archive | Workouts & Routines

Muscle Building Workouts – How to Choose the Best Workout For You

So you are thinking that you want to get started with a muscle building workout? You check out the local gym but the cost of membership over a year is really expensive.

So you then have a quick look around on the internet, pick one of the muscle building workouts that looks good, and get started.

Hold on a minute! Before you get started with muscle building workouts you really should have a think about what you want to achieve. Do you really want the ultimate, huge bodybuilders look? This will need extensive training and huge commitment on a regular basis. Or perhaps whilst still wanting a muscular, well defined look, you do not really want to get too huge. Maybe it is strength training or for a specific sport where stamina is very important too.

Many muscle building workouts cover applications for both men and women which may be different depending on the desired results. The workout programs need to be very comprehensive and ensure that you get a full body workout and ensure a balanced development of your physique

There are many muscle building workouts available, some are focussed on gaining muscle as fast as possible, others are more fitness orientated and work on strength training whilst still building muscle mass.

A factor that is often over looked with these workout programs is that they also need to ensure that there is adequate fat loss or else muscle definition will not be shown to its best. Therefore diet and nutrition guidance also needs to be included.

As with any type of exercise, you will only see good results if you carry it out correctly. This means having the correct technique and there is probably more to this than you think. The correct number of sets and reps, how and when to increase weights, exercising to the point of failure and correct warm up and warm down routines all need to be correct.

These are only the very basics, there is a lot more to effective technique and this is probably one of the areas where a lot of people fail without expert guidance.

There is obviously a lot to consider before you decide which muscle building workouts may be right for you.

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Fat Loss Workout – Slim Waist Certified

A perfect fat loss workout is one that taps into every last calorie-burning, metabolism-boosting, lean muscle-building mechanism there is. By burning the maximum amount of calories during the workout, spiking the metabolism after the workout and causing absolute muscle fiber microtrauma (you have to break muscles down for them to build back stronger, which in itself requires lots of calories to fuel the process; not to mention the additional calorie-burning that will take place daily, thanks to the new lean muscle), your fat loss “force” will be firing on all cylinders.

So what type of fat loss workout hits on each of these blubber-torching mechanisms to the greatest and most prolonged extent possible? Well, I like to call such workouts my fat loss explosion routines, but really they’re an intricate mix of cardio workouts, weight training workouts, plyometric training and body weight training. Here’s how I create fat loss workouts that are “slim waist certified”:

Fat Loss Workout Requirement #1:

Begin the workout with total body weight training. Simply put, this is more demanding and requires peak energy levels, which is why I like to begin with weight training. After a thorough warm-up, complete either an intense circuit, a superset, a quad-set or do straight sets with super short (30 seconds or less) rest periods. Workout like a maniac, making sure to include all muscle groups, for fifteen short, but very intense minutes.

Fat Loss Workout Requirement #2:

Follow up your intense fifteen minutes of weight training with some cardio work to finish off the metabolism and tear into deep, hard to reach fat stores. If you’re worried about losing muscle mass, I recommend ingesting 20-30 grams of whey protein mixed with water, before starting the cardio portion of our fat loss workout.

The cardio session can last anywhere from 5-45 minutes, depending on your fitness level and how quickly you’d like to see results. Choose to follow either a demanding body weight circuit that is mixed with plyometrics or you can perform interval cardio outdoors or on a piece of cardio equipment. I prefer to start my clients with an intense 6-minute body weight and plyometric combination circuit and then progress weekly from there.

If you’re a relative beginner and your fitness level is lower, you may need to perform steady-state cardio until you’re ready to work at a higher level of intensity. Start with 5-10 minutes of light jogging or walking on an incline and progress weekly from there, starting with an increase in intensity and then transitioning to a longer duration.

Fat Burning Workout Requirement #3:

Work to become more fit. Don’t think about weight loss when you’re approaching your workouts. Instead, focus on getting in better shape, getting stronger, more endured and more explosive as the weeks go by. When you train for performance your body is forced into fat loss, muscle toning and body sculpting.

This is exactly why performance athletes have such dynamite physiques – by designing their workouts to improve their abilities, a lean body with a slim waist is simply an awesome byproduct to a different motive.

Fat Loss Workout Requirement #4:

Workout as hard as possible, without overdoing it. This one’s a slippery slope because it is possible to over-train and therefore diminish your weight loss results, especially when fat-storing stress hormones like Cortisol get released.

Having said that, most people are working out nowhere near the level they should be. Losing body fat is an easy concept, but very hard work. And it gets even harder as you make improvements, thanks to your body constantly working against you to keep things in “normal order.”

The only way around these fat loss roadblocks are to outsmart the body with advanced workout tactics such as these and make sure to increase your intensity and challenge yourself more and more.

Take these fat loss workout requirements and mesh them into a program that fits your abilities and your preferences. By doing this, you’ll surely be training in a way that is slim waist certified.

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The Best Forms of Cardio

Treadmill vs running outside to boost PNF STRETCHING

It has become common knowledge that cardiovascular exercise is extraordinarily beneficial, no matter if you’re interested in improving your appearance or just want to reap the health benefits of it. That said, not all forms are cardio are born equal to each other.

Some people will tell you that gardening, doing house work, yoga, or a leisurely game of tennis are all good forms of cardio exercise. While doing these things are certainly better than sitting at home on the couch, they’re not effective forms of exercise to burn significant amounts of fat, or have a noticeable improvement in cardiovascular health.

In order to burn fat, you need to do surpass a minimum threshold of intensity, and maintain that intensity for at least 20-25 minutes, 3 or more times per week. Gardening, no matter how vigorous, is not going to get your heart beating enough to pass this minimum threshold of intensity. To meet the require level of intensity, you’re going to have to do something, well, vigorous. It’s got to get your heart beating, and you got to get your sweat rolling down your face. The best ways to do this, biking, the elliptical machine, the rowing machine (or rowing), cross-country skiing, the Stepmaster machine, jumping rope, and swimming. But, by far, the most efficient fat burner has always been running.

When it comes to running, you can do one of two things. You can strap on your running shoes and go for a jog out in the great outdoors, or you can hop on a treadmill and sweat off the pounds. That said, running on the treadmill and running outside is not the same thing, in fact, they’re much different then most people think.

At first glance, it’s hard to understand how these two things differ. After all, no matter which one you’re doing, you’re still running. The difference is as follows; when you’re running outside, you’re using your hamstrings a lot to pull your body forward across the ground. When you’re on a treadmill, the ground is moving for you, so you don’t need to use your hamstrings to pull your forward. Your quads are used to lift your leg forward, but your hamstrings don’t get worked at all.

If you only run on a treadmill, your quads will become incredibly over-built, and your hamstrings will be left in the dust. This will result in a serious muscle imbalance. If you predominantly run on a treadmill, you’re going to have to take a couple of precautions. First, work out your hamstring muscles independently, to prevent muscle imbalances. Second, make sure you start a PNF stretching routine, to help prevent injury by possible muscle imbalances.

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Workout Routines for Men – Black Ops Fitness: Do You Have What It Takes to Train Like a Navy SEAL?

One of the most challenging (yet convenient) workout routines for men that I’ve come across is the training that we find in the arena of military service and particularly the special requirements and operational duties placed upon members of the warrior elite, the special operations community.

There is often such a lack of information about what Navy SEALS, Marine RECON, and Army Special Forces operators do in their daily jobs and training that we wonder what exactly they’re up to. What are they physically capable of? Could I do it? Would I have what it takes to carry on after seven days without sleep, 800 calories of food, and carrying 150 pounds of gear through the extreme stimulatory environment of a war zone?

So perhaps we’re not all cut out for the physical, and more importantly, mental demands that these service members qualify themselves for. However, we can make an attempt at their physical training in an attempt to satisfy a small piece of our curiosity.

No, these are not workout routines for fitness beginners. But the beauty is that this often secretive corner of our world is open to explore (at lease with regard to their physical training) and you can try it out for yourself. You can gauge your fitness against some of the fittest men on the planet. Trust me; in a sick way, you’ll enjoy it!

This is my favorite “spec ops” workout routine that I’ve used on and off for two years. This is a modified version, meaning it’s a little more accessible for most of us than standard spec ops preparation routines.

WORKOUT OBJECTIVES: Cardiovascular conditioning, weight loss, lean muscle mass

WORKOUT DURATIONS: 30-45 minutes

Day 1: Marine Corps PFT

We always begin the week with the standard Marine Corps physical fitness test, or PFT, to gauge our progress. There are plenty of calculators out there to show you what your score is and rank it against real Marines, but I just use it as a gauge.

3 mile timed run

Maximum number of abdominal crunches in 2 minutes

Maximum number of pull ups before dropping

Day 2: Swimming

800 meters of freestyle or sidestroke

If you don’t have access to a pool, substitute your choice of cardiovascular workout such as running, cycling, elliptical training, etc. This workout should be 30 minutes at a moderate pace.

Day 3: Upper Body Circuit

I typically do this workout routine in a park at a playground, but if you have access to a fitness facility, you can complete it there as well. The key here is keeping the pace up.

Warm up with a 10 minute moderately paced run

Pyramid Circuit

1 pull up, 10 push ups, 1 dip

2 pull ups, 10 push ups, 2 dips

3 pull ups, 10 push ups, 3 dips

4 pull ups, 10 push ups, 4 dips

5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 5 dips

50 abdominal crunches

5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 5 dips

4 pull ups, 10 push ups, 4 dips

3 pull ups, 10 push ups, 3 dips

2 pull ups, 10 push ups, 2 dips

1 pull up, 10 push ups, 1 dip

50 abdominal crunches

Add or subtract repetitions as your strength increases. For instance, once you can complete this circuit, add a 6th level in (6 pull ups, 10 push ups, 6 dips) and so on, then work your way back down.

Day 4: Running

½ mile warm up

¼ mile sprint

¼ mile rest

¼ mile sprint

¼ mile rest

¼ mile sprint

¼ mile rest

¼ mile sprint

¼ mile rest

½ mile cool down

Day 5: Lower Body Circuit

10 minute moderate run

Squat Jumps x 15

Lateral Hurdle Jumps x 15

Split Squat Jumps x 15

Repeat sequence 3 times

10 minute moderate run

I use this workout routine quite a bit when I travel including at resorts when I have access to a pool and want to keep the all-inclusive calories moderated. They key to this routine is that it’s highly adaptable to your current fitness level. You can alter the circuits, swimming, and running to suit you. Best of all, it’s convenient.

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Basic Workout Tips

Some people start each day with a routine workout while others think of workouts as something they do only once in a blue moon. No matter how often you do your exercise, here are some workout tips that will definitely help you to get the most out of your exercise routines.

The first rule is to warm up. A warm up is crucial as it gets your muscles all ready to start the exercise and helps to gradually increase your heart rate to a steady point. To do this, you can start your exercise routine at low intensity, slowly taking it up a notch bit by bit. A short walk, marching in place or going through the basic routines are ways you can warm up.

Next you will now start by stretching. Stretches help your body and muscles prepare for the heavy hard work that you are going to put them through. A good stretching will increase your muscle and body flexibility thereby preventing risks of getting a strain. It is also good to perform stretches after an exercise routine to aid in lactic acid release as it builds up during the exercise. This will help to reduce muscle sore later on.

Breathing properly is the key to a good exercise. Most people are not aware that proper breathing is crucial especially during an exercise. Shallow or rapid breathing is not desirable and you should always take care to notice your breathing. Slow down if you are hyperventilating and if you are prone to holding your breath without realizing it, try to practice breathing in a rhythmic way.

Try to include variety in your exercise intensity. By doing this you will be able to maximize on the benefits that you can get. You can do this by raising and lowering the strength or intensity of your exercise. Your breathing and heart rate increase as your intensity level spikes up. Lower the intensity gradually until your breathing and heart rate is back at normal level.

These are basic workout tips that are most helpful during and after your exercise. Follow them to help you get in shape and lose the extra weight.

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Is the Shaun T Deluxe Insanity Workout Worth Getting?

Shaun T recently came out with a new workout called Shaun T’s Insanity Workout. He also made available a deluxe edition of the workout. What is the difference between the regular and the deluxe?

First of all the regular insanity workout comes with 10 DVD’s, a fitness guide, nutrition plan and tracking tools. None of the workouts on the first original workouts require the use of weights or resistance bands. Shaun T uses body resistance for the workouts. The 10 DVD’s cover every part of your body, from you arms, to legs, to core.

So if the first 10 DVD’s are complete why would you need the extra 3 DVD’s that come in the deluxe package? Well I will simply let you know what comes in the deluxe package and let you make up your mind as to whether you will need it or not.

Inside the Deluxe Insanity Workout.

It comes with 3 extra DVD workouts. The first of the workouts is called Max Interval Sports Training, next is called Insane Abs and last is the Upper Body Weighted Workout.

Max Interval Sports Training is an extremely difficult training system that Shaun T has used to train professional athletes. This workout is no joke. It is extremely difficult to do. It is a step above all the other 10 DVD’s in the normal workout.

Insane Abs is similar in its difficulty to the Sports Training. There are plenty of abdominal exercises in the first 10 DVD’s, but none are as complete or as difficult as this.

Upper Body Weighted Workout is Shaun T’s only DVD that uses weights. He shows you his techniques for using weights to achieve the upper body that most people desire.

All in all it is a very good thing to be working out and bettering your body. Whether it is using Insanity or going to the gym or some other form of exercise, just make sure you get out and do it.

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Boxing For Fat Loss – Home Boxing Workouts

Boxing for fat loss is a great idea and on that has stood the test of time. Boxing has been around for hundreds of years and is now used frequently just for working out. Gone are the days that the only people who would use boxing for training was boxers themselves. People have seen the massive benefits associated with the high intensity and anaerobic nature of boxing workouts.

This is especially important when you are using boxing for fat loss. High intensity interval training is one of the best ways to burn fat as well as take your fitness to new levels. You can get a great workout done in under 30 minutes or if you want to train with a partner you can both get it done in under one hour.

Given that most of us are time poor these days, being able to get high quality workouts done in a short amount of time is very important. If you don’t have to spend hours training to see results you will be much more likely to stick to the routine. Also if the workouts aren’t boring like most traditional cardio type workouts, then you are going to look forward to doing it and not looking for excuses as to why you can’t train today.

Boxing does ticks both of these points off the list because the workouts are short, intense, fun and deliver fast results.

One method I like to use when boxing for fat loss is to use the ‘Tabata Protocol’. Basically this involves doing eight rounds of 20 seconds of very hard exercise, followed by a 10 second rest. 20 on, 10 off, 8 times. Sounds easy enough but the crucial and often overlooked point when people implement ‘tabatas’ is that the 20 seconds of work or exercise needs to be done with a maximum amount of effort. That means you will need all of that 10 seconds to recover and chances are it won’t be enough rest before you move onto the next round.

If you are getting through the rounds and can easily maintain a conversation you aren’t working hard enough! Heck you shouldn’t really have enough spare energy to even think!

If you want to use boxing for fat loss, give this quick workout a try:

20 Seconds: Jab, Cross, Jab, Right Uppercut

10 Seconds Rest

20 Seconds: Jab, Cross, Jab, Right Hook

10 Seconds Rest

20 Seconds: Jab, Cross, Left Upper Cut, Right Uppercut

10 Seconds Rest

20 Seconds: Jab, Cross, Jab, Cross

10 Seconds Rest

20 Seconds: Jab, Cross, Jab, Right Uppercut followed by 4 shuffles

10 Seconds Rest

20 Seconds: Jab, Cross, Jab, Right Hook followed by 4 shuffles

10 Seconds Rest

20 Seconds: Jab, Cross, Left Upper Cut, Right Uppercut followed by 4 shuffles

10 Seconds Rest

20 Seconds: Jab, Cross, Jab, Cross followed by 4 shuffles

10 Seconds Rest

That will take you four minutes and will get your heart rate up to amazing levels! If you are doing this workout with a partner on the pads, take 30 seconds to change gear and repeat. You’ll need a few rounds to recover but should be good to box again after your partners four minutes. Four rounds each of this will be more than enough to get all of the benefits that boxing for fat loss can deliver.

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Non-Running Cardio Exercise

You don’t need to be in love with running in order to get an effective cardio workout. In fact, you don’t really even need that much room. And you certainly don’t need any fancy gym memberships or expensive equipment. In fact, these exercises can be done anywhere and at anytime. Give them a try today and start incorporating them into your regular workout program.

It is always a good idea to consult a doctor before commencing any exercise program. It is also advisable to enlist the aid of a personal trainer to make sure you are performing the following exercises in correct form.

1. Burpees perform double duty as an effective cardio exercise as well as a great resistance exercise. Many variations of the burpee exist but basically it entails you starting in a standing position, then squatting down placing both hands on the floor next to your feet. Now thrust your feet back so that you are in a push up position. Jump your feet back next to your hands and stand up, jumping straight up in the air. You can repeat this for a certain amount of time, such as thirty seconds, or you can repeat this for a certain number of repetitions. Beginners will need to take it slow at first, those at a more advanced level can add a push-up challenge in the middle or simply perform the exercise longer or faster.

2. Mountain climbers look like you are running in place, but horizontally. Place your hands next to your feet and alternate your legs so that one knee comes up to meet your chest and the other leg is outstretched behind you. Keep the legs alternating as you keep moving your legs. Beginners will need to take it slower and can even do them with hands on a bench or chair. People at a more advanced level can perform this exercise longer or faster. A great tool to use is a paper plate under your feet so that you can slide your feet back and forth.

3. Squat jumps can really get the heart rate pumping and are also an excellent way to condition and strengthen the legs. Starting in a squat position, jump straight up with your arms up in the air and land softly with your knees still bent. People with an advanced level of fitness will want to see how high they can jump or how many squat jacks they can complete in a certain amount of time. Beginners or those with knee issues can simply come up on their toes instead of jumping up in the air. Other variations of this exercise include split squats, scissors, pop squats, or squat jacks.

Give these exercises a try today and challenge yourself by incorporating them into your exercise program.

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10 Basic Exercises to Keep Your Body Fit and Healthy

Even for non sportive people maintaining adequate level of fitness is essential, even if only to help you in coping with the chores of everyday living. A fit body is a healthy body and a fitness program of not less than 15 minutes a day, every day, combined with a sensible well balanced diet will guarantee that not only your body stays healthy, but you will find that your joints will continue to be flexible and mobile.

Any person of any age can use the following exercises provided your doctor approves following a medical check.

Apply effort and you will receive the benefits, but stress and strain you should avoid.

Make all limb and body movements smooth, no boisterous, severe sharp actions of which could cause injury. Instead you allow the muscles to do the work, toning them as they go.

Warm-up exercises and gentle stretching of the muscles are advisable before undertaking any of the exercises, it is also important to stretch the hamstring muscles at the back of the legs.

It is more beneficial not to take long rests in between each exercise. Meaning during the course of the exercises you should only take a short walk around between each one, shaking legs to loosen the muscles.

A suggestion, “Music” makes exercises much more enjoyable.

1. Feet together, back straight, bend your knees as far as possible without lifting heels, keep a straight back and your bottom tucked under. Feel the calf muscles stretching down the back of your legs. Smoothly bend and straighten 20 times.

2. Standing upright, stomach pulled in, shoulders back, lift right knee up to the chest keeping the supporting leg straight, knee locked, and point down toes of raised foot. Alternate left and right leg 20 times. Good for the bottom, thighs and legs.

3. Feet apart and parallel (not turned out), lift your right arm over your head and hold your left ear, bend directly to left, sliding left hand down the side of your leg as far as possible. Bend directly sideways, do not pitch forward, keep heels flat on floor, return to upright position, then bend left again – repeat six times to left, then six times to the right, only this time swinging your left arm over to hold the right ear. Then alternate one each side ten times. Feel the stretching along each side.

4. Before starting this next exercise cross your feet, keep legs straight and bend body forward to touch the floor with your hands. Stretching you want to feel in the hips and thighs in particular, alternate your feet and repeat six times. Next, feet apart, legs straight, bend forward to touch the floor pushing from the hips, then straighten and bend backwards, sliding your hands down the backs of your legs and pulling your shoulders back, head back, legs straight. Then down to floor again forward 10 times then 10 times back. Do this exercise very smoothly pushing down and back as far as possible without straining.

5. Feet wide apart, arms straight out from your side, swing right arm down to touch the floor on left side as far over and out as possible, at the same time turning your body to look back up your left arm. Then alternate to your right side with left arm, turning to look back up the raised arm. Bend the body forward from the hips during the course of this exercise.

6. Lay on your back on the floor, arms stretched over your head. Bend your right knee up to your chest, pointing your toes, keeping other leg straight on the floor. As you bring your knee down again, lift the left knee up to your chest so that they pass in motion, do not return your leg completely to floor, keep it raised 5-7 cm off the floor. Alternate legs 10 times, or as many as you can do without straining. Do not lift your back; make sure the small of your back is on the floor to support stomach muscles. Gradually increase the repetition of this exercise.

7. Turn on your right side, propping your head up with your elbow. Lift your left leg directly straight up, keeping underside right leg straight with your toes pointed. Lift your leg 6-10 times. Turn on other side and repeat 6-10 times. Gradually increase the repetition on each side.

8. Lie flat on your back, arms out to the sides, and palms facing down, feet together. Lift your head up to look at your feet, pressing the small of your back into the floor, at the same time bend your knees together up to your chest (try to touch your knees to your nose). Straighten legs directly up and lower gently to the floor, lowering your head back to the floor at the same time. Repeat this exercise 6-10 times breathing in as you lift your knees, hold when you straighten, breathe out as you lower your legs. Do not allow your legs to flop down, always control them. Straight legs with pointed toes are easier to lift and lower than bent legs.

9. Sit on the floor with your arms straight out from your shoulder, legs straight out in front, toes stretched and pointed, bend to touch your toes, flexing your toes up at same time, push your chest down to your knees. Return to the upright position, pulling your shoulders back, lifting your diaphragm and pulling in your stomach muscles. Breathe in as you pull up and breathe out as you bend to touch your toes, flexing feet up. Repeat 10 times. Increase the repetition gradually.

10. Stand and jump feet apart, at the same time clap your hands overhead (as your feet are apart), then bring your feet back together again, at the same time bringing your hands down to your side. Do this exercise 30 times gradually working up to 100 (counting clap overhead as one and down by your side as two).

When you have completed your exercise, breathe in deeply lifting your arms high overhead and stretch, then bend forward and flop arms down to dangle near floor, breathing out, repeat this three or four times breathing deeply and forcefully expelling the air.

As you feel comfortable with each exercise, you should gradually increase the number of each task.

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Bodybuilding Workout Tips For Fast Results

If you want fast results with your bodybuilding, then see these tips here that will let you get big muscles easily. We all want results, but we all don’t know how to get them. If you’re new to building muscle, then pay attention as we look at 3 top tips.

1. Do it the natural way

A natural approach to structuring a bodybuilding and muscle workout will require sound eating and fitness practices. Having a diet of low fat and high protein is important in this discipline and far from achieving a hulking mass the goal of this types of routines is getting lean, healthy, and capable physique. This means that your muscle is built naturally, and is safe and healthy.

2. Supplements are optional, but can help

Extravagant supplements are not needed. What you can take are, optionally, whey protein shakes if your protein intake is low, or if you prefer to boost your results a bit. Also vitamins may be utilized to healp you recover and to ensure that you’re not deficient in any nutrients. They are good for general health as well as for bodybuilders.

3. Use a workout with adequate weights

In terms of workouts the natural approach uses bodybuilding routines to get a ripped body that uses adequate weights. Too little means no growth, too much means possible risk of injuries. You are not looking to beat weight records and so are not putting tremendous stress on their joints. When the weights are right, your muscles get a workout that feels just right.

For those interested in developing a fitness regimen, think about bodybuilding routines that you can get online as ebooks. They are helpful in that they are written by experienced muscle builders and they have a ton of testimonials to show that they work. So combine these 3 tips for maximum effects with your workouts. When you see results, you’ll be inspired to keep up your efforts to achieve all your bodybuilding goals.

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