Archive | Workouts & Routines

Ab Workout for Men – Basic Workout Tips

Every guy wants great abs. That’s no secret. The problem is that everyone has a different idea about what is the best ab workout for men. When you’re looking to buff up your abs and show off your muscles, you have to find the right moves. Toning and shaping your core isn’t easy, but it doesn’t have to be rocket science. Dead lifts are a great workout tool for your back and abs, which is something that a lot of people don’t realize. These lifts will help tone your lower back and give you abs of steel at the same time because of how they pull the muscles and make them work.

Planks are one of the must-haves on any ab workout for men. A plank is when you start on your stomach and bring yourself up into a push up position. However, you don’t go down. Simply hold the position for 30-60 seconds, and then slowly let yourself down. Repeat this 3-5 times for the best results. It might not seem that hard at first, but this position requires you to hold still and use all of your core muscles to keep things where they belong, which is why it is so effective.

Crunches and bicycle crunches are two more staples in an ab workout for men. These work the upper and lower abs, as well as your oblique muscles. You will get great results from these two exercises when you are focused on form and doing them properly. Don’t speed through 100 crunches. Instead, do just a few and do them slowly so that you can feel the burn and put the muscles under more stress. There is a lot that comes from these two basic exercises, but you have to do them correctly if you want them to work.

Everyone thinks that they know the best ab workout for men, but the truth is that you might find something that works better for you than everyone else. Figure out what you like, what gives you results, and then go from there. There is no right or wrong way to get a great ab workout as long as you are choosing exercises that actually produce results like the ones listed here. If you find other moves that are effective, add them to your routine as well. In no time at all, you can have great abs with the right workouts.

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Exercises and Workouts – How To Progress Your Cardio Workout Routine

Has your cardio routine become stale? If you feel as though your cardio routine just isn’t delivering the result it used to, it could very well be because you have progressed to a level where the cardio routine you are doing no longer challenges you. This means it’s a great time to kick things up a notch, taking your cardio routine to the next level. Remember you need to be continually adjusting and adapting your workout program if you hope to see ongoing results.

So how can you best progress your cardio training? Let’s look at a few ways…

1. Add More Duration. First, consider adding more total cardio time to your workout sessions. If you were going for 30 minutes, aim for 33 to 35 minutes next session. Just don’t increase your cardio time by any more than 10 to 15% per workout.

This will allow your body to best adapt and ensure you don’t suffer from an injury or burnout.

2. Up The Intensity. Next, you can also increase the intensity of your cardio workout routine. If you have not yet tried interval training, this will likely be the route you want to go. Few exercises will challenge your body as much as high intensity intervals, so it can be a great pick for those who really want to set the bar higher.

Just note moving to this form of workout is going to be more taxing on your entire body, so you’ll only want to do it once to twice per week. Especially if you are doing other strength training workouts along with this – you’ll want to ensure you only have four intense workouts per week. Keep in mind there’s a fine line between the level of intensity you choose and overtraining.

3. Increase The Frequency. Finally, the last way you can progress your cardio workout routine is to increase the frequency in which you are doing your workouts.

If you were exercising just three times per week, aim to add a fourth session in there. Just remember you do always need at least one day off from all exercise every week to allow for full rest and recovery.

Furthermore, you need to ensure your cardio workouts do balance out with the rest of the workouts in your plan or you could start suffering from overuse injuries.

So keep these three methods of progression in mind. Only use one at a time, choosing which you prefer to progress with first.

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Best Workout Routine

Thank you for reading Best Workout Routine. There’s a maxim known as Pareto’s Principle, more commonly referred to as the 80/20 principle. In a nutshell it means that 80% of your benefits comes out of just 20% of your work. Thus if you had only a few minutes a day to dedicate to your health and fitness, there could be three or four exercises that will deliver a full body workout. I’m not saying anyone abandon your full length routine for this. But if you are hard pressed for time, these would become the best exercise plan to perform. By varying these 3 exercises, you can hit nearly every muscle around your body. This is the best workout routine when you’re busy.

Push Ups.

Pushups have existed for more than a century, They were used by the armed forces after The second world war. It seems that Push ups are one of the very first activities we learn, but then quickly neglect.

What push ups work.

Push-ups efficiently work the Chest, Triceps, Shoulders, and Ab muscles.

How to do a standard push up.

Start out on your hands and knees. Set the hands palms down on the floor directly underneath your shoulders. Extend your legs away with your feet together and your toes touching the ground. Maintain your body as straight as possible. Bend the elbows and slowly move all the way down till the upper body is close to the floor then push back up. That is a regular push up. It exercises both the chest and the triceps.


There looks to be plenty of variations of the push up. I will only name a handful here, but if you search you can discover more.

1. Elevated pushup. This is the same as a standard pushup except your feet are sitting on an item raising them off the ground. The more you raise your lower limbs the more bodyweight you will lift. Raised push ups also adjust the focus to your upper chest along with shoulders.

2. Wide grip pushup. It’s simillar to a regular push-up except you move your hand out wider than shoulder distant a part. The larger grip applies more work on your chest muscles and less on your arms.

3. Diamond pushup. Now take your hands and set them together so your index fingers and your thumbs form a diamond. (This is also known as a heart to heart pushup since your hands make a upside down heart). Have your hands and wrists immediately beneath your chest and place your feet roughly shoulder width a part. These will hit your triceps more than your chest.

If push-ups are too difficult.

Elevate your upper body. this will be the opposite of the elevated push-up. Keep your toes on the ground and position your chest on a bench. The more you lift your upper body the less difficult it gets. You could perform these against a wall if you have to.

Raising the Intensity.

1. Plyometrics. You can increase the intensity of any one of the different types of push-up through exploding off the floor as hard as you can. Try throwing your chest and arms off the surface each and every time you push up.

2. Hand stand push-up. It is done by doing a hand stand near a wall (roughly a ft. away). Next having your feet in contact with the wall for stability. Go down until your scalp touches the floor and then push back upward. This works primarily your shoulders and triceps.

Pull Ups.

Pullups have always been one of my personal favored exercises. I recall in school, I was not the strongest child, but I could do the most pull ups (i had been a thin kid), I was always proud of that.

What pull-ups work.

Pull-ups really are the best workout routine for the upper back out there, they also work biceps and forearms pretty well.

How to do a standard pullup.

You need a pullup rod. Grip the bar with the palms facing away from you. palms should be shoulder width or just a little farther a part. Hang from the rod with your arms straight or slightly bent. Then draw oneself upwards till your chin is above the bar. Next slowly lower your self in a controlled manner to the starting position.


Once again there are a bunch of versions of the pull-up, however i will only highlight a few here.

1. Chin up. Chin ups are just like pull ups but you grab the rod with your palms facing toward you. You typically use a closer grip than a normal pull-up. Chin-ups work your biceps more than ordinary pullups.

2. Close grip pullups. Just like a regular pull up but your hands can be very close to one another. These will work your biceps more than your back.

3. Wide grip pull ups. It is similar to a standard pull up, but you grab the bar around 6 inches wider than your shoulders. Wide grip pull-ups work your upper back muscles more than a common pull up.

If pullups are too difficult.

1. Assisted pull up machine. If you belong to a gym it very likely contains one of these machines. They offer a push to help you to do pull ups. The greater weight you put the less difficult it is. Thus as an example if you happen to be two hundred lbs and you choose fifty pounds of weight on the machine. You will be lifting one hundred and fifty lbs. of your own bodyweight.

3. Lateral pull-downs. This isn’t a pull-up, however it is something a person can perform to increase your own muscle in your upper back. This may be carried out using the lat pull down machine, or even with resistance bands. This movement is similar to pullups and works exactly the same muscles.

Raising the intensity.

1. Weighted pull-ups. Add weight to the pull ups to build up the difficulty.

2. Muscle ups. To do a muscle-up you have to pull-up hard and fast and bring your chest above the rod. When you finish off the rod has to stop at your hips.


I do not mind push ups, and I seriously love pull-ups, but I despise squats. but they happen to be the best workout routine for the lower body. I loathe these because they are so effective. After I finish doing a tough set of squats I feel like I cant walk.

What squats work.

Squats work your lower back, your butt, and the rest of your leg muscles (hamstrings, quadriceps, and calves).

How to do a standard squat.

Stand up with your feet shoulder width a part and set your arms straight out ahead of yourself. Squat down bend at the knees and hips. Hold your bodyweight on the heels only use the rest of your foot for stability. Go down to where the upper thighs are parallel with the flooring, then drive back upward until your lower limbs are just about straight. For safety always perform heavy squats with a power rack. When starting out use very little or no weight until you feel secure with the movements.


1. Front Squat. It is very similar to the common squat other than you carry the barbell with the front of your shoulders. This is harder so you may have to lower the weight. This may also make it possible for you to go lower a lot more than the normal squat.

2. Sumo Squat. This is completed like a standard squat other than your lower limbs will be spread farther a part and the toes are directed outwards.

If squats are too difficult.

1. Place a bench beneath you. If you feel unstable put a chair or bench so that when you arrive at your lowest position your bottom barely touches the stool and thrust back up.

2. Leg Press. When squats are too hard you can begin doing lower-leg presses with a nautilus machine.

Stepping up the intensity.

1. Overhead squat. This is just like a conventional squat but you hold the bar right above your head. It will need you to drastically lessen the weight, but this activity engages your whole body for balance.

2. One leg squat. This is tricky since they’ll need a whole lot of balance. Take a position on a single leg with the other leg raised and somewhat ahead of you. Squat upon a single leg and press back up.

Some final thoughts

Final Thought

The best workout routine in my opinion is a few key exercises that target a whole lot of muscles in the body. I believe a few variations of these three exercises works the most efficiently.

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Bodybuilding Workout Routines – Workout Tips For Bodybuilders

In a previous article I wrote about four bodybuilding workout routines to augment your current workouts. This article will expand on that and discuss three more basic workout techniques that every bodybuilder should know and use in their regiment. These include twenty-ones, forced reps, and super sets.

1. Twenty-Ones – this is a great technique that will stimulate muscle fibers that may be underworked with a traditional repetition. So if you feel a portion of a muscle group is lagging behind the definitely use this technique. The technique basically involves performing 21 one repetitions of the same exercise for the same muscle group. You will perform 7 reps in the early range, 7 at the top range and 7 through full range of motion.

Let’s look at the bench press. You would start with the bar on your chest. Lift the weight to mid-position. Do this 7 times. Then lift the weight so your arms are near fully extended. Lower the weight to mid position and push to the top of the motion. Perform this 7 times. Lastly, lower the weight to your chest and perform 7 reps through full range of motion. Best to use a spotter for this one as you can fatigue quickly and easily when using the right weight.

2. Forced Reps – another great technique to fatigue your muscle fibers. This technique can fully exhaust your muscles to the point where it will be difficult to move only under your own weight. Best done last in your workouts. You’ll need a training partner. You perform the exercise in the normal fashion for as many reps as you can do. When you can’t lift the weight anymore your partner helps you just enough to complete the rep. Continue this until your partner has to take most of the load. When this happens you know you have fatigued your muscles fully.

3. Super Sets – this bodybuilding workout routines technique is used to work opposing muscle groups. You perform super sets by doing two exercises for one muscle group and one exercise for the opposing group or vice versa. There is no rest in between sets. Only rest after the complete super set is done. We can stick with our chest example. The opposing muscle group to your chest are your back muscles. You would perform one set of flat bench press, followed by one set of bent over barbell rows followed by another flat bench set. Do these in a row without rest. When all three exercises are completed rest 2 to 3 minutes then repeat. You could substitute another chest exercise for the last set of flat bench press like incline bench or dumbbell presses. Don’t forget to mix it up even more by performing two back exercises and one chest exercise at your next workout.

There are many more bodybuilding tips available. This article covers 3 basic techniques including twenty ones, forced reps and super sets. Start using them by picking one or two techniques to incorporate each week for each muscle group. You will be surprised by the results.

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Bodybuilding Workouts

Don’t Stretch Your Routine

While you will be told by many that bodybuilding involves spending rigorous hours of training at the gym, it actually is not quite true. An hour a day is just about fine. Your bodybuilding workout routine should fall anywhere between 45 and 75 minutes. You can start with a shorter routine but work your way up over time. However, you should understand that the amount of time you put in the gym is not directly proportional to the amount of lean muscle mass that you gather. When we exercise our bodies release muscle building and fat burning hormones such as testosterone. However the level of such hormones being released in our body sharply reduces after around 75 minutes. Pushing your body beyond that time would only mean that you are risking yourself to injury and not much else.

Don’t Relax

To many of you, 60 or 75 minutes of workout might sound a bit too little. But you must remember that you can gain significant time by cutting down on the rest you take between two sets of exercises. In fact, you should try to keep the rest period down to 90 seconds between two sets. There are quite a few positives if you do so. First of all, it allows you to have more time to finish your entire workout within the stipulated 60 or 75 minutes. Secondly, cutting down on the rest break improves your cardiovascular system greatly. It learns to handle more pressure and you make significant gains on your stamina. Thirdly, it has also been suggested that a training with very short rest breaks helps in stimulating the output of our growth hormones, crucial to build lean muscle mass.

Keep Things Under Control

Once you know for sure exactly what you are looking for through your bodybuilding workout routine you will decide on the number of repetitions that you need to do for each set. The general wisdom is that you should do at least 8-15 repetitions if you are only looking at gaining muscle mass. However, if you want that perfect body with every part of your body being exactly what it should be, then you will need to do anywhere between 15 and 25 repetitions of each set. There are quite a few advantages in doing repetitions of each set.

First of all, when you undertake to do so many repetitions it is obvious that you will be working with weights that you can handle. The result is that there is a far lesser chance of getting injured this way. With too heavy a weight you will not be able to do so many repetitions.

Secondly, with these numbers of repetitions you allow your muscles to receive the maximum amount of blood. When you are exercising the cardiovascular system springs into action and makes sure that there is enough blood reaching the parts which are under the most stress. Blood is sent to these parts to carry nutrients that are vital to nourish the muscle cells. The nutrients help the muscle cells to recover and aid them to grow bigger.

Thirdly, research has shown that performing bodybuilding exercises in these repetition ranges allows for the maximum fat loss and gain in muscle mass, the most important criteria for bodybuilding.

Add Variety

However good your bodybuilding workout routine is, you must add variations to it as otherwise not only will you get bored of it and lose focus, but it will also not help you in gaining muscle. With no muscle growth, the purpose of exercising is lost. So it is suggested that you change your routine after every 3-4 weeks. This way you will stay focused and will also gain on muscles.

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The Best Fat Loss Workout- Lose Fat Fast

Cardio exercise is not the fastest fat loss workout. In fact, in my weight loss workouts, we don’t use cardio at all. Instead, we focus on strength training to get more results in less time. Here’s how…

In order to lose fat fast, you need to choose the best exercises. Surprisingly, cardio is not the best. Not even close. Cardio just takes too much time and doesn’t deliver a better body. You are better off doing strength training to sculpt your muscles, and interval training to burn the fat. Fat burning is a misunderstood process. It doesn’t just happen during your workout. It happens all the time…so you need to boost your metabolism with strength and intervals to rev your body’s metabolism and burn fat all the time.

Here’s how to do the best, and fastest, fat loss workout.

First, we want to start with our time-saving general warmup. We use bodyweight exercises to improve mobility, and better prepare the muscles and the joints of the body for total body training than an inefficient warm-up method such as “walking on the treadmill”.

We’ll need to pick at least two exercises to train as many muscles as possible. I always choose a squat variation and a pushup variation – but rarely do I use just the basics. Do each exercise for about 10 reps, without resting between each, and then repeat 2-3 times. That takes 3-5 minutes.

Now we move on to the strength training portion, doing 2-3 supersets of multi-muscle movements. We also do 2 specific warmup sets for the exercises in superset #1.

Here’s how a workout might go…

Superset #1

1A) Squat exercise (8 reps)

move without rest to…

1B) Rowing exercise (8 reps)

Rest 1 minute and repeat the superset 2 more times.

2A) Hamstring focused exercise (8 reps)

move without rest to…

2B) Pressing exercise (8 reps)

Rest 1 minute and repeat the superset 2 more times.

If you are really rushed for time, that’s all the strength training needed. If you have extra time, you can add a third superset for torso training, more leg work, or more upper body work. Depends on what you need.

Then we finish with interval training. A full interval training workout needs about 18 minutes. Five minutes for warm-up, 6 intervals of 30-60 seconds alternating with 60-90 seconds of low-intensity activity. Finish with a 5-minute cool-down and stretch the tight muscle groups only.

All done in 45 minutes. Do these workouts on 3 times per week.

Making more time for other things in life,

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Fitness – Ab Workout

Most fitness experts agree that the tone of your ab muscles will make a difference in an otherwise impressive build. Ask anyone. there isn’t anything like a stunning six-pack. Image the outlined arms, the turbulent chest, the etched legs, and then imagine a nice, obese pot belly pushing out like a growing mess of Pillsbury bread, making many hours of challenging work look like a misguided attempt.

Of course, a bloated beer stomach on an otherwise finely sculpted body fits in like a pig in a penthouse. While the abs are important to whether you’re seen as being either ‘fat’ or ‘fit’, all of the fitness abdominal workouts known to man won’t persist without the adjoining commitment to both exact diet and significant amounts of cardio action.

In the meanwhile, here’s a fitness ab workout to take the paste away from your waist:

* Fitness Ab Workout #1 The Crunches

* Lie on an exercise floor on the deck, flexing your knees just slightly so that your feet are placed on the floor flat. Bringing your hands in back of head, slowly rear your shoulders up off the floor, pressing your abdominal muscles on every rise. Be certain you don’t force your neck upward; preferably making a typical, effortless, seamless motion.

* Elevate just the blades of your shoulders up from the exercise floor and maintain that positioning for two counts before slowly releasing your shoulders back down on the mat. Be particular to not let the shoulders altogether rest on the floor before commencing the next repetition. Do 3 sets of twenty repetitions, taking just a few seconds pause between sets of this fitness ab workout?

* Fitness Ab Workout #2 The Cable Crunches

* Start out with a double rope on the cable machine. Plant your feet on the floor, and grab hold of the ropes with two hands, locking them onto the side of the head. Slowly take your elbows down around your knees, and hold the muscular contraction for a three count. Rise slowly up to an attitude where the torso is parallel with the floor, then repeat the movement. Attempt three sets of 20-30 repetitions at an average weight for this fitness ab workout.

* Fitness Ab Workout #3 Knee Lifts

* Sit Down at the edge of an exercise bench, and grasp on the side of the bench, using both of the hands in order to keep even balance. Now, with your legs stretched outward, slowly draw your knees toward your chest, contracting the ab muscles during the compression. Obtain this attitude for two seconds then slowly extending your legs before replicating the motion. Try and keep the bouncing and springing to a minimum. Do at least three sets of 20 reps for this fitness ab workout.

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What Is the Newest Workout Routine?

What is the newest workout routine? Being a personal trainer, I always try to keep up on the latest workout routines that are available. I’ve been working out since, well, I don’t want to give away my age, but, let’s just say that I’m very familiar with retro step class! I’ll go over some of my favorite new workout routines!

Sometimes, workout exercises can be just the latest workout craze. It may last for a little while, or it may just completely catch on! Being into martial arts, I had trained with a very popular cardio kickboxing guy in California. That craze caught on, and it’s sort of stuck! Step class was really popular in the 1980’s, and now, they have transformed that step class to make it new and exciting. However, you will see the term ‘retro step’ in some gyms. This refers to the step aerobic classes they used to teach in the 1980’s.

Two years ago, I went to one of the big fitness conventions. You can walk around and see all the latest workout routines, as well as new fitness products. I saw these big body building type guys all doing a workout routine in synch on little miniature trampoline’s. It looked fun, but, that workout craze never really caught on.

Some popular workout craze’s that have started to catch on this year have been hula hooping, hip hop, power yoga, boxing, and even hula dancing. But, others that have become super popular are in the video game arena. The workout Wii has been reported by lot’s of people to not only work, but, they have said that it is really fun! I haven’t personally tried all the different workouts that Wii offers, but, being that I love boxing, I tried that out, and it was actually a lot of fun.

TRX training is the newest workout routine that people really like, which is suspension training. It is used a s a system by itself, and sometimes it is incorporated into some bootcamp style workout routines.

Crossfit has also gotten really popular, but, I feel it’s not for everyone. Crossfit incorporates lot’s of different exercises, which can really be a lot of fun. It even includes some gymnastics type movements such as hand stands and L-sits. It’s a heck of a workout! It is used by many of the police and firemen, and it can be really intense!

I’m excited to see what new trend 2011 brings about for the latest in workout routines!

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3 Exercise Workout Tips

Working out is an important part of many people’s day. People work out for many different reasons – to get in shape, to stay in shape, to train for a sport or just to stay physically active and healthy. No matter what the purpose of your work out, there are numerous things you must understand in order to get the most out of your workout.

(1) Don’t be a “workoutaholic”. Results take time to appear, and it is not good to throw yourself in head first into a work out routine because this can often lead to injury and exhaustion. When first starting out, keep in mind that more is not always better if you are not giving your body enough time to recover

(2) Keep a consistent eating schedule. The best times to eat are when you wake up and after you train. You need fuel in your body in order to complete a successful workout, and skipping breakfast will lead to exhaustion during the work out. Fatigue throughout the workout can often lead to exercises being performed incorrectly, and injuries occurring.

(3) Stretch before you train. Some people have a tendency to jump right in to their exercises, but it is very important to remember that stretching is an integral part to any work out routine. It ensures the muscles are ready and capable to perform the desired actions.

By keeping these tips in mind you are ensuring that you will get the most out of your workout by giving your body time to warm up and recover. If you find working out difficult and tiresome and are looking for a simple and very powerful way to workout your entire core so you will see results – there is a way.

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Muscle Building Home Workouts

With work, family obligations and an odd night-out everyday, it’s probably hard for you to find time to get to the gym on regular basis. That’s why it’s always a great idea to have a back-up workout option that you can do with minimal equipment. In the following workout, the only piece of equipment you need is a chair and half an hour of free time. For each exercise, perform 2 sets of 12 to 15 repetitions (reps).

Home Workouts!

1) The Plank: Place both feet on the seat of the chair and form a ‘table’ with your body by placing your elbows on the floor in front of the chair (you may wish to put down a towel if you are on a hard floor). Make sure your back isn’t arched and that your whole body forms a straight line. Keep your core muscles tight and hold this position for up to one minute.

Benefits: This total body exercise will work your core muscles as well as your upper body.

2) Pushups: Get into same position as for the plank, but instead as of balancing on your elbows, place your hands on the floor shoulder-width apart. Then, begin to perform a pushup, keeping your feet on the chair. Be sure not to let your back arch while performing this exercise.

Benefits: Your chest muscles will be targeted.

3) One-Legged Squats: Stand a few feet in front of the chair, facing away from it. Place one leg behind you on the seat of the chair and find your balance. Slowly lower your hips as far as you can go, using the muscles in your standing leg. Once at the bottom, carefully rise up again to complete one rep.

Benefits: This is another great action for targeting your gluteus maximus muscle, as well as your hamstrings and quadriceps. Due to nature of this exercise, you will also work on your balance.

Random Tip:Maintain the starting stance and bring both forearms half way up, keeping them parallel to the floor. The fists should be pointed upwards. Just curl the fist up and down several times in a controlled move of the small wrist joint. Make sure to keep the wrist in line with the forearm.

Must Read: Arms Muscle Building Workouts at

4) Triceps Dips: Sit on the chair with your arms at your sides and your palms resting on the edge of the seat. Next, walk your body out from the chair so you are only holding on by your palms. Slowly move your body down, using your triceps to lower yourself and rise up again.

Benefits: You will feel a good burn in the back of your arms (triceps). For an added challenge, you can also put your feet on the seat of another chair or on an exercise ball.

5) Front Raises: Stand up and hold onto the two front legs of the chair with a sturdy grasp. Slowly raise the chair straight out in front of you, from below the waist to your shoulder level and back down again. When you hold the chair right up, hold the position for 15 seconds.

Benefits: This exercise will help you target your frontal deltoids as well as your biceps. It is a form of strength training.

No Excuses: So, when you are pressed for time next, don’t just give up on your workout. With some imagination, you can create your own workout at home using common household objects that will stimulate your body in new ways, thus preventing you from reaching a plateau.

Even if time isn’t a factor and you could have made it to the gym, it’s never a bad idea to take a few sessions away, both to give you a psychological break, as well as to give your body some time away from the customary movements.

Ensure you are using proper form to avoid injuries. Take a day off in between each workout so you don’t risk overtraining.

Random Tip: Take a high protein diet during your workout days. Give adequate rest to your body also. For more on protein rich food, click here

Must Read: Kick start your Home Gym with right equipment and exercise at

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