Archive | Workouts & Routines

Workout Routines For Women

Workout Routines For Women Who Don’t Normally Exercise

If you are deciding to start a new workout program, it is important for you to know that there are good and bad workout routines for women. When you start to research the best routine for you, you will have to keep in mind that there is no one workout routine that is best for everybody. Everyone is at a different beginning fitness level and the results that are wanted are also not always the same for everyone. If you aren’t currently involved in a workout program, it might be hard for you to get into your new routine.

Checking with your Doctor

Going to your doctor and discussing your new workout routine with him and what you want to get out of it isn’t always necessary. It is always a good idea to get a professional opinion especially if you currently aren’t very active. Consulting with your doctor will also help you understand what fitness level you are currently at and allow you to set more realistic goals for your progress. Along with learning where you are at currently it will also help to motivate you to be a better you, by helping you see just where you should be fitness wise. After you have been on your routine for a while, your initial visit to the doctor will also give you something to compare your results to. A trip to the doctor is absolutely necessary if you have any kind of chronic health condition, or any symptoms that could interfere with your physical activity.

How To Make Time For Your Workout

Workout routines for women who aren’t already in the habit of exercising may think that it will take up too much time. The fact of the matter is that anything that you do more than usual will help your body transform for the better. It could be as little as 10 minutes a day at first. After sometime passes you will find that it is easy to work in a 10 minute workout, and you can try to install multiple workout sessions through out your day. Your workout could be anything from walking to the grocery store rather than driving. Deciding to get out and rake the yard, shovel your sidewalk in the winter, or ever go take a walk through the mall on your day off. Like said before anything will help, it doesn’t have to be the most grueling workout routine to get any kind of results.

Pushing Your Body

As you start your workout routine, you may find that it is too hard for your body to workout for long periods of time on end. That is OK! Try to do short workouts more periodically. What you don’t want to do is push your body too hard, and stop doing your workout routine. You may find that your muscles will get sore but you can still get a good workout in the next day. Just focus your training on a different group of muscles. If you are getting tired and sore, you must be doing something right. If you are pushing your body than you are going to get tired, and that will lead to results. Make sure that if something isn’t feeling right that you go and consult your doctor before more damage is done to the body. Workout routines for women who don’t normally workout will be challenging, but you can be flexible with your workouts. Each day you will be able to push yourself a little harder than the day before. Do anything you can to stay motivated and you will achieve the results that you are looking for.

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Exercise Workout Tips – How To Get In Shape Without Quitting Your Job

Most people know how important exercise is to a healthy lifestyle. By exercising regularly, you can lose excess weight, tone muscles and defeat depression. However, if you work 40 or more hours a week, finding time to exercise can be challenging. If you want to exercise more regularly, the first thing you have to do is make room in your schedule. No matter how many hours you work, you can find time to exercise daily.

Often, finding time to exercise is a matter of re-prioritizing the things you do when you aren’t working. Many people come home from work and immediately turn on the television or grab a beer out of the fridge. While it’s important to relax after work, you probably could use some of your down time more productively. For example, instead of watching TV from your favorite easy chair, you could walk in place or use an exercise machine during commercials or even during your favorite show.

Even if you don’t want to give up your relaxation time, you need to make the decision that you want to exercise daily and stick to it. Whether it means getting up half an hour earlier so that you can hit the gym, cutting out some TV time in the evening or exercising during your lunch hour, you can find the time to exercise if you are willing to sacrifice some of the time you spend doing other things.

In addition to finding time to exercise, you might need to rearrange your meal schedule. Many people rush out the door without eating breakfast and grab fast food for lunch. These unhealthy habits can defeat your fitness program before you’ve even begun it. Along with making exercise a priority in your life, you need to make healthy eating a priority. Breakfast is particularly important because eating in the morning stabilizes your metabolism for the rest of the day. If you don’t eat breakfast, you are more likely to overeat throughout the day and won’t do your best work in the morning because your body lacks vitamins and nutrients.

You may not have time to eat a full breakfast every morning, but that shouldn’t stop you from having breakfast. Instead of grabbing a donut from the break room when you get to work, try baking muffins the night before and eating one as you head out the door. Fruit bars are also a good, nutritious way to start the day if you don’t have a lot of time. If you can spare a few minutes, you might also want to try instant oatmeal or cold cereal.

In addition to eating breakfast, make sure you eat a healthy lunch. Most fast food is loaded with fat and calories. Also, fast food is more expensive than you may realize; eating out can easily cost you $20 or more per week. So you should pack a more nutritious lunch instead of stopping by your favorite hamburger place. Salads and fruit are good lunch choices. You can also pack a sandwich. Along with your lunch, pack a bunch of grapes or a couple of pieces of string cheese to have as a mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack if your energy starts to dip.

If you think you don’t have time to work out, then you need to spend a few minutes rearranging your calendar. As the tips above illustrate, you can always make time to work out; it’s a matter of deciding how important it is to you. Taking a few minutes each day to take care of your health will leave you feeling happier and make you a more productive worker.

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Fat Loss Bodyweight Workouts

Fat loss workouts are the most popular types of workouts. Around 80% of people that go to the gym go there for fat loss purposes but skip a very important step in their fat loss efforts. You see doing cardio and going to the gym is fine but why not perform a fat loss bodyweight workout ? I mean why totally ignore your own bodyweight and go to the gym to sit on a machine and train? It doesn’t make sense.

There are numerous advantages to fat loss bodyweight workouts. For starters, they increase your metabolism more than any other exercise since they force your body to master its own weight before progressing. It’s great to go to the gym and lift weights but if your body can’t manage your own bodyweight then your movement with weights will be awkward and not fully work each muscle group. Here are some other advantages to fat loss bodyweight workout routines.

-Joint health. Healthy joints mean that you can train harder and train longer, which means you’ll increase your metabolism.

-They can be done anywhere even in the comfort of your own home. So after your workout or if you missed one, you can go to your basement and burn fat.

-They can be as hard as you want them to be. When you train with weights you are limited by how much weight you can use safely. There comes a point where heavy weight feels uncomfortable. You can increase the intensity of your fat loss bodyweight workouts endlessly.

Here’s what a good fat loss bodyweight workout would look like.

-You’d start with a warm up of squats, lunges and push-ups for 2 sets of 12 reps.

-Your first four exercises would be done in a row without rest. Here’s a good example

Jump squats


Russian Twists

Close Grip Push-ups

Do all of these for 4 sets of 15 reps and rest for 30 seconds

-Your next four exercises would be

Spider man push-ups

Side Lunges


Single Leg Deadlifts

Do all of these for 3 sets of 12 reps and rest for 30 seconds

Not easy right? Fat loss bodyweight workouts are the ultimate way to raise your metabolism.

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Cardio – How to Choose the Best Cardio Program For You

Cardio is the one type of workout you can do that has the maximum number of benefits for your body and overall health.  While there are many activities that fall under the definition of cardio, you should first understand what it is and why it is so important.

Cardio (a.k.a. cardiovascular exercise) is any type of activity that raises your heart rate to a certain level and keeps it there for a recommended duration of time.  This heart rate is called your target heart rate level and is easily calculated using and online target heart rate calculator or chart.  The key during cardio is to keep your heart rate up but still be able to carry on with conversation.

Measure Your Heart Rate

Understanding your target heart rate will help you be as effective as possible in cardio workouts.  Once you have this valued number you can monitor it and adjust your intensity during exercise to keep within the appropriate range. 

The easiest way to monitor your heart rate is to check your pulse.  With your fingers located under your jawbone, count your heartbeats, beginning with zero for the first beat, for ten seconds.  Multiply this number by 6 and you have your current heart rate.  Does it match your target number or do you need to slow down or speed up?

The Benefits Of Cardio

While many people choose to begin a cardio program for its ability to help them lose weight and look better in a bathing suit, there are more reasons cardio is good for you:

  • It strengthens your heart and makes it more effective and less stressed when pumping blood.
  • It increases lung capacity so your whole body gets more oxygen, which is good for generating new cells and blood.
  • It provides a reduced risk for heart attack, heart disease, high blood pressure, and even diabetes.
  • It helps you get better quality sleep and relieves stress.

Choosing The Best Cardio Program

Of course the best exercise for you is the kind you will stick with.  So first choose something you enjoy.  You don’t have to join a fitness club with fancy complicated machines in order to get an effective cardio workout, unless you want to, of course. 

Options for cardio outside the gym include walking/jogging and aerobic type DVDs that you can do at home. 

At the gym, you can use the treadmill, bicycle, stair stepper, or elliptical machine.  You also have the option of signing up for classes like cycling, aerobics, tae-bo, and more; which might be a good decision for you is you need the accountability and motivation to stay on track.

If you have decided to begin your cardio workouts on your own, without an instructor then here is some additional information.

  1. Push yourself enough to get a good workout, but not so much that you injure yourself.  It might take you two to three weeks to be able to complete a cardio session.  That’s okay; congratulate yourself on the small steps.
  2. Recommended minimum workout length and frequency is 30 minutes for 3-5 days a week.  So start slow and work your way up.  If you can only maintain your target heart rate for 10 minutes, at least finish the 30 minute period with low intensity exercise.  The next time you can set a goal to maintain your target heart rate for 12 to 15 minutes, and so on until you are able to maintain you target heart rate for 30 minutes or more.  
  3. Invest in some good shoes with proper support and nonrestrictive clothing that you can move in.  While it is not a fashion show, you should feel confident and comfortable when working out.
  4. Finally, don’t forget to stretch thoroughly before and after each session.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to get the most out of your cardio workouts.

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Fitness – How to Workout at Work – 10 Tips

How do you find time for fitness during the work hours? Look for opportunities to workout at work by periodically exercising throughout your work day. Following are 10 tips for fitting in physical activity while on the job:

1. Walk or bike to work.

If possible, make the most of your commute by walking or biking to work. If you ride the bus, get off a few blocks early and walk the rest of the way. If you must drive, park far away to get in a quick walk.

2. Take the stairs.

If you have a meeting on another floor, get off the elevator a few floors early and use the stairs, or skip the elevator entirely. Use the restroom on another floor and take the stairs.

3. Schedule fitness breaks.

Take a short walk instead of hanging out in the lounge with coffee or a snack.

4. Start a lunchtime walking group.

Find some co-workers to walk with during lunch breaks. A regular exercise routine and the support of your co-workers may help you stick with the program.

5. Block off time on your calendar.

Schedule physical activity as you would any other appointment during the day. Don’t change your exercise plans for every interruption that comes along. Remind yourself that physical activity is important, too.

6. Plan ahead for work travel.

Bring your jump rope or choose a hotel that has a fitness facility. While waiting for a plane, grab your bags and take a walk.

7. Sit on an exercise ball instead of a chair.

This will strengthen your abs and back. You’ll work on your posture without even trying.

8. Set goals.

Use a pedometer to track the number of steps you take every day. Set new goals every week or so such as 5,000 steps then 6,000 steps, etc.

9. Use your headset.

Instead of sitting idle at a desk talking on the phone, walk and talk with a headset on.

10. Head to the mall for lunch.

Park far away and eat something healthy. After lunch, go for a quick walk around the mall.

Any movement is better than none, so be creative. By adding short bouts of exercise to your daily routine, you’ll burn more calories and will reduce stress.

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Schwin Airdyne – Workout Tips

Look, I’ve ridden a Schwin Airdyne for twenty plus years. This may be the most rugged exercise machine ever. It’s fun to use and a great way to get a workout right at home. Here are several tips to help you keep pedaling and get in shape… or stay in shape.

Tip 1 – What’s the plan?

Take the time to decide what you hope to accomplish. It needs to be more specific than “get in shape.” How about a weight loss goal? Maybe you want to prepare for a sport. That means you may need to spend so many hours on the machine. Just set specific, measurable goals.

Tip 2 – Unwritten goals are called wishes.

Only around 3 percent of adults have written goals. Guess what? Those are the people who accomplish things. Write out some goals and get started. Track how you’re doing too.

Tip 3 – When will you do it?

Put a time to your goals and drive to reach the goal. Tomorrow never comes. Put a time down and make it happen.

Tip 4 – Ride today.

Schwinn stationary bikes are ready to go any time. Whether it’s day or night, hot or cold, the time to start is now. No matter what shape you’re in, once you have those written goals, you can start this very day. Get going now…

Tip 5 – Just a few minutes is all it takes.

Doing some riding regularly is the key. A twenty minute workout is a great way to start. You can just hop on and pedal away. Or you can do intervals. That’s as easy as just pedaling hard for a minute or so, then easier for a bit. You can make workouts more complex as you go along. The important part is to just get started. The sooner the better too.

A Schwin Airdyne is the perfect machine to use to get in shape. It will only work though if you get on and pedal. Set some goals. Then write them down and get going today.

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Body Fat Reduction Exercises – A 20 Minute Workout Designed to Burn Fat Fast

When you’re pressed for time – or when you have all the time in the world but just don’t feel like spending it in the gym – having a few quick, easy to implement fat workouts at your disposal will certainly come in handy. While on the topic, I feel as though I should state that there’s no such thing as chest fat workouts or thigh fat workouts. There’s exists no arm fat workouts or even belly fat workouts for that matter. What I’m trying to get at here is the fact that you can’t spot reduce.

What I mean by that is you can’t pick a specific area that you’re unhappy with design fat workouts specifically for that region. I’ve been working as a personal trainer for over a decade now and I’ve literally had countless clients asked me to design belly fat workouts or thigh fat workouts – which is perhaps the most popular request amongst my female clients. All you can really do is create a calorie deficit via your eating habits (calorie input) and your exercise routine (controlled calorie output). If you’re eating right and exercising properly, you’ll shed that unwanted fat, but not just from your thighs or just from your belly – you’ll lose it from everywhere. No complains there, right? I didn’t think so!

So, that being said, here’s a fat-blasting, total body workout that can be done when you’re pressed for time. Some of the movements may be advanced but don’t worry, there’s variations for each that beginners can do. Without further ado, the program..

Body Fat Reduction Exercises #1 – Bench Step Ups

Bench step ups are a great way to tone the lower body while working on your cardio as well. The difficulty of the exercise can be increased by holding dumbbells and taking it once step further, you can perform bicep curls atop the bench before you begin the next repetition.

– Perform 3 sets of 30 repetitions

– Rest 1 minute between sets

Body Fat Reduction Exercises #2 – Dumbbell Squats with Overhead Press

For this movement, you’re going to perform squats while holding dumbbells at shoulder level. Once you extend your legs and drive upwards, you then press the dumbbells overhead.

– Perform 3 sets of 20 repetitions

– Rest 1 minute between sets

Body Fat Reduction Exercises #3 – Drop Sets on Assisted Pull Up Machine

“Drop sets” are when you hit fatigue with the weight your using so you lighten the load in order to perform additional repetitions. This is a great way to not only exhaust the muscles but also, drops sets will increase blood lactate levels – which will in term stimulate the release of growth hormone. Growth hormone (GH) then stimulates the release of fatty acids into the mitochondria for oxidation. In other words – you’ll burn more fat.

– Perform 10 repetitions then lighten the load

– Perform 10 more repetitions then lighten the load again

– Perform 10 more repetitions than once again lighten the load

– Repeat this process 3 times while giving yourself 90 seconds to rest between circuits

Body Fat Reduction Exercises #4 – Push Ups

Push ups have always been a staple in burning fat workouts and this is no exception.

– Perform 3 sets of as many repetitions as you can

– Rest 30 seconds between each set

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Fat Loss Workouts for a Busy Gym

Gyms are busy. Too busy. And it is always busiest when you settle in for your fat loss workout with its awesome fat-blasting supersets.

I know it drives you nuts when you are trying to pair lunges and presses while someone is taking up valuable workout space chatting or doing some pointless fluff exercise. Why can’t they just get out of your way and let you finish your super effective TT workout?

Crowded gyms are such a big problem that I designed the following TT workout that helps you perform my trademark “noncompeting” supersets – the most effective way to lift for fat loss – without letting anyone get in your way. This new version of TT lets you get it done right, even in a busy gym.

The secret to this workout is the pairing of two exercises that can be done at the same bench and often with the same weights. So you won’t lose your spot between exercises. Camp out in your little area, work hard, and you’ll get lean and lose fat faster than ever.

NOTE: This workout originally ran in Men’s Fitness magazine, but I’ve actually improved the workout just for you!

Workout Guidelines

· Workout 3 days per week alternating between workouts A & B. Rest 1 day between sessions.

· In week 1, you will follow an A, B, A schedule. In week 2, a B, A, B schedule. In week 3, an A, B, A schedule, and in week 4, a B, A, B schedule.

· Each pair of exercises constitutes a “Superset”. In each Superset, do one set of the first exercise followed immediately by the next (1A & 1B) and then repeat.

· Rest 1 minute after completing the exercises in the Superset (i.e. after 1A & 1B).

· Repeat each Superset until you’ve completed a total of three sets of each exercise in the pair, then move on to the next pair.

· Use a 2-0-1 lifting tempo for all exercises (except for any holding exercises like the plank). Take 2 seconds to lower the weight, pause briefly, and then take 1 second to lift the weight.

· Finish each workout with stretching for the tight muscle groups only.

· For full exercise descriptions and photos, see the Turbulence Training manual.


· If you are limited by time, reduce the number of sets in the workout, but always perform the full warm-up.

· Never skip a warm-up.

o Perform this circuit 2x’s using a 2-0-1 tempo:

– 10 reps of bodyweight squats or step-ups

– 20 seconds for the plank

– 8 reps of kneeling pushups or regular pushups

– 10 reps of inverted bodyweight rowing exercise or band pull

– Perform 2 warm-up sets for each exercise in the first Superset.

– 1 set of 8 reps with 50% of the weight you will use in your “real” sets.

– 1 set of 8 reps with 75% of the weight you will use in your “real” sets.

Turbulence Training Interval Training Guidelines

· Research has shown that interval training is very effective for fat loss.

· It is recommended that the stationary cycle be used for interval training because it allows for an easy transition between work and recovery.

· Finish each interval workout with stretching for the tight muscle groups only.

Beginner Interval Workout:

· Warm-up for 5-minutes.

· Perform an interval by exercising for 30 seconds at a hard pace (at a subjective 7/10 level of intensity) – i.e. fast walking.

· Follow that with “active rest” for 90 seconds by exercising at a slow pace (at a subjective 3/10 level of intensity) – i.e. slow walking.

· Repeat for 3-6 interval repetitions. Finish with 5-10 minutes of moderate intensity exercise for a cool-down at a 4/10 level of intensity.

Advanced Interval Workout

· Warm-up for 5-10 minutes.

· Perform an interval by exercising for 30 seconds at a very hard pace (at a subjective 9/10 level of intensity).

· Follow that with “active rest” for 60 seconds by exercising at a slow pace (at a subjective 3/10 level of intensity).

· Repeat for 3-6 interval repetitions. Finish with 5-10 minutes of moderate intensity exercise for a cool-down at a 4/10 level of intensity.

Workout A

1A) Wide-stance Squat (8 reps)

– Set your feet 4-6 inches wider than shoulder width, your toes pointed forward.

– This superset works best if performed in a squat rack that also has a chin-up bar.

1B) Chin-ups (6 reps)

– If this is too hard, perform a Reverse-grip Lat Pulldown.

– Rest 1 minute and then go back to Squats.

– Do this Superset 3 times and then move on to the next Superset.

2A) Barbell Step-ups (8 reps per leg)

– Use a step that’s high enough so that your knee is bent 90 degrees.

– If you have to use DB’s for the step-ups, take an extra 30 seconds rest when going from the step-ups to the rows.

2B) DB or Barbell Row (8 reps)

– Keep your lower back naturally arched.

– Rest 1 minute and then go back to Step-ups.

– Do this Superset 3 times and then move on to the next Superset.

3A) Side Plank (5 reps per side)

– Contract and brace your abs for 10 seconds per repetition while keeping your body in a straight line.

3B) Stability Ball Jackknife (12 reps)

– Rest 30 seconds and then go back to Side Plank.

– Do this Superset 3 times and then go to the Intervals.

Workout B

1A) Low-Incline DB Chest Press (8 reps)

– Set the incline to one notch above the flat-bench position.

1B) DB or Barbell Romanian Deadlift (8 reps)

– Keep your lower back naturally arched for the entire movement.

– Rest 1 minute and then go back to 1A.

– Do this Superset 3 times and then move on to the next Superset.

2A) DB Close-grip Chest Press (8 reps)

– Push the dumbbells straight up, not together.

2B) DB Rear-deltoid Lateral Raise (8 reps)

– Keep a tight arch in lower back and lean forward as far as possible.

– Perform this exercise extra slowly so that you don’t use momentum.

– Rest 1 minute and then go back to 2A.

– Do this Superset 3 times and then move on to the next Superset.

3A) Elevated Push-up (12 reps per side)

– Place one hand on a 4-inch step or box and lower your body as far as possible.

3B) Stability Ball Rollout (15 reps)

– Keep your body in a straight line at all times–don’t allow your back to round or bend backward.

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Fitness Routines at Home

As soon as you consider that you would like to begin doing exercises at your home, you should learn a workout program designed for it. Home fitness workouts are very important in case you are seriously interested in exercising. In case you create a simple routine and stick to it you will get better shape as well as become much healthier. Additionally, in case you get workout equipment but do not really follow any specific routine you will be less likely using it, which in turn would certainly be a waste of cash and space of your house.

Fitness workout routines may be very simple, such as walking on your own cardio equipment for some time on a daily basis, or maybe using your home fitness device on particular days every week. If you prefer a more difficult program which requires various equipment as well as workout routines, but you may not be sure how to start, you can actually speak with a fitness specialist and discover an excellent routine to suit your needs. In addition there are many internet sites that can assist you with a good work out that actually works along with your expertise as well as requirements.

There are lots of home fitness programs on the web which range in complexity, and could be applied using either fitness equipment or not. In case you do not own any kind of fitness equipment, and would like to perform physical exercises such as sit ups, crunches as well as push ups, there are many routines created for these workouts. Should you own home fitness equipment, but are unsure how to start, it is possible to learn a routine using a fitness instructor, or you might look for a list of exercises for this specific machine online.

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What Is the Best Workout Routine?

For best workout routine results it takes as long as 4 days unless you are wanting to target certain muscle that lacks. Then you can throw an extra day on it.

You can put your workout days in any order you would like. I just have mine in this order because I like to get my harder workouts done in the beginning of the week that way when you start to wear down a little towards the end of the week you only have your easier workouts left.

One thing that anybody with fitness experience will tell you, is that you will not always have energy. There will be plenty of days that you will want to talk yourself out of working out. My best advice is for you to go to your nearest Vitamin Shoppe or Smoothie Factory close by and go ahead and get your pre workout drink. You will learn to keep this close by your weekly workout routines.

Level– Beginner to Advanced

Approx. workout time– 30 mins to 1 1/2 hours.

Days a week– 4 to 5

Always start with your warm ups and stretches… There’s nothing worse than sitting at home with a pulled or strained muscle because you didn’t warm up properly. Not only that but its mentally draining to sit at home watching weeks of your workout program go to waste. Grab about 1/4 to a 1/3 of the weight that you will start your workout with. Perform a couple sets of hammer curls or cable curls, 15 to 20 reps to get the blood flowing and the muscles warmed up. If you need a little boost, I find that a mp3 player or i pod definitely does the trick. With the right workout music you can bring a little extra push and effort with your routine.

Type of Workout

Fat Shred and Tone Up

20, 18, 15 Rep-Count

20 secs to none at all Rest Between Sets

1 1/2 to 2 mins Rest Between Exercises

Muscle Gain

12, 10, 8 Rep-Count

45 secs to 90 secs Rest Between Sets

2 to 3 mins Rest Between Exercises

Strength Gain

6, 4, 2 Rep-Count

1 to 2 min Rest Between Sets

2 to 4 mins Rest Between Exercises

*3 sets of each exercise listed below except cardio and abs


Legs, Calves, Cardio:

-Lunges 3X Sets

-Leg Press or Squats

-Leg Extensions

-Leg Curls

-15-30 Min. of Cardio- Treadmills, elliptical, bicycle

-4 to 6 sets of calves on the calf machine 10 to 15 reps


Chest, Triceps, Abs:

-Flat Bench Press

-Dumbbell Incline Bench Press

-Dumbbell Decline Bench Press

-Dumbbell Flyes or Peck Deck

-Cable Tricep Pushdowns

-Tricep Dips

-Skull Crushers Abs 6X Sets of 20 or more reps

-Decline Bench Crunches 2X sets

-Medicine ball Sit Ups 2X sets

-Hanging Knee Raises 2X sets


Back and Biceps:

-Lat Pulldowns

-Seated Row

-Bent Over Reverse Dumbbell Flyes

-Preacher Curls

-Hammer Curls

-Reverse Curl


Shoulders, Traps, Abs:

-Shoulder Press

-Front Raises

-Lateral Raises


Just stick with your workout plan and make it fun. There’s no secret workouts you can do. It all depends on the details of how your doing it. These are the most effective workout routines for men or women. For a more detailed ab workout routine click the link below. If you can ever see your first set of results it will become so addicting you’ll find yourself setting your schedule around your workout routine instead of trying to find time in your schedule to workout.

Remember, working out is only half the work needed to build the body you want. A very important factor for the best workout routine is your daily intake and post workout meal. Its like driving your race car week after week in races and never changing the oil. It can be done without it but it will eventually catch up to you with slow results or cause your improvement to plateau. Your post workout meal is what will feed your muscles which speed up the fat burning process. It gives you much more energy to push your drive to get back in the gym the next day and be 100% ready.

Stick with this for several weeks and it will quickly become your best workout routine, but remember to change your routine every 4 to 6 weeks to keep your muscles confused.

For help with any of the information in the article above please visit the link below.

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